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�oio��s35 <br />or twenty (20) Busii�ess Days (in the case of a nnn-monetary default) following <br />notice of such breach or default from the Authority to the Owner, provzded" <br />however, that if a non-��nonetary default cannot reasonably be cured within twenty <br />(20) Business Days and the Owner commcnces a cure within t�enty (20) <br />Business Days and praceeds in gaod faith to effect such cure thereafCer, the cure <br />period with respect to such breach or default sha11 be extended for up to the lesser <br />of (x} an additianal thirty (30) Business Days or (y) the latest permissible date for <br />carrection of the applicable breach under the Prngram Req�uirements without <br />causing a Recapture Event; <br />(ii) The commencement of foreclosure proceedings with respect to any Deed <br />of Trust which has not been withdrawn or disznissed within thirty (30) calendar <br />days after th� date of such cornmencernent; <br />(iii) The Owner's failure to perform any term or condition of this Agreement; <br />provided, however, that if a cure period is pravided far the remedy of such failure, <br />Owner's failure to perform will nnt constitute an Event of Default until such date <br />as the apecified sure period expires; <br />(iv) A violation af any law, regulation or order applicable to the Owner or the <br />Prnject that has or might reasonably be expected to have a material adverse <br />impact on the operation of the Project and is not cured within the applicable cure <br />period, if any, provided in such law, r�gulation, or order; or <br />(v) A default has occurred under the LURA, which is nat cured within the <br />Cime periad for cure as provided therein; or <br />(vi) Grass negligence, fraud, willful misconduct, misappropriation of the <br />Suhaward, or criminal activity by the Owner; <br />(vii) A Recapture Event shall occur and the Recapture Amount due in <br />cannection therewith shall remain unpaid for a period of ten (10) Business Days <br />after notice thereof from the Authority or Treasury, unless a later date is specified <br />in such notice; <br />(viii) The Owner fails to comply with the Constructioz�/Draw Schedule s�t forth <br />in Exh'rbit F and the Autharity has determined that the Projcct cannat be <br />completed by the Placed In-Service Date; <br />(ix) A breach by the Owner of any or 'rts representations, warranties and <br />covenants contained in this Agreement that has a material adverse impact on the <br />Proj ect; <br />(x) The Owner fails to tirnely execute an amendment to this Agrs�ment in <br />such form as the Auth�rity requires because of changes to the Program <br />Requirements; <br />l8 <br />4R41-2135-3478.2 <br />