_ � . :a._ ,�
<br /> -.- . -. . - :�t`s�: t� < :_ , _ _ ----
<br /> �. . `..•, - _ _;: - - -_--==�-- -- -— .
<br /> .4'r � ' - � � ' . ` � .
<br /> . - f:•' ' � �. . i � ' . ` . , . ` ,
<br /> -=�_ - -- -- ; , . - _ _ � - : . . y'�..ta.���f�� .
<br /> __ , _ _ . _ � � . _ ,. _
<br /> `. co�emo�tan ar cx�u t�king o'f any part of.thc Hope�ty.or for comeyancc,in lieu of condemnatia�.uc tKteby assigtred and �` `
<br /> ' �bal►)r�sr�iAt��r-__--�_._. - ,_ - - . • �-- -- —
<br /> -- tn the�ovent of a totat taking of the •, tht pr s app o .,�.,.�;.�--
<br /> �m�pt�whetheF or iwt then due,with any excess paidia Barmwer. In thc evem of a partial taking of the Ptopeitg�n
<br /> . wtitcfi the fair mail�st value of thc Froperty immediately befote the takirtg is eyual to ar gr�tet than thc amount of the sums
<br /> secu�d by diis Securiry Ins�nt immed3ately 6efare the taking.uales.w Bormwec`and l.cmfer othtrwise agree in atriting, .
<br /> ' the sums secu�by tiris Security fnstrumeat shaFl be reduced by the amount of it�proceedc mattiplied by the following
<br /> f�c�ion: f�)the totaj amount of the sums secuted immediatety before the taking.divided by(b)the tair markei vafue of the-
<br /> � Ptapertp immediately tiefix�.the`talcing. t�ny 6ai3noe sh:►ti be paid to BwTOU�er. ln the eveaf of a parti:�l taicing af tt�e_ �
<br /> ptopecty in whi�►the fair markeY vaiue of the Pmperty 3mrt�ediatelg hefore the taking is tess than the amaunt of tf�ee sums
<br /> . secuied immediately 6efota the taking.unfess Bor�owef and l.e.nder otherwise ggree in writing or unless applicabk law.
<br /> ot�wise provides.the pcoceeds shait ize applied to the sums seeuied by this Security:Insuument yvhethef orusst the sums are
<br /> , ti�en due. - ,.
<br /> � (��p�,operty is ab�doned�gQ,�?,.'�e��►��r nopce by Lender to Borrower ihat tAe coader�enor oifers to make .
<br /> an award oc settk a claim for datnag�c,$i�*zer faits w resPa�d t6 Lendet within 30 days�fte�the date the notice is given.
<br /> � [.eader is authoriaed to colkct and�:,'���proceeds,at its option,either ta restoratior►ar repair of the Pivpercy or to the
<br />;3 s�uns secured by this Securiry Insuument,whetfler or not then due. luation of rocceds w rinci shall not extend or .
<br />-° Unless ixnder and Boauwer otherwise ag�ee in writing.�Y aPP� P P F� .
<br />-°-_ posipoae the due dat�of the`monthfy payments refened to in patagraphs t and 2or change the amount of such payments. •
<br /> Il.'Baeravrer Nol Rekased; For6earaace Bp I.ender Not a Wa�rer. Extension of the ame for payment or
<br /> modification of amortiz�tion of the sums secure d by t his S e curity Tnstrumenc g r a nted b y Lender m anY snccessor in interest �_-
<br />- : of Borrower sha11 not operate to relea�e the liability of the original Borrower or Borrowers successors in interest.Lender ___
<br />:_ : -:�.:;-:�;: s8ai!not be cequi t p d to commence p c a c e e d�Ss agai n s t a n Y s u c c e s s o s i n i n t e r e s t o r�e f u s e[a extend time for p a y ment or �=-
<br /> • :� •-.: otherwise modify amortizarion of the sums secuced by tbis Security Inshument by reason of any demand made by the original ���
<br />��;; ,,::s`- Bomower ar Bormwer s successors in it�teresi. Any for6earance by L.ender in exeirising any ri g ht or remed f sfiall not be a �`:�:_
<br /> .:•• "'_';� waiver of or pc�oclude the euercise of any right or remedy. �'�-�
<br />`j`=` iZ. SMCnssars and A�Baund;Jaint and Sereral LiaDility;C,o-signer's. 'Phe covenaats::ari agreements of ttvs z__^_,
<br /> :i'�.` 4+'
<br /> ' ' S�rity Instrument shalT bind and benefit the successo�s and assigns of Lxader and Horrawer,sub,��r�.iUe pmvisier}of �''�::
<br /> , `I, `. paragraph.l7. Borrower c covenants and agreemenu shall be joint and several. Any Bomawer who c�r-��s thi�Sec�ic3� � -� y�-
<br /> Inst�vmem yut does not execute,tt►e Note: (a)is co-signing this Security ltutrument anly to mortgage.�t-'•.ct::nd convey,tha� _ �.•••�• -
<br /> � Borrower's interest in the Ropetty under the termq of this Security Insttumeni: Ib)is not personalty obliga:c�te pay tlte�'�m . �
<br /> •4 see�red by this Securiry Instrumenr and te)aS��at Lender and any other Bomawer ma}�-to extend,modify,fc�6ear , � . '.;�
<br /> ', �`' . ar make ang accoqunadations witb.r�atd to ihe cerms af this Security tnstniment or the`�cae without ���-�sr�:.°�'s - . ---
<br /> , conscnt. : : :. .�:' . , . . .,
<br /> �:_
<br />,�: `� ` , „ , _ •�3, l.oan Charges. If the to�r secured B}thlc Securiry Instrumeat is subject to a L,:«.:•`��:.�'�s��.==sx`==:�=.��sa'i. . . .. . -�
<br /> . S ' _
<br /> . ,'. - char,��,.�nd that law is finally interpreted.so that the imerest or other Zoan chatges caUected�or LL,be ci�`�����i-ic�.?ect:oii .,• , ':.�._:,..: : `�
<br /> �. wi��f�ian eaceed the permitted limics,then: (a)any such toan c harge z ha l l b e r e duce d 6.���a m o u n t n e e e s s a ry t�r�=e : . :;��_�•� :=-
<br /> ,'�,. ..,� ..:
<br /> _ �r._ tht Ct=-�,�.�to the permitte d limi�a c r c��'a l an tiumx a l r e a d c o U e c t e d f r a m B o r r a w e r whiciy e*cc.�ded p em+itted limits u'�'��ne ,
<br /> �'- refwxied to B orrower. L en der may c�pose io m a ke t h i s r e f u n d b y t e d u c i n g�h�p ri n c i p a l o v.��.t�i d e r the Note or b y ma�ce�.a i'_.' ;<�,•:.:
<br /> , direct payment to Borrower. If a m,`��d reduces princiF+al.the reduction wiil he treated as�partial prepayment witho�:u^.y :
<br /> �� ;��` r prepayment charge under the Note. , . ".
<br /> �"��; � 14. Notices. Any rtotice to Borrower provided for in this Srcurity Instniment shall be given by delivering it ar by � •.� ;
<br /> �'` �':#�, t mailing it by fint cla.tis mai!untess�rtic:.�btc law requireti use of anothcr method.The notice shall be directed ta the Property
<br /> • �.: Addmss or any ather address Bou��L�'designutes hy notice to L.endes. Any natice to Le�der shall be given by fint class , '`"
<br /> - J � u .
<br /> � .=;�= �.. • mail to Lender's address,tated herwi:�oF any other address Lender desifinates by notice tv�e*rower. Any notice provided for ��.'`��
<br /> '�' °'�'��A � - in ihia Securety lnstrumem sfl�tl.�'�?::�eemed to have bccn given to Borra�ver or Lender r..5en given a� provided in this �-
<br /> � 4.. •..
<br /> .. paragraph. • . �. . ,:'s��r
<br /> !; �.�-, .
<br /> � 15. GoverNng LAw;Se�•era�aTy. This Security lnstrument �hall tTe�a���ed by fcderal iau w,j ihe law of the . _.
<br /> '=�Y jurisdictr.o�in whicb the Property i.�tr.w•^_:ed. ln the evcnt that any pravi�ion��r'v.:+ust af th.:s 5ecurity t:sc---�ient or thc Note .. ;'r,':;
<br /> ' '' ' � �� con t T i i x�•�i t h app 1iea b le law,s uc h�n r t��`�'e ti h a l l n o t a i f e e t o t h e r p r o v i r i a n s o i I h i�S e c u r i t y G c v r�:n e n t o r L.e Not e whicli c�.�t � , ,, :��:�;�,�,
<br /> "-' .'';�'�. • ,
<br /> , b e g i•?�a:�f f e e t w i t h o u t t h e e a n fl F c u r r�;M o v is io n. Ti�thi.r end the provisi�ms uf'�his Seccr,r.n I-k:ram�E and Ihe 1�•:�� ',t;;:�`,,•',:�;��,;_:
<br /> - � • deciared to 6e scverable. • ' �� �r�r��
<br /> " zj�"-� . � 16. Boerower's Capy. Bortoaer�'��IC be r�i�;:n��ne canfarmcd copy of the Note and ct zi;;;Srr�r�n[r•..ruinent. s �,�;.
<br /> ti�: "�' �� 17. 'I�aasfer of the Property u�r a Be.�ziu�1nterest in Burrower. If aq nr any p:srt c't',he Pcc�c�y�r any,interest in � :'�'�:«;
<br /> ' - it is sold or ttan�ferrcd(ar if a beneii4�=int.retit in Banoa•cr is�ald ar tran+fcrrcd and f��?��«�cr is r.oi a natural persan) . ; �'�''"
<br /> • - without I.ender�prior�vritten coa�t:-�.�'nder may.at itr optian,reyuire immediate pa}�ra:r:��full o!"all tiums secured by � r
<br />_ �.• ., _` � thi.c Security tn�tniment. Hawc�rrc�i;i`,�cptian�hail not be exerri�cd by l.endcr if rxcrci.�i:�pmhibited hy fcderal law as of � �-;
<br /> ;•..- ,'.. the date af thiti Security Instrument. t �
<br /> � ����`�'� ' If Lencfer exerciy:�shis aptian.Lender�h�lt'aive Horcu�ti•er n�+tice ot'accelrratiun. The nutire�hatl�rovide a perial af �. , ,
<br /> ' �L:r=` •� • not tesc than 3�daSy f:±;^t Ihe d�te ehe notice is delivered uc n�:�ited wi�hin�vhich Honuwcr muyt pay ail�cns�ecured by thiti (,
<br /> � Security� Jnytrumem. I! Barrmv��r f,:il�to p:ry the�e wm� pri��r t��ihc crpiration ui thi+ peri�xi. l.cnder may invake any �.
<br /> �I, ;,t�::;��t{�;; ���,;�crmitted by this Sccum;?��^�trumcnt aithaut fanhcr nuticr vr dcmand an A��rruu•cr. � •
<br /> ,.�;..� ,.-
<br /> . '.;�;`;�.��1+'"j;',i�:_... �t$Y,�$oerower's IiigM tn Reinstate. IP H�►rrawer mect� cert.tin cunditiun.. Burruwer•hall h;rve the right t�� have �
<br /> � � • �'`��'�r'`� enfoc:csncnt c�f this Sccur�ty In�ttumcn�di.cuntinucd ut any�timc prior to�hc carlirr ul�: lui S day�fur such��thcr�xri�xl a+ ;_
<br /> �� �
<br /> .. ,:i1''r ( • � �
<br /> ''�' :`3►'.�. � � SincldFamdy..Fannic�lat%MYrddk�l�c1'�IYpRS11�tiTAl'�1F:�'f••t'ndorml'u�.n:mt. �49� q�ut�•J�,1(�t��+c�•�� '
<br /> 3i+r,r- � � . s' •
<br /> . . �L�'' , , � . .
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