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<br /> ��~��. ��oe• UP�t�Y�of�Il a�iais seca�ed bS►tbis SavtitY Iawuanent,�teotier a�tli soquest,'Bm.+l�!a ;
<br /> ���p}�p�y�d�i au�eada tins Sx�rtity I�t and all rwtes evidmcing debt secmed by`�s�
<br /> L�rmenE W.,'Itustee.,�sLaU xeconv tbe Pfvperty��oat wu�Y��rit6out cl�ugc tu tb�P��sa�a a P�S- �
<br /> __._�._ �P�Y Y - -
<br /> kpliy entidad b it.'Such peRan ct persoas . an �eoasd�tia�cous: �_° _ _� -- - - - -_-�_._.,._,._
<br /> ' � ?.� S�Mtit�le 7ti�uiEe. I.eodv.ac us optsan,�naY frart tia�c w wne temove 7hutee aod appouu i sueassar uus�ee to .
<br /> �y�py,stee�ppo�ed ht�mder by an�t rocarded in�he crowxy in w6ich ihis Sa�Y�°°�is t�ecaded.
<br /> Witlqut eoovey�nae of d�e pm�ty.ti�e sua�essor uuatee shaU sucaed ta aD tbe Ut1e.Powa a�d duties ccn[rtted u�oC!
<br /> 'ita�leti�aeiaandbyap�p�icabiel�w . . . � ,� : :=-::�.�������, �
<br /> � _ Z�l. sq��tR rT�kei. Ba�Nwer requests tMt copies of thei+ntwes of defwh and sa{e ti�sart w Bdni+rri?��#c�dress_`., `.
<br /> �rhich is d�e Prop�etty Add�ess, -�-- . - , •::
<br /> - ZS. �Yes M tMia Ses�ril7 I� If ine a mae ridas a�aca,utod[sy Boriower ao�n�de�;�ti,�r r�.
<br /> dps Soctqiey Insm�N.the cavena�us�ed agrameats of each soc&'rider sh�ll be incotpaa�ad:�cr and sAa1T'anxod aod:; _
<br /> . saQpiemeat tde eova�aind a�cee�aAtsof this Sec�ty Instnune�af if the ridet(s)weie a pact of tlsisSec+u�iy tnsau!ne�...
<br /> (Chedc apptieabl�box(ds��: ` _ ' , � _
<br /> _ _-- ..�:�� .�<< _-.- .- --= p����- _—_ _-- �,����_ L - -�- = -
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<br /> . �BaI�0011 RIdCL . . '•`' �����YEIIIC{I[Rl�[ ':. ; SCC�1d H�RIfI6[ _
<br /> ,. ��[her(5)�sp�y� �'�. , . � , ,
<br /> � •BY SItiNING BEIAWL Botrowt{accepts and agrees to the terms and e�verumts eontained in this Security.ins�nuaeat • -
<br /> aad in any rider(s)eaceuud by Bcxrower and necorded with i� . .
<br /> . Witnesse.c: • `
<br /> . ;
<br /> . _:�s .
<br /> � �.�� (Seal)
<br /> ' ' JQIN J. -Hortower -
<br /> , .. Sociai Security Nwnber 507-80-7879
<br />_� --— . s► � -(Seal)
<br />- JiJLIE K. SCf -Hortowu
<br /> Sacial Security Number ��� n�_�z�a
<br /> STA7Z OF NEBRASKA._ tIPII,L � County ss:
<br />-_�
<br /> On this 1 T1� day of APRII,� 1992 .bofore me,tl�e nndersigned.a Natary Public
<br />_= duTy comtnissioned and quafifieA for said county.personalty came JQ�1 J. SCEi[JYI�R At�l Jt1LIE K. SQ�Yt�E
<br /> �=:� �1��lI�ID AND W� ,to me known to be�t'�
<br />- , ideetical persons(s)K�6ose name(s)are subscribed to the foregoing instrument a�acknawiedged the execution thereof to
<br />_ � � � voluntary act and deed.
<br /> -- — Witness my hand and naazial scal at Qt1�li�ID ISI��7t I�tASl�l in said county.d�"��:. ,. ,
<br />���lr. My r.0111Q1�S5�Of1 CX 1�9: S, /99 6 ���iti//wf //�/ /�/e`� . P11��C
<br /> �
<br />--- , TOTRUS M�rONa6MM��►1!!i ,
<br />-=_ �� r notes secured�sy this Deed of 7kust. Said�:'e.ar notes,togethet with a11
<br />�' other indebtedness secured by this Ueed of 71rus1.have been paid in full. You are hereby direc:�d ro cancel s�id note or notes
<br /> and this Deed of 7ivst,which are delivertd hereby,and to recanvey.without wartanty.all the estate now held by you undes
<br /> �* this Deed of 7ivst to the persan ar persons legally entitled thereto.
<br /> _ DaIC. �
<br /> � fbns 3A18 flf� lpaXe b oJb yngt.+l
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