<br />15. Grantar covenants and agrees that so long as this Recapture Deed af Trust and the
<br />said 16Q2 Agreement secured hereby are held by the Authority, it will cornply with the
<br />provision(s) of any federal, state or local law prohibiting discriminatian in housing on the
<br />graunds af race, calor, creed, age, sex, handicap, familial status ar national origin, including
<br />Title V� of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 200d-1), the Fair Housing Act (42 U,S.C.
<br />3601), Sectian SQ4 o£the Rehabilitatian Act af 1973 (29 U.S.C. 794), Age Discriminatinn Act of
<br />1975 (42 U.S.C. 61q1), Executive Orders 11063 and 11246, Section 3 of the Housing and Urban
<br />Developrnent Act of 1968, and the affirmative fair housing marketing requirements at 24 CFR
<br />part 2�0, subpart M.
<br />16. In the event Grantor shall sell or transfer, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, or
<br />contract to sell or transfer, the Premises (other than pursuant to the Right of �'irst Refusal granted
<br />to Midwest Housing Initiatives, Inc.) or any part thereof, or further encumber the Premises,
<br />without first obtaining the written consent of the Authority, which consent shall not be
<br />unreasonably withheld, an Event of Default by Grantor shall have occurred hereunder, and the
<br />Authority may declare the unpaid Obligations secured by this Recapture Deed of Trust, and all
<br />oth�r amounts remaining unpaid under the 16Q2 Agreement and this Recapture Deed of Trust
<br />immediately due and payable. Upon such an Event of Default, the Authority shall have the right,
<br />at its option, to invake any and all of the remedies provided in this Recapture Deed of Trust, the
<br />1602 Agreexnent or any other 1602 Documents.
<br />17. In the event af any dissolution of Grantar or transfer of any ownership interest in
<br />Grantor, without first obtaining the written consent of the Authority, which consent shall nat be
<br />unreasonably withheld, an Event of Default by Grantar shall have accurred hexeunder and the
<br />Authority znay declare the unpaid Obligatians secured by this Recapture Deed af Trust, and all
<br />other amounts remaining unpaid under the 1602 Agreement and this Recapture Deed of Trust
<br />irnmediately due and payable. Upon such an Event of Default, the Authority shall have the right,
<br />at its optian, to invoke any and all af the rem�dies provided in this Recapture Deed of Trust,
<br />1 G02 Agreement or any ather 1602 Dacuments. Natwithstanding the foregaing, any transfer of
<br />membership interests in Grantor as perrnitted by Grantar's First Amended and Restated
<br />Operating Agreement shall not require the consent of the Authority nor shall such trarasfers result
<br />in ati Event of Default hereunder, provided the Authority is given prior written notice of such
<br />transfer.
<br />18. The funds to be advanced herein are to be used in the construction or
<br />rehabilitation of certain improvem�nts on the lands herein described, in accordance with a 1642
<br />Agreement and if the construction of th� impravements to be made pursuant to said 16Q2
<br />Agreement shall not be carried on with reasonable diligence, ax shall be discontinued at any time
<br />far a period of ten (10) consecutive days for any reason other than stxikes ar lock-auts, the
<br />Authority, after du� notic� to Gx'antor ar any subsequent owner, is hereby invested wiih full and
<br />complete authority to enter upon said Premises, employ watchrnen to pratect such improvetnents
<br />from depredatian or injury and to preserve and pratect the personal property therein, and to
<br />continue any and all outstanding contracts for the erection and completion of said buildings, to
<br />malee and enter into any contract and obligatians wherever necessary, either in his/her own name
<br />or in the name of the Grantar, and ta pay and discharge all debts, obligations, and liabilities
<br />�z
<br />Recapture Deed af Trust and Security Agreement
<br />4R39-8956-0838.2
<br />