. , 4. . . . . .. . . . .. - ' > ' ..`�.:� /f. ... . .'I�.�- .�.t5�:�' .. . " .
<br /> � F_ -._ . . � _ 7 � . �\ ` .
<br /> ' __ . . ' ' i . ___
<br />- - - :. . �:t • -..- �...���` -�1 rj `�
<br /> .
<br /> '�'-''l�-1 l�-ii..} ivi��.�`_-�._._M.�_
<br /> Ff
<br />. ' 4Y\t. " .-� l.ThithJ .�+! ll ;._ S ` ..' �, �._ . .-i'+`i 1\ .. "_.....
<br /> k
<br /> � q-�yt.�t,�y,�. 4y ll _. ..�sr�r.=�!s
<br />. � �es.,.n`,°
<br /> �f,� � 9�-�,���3� � �:�
<br /> payments may�[ongcr be r�a'u�d.at tt�a�tion of Lend��r.if mort�ee ensus�mce ooverag:lin th°nmovat pr�i for e�_perlad �:r-.�..
<br /> t6ae Lender requires)�ravid�d Dy sn insumr apprcavee!by I�tr�guin�scomes avaitabie a�is obtat�.�rroa�et shall P�Y �._.__'
<br /> :,��° the aremiums required to nn3nisin mur��,re iasuranee in effert.ot to p��ide a toss resesve.anril the rer�nir�ment for mo�agage ----
<br /> ':;r � insurance eads it�acconL�aee+xitt��y sa�sitten�agre:.ffw�ut b�v��ea Sorrower�n+d Lendcr or applira�le law. ��"":
<br />�;-t�� 9.It�gcc4taa.Ltndea or its e�er�3 ma}�make rL�asa�":$entries upon and inspecuoas of ehe Pmp�ty. tander sftiall give _.-
<br /> :�.,y Borro�Y�r natice�.�rs t�Af os prior t�an ia��a spesify'in�m�sonable caus:for t2ie inspectia�. E,�-=`
<br /> `` 10. Conde�t�i�na.'iYie pmsee�s of aasy aLtim�d o:d a i m for d a;n�es. d I r e r t o r c a n s c;q u e�t d n t. i n o o n n e c t i o n c v i t h 2 u y
<br /> cosulemnation as ct�a tr,S�iz�„of eny part of tl�P+taperry.or��r canveyance in lieu of condemnatifln,are hex�by a�sigoed atid �
<br /> ;y.: s�a11 te�ai+t to�. :"-�s.'`
<br /> ' Im ttic�vea�ef�to.:! ^' '�08 dza Pra�rty,tihe prnc�is�:13 6c applied to the sums secu�f by ttus Security Instmmeffi. �,--"j
<br /> wS;e'tifcr or�s�ot�d�:,e��th�y eac.�ss paid to�orrow-�,.r. H¢s tlt2 e��et:t of a partial�kking of the Pro3serry in which the fa:� �_,_,�-:
<br /> market valae o�+s2re P��imrc�diat�ly 6efore the tajciag is egual ui or g.*eatec tt�n the amouni of cl�e saios secured bY thSs „�.�:,,,;,
<br /> � S�riry inserat�r.a i^��+�:riY b�ore the tals�+g,unit�s��uxr amd f.�r othsrwise agree ia wdtca�s-.the s�ms seau�d b}� e:__:_����,
<br /> , i., --
<br /> .. � th3s Sxurity Iasteu�erat s�tl 6�te��ced�s�tt��.wt of e�te prac�eds taultipl�d by t�fnllowing fracdion: (a) the totaf
<br /> ,'< ar�,�uat of t�s ss�s se�,.`�d ima�edi�tely b�f�m e��e�aa�3,c4ne�edzd by tb)t�fai�ma�ke,��+utoe of tisa Pmgee�+tm�i�Y. __�...._!.
<br /> . t?� �;;:.;,'_
<br /> <`,,..
<br /> .";,; tefo�e tlse�in�. �g baiaace shall ba��to�irru��xa.Yn the eti�t of a partisl t�k+ag of t4�e�w wtds� =u,..,
<br /> r�2et�at�of t�Fzo�erty immedixselY b�..�o�or�t�3 is Ea�tt�a ths amour�t of tbc snm3�ia�rctae3Iacety 6efo3e i��e —__
<br /> : �s
<br />:.�"'. t�ng,e-�t�Scrrto�:r a�d I.ender othenvi�a�e�In sr-htix��ar+:�less ap�f'�i.ca6le darv otYauwis°pro�rBd�,thz pno�rads st�'ll. �■�
<br /> E�oppi��8a tb:�.m�sec�red�y tHis Security In9QUm�a��a�+er or noi the sumL a�e t4a�dut.
<br /> ans ums
<br /> - f�6�:ff:a�is abardnned by Bflrrower.os if,aRxg'rss�tice by LenBer m Borrowrr that the�on�emnos c•ffeas¢�rrea�ce sm �''�.�.
<br /> awarQ oa�a c3a.�n for damages,Boirower fails ta cespn�l to L�ecEder anHun 30 days aft.�z the dare the rafs� �s���. �• '
<br /> .,`.� .�¢t is a�s3��z}tfl couect an�appiy tAe pmoeeds.at its aptian,either to r�toration or repair of the Property or t�s d�si�. :
<br /> ` s�ecxued 6y this Seciuitl+ln�uu��at,aficther oi not then due. ]ccation of to rinci sha11 not cxtend ar ."._ �_
<br /> � � Ua�less l.entter and �x=otherwis+$a�ee ia cvriting.�aaY aPi�� � � �
<br /> � posipone 4he dne date of the�xf�'Y.P�Ymenu raferred to in panbRap6s 1 aad 2 or changg tt��arnnunt of such payments. . �
<br />� 14.�orr�svicer NM Retea�od:B�gY I.endeg Nat a Waive�.F�tension tsf tba tirt�far paytn�nt or '''cation
<br /> of amoitirriion of the sum5 s�ured by Ehi.���uritl+Insunme�t B�anted bY I.sndeF to a�►sucoessar i6 acteresi af Bnrr�wer shall ----=_
<br /> • aot optr�te tu ret�the tiabiliry of ths o:�igiml Borcower ur Borrawes's sura�wrs ia int�rest.i.eader shsll not be required to ���^
<br /> ' co�nenoe pmc�edin�s agaiast 2ny sac�essar in imerest or refiue ta eatend time far payment or othera►ise diadify�on
<br /> � of 4fie,sUms secut+ed 6y this S�uitY Ynsawvent lsy reasfln of any dem�ad m3de by thc uriginal Bo;rower ar 8otro�re�s .�,_-
<br /> � . .,,,: fosbeaiancE b Len�er ia�exercising any right u�r t�emedy si�ali not 6e a waiver of or p�+ecluds the
<br /> � suc�s in i�.�Y 3' . . �:= � —:.=
<br /> . � exercise ofaat`:m�toTre�s. •° -<':'.,
<br /> �:
<br /> .� 12.5�ts au�A.s�'�s IIauat�; ifutwi aa�l 3gve�iall.ia'h�tit�',Co�sig�s- The oov��snd agrzcm�ats af�;;:;; ■�a■�
<br /> 'h� -
<br /> . `. ' �,e,c�ty irsstrun-�nt shall bin�ansl ls�nefi+t tbe snccess��nd assigns of d.ender mad Bo*roaer. subjezt w t�e�rbvisi�ns of°:����� . '.�'�;
<br /> "� �i F�'�?Ph 1?. Barmwer's oovr{:'tnt4 ao�a�aments sht�l.,-be joant artd sev+eral. Any B�nzro�ver who cn-si�:��irs 3ecaritY �'=�
<br /> f � Izs�li��cnt 6nt!!oes not eAecnte�3'ie Note:{�y�s ca-s�gdng td�s Securit3r Instrument only ta mn�tgap,e.g,rani afi�`�m43+� �
<br /> .,;';� Sorrn�ver's iat�°rrest ir►the Property under tli�s ffes�s Q�4us Seataty Ias�ament;(b?ls u�t�tsot�atty QbtiA�¢o y the saras � . :
<br />���f�:.'r�' t• c *z�es thai Len�er aad a�r ot�.er Borrower may a�ree ta extend;nnodi�y,fari�r ar
<br /> . . ,r::' securai 6y this Seauity tnsirumea,and t 3!� .
<br /> �•,. .; ,�xTce any aooam�odations with ragard to tbe te�s of siris�atriry Insnnimer►t or the Ie'ote v��ithout tt�at Borro�Fr'a.abnsent. � :
<br /> ,'��:`�.I3.1'.oAn�6ar6e�If¢2�e loan s�ted bY this 5ecui�r,�I�trum�t ds subject to a laur which sets maxir,r��i�an c(�arges, �
<br /> '- :.' �a�#t�at law is.�'iAa7ty inttrpieted so that the ucterat or atlier loa�chargrs�coitecte�or to be colleaed in eorme�iian wi�&ti� _
<br />' �, ,. � • 4 L. .rniqt limits,t6cn: (a)arry such luan cd�arge shalf�xeduoed bY t6e amaunt neoes",'arp m rednc,e ibe cLaz�»:,'
<br /> �� 'r� toaa aaoecci�..{�'a. ad
<br /> •� �:3?f,;1��` tci�t�e'perrr,i��t'�an�(b)azry sums altea3Y collected fvnm BorQUivi�;'which exceeQed pemiittett Ijmits will be refut�<tc�;.,
<br /> t�:..
<br /> �. " �cE�fifixer. �es may choose to maYe ttus refund by reducing the jirliicipa! owed.u�er the Nou.or by a�aYing a dI�:;ts�:�;
<br />� � �� ���u�t to Borrower. IP a refasd roduces psiacipal. th� xeductian vu�ll be tre�4� � a f�� P�PaY�j,watttow! aa�y �<?u':,_
<br /> . . �ytnent charge and;�the Note. , � (`�{;:y�
<br /> � p' ' Instrumene aliail fie ven�v, eYiverin tt or b mailin
<br /> , '.' tA.Noticrs.Any notice to Bortowes��bv�rtod Yor:1s'�'tiiis.Securicy. 8� 4? S Y 8 --—
<br /> ;f i��� � � it b}t first c�as.s enail unl�s agplicable!aw r,r�yp3t.[�nse�►¢,anather met�tcd.The rtot�ce shall be di�c�ri�et$.to.the P;operty Addrl�s� � �;_._
<br /> . or arry other address Barrawer d�ignatc� �ry,�tix:�r?x,�f:�ader. Any norice to L���r shalS lv���n�by first cl�ss r�aaib to ---
<br /> � L�nder's address swted licrajri;ur any otf�r addlr�s-p��rlr,r�:iPesi�eaces by rcd�c:{�i;��x�swer. A�y nn�a�(�yJ',4�tst�:foa in this
<br /> . u ,t itts4tt�ept shafl b��dtyti�sed W have�een�,iirc�r':lt���t#�:rn�+�r'nr„�tradei'�vltic,i�i.`�.��v�;ii as pruvfdo�in tlfisr��Is��S�'�1'�• ; • �
<br /> � �'!�'� � €' v�•o
<br /> � �,'i ��, �. �5..��?�''. t;.'
<br /> .. .;. , �i;r�, .�'� 'If�a��t�i Ilaw; Sever.�bility. �is �cauQ 4i" � t;�p,�f.'�_f'ie �n����+i by f�dePal la�v �nd���lt�i�;1a qY«t� —
<br /> : ti . �p��{�i���)ji�t!l.ij�th tRe FropeRy is locate8.In the evest t�tc�:a"c�;j�x�i�ri�isn or clause of this Sesulit�r Insttu�ent�st�;1r`�at�^ �.
<br /> .�'�;# � '"� ,,�"' e�awith��, iYCa6Ie[aw.such conflict s1�ll not afi�t��therpr��I�it�s a3 t�is SeC�nty Insuum�nY or the A1ate wpuch can�bC �-_-.
<br /> :_�s �..• ��4` ��� ��
<br /> � •'.,; � �'�a�j e�fect withaui the wnflictiag pmvision.To ll�i�cjuL i�piovisions of Wis SeFxsrlry Enstrument aad thr.)t'��ars deelzu�t �::
<br /> �r;� �d'.: . :,_ . •,�.
<br /> .-:.,�st3f �.;�'' 't''�I;i!���'t�s�veaabie. , „. ,:. �
<br /> '�„��}• j� ;'(;`•1;;��:' 16.Borrowtr's Copy.Botrower shall.�e given one,eonformed aopy of the No:e a�d of this Sxurity inst�,iui�t• _
<br /> �;,f��y�lti:` ' � . ti , �.fom�3048 9/9� _
<br /> YrYl2��5'� ° 1� � . " , O�ge40t6 ���
<br /> � � .1 1 - � ' ' • �.AA45.'
<br /> , . . _ , ;�.' . . . . . iNd:�.\-
<br /> i��fA�i �� . • y � . '• , . , . ..-��
<br /> ��y+ 9, . , ' •
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<br /> f � •l � r! . . _ •�t �(�?S t
<br /> � ��!� • Y14 � . ' �`�''1�1' . ���,;,l . . .
<br /> -�1 f r �;� ��. , ' - . ' , , � • - .::,. . � _ " - ;- - .
<br /> ` ' '� - . • • . . . ' ' _ , _ �. ^ • • ' . '- _.i:•.- . _ .. - ., . , .
<br /> �_.. . . � .' . � • � - ..
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