f . , . .c,. . ,e• S . ',F;f�"�_ , �„il �; ; y -.,� �` � , :� ,r,,'. r __ . • .
<br /> , , � < "L� 'i _ - �'
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<br /> . , _ . , , `. . . .• . 4 I ��b, `.`�{.� -.-a -„_ . .
<br /> . t.r +,rG._••,,CS....�..`..� • _...ax-�-�- .t y '� �.
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<br />�� '� 5. Ylpzar��r Fiog�rty � Bamower shall �eep th2.laaprovesnents nov�existia� or hQreu�ier erect�d on 32ze ��_�•_
<br /> �. ,� � pcop�rty insu�ed xgainst tass by fire.harards iacludr,d within ti�s ccrm °extecd�d ooversge" and any atfier h�asd�.inst�is�� iss��-
<br /> � fl+�ods br tiaading,for which I.ender res�uires iasw�ace.This jnsurance shall be maimain�d in the amounts aad for the periads -
<br /> ¢hat I•ezdet requites.7�e iasurancz car�ier providing the.i�uranre shzll be chosen Ey Borrower subject to Lettder's ug�rroval �'°�=
<br /> `, �'� c3rttich shall not he unteasonab�y witl�held. if Bormwer fails to�intair►cavesage described aisove.i,ertder may. et �ttu'ec's �`�'.:
<br /> '�:i oPt�oa.obtva covern�e w pmteci L�nder's rights in the�'�+aper¢y ia aceordance with puragrap3�7. �-�x��
<br /> �,y� Ail insutanc�policie�aa�reuewals sha116e accegta63e to i.eader ancl st�all inclade a stan�ud mort�e ctause. L�eader �••-_-
<br /> s��tl�av.,ti�;,rigttt-ta�tmId t�e golfcies an�nenawnls.I�Lsndcr neqaires,Bamuwer s4�a11 promP�Y S�ve to lsnder afl receipt�of _
<br /> �,..:.:,;
<br />.F'l�> gs�.prezmtuna and�te�ta�vstt•nfltic.�s.Lt tGe event of toss.�rn��cver shaU gi�e prompt narice to the insurance carrier aed Y.eader. �:X=-;;:
<br /> � �� L.ender ma�r ms�pnnuF of ln�ss if nut mude g�mptly by�omawer. �
<br /> . :�; Etnless L•�tattsr und�o�ocver othcnvis�ages in writing,insuxance praceeds shall�s agglie�to restoration ar repair of the :_____
<br /> � �PertS`d�a�a��.fi�tha�storation or fepsuc is econ4micntly fes�si'b2e and I.ender's security is nat lessened.If the ns�orario:r or __._._-
<br /> repsir is not eooaflmiasill�r•feasiale or Lender's sr,curiry woutd be lessened.the iusueance praceeds shgll be applied ro th,.snms �rt.....
<br /> serure�bY this�ecurir� f�sauiuent,�vhethes or net then due, wit6 any eRCess puid ta Barn�wer.If Borrower abaadarm fuc f�,-,-_;
<br /> .��, �' Property.ar d�s not anscver wiihia 3@�dnys a natice fmm Lender tdat the insur��carrier 6as offer�t to settle a claim..titea =�_-
<br /> ' Lender may e�&�ct d�e insurance pm�s. I:endcr mny use the prace,eds to•regnir or nestare the Property or to 1�9 �� �,-..-:�,
<br /> , � �by q��ry i� +,,,ent.cvh�ther or not thcn due.The 34day periad wiU hegin when the aniice is given. �:-__-
<br /> •`°: U��ss I.end�r aa� 53+smswes otheta�riEe ag�c�ira writfng, anY aPPlirdtian cef pmsce�s w princig�l sha19 not extea� cr �`i._,':
<br /> ;�estpone the dne�date o�th�montbly paymenis t�i�rn�ed�to in P�S�Fhs 1.sud �or chtutge the amaum of tihe pa��ments.I� �-_:.
<br /> •.;:.,--: u�er Paraa'r�ph 2l the]?�ert3+is ac�z�isy Lender,Eorrower's dght to any insutance gelfciss aud pinsae�s re,su�ting.E_r..m �.f•
<br /> ara � �,_
<br /> clamage to�.t�oPertY Prior u�the act�u�i�i�idon shall pass to Ixnder to the exteaE of ehe snms�by tlais SecuritY
<br /> " immediate�it�io the acquisitio�. �'
<br /> s � 6.Ocar�ey.�.'v�tioa.Maiate�ce and PratettFon of fl�e Yropes¢g:.�onowa's Loaa�Appilcatlom:Le�e�wtds. ,.�,,,�
<br /> �,� Borrower S:tt:a.��sy,`�lish.and use the propeny as Boaowe�s principal¢esiaence within si�cty daYs agter ths executioa of i.;'��•
<br /> � �; as Horrowe�'s residence for at P.�sst one year after
<br /> chis Securi.:�,>�Tq�c#iment and shaU caatiaue to occupy the Pm�erty P��� � __
<br /> the date a�'`�{e�pancy:.unl�s Lertder otherwise agrees ia writis�g, which oonsent sl�all uot toe unreasoaabiy c:��aheld, or�less � ��
<br /> _ ' extenuattno'�nstaitces exist whicti are beyond Borrawer's conuol. Botmwer shall not d�troy. dam�e o�imPaiT ths s_.--
<br /> ta
<br /> • � .:�OP�ertY.altow the Property to deiertordte. or camtr�it�vaste on the Frapeny.:T�muower shatl be in de�;t.if�}r farfeiture .`
<br /> �;: ••;ati�ian nr proceeding,whettier civi!or crimiaal,is•�e�i that in l.ender's gna�:��'►judgdaent oould resn�3ia:fiorFeiwre of the' 'i t .�
<br /> ` �'l�toperty or oth�se mazeriall�imp�`�h�.tis�tc��'by this Security Instra�ms L.e�der's setvrity intere"st. Borrower noay — .
<br /> , care such a,,t�fautt and reiastate,as p�rrrt�"�n paragraph 18.hy caasiug the ac¢��ri�pmce�cling to�e dismissed with a•ue,,�zng' . �z
<br /> ,�_.i r.}�at, in t '.ei��'s ennd faith�**�+�+�p.�A=eclndes fotfeitiue of the Borrowsr's interest in_the Fropetty at othes ma�l ��
<br /> . . , unpairn�ent.qF the lien created by this Securiry Instrument or I.ender's seaui��r;:��t�icres� �o�coovver shatl also ts�in defa'u�t�if '��=-
<br /> � � ' Borrower,during the loan lication racess,ga�+e materialiY false or inaocur�i�u"urrnari�n or statements to Lender(or failc�t • � `
<br /> aPP P '�,;`:��,����; ��
<br /> ��� to pmvid�l.ender witi�a�mate�fal informatian)ia cann�ction with the loau�?���sc�d by the Nate,including,but not itmite�� . • . �--
<br /> : to,repr�ss�¢tttatlans concerning Barrower's oc.�upe�cyr�of the Prog�7n�u�a�r�acipeti residencc.If�fiis 5ecurity Iris�oment.is:�s►• • - -
<br /> '. s leasehold. Borrower shall oomply with alt the provisions of t}i�',��e: If Twm6�ver•acquiies fee atle to the PrapMt�;�'t��. . �,
<br /> '.; IGasehol8 azx2 the fee tide shalY not merge anless I.ender agrces to the merger in wtitinB: :�;:;�,� � ; '---,.
<br /> ' 7.Protectioa of Leader's Rt�ts in tBe Property.if Borrower fails to pc.-fn,i,�n.tit¢cove�nents anr!a�trxaiiaiit�cantuirie�3 m• .
<br /> �. ' this Security Instrument,or there is a le��l Pmce�dln8 that may signifirantiy sP.�r��s�r►dar's ri�hts in tlia C•�tc�y�s(sucfi4,�a . .
<br /> .- '�., j prooeeding in barJcrupt�y.Probate.fam�eu;��on or forfeitnre or w enfa�+ce luwa nn t�utidierns?.tl�en Leuder muy�;�;�:�ad ''''`;:��:;:
<br /> t.. ; pay fos whazever is�ecessary to protec2 tt14 value of the Property and Lender's�Cght�lu�,t��topert�. I.ender's uciiarnri�?:��ajr _ s,,,.
<br />_- include Pa ying any sums sewr� by a li:u wPuch has prioriry oves this S!�,,�at��' Znstrs�meut, ePP�?�8 us.cour¢. tit+�in8
<br /> .,�„+ - � t�ason2bie ut;omeys'fa�S.i�entering on the Property to make repaits.A!t doa t r�I i l e�t Ter tnay t a ke zc.rt io n u t t d e s t h�s p a r a��t S ,
<br /> �� .
<br /> 7,Lendcr does not havv�l�i afn so. ' � ; . '`�� '
<br /> . . . � My amounts disbursed by I,ender under this paragraph 7 s h a l l b e c��.:urditional debr of Bosrower secvred bu°��?�,.�s, ,+..,�!'...�.
<br /> :, • Sccuriry Iusuumen�l7nless Bvrrower xczd 3�ender agra to other terms uf�''-,.,s�,:w-`�t,these amounts sf�ll tiear intaest£�la�:'.�'.:e , - -
<br /> dat�of disbussement at the Note mte and shall be p3yabte, with iatErnst,4�r.��se���otFce fram Lender to Boirower rec�.w:ting �
<br /> . '',,;4' i`:
<br /> .•;.; �.P�Yment. � '' .;�, : -�-
<br /> . � . ,'.;;:. .8.MortSage Iasurattce.If Lender m�}nired r,aiivrgage insurance as a wn.�'1�,�a?a4 of maYa�ng the laan secuied by this Sacurlty ' �j�
<br /> � � Instiument,Borrower shall psy the�r*�niums'retjiiired to mainmin the mortgage insuranc€.in�effect. If. for any reason,the �
<br /> - � �rtgage ins�ua�ce wverage requin.`���.'Lender Ispses or c�ases to be in effect,Borrower shall pay the premiuma requited to �,
<br /> � �,�..'P' otita�n coverage su�stantially equiva�ent to�he mongage insuiance pre�iously in,effect.at a cast suhstantially equivalent ta the �
<br /> �, . � epst to'Barrower of tfg:�nortSage insurance previously in effect,from an alr�;a3te mortgage iasurer approved by Lender. If =
<br /> substantially�quivaleair,rm�rtgage insutance coverage is not available.BorroaY�r sGa11 paY to Leuder each month a swn eqaal to �`
<br /> ' one-twelflh af fl�e yeazly�mortgage insutance premium bein�lraid�y Boao�er when the inswart,es oaveiage lapsed or eeascsd to _
<br /> � � 'be in effect.Lender will accept.use and ne2ain thesepayments as .�L��ss teserve in 1[eu of mortgage insurance. Loss t�:s�rvC _
<br /> �;�j;_ �� „ Fcrm 3QZ�:.'A:e�4
<br /> '+; � ' � , vagsame • ��
<br /> i���Y.�` •��1. ' � � . , � � . . �.�..
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