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�aioo7s3� <br />Section 9.2. Asset Man„a�ement Duties <br />The Asset Manager will provide the following services to the Project: <br />(a) Review the use of the proceeds of the Subaward ta <br />are being spent anly in accardance with the requirernents <br />particular and cvithout limitation, Article IV hereof, an <br />Requirements; <br />ensure such proceeds <br />of this Agreement, in <br />d with the Program <br />(b) Review and report to the Authority no less than quarterly on the progress <br />of eanstruction of the Project, its compliance with the Construction/Draw <br />Schedule, the Plans and Specificatians, and the Budget, and any changes to <br />anticipated sources and uses, or other matters which, in the judgnent of the AsseC <br />Manager, may adversely affect the ability af the Ovvncr ta complete the <br />constructian af the Project by the Canstruction Completion Date; <br />(c) Review all financial status reports required to be delivered pursuant to <br />Section 8.1 of this Agreement; <br />(d) Revievv all compliance monitoring reports required to be delivered <br />pursuant to Section $,2 of this Agreement; and <br />��) <br />Sectlon 9.3 <br />Other duties as requir�d by the Treasury, <br />Asset Mana�ement Fee <br />In consideration of the services and obligations of the Asset Manager hereunder, <br />the Owner hereby agxees to pay to the Authority a fee in the amount of $9,352, representing the <br />estimated actual costs of the Authority in connection with the following: (a) the costs of the <br />Authority in establisl�ing and documenting the asset management regirne for the Subaward; (b) <br />the costs of supervising the construction pracess and appraving disbursements of SecCion 1602 <br />Pragram Funds; (c) the costs of monitaring the operations, finances and campliance of the <br />Owner throughout the Compliance Period; and (d) other actual costs of the Autharit� related to <br />asset management under the Recavery Act pursuant to this Agreement. <br />ARTTCLE X <br />DEFAULT• TERMINATION <br />Section 10.1. Default <br />(a) Any of the following events shall constitute an Event of Default under this <br />Agreement: <br />(i) A breach by the (]wner af any of its representatinns, warranties or <br />covenants contained in this Agreement or in the perfarmance of any of its <br />abligations under this Agreement, in either event that (A) has or might reasonably <br />be expected to have a material adverse impact on the operatian of the Project, and <br />(B) is not cured within ten (10) Business Days (in the case of a monetary default) <br />- L� - <br />asai.ai3s-3a�s.z <br />