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<br /> AII If18l1fAI1C0 F10IICI68 dlKr f6lliiW8�8 Bhall I}p flCCOptflbl6 t0 L.EffldB�&Cld Bhall IIICIU(�0 Q EitQlldH�d ri'IOrig8�9 C18U3�. _'
<br /> Ler�der ehs�tl havo the rlpht to ndd the pollcle;,and renewels.ff Lender requlres,Borrc�wer shall prompily glve to Lender -
<br /> all recelpte of pald premlums and roneeval notices.ln the aveM of la�e,9arrower shall gIve prompt notice to 4he
<br /> Ineura�nce carrler and Lender.Lsnder may mako prc�nf ot loas R not mads pramptly�y Borrower.
<br /> �lnl�as Lender end�orrawer�therwlam egr�In wrtting,Ineurance prar.eoda ehall ba epplled to restoratlon�r repaIr =
<br /> d the Property demafled,it the reatoratloa or repslr!a ecosio+��I�aUy 4ct��lb:o c�nd Lcnd�r'c sccurity la not les4�ned.if the _
<br /> reatorntbn or repalr la not econom�ally teeafble or Lender'd secu�tY would be lessersed,ti�e Insurance prxeeda shalt
<br /> be applled to the eums aecured by thla Securiry Ir+stn�ment,whether or nos then dua,wfth any excese pa{d to Bdrrower.
<br /> If Borr�vrer abandana the F'rope�ty,nr does nat answer wfthln 30 days a notlae from Lender that the Insurence carrler
<br /> has afferad to s�ttte a clalm,then Lender may cdlect the Insurance proceeds.Lender may use the proceeds to repalr
<br /> or reatore�tho Praperty nr to pay surns secured by thls Securlty Inetniment,whether ar not then due.The 30�iay perlod
<br /> wNl be(�hi when the nocice la plven.
<br /> Unlesa I.ender and Borrower otherwlae agreo In w�ting,any appllcatton of pracee�Js to princlpal ohsll not extend or
<br /> po�tpor►e the duo date of the monthly payments referred to In parag�aphs 1 and 2 or change the amo�nt of ehe
<br /> paymer�trt. If under pa�a�raph 21 the Propeny�s a��to the scQ u altlan shall pass tohtla�e�o the extem atiho sunns
<br /> proceeda resultlnp from dama�e to the Prope►ty p �i
<br /> secured bythls Securlty Instrurment Immedlately Rriartothe acqulsftlon.
<br /> d.Occup�ncy�PnsM'wtlon,M�Int�n�nce and Prot�ctlon of th�P�opKty;eorrow�r'�Lcam Appl(caitbn;
<br /> �s:s:�ta�o. B�c•�r sha11�ct�py,estfl�llsh,and use the Prope►tY as BorPOwe�'s p�lnclpal resldence wkNln abcty days
<br /> after the executlon�t thts Sec�rtty InstrumeM and shall continue to occupy the t'roperty as 6onower's princtpel
<br /> realdence tor st laast one year efter the date ot occupency,uciless Lender otherwtse ag�ees In w►iting,whlch consent
<br /> sh��ll not be unreaoonably wlthhdd,or unless extenuating clrcumstances exlst whlch a�e beyond�oROwer's aoMrol.
<br /> Borrc�wer shall nat d�stroy,damage or fmpalr the PropeRy,allow the Proporty to deteriorat�,o�commft waste on the
<br /> property,�arrawer shalt be In detauli M any forfettare actlon or proceeding,whether chril or crimtnal,Is begun that In
<br /> Lender's good tafth JudgmsM could r�sult In tortefture of the Praperty at othemise materlally fmpatr#he Ilen created by
<br /> thls Secu�ity instrument or L.�nder's security tMeres�Borro�wer maY cure such e de�aWt and rolnstale,asprovidad in
<br /> para9raph 18,by causing the ectlon a proceeding to be�ilsmissed wbth a n►Iing that,In Lender's good talth
<br /> detorminatlon,preclades toriettu�e of the Barrawer's Interest(n the Property or other materlaf Impatm�eM af tho�I4nn
<br /> created by thfs 3ecurity Instrun�ent or Lender's securfh►Interea�Borrower eha��als°be fn defautt ff Borrawes,during the
<br /> loan appllcation proces$,gave matertaNy talse of Inaccurate Infortnatlor�or statements to Lender(or faMed to praivlde
<br /> Lender with any tr�teriel Informatlon)Jln connectk�n with the loar�evWenced bo i�eNldeericnd�IlsgSecurit�t Insttument Is
<br /> represer�tertions cnr�cerni a�r►vw�o�:cu�r.� r�iM P.�►�;-_-�
<br /> oe�e��ea8eho�d�go�o�yer`�,au e�m�y wnn all 4he provlslons of the�ease• If BaROwer acqulres fee title to the Properry,
<br /> the(easetwfd gnd the tee tkle slrall not merge unles�Le►xter�grees to the merger In v��tlnp.
<br /> 7.Prot�ctbn of L�r�d�r's Rl�hts In th�P'roE�rtY• ��BQR4'ti'e►iaHs to perform the covenants and agreemants
<br /> co►rtalned In thls Socurity fnstn�ment,or there Is a IeQ�al proceoding that may slgnificantly etfect Lender's rlghts In tha
<br /> property(auch as e proceedlrsg in bankn�ptcy,probate,for cor�d�mnatlon or forfetture or to�niorce taws or
<br /> rept�faUons)�then Lender may do end pay for whatever is necesssry to protect the value af the Property end Ler�dor's
<br /> rlghts In the Property.Lender'e actlons may Indude 1�ayir�any st�ms secured by a Nen whlch has priodty over this
<br /> Securky Insnument,eppeerkig In court,Psyin9 reasanab�e attameys'feee and enteriny c�n the Pr�ert�to mske
<br /> repa��./l�i�+h l�eMer mny take actbn under thls peragraph 7,I.ender doea��ot have to do so.
<br /> My 8moutrta dlsbursed by Lender undEx thls parag�tpl'+7 sF�all becotne addRlona�debt of Bortowar se�ured by
<br /> thfa SecurRy Instroment.llMess Borrower and Lender sgr�e to othar tor�ms of payment,these amouMs ahatl beeir
<br /> Intereet faom the date of dlsbtit�emerK at the Note rete and s�all be�xiya�le,wlth tnterest.tepon notk�from Le�rder to
<br /> Borrower re4ueat�n�Pe►Ymer�t.
<br /> A.1Aorip��Im�xanc�. I(Lender requlrad mortga9e lnsterance as a cotxlKlon of malcln�thq loan secured by t�ls
<br /> Secu��r�mer�t,8prrowre�r shall pay the premluma requlred to malrRaln the mortga�e Iresurence In etfect•If,fw any
<br /> reeeon.the mortpsye Ina�uranco coverage►eq�lred by Lender lapses or coases to be In e�ect�eornawer shell pay the
<br /> premluma required to obtaln caverage sub�tantlalty eq�lvaJ�ant to the mortgage Inaurance�prevbusly In eliec:t.�a a c�st
<br /> subatant{aliy equtvafent to the cd�tto Borrawer af the mori�ge�nsurance pre�viously In ettect,from an altem+at�e
<br /> mortpege Insurer e�pprov e d by t.ender.If auhstarntally equtvalerrt matflape Insuranae aaverage Is not avallable,
<br /> gonc�wer ehall p�y io Lander each morith a sum equal to on�twetfth of th yea�iy mortflage Inaurance pr�r�um bs�rq
<br /> patd by gorrowFx a�hon the tnsurance coverago lap�d c�cease�to!ae In e�f�ct.L�r►der wNl acce��use and retaln these
<br /> paymeMe aa a k�s r�eserve In I{eu oF mortga�a Insurance.Loss resen►a P�yments may no!t►nper 3�e requlrad,at the
<br /> optton of Lerxler�H mnrtgage insurance coverapa((n the�mount and for the perlods that Lender reciu�res)pnyvklad bY
<br /> en Insurer approved by Lend�9�9a�n bacomes avaNable An�]is obtatned. Bono�wer s�all pey the�xemlums ri9qulred to
<br /> matntatn martgaye Insurance in effect,or to provide a loss reserva,untM the requtremer�t tor mort�d�a Insu►a�co ends
<br /> In accordance wR�a�y wrftten egreement betyueen RoROwer and Lender or eppl�abte I+aw.
<br /> �. 1 Lender or fts agern rrsay�►�ake reasnnable ent�ies u and tnspectlons o�th�Property. �.ender
<br /> shall gNe ower nottce at tho tlme of or prior to ar�ins�O�Iori spec ng reasonable cause ior the tnspection.
<br /> , 13C/ClADTNE//07D2/3029(9-00)•I. P��c�1�QF.e.a 3�.�,
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