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201007404 <br />shall remain fuliy effecCive as if no accel�ration had occw•red. Hawever, this right to roinstate shall not <br />apply in tha case of acceleration under SectiQn 18. <br />Zll. Sale or Note; Change of Loan Service�r; Notlae of Grte�vance. The Not� ox a pa�rtial interest in <br />the Nota (together with this Security Instmm�ent) can he sold one or more Cimas witlxaut prior notice to <br />Borrower. A sale might resutlt iai a rhange in the entity (known as the "Loan Servic�r") tl�at oollects <br />Periodic Paymet�ts due under the Note and this Security Instrwnent an�d parforms other �rtgagc lpan <br />servicing obligations under the Note, this Security Iaastruunent, and Applicable There alao might be <br />one or rnore changes of the L.oan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there is a change of the Loan <br />, Borrower vvill be given written notice of thc c�haiage which will state the name and address of tl�e <br />new Loan Servicer, the address to which payments shauld l� miade and any other informatian, RESPA <br />requir�s in c��nnecrioa with a notice of transfer of �eervicing. If the Note is aold and th�reafter the Loan is <br />servicad by a Loan 5ervicer other than the purcha.�r of the Note, the m�ortgage loan se�;rvici�►g abligations <br />to Borrower �rill remain with thc L�oan Searvicer or be transferred to a suooes.sor Loan Serviccr and are not <br />assumed by the Note purch�ser unless otherwise p�rovide� by the Noter purcb�aser. <br />Ncither Horrower nor Lender may comrnertce, join, or be joinetl to at�y judicial aation (as either axx <br />individual lit�gant or the member of a class) that arises fmm the other party's actions pursuant to this <br />Se�urity Inst�t or that alleges that tha othcr party kias breached any provision af, or atry duty owed by <br />reason of, this Sccurity Instn�anent, until such Barrower or Lender has notified the other party (with such <br />notice given in compliance with the r�quire�ents of Sectioaa 15) of such alleged breach and afforde� the <br />other party h�reto a reaaonable period after the giving af such notice to t� corrective adion. If <br /> Law pmvides a t3me periorl which must elapse before c;ertain action can be taken, t�t Cime <br />period will be dee�d to be reasnnable for purposes of this paragraph. The not�cc af a�celeratirra and <br />oppc�mami.ty to cure given to Borrower pursuant to Section 22 and the notiae of acceleratian given to <br />Borrower pursuant to Section 1$ shall be d� to satisfy thc notice aud opportunity to taks corrective <br />action provisions of this Section 2Q. <br />21. Haaardous Sub�stancrs. As used in tkuis Section 21: (a) "Hazardoua Substances" are those <br />substances de�ined as toaic or hazardous substances, pollutants, ar wastes by finvironr�ntal Law and the <br />following substances: gasoline� kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleum products, to�.ic pesticides <br />and herbicidea, valati,le solve.nts, matetials containing asbestos or formaldehyde, and radipactive materials; <br />(b) "Envu�anm�ental L,aw" means federal laws aa�d laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located that <br />redate to hestth. safety or enviu+onmental protextion; (c) "Environn�ental CleanuP" �� �Y �� <br />acti.on, remadial sccion, or removal action, as dBfin�cd in Envirnnmental; and (d) an "Environmental <br />Condidon" means a co�dirion tb�at can cause, contxibute to, or otherwise tcigger an Snvironmental <br />Cleanup. <br />Borrower shall not cause or pernut Che presence, use, disposal, storage, or release af any Har�rcious <br />S�bsta�, or chreaten to release any Hazardous Substances, on ar in the F�aperty. Borrower shall not do, <br />nor allow anyane else W do, arrything affecting the Property (a) that is in violation of any Bnvironmental <br />Law, (b) which creates an Environmental Condition, ar (c) wluch, due to the presence, use, or release of a <br />Hazardous Stibstance, crest�s a condirion tbat adversely affeccs the value of the Property. The preceding <br />two s�atences shall nnt appiy W the pr�ence, u�e, or starage on the Property of s�nal,l quantities of <br />Hazardous 5ubstauc�a that arB generally necagnizerl to be appropriate to norn�al rosid�tial trs�s and w <br />t�a.intenance of the PraI�rtY (including but not limited to� hazardous substances in consu�r products). <br />Borrower shall pmnc�tly give L�ander writtem nodce of (a) any investigation, claim, demand� lawsuit <br />or other action by any governmen�tal or regulatory agency or privatv party involving the Prope�rty and any <br />xazaraous substan� or Environm�ntat Law of which Boirower taas actual l�owle�ge, ro) at�Y <br />Environmental Condition, includ.i� but �t limited to, any spilling, lcakir�g, discharge, rtsll@aae or threat of <br />release of any u Substance, and (c) any condition cavsed by the presence, use or release of a <br />Hazardous Substance which adversely affects the value of the Froperty. Tf Borrov�r learns, ar is n�otified <br />NEBRASKA - Sinple Famlly - Ferw�fe M�/Fraddl� Mea UNIFORM INSTRUM�1111' <br />�'BINE) (08111 Pape 12 of 16 Inniale: Form 3028 1/01 <br />