Laserfiche WebLink
. . <br /> .. ... ; _ _.. ,- <br /> _ t . . �Y. . . � <br /> ':`; _ _ . _._ .. , : -- <br /> =�,w -. _� _ - . �,� "�'�-`�= <br /> - � _- � . -_c � - ' .:� . _ - - " .-- .. <br /> : . �� . . , . � .,. . - . _ _ .. <br /> , .� <br /> "-- -... ._,. .— �- -�- - . _ . . .._.. _ _ - _.._ <br /> ' t• . < ___ —." ___..'_— . .,K,- <br /> ., e �_'_' .�. ( , ' � ' <br /> T - . � . . . � a . <br /> . -- ,.�- .-�_ ; . _. .. _ ` _ , _ , . . �.Z�f0•3 yrf,.-�, E <br /> . _ , . _ . - . , , . . � �.. _. <br /> � _ � � .e . , ` ... , ; : : . . :. <br /> ' ,. � ,aQplicabie!aw m�y aptcify far reiast�ement)ixface s�le of tA�Fropeccy,pucsaant tu aay�or��er ot'sak cant�ineQ in this • <br /> ' —��«,r�....�..�....�,,.�k ' m that Baruw�c a——— -- -- <br /> � ,_. _ — o�tag_this.Se�ttrit�las�ume��.�p�__ — ---.-- (_�: <br /> —_ __- - <br /> psys l�etidcr�all whicb then wuuid be dur under this Security ta�uument ate as � ao aca esaaon uao . <br /> � accatred:(b)cures any default uf a�ry utba cavet�nts ar agiurtrcnts;tc)paYs all eapea5es ficuned,in enfo�ing this Sec�tity <br /> � Inmume��iactuding.i+ut tat lnnited�waahie au�neys'fers:aod(�takes such actiat as Lendec may reasonabiy . � <br /> rcquite W ass�ue that ihe lien of this Sa�urity Instrumw�L.a�dcr's righu i�tbe Ptuperty and Bortower�s obli8ui4n�P�Y�d� <br /> sums saured by tLis Secoriry Insutunrnt shall cantinue unchanged. Upon reinstatem4t�t by Bo�ower. ti�Soc�rity <br /> ' In�rtE an0 the abligations secmtd heneby shall iemain fuliy effective zs if no acceteration had occ�ared. Hovvever.3his ` <br /> ; ' right to teinsmte sball«at apply tn t6e rase of acrekrattan under patagrapti 17. . = • � <br /> ty, ���;Cps�e ot i,oa�Serrion; The Notc or a partiz!imectst in the Note(togethes with this Socuriry <br /> Insmmxnt)may 6e sold a�e o�more times wjthaat prior�ioticc to Sorrovirer. A safe may resuIt ia.z r.�ege in ihe erNity � <br /> (known as tiie"Loan Servicer'7 that collects monthly.payritxnts due mider the Note and this Sea:urity Insttument There atso <br /> may be oae a maie changes of tlx Loai�Servicxr unreiated to a sak of the Nare. If there is a chmge of the Loan Savicer, � <br /> — Bamwer wiA be giren wtjuea botice of the c6ange in accadance with pa�agraph 14 above and applica6k taw. 77�e'notiac <br /> " �• wiil state tl�e name and addtess of Ure new l.o�n Servicer and the addcess to which paymeats stioutd be made. T6e notice w�l <br /> ; • stso Contw!arty otlxr infaimation noquind by appticabie law. - ' ' � ! - <br /> - ; 2d Raardoas SabetaaeC�s. Borrnwer sha11 not cause or pem�it the prese�use.disPasai.staage.or release of any <br /> Ha7a�zious 5ubstanaes on os in the Froper�y: Barower sAalI not do.nar altow arryonc else to do,anyihing affecting tGe , . <br /> -- � pcaperty tl�at is in viotatioa of any Eavironmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to tiie peesrnce,use.or <br />�;=} , suxage on the FmpeAy of smali quanaties af Ha7ardous Snbstances tbat are generaliy cecogrcized to be app[opriate w normai <br /> residential,uses aad to maintenance of tbe Propeny. . <br />°. Bormwe�shall pcomptly give Lender wriuen notice of any investigation;claim.demand,lawsuit or other action by any <br /> govemmrntal ar ngnlatarY aS�Y�i?�'a[e paaty involving tfie Ptoperty a�W any lfazacdons Substance or Fa►vimnmenfal <br /> - 1aw af whiFh Borrower has actual knowtedge. If Borrower Icams, or is n�ed by ang..gavern�nental ar regulatory <br /> autlwrity,fhat any�movat oP other remediadoa af arry Hazardous Sa6sta�ce affecting the P��:-:�necessary,Bomnwer ' <br /> shail premp[1y take all necessary remadiai actions in acc�x�dance with Environmental IaWr. ....• !' � <br /> ;' .' As ased in ihis pacagraph Z0,"Hazardous Substances"are those substances defined as toxic ar hazardous substances by <br /> Faivlronn�entai Law and the foltawing substaaces: gasoline.kerosene.other flammabte or toxic petroleum pro�s.toxic <br /> pesticides and herbicides.votaGle solvents.materials containing as6esws or formaldehyde.and radioactive materials. As . ____ <br /> —, used'm this paragrapi�20."Emironmental"meaas federat taws and laws of the jurisdistion where the_P�aQerty is�oFated �_-=--- <br /> � ` �LL that retate to healttR,safety or environmenGll protection. x".r��:- <br /> " '' ,.`.`,. NON•UIVIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and I.ender further covenant and agree as follows: ��'3��;, <br />,. �'�•' 21. Accekratioa;Remedies. l.ender sbad g[ve notke to Borrower.prior to accekrat�oa tdio9ete�Borrower's -; -�,��� — <br /> :=- :�. ��. <br /> �r��`�•� breacb atsioy covenant or agreement ia th[s Seaosity Iasb�ument(6nt not r to aeceteratbo under paragraph 1? , �_ ._ <br /> , : �.` , � �'<,�'.._�. <br /> , .� anles�applka6k iaw provides dherwke). T6e�ice shali specify: (a)the�anit;tb)tlfe action required to case ft�e � _-:__^__- <br /> r` � � defauft;(c?s datti nW less tham 30 days tra�6�e:�lstte the notke is g[ven t,�Sorra�rer.ibc�vhlcb the detAOtt must be <br /> '�-;;,':. �.. wrcd,Aed(d)tAat tailure to cure t�defa�it�as or 6efore t6e dpte spuified tu the�ooiot say resutt io sceekration o� � :,f-'�` <br />,'.,...; :y x��"�'� the sass sesured by this Security i�meni and sale at tbe�r�perty. The na4ce sia�6arlher intorm Boerawer oi ;: ,; , <br /> ` '':'''.� � ' the ri�it�a rciastate alter asetkrati��nA the rlght to bcin�a+eoact actian to assert the sat�extstence of A defaalt or . '"'at�.;�..'. <br /> •,:�ri. . , _. �:. .; ,,...•:�:�'£'°'_ <br /> � ' `••a'`r�r � "�• any othe�detense ot Borrower to accekratbn�nd sate. It the defauH is not cured on or before the date specified in <br /> . an <� ;:F� . <br /> the notia,Lender nt its optbn awy requ ire im m e d i ate paymeM in fu l l o f a l i sums secur e d by t his S e c u ri t y I a c t r u m e n t :�„,.��;•:: "=`� <br /> . ;;:�,�.�.�.��;: . <br /> ;; ���,,�;;�,•, , withoat furt6er demand and may invoke the pawe� of s�le and any other remedies permiKed by applicabte law �. •`��- <br /> � ';=;�`;�:,..:''�" Lender slwll 6e entitled to coltect al1 expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provideA in this puagraph 2l, ; a�- <br /> :�_��°-;�n�� � incindiag,but not ifmited to.reasoaabk attorneys'te�s and cost.g ot titk evldence. =Y�`::'_ <br /> '• *•��"��� It the powee of sate is invoked,7Fustee shall recard a notice of detault in each caunty in wbkh any part o!t6e •+-- <br /> '��z�- ,�-••:: ._ . �;:;�:- <br /> P r o p ert y L9located an�€�all maii copks of sach eec►tice in the manner pre.ccribed by applkable law to Borrower�ad to <br /> ., l„i=� : �- .' Trustee s6a11 gire uDlk. E;' • .. -_ <br /> ,� � '��. the other persons p ��bed by applicabk la� �fter the time required by appiicabk taw, p �,- . __ _ <br /> T � � <br /> � notice of sAk ta tAe persons and in the manne�prescribed by applicable law Truste�wllhout demand on Borrower, • -�= <br /> r';:`'.. ,_- �� �;-- <br /> ,,; :��:�,-�,J. sbAll sell the Property ae public au�ion to the higt�est 6idder at the time and ptace and nnder.the terms designated in , _ <br /> ^r.,:•...:.... . ; � .r� . <br /> � -�h i T;r;_;y� the notioe mP s�le in one ar more pae+aP19 and in any order Trustee determines. 7lrustee m�4�ostpone sale ot all or ans ,. �.- <br /> kT, parccR v6 t�e Praperty bv�wbuc aisaouncement at the time and�ace of any previousts cc�+=duted sale. I.enAer ar u� ` '�:',�;;� r� = <br /> ,.� '��r,.`-' AY'. .. �f+' • --:,. <br /> ' � ;��,J•J�`' � ` ���U n reeeirt o�¢ �e�nt�'tlyiet rice bid.Trustee shall deliver to Ihe urcha5er Trustee's deed conve ing the ;'�4�• • � �`ti� <br /> �....r.,�;�";'. Po P �5 �P P �' ;:,. <br /> Property. The recitais i»the 7lrustee s deed shall be prima facie evideace aP the truth oY the�tatemen�s made therein. � ' ,�,_._ <br /> ' � .�.���'�� Trustee sbal!ppply the praceeds of the sate in the faltuwing urder. (a►tu all co�ts and expenses of exe�cising the poaer <br /> . , 'k` -y. �� -- <br /> � , . � ,=;�'r . - � • , . ,i-=-_ <br /> ' ' ,i4`; ����`•� 1 .1 L <br /> f �_ i�� • - . . <br /> � t!Y �:ac� .-;�- .I : . . <br /> . _ i i. ��.`:ISt . . . . . . . . . .. <br /> . � ,ir�,�' •� .. ' . <br /> r.. �� <br /> . i . <br /> .� � ' . - -- ' - � � <br /> . . •1 �:� � . . . � . . • <br />. i��t t ''-'� ' ' . <br /> ... c '�'�' v Eorm 102l1 9,98 ;nir S nl r,;n�:r„ (' <br /> ;�•,���' ._ . I <br /> � .. ; <br /> , • -, '. � ' <br /> , . , , i . ' <br /> r_ , � . • . • . . <br /> . ' . . , , .. <br /> . t. . . � ._ . - , • � . .. . �n . <br /> � t . . . ,.' , . .. <br /> - . ' -{ , • : _ ...- . • ' ' _. ' _ - .- - <br /> . . , : , , . ' � - - • � <br /> ," �. . <br /> . . . . • • <br /> ., � �. •� � . . : . . , ' � - -- • _ _ <br /> - - . � ' �.. <br />