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<br /> • Len�er vequices, 'Che iaaueooe c�ier p�anding�e im�u�ree sl�ll be t'haeen b�►Bo�mwer sub�ect ro i.eoderh ' ' ..�
<br /> - -- - -
<br /> �prov�i:�vhicl��tn111� � W. I{�onower fi��-- • !��.��tQer-may.�—`--- — —
<br /> Lenderh option.oM�in coverage to pmtect I ender�s rigdts in the Ptoperty in�a�ood�nce with puagraph 7. .
<br /> All inse�ance poticies md rrndwats s1�U ba�ccept�ble to Lcnder ud sball iaclude a�snda�d mortgage cla�se. txnder
<br /> •� shatt have the r�tt to bold the poNcies aad renewais. If Lendcr�ryires.Boriower shall promptiy givc to l.eader al�teceipts . '
<br /> , of�id peemiums aod�xwal aowaes. Ia tLe eveat of loss,Bamower shal!give p�anpt notice w tlx incaranca catrief m�d
<br /> •i.ender. LeMtr msy m�lce pmof of loss ff not made Q�Canpety by Bosowa.
<br /> -._ Unk�i.ender ar�t Bamwer ahecwise agcee in writing�ias�naar�pmcr�ds shatl he applie�to�estur.aion a repair of '
<br /> . - - ��Y�E�.if the�storatian ar repair is ecaiomically feuiDk and l.snder's sec�uity is not iessenod. If tl� ; '
<br /> � tesm�im ur tepair is noqxcoaort�atly fe�st`bk or I.ender's socurity�wauld 6e Iesseaed,d�e innuanoe proeeeds shsll be ,
<br /> appTxd to tLe'sums'secuned 6y tlds Secuzity inst�tnnent,arhethei or not t6en dne,ariW aay excess paid m Bamwer. tf
<br /> �as�awer abaadosls.the Piopeity..or does not aaswer within 30 days a c�tice fmm Le�ler thac the insiuxnce cartier h�s
<br /> : � offeied to satk.g.eiAim:.tIien I.endei msy oolkct the msnr�ce proceeds. I.ender may use tde pnoceeds t��pair or�estae
<br /> .-. the Pkopeity or to WYswns seciu�ed by tbis Secudty Instn�mem,whtt�ec or not then due. 'l�e 34day paiod wiU begin wha�
<br /> tbeaotic�i�giyen� ":. � • -;
<br /> Uakss.l:ender uid Bamwer dhe�wrise.agt+ee in wrIting,aoy appiication of piricoeds to principal sttai!riae exterid oc _
<br /> - postpau tt�e�due d�'aaf the monthl9 PaYmeats�efemed to ia puagraphs 1 and 2 or cUange th�amoun[o�the gsyments. If
<br /> _ under paragt�iph'�1:"ttie�tvperty�is acquind by Laidei,Rortuwer's rip,tu w any insu�ance policies aAd:Qivxeds resulting
<br /> �.�8�'���Y P�to ttx acquisi�t s�alt pass to Lei�der to the extent of the sums�by this Security �
<br />- _ -- -- - - - orioiLe--iaou.-T � '- - -- --
<br /> ` Instniment�t`necT�e?3rFri acquu � ; ��:':-,--. -_.._ . � , -. - '.--_ — —-. .-
<br />__= f.; . � Pr�dervatiao, 141sieteaae4e ssd Protectioo ot the , Borrawec's i,aatn A Uan; .
<br /> �;' pr°Perty' pplics�
<br />-_ l.pae6old�:-#tv�iooiie.'r shal}occwPY.establish,`aud'use the Property as Bamwer's principal�esideace`.a�n sixty days ufter
<br /> ihe exo�a�t6is�Secwtity Instcument aad sb�[I o'ontinue ta oecupy tUe Fnopeity as Rorroaet's`pnncipat residence for at
<br /> _ ;:`�p�st poe'yeu:xtter.t6e date o��da:upancy. unk�s Lender,fltM�wise agrees in writing, wtiic[►conseru sl�ari noc 6e ,
<br /> ,.u�ssoaablY tivitl�eld.or valess�uating cincumstances einsi which ate_beyond Bomnwer�s contmL �xiower sLa[r�iut
<br /> — � �:�a¢imp�'v rLe Ptnpeafy,ailow the PraPerty to'de�r.iiarate.or canmit waste on the Pmpeny_ Bormwex�st�a[�
<br /> 6e in d'efinit iEan�focfeitune xtioa a pracxdin�wbether eiti,'t ac crineinal.is 6eguu that in L.enderis'gard faitis'� , .
<br /> could resuit iri farfc�ane af the Pruperty or otherwise materially impair d�e;�ien created by �his Savra.y Iristrdment aR, ' , --
<br /> Lenckr's security� Battower may cure such a defaaIt and reinstate;asg►rovided'm pazagraph I8,t�}►causing the aetion . ' .- •. —
<br />; or pmveodi�►g m fie�with a ruling that,in Lendes�s good faith deunn�atian,Proclades farfeitwe of the Ber�!n��. .;:,;•:,�s.�
<br /> ,� interest`in[be Fcqieity or otlier araterial impatrnxnt of the lien created by this Secarity:Inst�ment or i:ender�s saw� --_
<br /> ,:; - interest. Bom�wa,�flalt also be in default if Borr�ower.d�ie�8 the loaa appliration pradess. ga�±e materialIy.':�fafsc or ,. ..�::.;:-. �=--
<br /> ' inaGUrate informauasi ar:st�tements w Lender(or,failed to provide Lender vvith any material infortaauQn��neonaecuo�wh� � . = ". �•_.
<br /> ` . the loan evidenced i'ss.the Nou. including; but�+ot rmited w. c�epnesentat'ions cor�ceming BotroweiTS_occapar�cy o�.the "�„�:
<br /> Ptoperty as a principa!cesidence. If this Security`Inswment is on a leasehold.BoRUwer shall comply with all the pravisians p _�
<br /> of the tease. If Borrowet acquir+es fee utTe to the Pmperty.the leaschold and the fee title shali not mcrge unless Lender agirees - _
<br /> to the merger in writing. ���
<br /> . 7. Yrotect�o� o�l.eada''s Rights io tLe Property.- Jf Borrower fails to perfonn the covenants and agreements —
<br /> •- - contained in this Security lasuument,or there is a tegal proceeding that may significandy affect i.ender's rights In the-
<br /> Fropecty(such as a proceedtng in bankruptcy.probate.for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws ar regulations),tlkn �--''=-
<br /> l.endcr may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the vatue of the Proper[y and Lcrnder's righ�c in the Ptoperty. �'�
<br /> Lender's actions may include paying any sumc secured by a lien which ha.s priority over thic Security Instrument,uppearing �•� °._�-"
<br /> in raun,paying reawnabie at[omey.c'fees:u�d cntering on the Property eo make repair�.Although Lender may take action "�"'� �'
<br /> urxkr this paragraph 7.Lender dc�es nat have ta Aa sa. "�`=�:`°''
<br /> Any amounts dis6urscd by Lender unAer tbis paragraph 7 shall became additian�l debt af Borrawer secuced by this ��`�. f��., '-
<br /> Sscutity In.suumen� Unless Barrowcr and l.endcr agce to othcr tcrms of paymcn�thcse amounts shall bear interest irom the "- �-
<br /> ` date of dis6ursement at 1he Nate rate anQ sha0 be payablc,with interest.upan notice from l.endcr ta Borrower requesting ,. ''��'
<br /> G 's�'��
<br /> ' ,._.: .:r•_
<br /> , �8.n Mart�a�e/nsursaca If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition of making the toan secttred isy this >,-;,,
<br /> Secudty instrument, Baaower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the martgage insurance in effect. If. for any _
<br /> reason. the mort�age insurance coverage required by l.endcr lapses ar ceaces to be in effec� Barrower shull pay the • .
<br /> �� premiums Rquired to obtain caverage suhstan�ially equivalem to the mortgage insumnce previously in effec�.a1 a cost - . � ,,., .�
<br /> substantially equivalent to the cast ta 8orrower of the morlgagc insurance previausly in effect,from an altemace mortsage , �"�k"r
<br /> insunr appraved by l,ender. IP substantially eyuiv:�lent mongage insurance cover�ge is not�vailable.Borrower shall pay to -'.�;?
<br /> �• Lender each manth a sum equal ta ane-iwelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the Z'
<br /> insurance coverage lapsed or ccased to be in effec�. Lender will accep�use and retain these paymenGc as a loas reserve in lieu
<br /> • � � of moRgage insurancc. Loss reserve payments may no Innger 6e reyuimd,at the aptian af Lender.if'mortgage insurance •I J.�=`��_±_.
<br /> caveragc(in the amount and for ihe period that l,cnder rcquirecl prov�ded by un imurer approved by Lender again becomes ` 'l�„
<br /> , availabte and is obtained.Borrawer shall pay the premiumc required ta maintain mortgage insurance in effec�or to provide a �';; .
<br /> i o s s r e s e rv e.u n t i l i h e re q u i r e m e n t f o r m o rt g a g r i n s u r a n c e e n d ti i n a c c o r d a n c e w i t h�n y w r i t t e n a g r c e m e n t h e t w e c n B o r r o w e r � ' .�;`:''
<br /> �' and Le�!der or applicabte law. �•
<br /> � °" ����` ' 9 tnspecNon. IxndeE er it4 agent may m:cke reasanabte entrie.r upart and in�.pectians o!�he Property. Lender shall f -
<br /> �,=:..,.•, •
<br /> '• ���';� . give 6orrawer notice at the time of ur prior to an inspection specifying reasanable cAUtie for Ihe inspectlnn.
<br />, 10 Condemeatlon. Tho praoeeds of any s�ward or claim for damages,direct or conseyuential.in connection with any �
<br /> *:,� Singk F�unily--`annk Nx/FreQAie�fac Ufi1FORM ItitiTRUS1EM1T•-lindomi Crncnantv 9l90 Ipn�e 3 njb�Ke.a1 �
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