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10/8/2010 3:34:00 PM
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10/8/2010 3:33:59 PM
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201007404 <br />by any governmental ar regulaWry authority, or any private parcy, that any rem�val or other rennediation <br />of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is nece,ssary, Borrower ahall promptly take all necessary <br />renncdial actions in accordance with Envi�zonmental Law. Nathing herein shall creatc any obligation on <br />�.ender for an Envirvnmental Cle�up. <br />NON-UN�FORM COVENANTS. Borrower and T..e�der further cove�nant and agree as follows: <br />22. Accelexatlqn; Remedfe�. Lende�r ;shahall give not�tQe t�n Borrower prior to �opdeKal�on following <br />Borrawer's brcach of any covenant or agreeme�t in t�ie Se�rlty L�trumcsnt (bnt not prtor ta <br />ac�elerat[on ur►der Sectlon 18 unl�ss Applicable Law �rovtdes othcrwise). The notice �hall sp�dfy: (a) <br />the detar�l,t; (b) the action require,cl to c�ure th� default; (c) a date, twt less than 30 daye �+nm the date <br />the nodoe i� �ven to Borrower, by wlaich the detaWt must be cured; and (c� that fsilure to cure the <br />defsult o�n a� before the date apeclFied in the notice �tnay msult in acaelerat[an of the sums secured by <br />this Security Instrument $nd gale of the Propexty. The notice �hall further inform Borrower af the <br />rlght to re�nstate af'ter aa�]ex�ation aad the right to bring a court actiion bo assert the non-e�datencc of <br />a default or any othar defease of Borrower to accderation and �sle. Ii the default i� not cuured on or <br />before the date gpecified in thc notice, Y.ende�r at lts option tnay require immediate payment in full of <br />sil sums eecurcd by th� Security Inst�vment wtthout furthar demand and may invoke the pow� of <br />sale and any othea� remedies permitterl by Appllcable Law. Le�nder shall be en,dtle�l to oo�ect all <br />eapenses incurt�ed Gn put�ring the remedie� provlded in tlila Ser�tun ?Z, including, but not limited to, <br />reason�able attorneys' fees and oo� of 13t1e evtdenoc. <br />I� the pawer of sale is invoked, 1}u�kee shall record a nodce of default in each oounty in whi� <br />any part of the Prape�rty !a located and shall meil coples of such notice in the manner prescribec� by <br />App�irable to Borrower an.d to the ot�er peiBOns pc�rtbed by Applirable Law. Aiter We titne <br />�9� �Y APP�rable Y.�w, Trustec shal! �ve pnblic notioe of e�aale ta the persons and in the manner <br />pr�naribed by Applicable Law. �tce, wtthont demand on Bonrnwer, shall sell the P�op�ty at <br />prrblic aucdon to the blghc�t btdde�r at the time and place and unrl� the t�rms deslgqsted in the <br />notice oi salc in oae or more pa�rael� and tn ar� order '1'ru�stee de�ermine�. Trastee may postpone sale <br />of a11 or any parceY of the Property by publlc au�unoement at ihe time and place of any previouisly <br />schedule� salc. Leader or it� d�,ee may purcl�a8e the Prapexty at any sale. <br />Upnn receipt af payme�t of the price bid, 1�ustee �a11 d�lfver to the purc�asex Tnr�tee'g deed <br />conv�ying the Prroperty. 'rlte recitalg in the Tz7�stce's deed rahall be prlma fade evidence of the trnth <br />of tLe etatemeni� tnack Trustee $hall aPP�Y the prooeed� of We sale in the iollowing order: (a) <br />tio all co�ts and � of �te�rd�ing the power ot sale, and the �ale, includiag the p�ym�t of the� <br />Trustce'e fees actually incurred and r�sonable attc�rneys' fces es penmitked by A�pHcablc; (b) to <br />a11 snms sec�ured by thi,s Security In�ttrument; and (c) any caoe� to the p�rson or pe�ons le�IlY <br />entltled to it. <br />2�. Rcconveyanoe. Upon paym�o�t of all aums s�u�red by this Securiry Instru�nent, L�ender shall <br />request �5rustes to re�onvey the Property and shall surrender thia Security InsWmsnt and aU. notes <br />evidencing d�bt secured by this Security Insbn�ment to Tn�stee. TYustee shall re�anvey the PropertY <br />without warranty to the person or persons legally entitled to it. S�h person or peraons sha11 pay any <br />recordatian costs. L.ender rnay charge s�h person or peraons a fee for recon,veying the Prapercy, but only <br />if the fee ia paid to a thi�nd paRy (such as the Tn�stee) for services rende�reed and the charging of the fce is <br />perxnitted undcr Applicable La�uv. <br />24. Su6sdtute Tru�. L,ender. at its option� may from time to time rer�ve 'I�ustee and appaint a <br />succe�saar tn�stee to any Trustee appointed here�n,der by an ins�►t reoorded in tha county in which this <br />Sc�u�iry Lnsarument is recorded. Without conveyance of thc Praperry, thB suceessor trustee shall succead to <br />all the title, power and duties conferned upon Trustee herein a� by Applicable Law. . <br />25. Rerjue�t for Nodces. Borrower requests that copies of the notice of default and sale be sent to <br />Borrower's address which is the Property Address. <br />, <br />NFBRASKA - Single Family - Fer►nt� M�/Fnddi� Meic UNIFORM INSTRUMENT <br />Q�i -BINE) los��t . p�a �� ot �6 u�.: Form 30�8 1107 <br />C <br />
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