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�Q�0�7635 <br />ARTICLE ITI <br />INITIAL/FINAL UiSBURSEMENT OF SECTION 1b02 PROGRAM FUNDS <br />Section 3.1. Due Dili ence aud Closin Re airements <br />(a) Prior to Closing, the Owner shall provide the Authority with the due diligence <br />materials listcd in Section 1 of Exhibit C, all in form and substance reasonably satisfactory tn <br />the Authority, <br />Section 3.2. Other Closiu Conditions <br />(a) The Owner shall complete the "Project Perfornnance Repart" in the form attached <br />hereto as Exhibit E and deliver such report to the Authority. <br />(b) Prior to the first disbursement of the Subaward under this Agrccment, the Owner <br />shall execute, record and deliver the Recapture Deed of Trust and this A�reernent to the <br />Authority, The Recapture Deed of Trust shall be, and shall provide that it is, subordinate, junior <br />and inferior to the Mortgage Loans as sct forth on Exhibit S. <br />(c) Tf any disbursc�nent of the Subaward is requested at Closing, the Owner shall <br />complete and submit a Requisition to the Authority, together with the due diligence materials <br />listed in Section 2 of Exhibit C, each in form and substarice satisfactory to the Authority, prior <br />to any disbursement. <br />Section 3.3. Final Disbursernent Conditions <br />Prior to the final disburs�ment of the Subaward under this Agreement, the Qwner shall <br />submit to thc Authority the Cost C�rti�cation and the due dili�ence materials listed in Sectian 3 <br />ot' Exhibit C, each in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the Authority. The Ownex <br />acknawledges that the Authorit� shall be under no obligation to issue �RS Form(s) 8609 Law <br />Income Hvusing Credit Allocation and Certification, for the Project �until all conditions have <br />been met for the �nal disbursement of the Subaward. <br />ARTICLE IV <br />DISBURSEMENTS OF SECTTON 1602 PROGRAM FUNDS <br />Sectian 4,1. Re uest for Sect�on 1602 Pro ram Funds from Treasur <br />(a) The Authority sha11 use the Section 1602 Program Funds it receives from <br />Treasury with respect to the Project to reimburse the Owner for costs incurred in connection with <br />the construction/rehabilitation of the Project Co the extent such costs are properly submitted to the <br />Authority in accordance with the procedures set Forth in this Article N and all other terms and <br />conditions of this Agreement. The Owner znay not request a disbursement of the Subaward �rom <br />the Authority until such funds are needeci to pay such costs of the Project. Accordingly, the <br />a�r�ount of each Requisitian must be litnited to the amount of funds needed for costs actually <br />incurred by the Owner at the time of the Requisition, may nat in.clude requests for prospective or <br />future needs, and may not be placed into escrow accounts or advanced in lumps sums to the <br />Owner. <br />-8- <br />4841-2 I 35-3478.2 <br />