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<br /> ,4��.. �0���� LOAN NO. 1 5 3 D 2 1 5 4 6 7
<br /> �T
<br /> 'PWlS S�GUNIYY ItJS7RUMEN7�ombir�es un(torm caver�anto t�r natio�al usp and non-unitnrr�n cav�har►to raltij L.
<br /> Ilmtted varitttione by Jurir�ilctlon tA constftut�a uniform securtry IngYrument covoring real pPOpeRy.
<br /> UNIFO�AM GOVENANYS.Borrowar end Lender covenant and agres sa fc�iowa:
<br /> t.Paym�M of P�incipal and Int�r�ft;Prepaym�M�nd I..�t�CPiarpes. eorrowar chalf promptly puy r+�hen due
<br /> the prin�lpal d and trnerest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment and Iste charpea due under the
<br /> Noio. -
<br /> 2.Funds tor Tax�s�nd Insunnce. Sa�bJect to sppilcable law or to a written walver by Lender,f3o�row�r oh�H y
<br /> to Lender on the day monthiy payments are due under the Note,untY the Note!s pafd In full,e sum�Funda")fw:(a�
<br /> ysariy taxes and assessmente wh{ch may attaln priority over this Security Instniment as a Ilen on tha Property;(b yea►ty
<br /> leasahdd paymente or ground rer�ts on the Property,If any;(c)yearly haz.ard or prope►ty Insurance premlums;( )
<br /> yearly flaod insurance premtums,If�ny;(e}yearly mQngape lnsu�ance premluma,If any;ared( any suma�oayable by
<br /> Borrower to Lender,In accordance with tha provistons oi paragraph 8,In Ileu of tho payment o�mortpaga In3ursncA
<br /> �remlum�.These Rems are cailed'Escrow Itoms."Le�der may,at any timo,cdloct and hdd Funds In an amnunt not to
<br /> exceed thp maxtmum amaunt a lender for a federally ro�ated mortgage loan may requlre for 8orrawer's escrow accouM
<br /> undar tha fedoral Real Estate Settlemorrt Procedures Act of 1974 as amerxied from tlme to time,l2 U.S.C. �2601 et
<br /> sec�.('RE8P�t ,untess anathar la�v that applies to the�unds seta a lesser amount.If&o,l.ender may,at any time,cdlect
<br /> end hc�id Fu�a In an amacc�not to oxceed the less2+r amount.Lender may esiimate the amount of Funds due on the -
<br /> basls of cutrent data and i���onable estlmates of experxiftures of futuro Escrcyw Itoms ar o2henivlse in accordsnce wfth
<br /> appl�able law.
<br /> The Funds shall be held In an Ins�tutian whose depos(ts are tnsured by a tederal agency,(nstnamentality,or entiry
<br /> (Induding Lende�•,ff Lender is such an tns4iiutbn)or ti a�y Fecleial Fior+e Laan�ank.Le�xte�shsi!ap�ty tha Fur�da tn -
<br /> pay the Escrow Items.L�eeler may nat charge�orrower for hdding and applying the Funds,annuAlfy ansly2ing the
<br /> escrawr accauM,ur verNykop the Escraw Itema,unless Lendef pays BaROwer Interest on the Funda and applicable law
<br /> pe�mks Lender to maka such a charge.However,Lender may requlre Bo►rower to pay a one-time chao�ge for an
<br /> Ind�nAndeM real estute tex reporting serWce used by Ler�ier in connection with thls loan,unless appl{cable law
<br /> provldes of4'�na�i,e.Unless art agreement is made or appllcabla 6�:hro�equlres irrterest to be�a�aki,Lender ahali not be
<br /> requked to pa}r Btxrower any interes't or eam�ngs on the Funds.��er and Lender may av�ree In writlng, however,
<br /> that f�erest shall be Qa{d on the Funds.Lender shall ghrd to B�rr�breor,without charge,an ennuai accounting af the
<br /> Funds,shawing credR�Rnr�debits tn the Funds and the purpose for whi�h esch debft to ths Funds wa�mad�.The
<br /> Funds are pled�ed as�ddYtiar�l security!for all sums secured by thls Securtty Instrument.
<br /> If the F4tn��fi�ld b,y'Lender exceed the amount�permitted to ba held by applicable lavr.C.ender ehell accouM to
<br /> Borro�rer far thn ex�oas�unds In ac�cordance wfth the�equlrements af applicable law.ff the amou�rt of the Funds held
<br /> �;l.p."':�:.^:�:.:�2!�.�:.�'.°.t�^...1�!!Q��t,�o Farnrui�tg�a uy}�wn tl�u�;Lanrlar may so notity eorraerer In writln�,
<br /> and,po guch case Borrcawor�hall pay to Lender tho�mQUnt necassary to rt►ake up the deflciency.gorra�wer st�►e�ll make
<br /> up the deHc�ency In no rr�re than twelve monthiy pa�rr»nta.a!Lender's sole discretion.
<br /> Upon peymeM In fuN oF eA sums secured by thls 3ecurity InstrumenY,Lender shaJl prompNy retund to Barro�►er any
<br /> Funda haicf k�y,Lender. H,under pe�agra�h 21,Lender shall�tcqulre or sefl the Praperty,Lendgr,prior to the acqulsklon
<br /> or s�+af thc�Prapetty.shall epply any�unds held by Lendar at ttx�t(me of acqulsitbn or sale as a credR agalnat ths
<br /> sum�secured by this Secw�Ky Instrument.
<br /> 9.Appfk�tton of P� Unless applk:abla�aw ptnvides otherw(se��al!ioaymonts recefved by Lender under
<br /> pe�agrapha 1 und 2 ahaN�ted:flrst,to any ptepaymerK charQes due u►e��c�8ho Note;secaxl,to amaunte payable
<br /> ;�i-�i;o;dy;,�;�2;u«�,.a 6�t�:w.*�:.�;!N!►!h,te�!!!�c�y!�due;arxl last,to anv late charpas duo underthe Note. _
<br /> 4.Ch��s,U�ns. BoROwrer shallpay alt taxes,assessments,charges,Nnes and Impmsltlons atMbutable to the
<br /> Propeity whkh mery sttaln pdor(ty over this Sacurity Instrumerrt,and leasehold paymenta or ground rer�te,if any.
<br /> BortowcK ehall pey these obligationa In the manner p�rpvidod In(►ara9raph 2�or If not pald in that men�r�a�rower sf�all
<br /> pey them on Hme sfirectly to the person�+ived payrm�ra'c.Barrower shall promptPy fumish to Lender eR rx��c�s of
<br /> amamts to be paid unttsr this pe�agraph.If Bwrawer 4r�akes these peymeMs dtroctly,Borrower shall prcm�pdy fumiah to
<br /> L�+nder rsc�!t:R�e�vldencie►g tiw peym�r�i�.
<br /> Bcrra�it sfru�N prompqY dlscharpe an Uen wh�h has�orit��ver this Securiry Ir�stnlment u�leaa Borcavrer:(a)
<br /> a�In wrking to the peynwnt of the obl�atbr�socured y ti�9�n in a manner acc,�eptable to Leoder;@?contest�In
<br /> �ood fekh the Ilen by,a defends against erMorcemans of the Ilen(n,lepalproceed(r►gs wbich In the L.ender s opinbn
<br /> opere�te to prevent the enforcemoM ot tha tien;or�c�securea irom the holder c�?the Ilen an a�eerrient satisiactory to
<br /> Lender subondtnatirp the�len to this Security In�t�umen�If Lpnder determtnes that any�rt of the P is eubject t�
<br /> a I{en whtch rr�y attalre prlQ►ity over thla Sscurtty Instnlmant,Lender may glve Bor�ower a natico kle�n�i�tl�e Ibn.
<br /> Borrower shaN satisfy the llen or tske o9aD c�r mcxe of the acetons set brth al�ve within 10 days of the gMng of rio4lce.
<br /> 6.KasaM or Prop��da�suranc�. Barrowt�r�4��11 koep the tmpravemerrta now exbting or hereafter erected on the
<br /> F�operty k�,sdued ageinatloss byftre.hazarcis in�fudl�d withtn the tenn'exfended ca�rerage'and any�ther haaards,
<br /> . indud{rp tlaads or Baadirsfl,for whk:h l.ender rAqult�as Insutance.This fnsenanc�si�ell be maEnta(neti tn the amour�ts and
<br /> r«tr�e s that Letxier requ(res. T6a�insurarwe cartler pravfding the trtsunqnce sltaN ba chosen by Borrokver aut�Ject
<br /> � to er's u�ppraval wl�Ich shall not Yde e�atreasonably withheld. If Borrower fails to mafMatn carerege described above,
<br /> , Lender may,at Lender's optbn,obtatn covera�e to protect Lender's rigMs(n the Property In acccxdance with
<br /> P�raS►aPh�• '
<br /> ' isc/ct+wm�//o�/soxe(s�ao)•� P�a�z oF a
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