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<br /> �_-- —� -- -.-..�a:�,a;�a�►,....»...-,�,.r�trr�'e�re�a.��n��_�ate�af. _ w�nsr oow,x��caorianed in tbis _--�--- -
<br /> ; �_T. Secu�ity�+m�i�or tb)a�aY of a jud�nea�t eafa�ci�g tias Secutity fa�o�t.�ca�is are . ,�7----
<br /> , pays LeMer aN sums�rhicfi tLea woWd be due under this Security Iastnimeat�ad the Note as if no aooeIer�tion btd .
<br /> occumed:tbl a�res i�ny defaWt of any otiser covcn�mts t�r ag�eements;tc)WYs ali espenses incurieQ in tnfaeins this Savc�ty. .
<br /> � Insuumen4 inciu�ng,but not limited to,rr�sanabiF atonmeys'fas:�ad t�taYes sac�action as i.eMer msy re�smo�b[Y
<br /> ° ,roquic�e oo assune tlat tbe liea of this Secqriry�as�umcot.t,es�der�s rigt�ca in tltie Pm�ty aed Ha�owa�s abiiguion to psy 96e
<br /> ' sams securod by this Security irictrumeat sfialt'cantinue anclu�►8ed- Upop ceinstatanait 6y Batower. Wis Secv�iry
<br /> - icsmunent ardthcfl6tigations sece�d E�e�Y shal!�aia f�ItY e€fecdve as if na aocelastion h�d occuaed. Hawevq.Wig. - , - - -
<br /> ; � ag6t to eeinstste sh�tt not appty in tLe case of��celend�onder puagtsph 17. �
<br /> 1! SMe at 1Vut�C�a�e of l.ad Serria� The Note or a portiai intaest in ttie Nace��toBett�with tLis Saurity� .
<br /> Iaurument)waY be,sold ane or mone.�mes without prior notice to BocroMrer. A sale may resWt in a change in tl�c eatiry
<br /> ! (luiawn�s tLe"I.o�n Serviced7 ihat collects monBilY PaY��due uader the Note and this Sewuiry Jnstrunxat. 'IUa�c aiso
<br /> � may be one or mae ch�nges of the Lo�n Savicer un�elued to a sale of the Note. lf e6e�e is a change of tbe Lo�n Servicer.
<br /> . . Bonawer�rill be given writtea notice of the c�utge in accoedanee witM paragnph 14 above aad applicKbk I�w. TI`e notice
<br /> � will state tbe a�me am addcess of the new Lo9n Servicec�d the add�ess to.wt�ch payiaentc shaild be n�ade The notice w�l .
<br /> _ ' also contain aA}!other infamation requind by applipble law. . `
<br />--- ' 2! Haz�Mo�ts S�6sta�ees. Hamwer shatl not cause a pemiit the prsseace.use.disposal.storag�,a retease af�y
<br /> i Na�+dous Sa6stsnces on or in d�e thoperty. Baaawer shatl nat do,aor albw�►yax else ta do.anythiag affatin8 th�
<br /> -_- _--r---.�� . Qmpertyshat�s.in violatiaa of any Fi►v'aonmeutal Isw_ The prieceding two sentencac sfnU not apply to the pesetxti.use,or
<br /> _. , _
<br />-._- f - sforage oc�tix P�upe�ty of senal!quaatides of�Snbsta�rces U�ac are�Se�rairYi�o�e�t����� --- -
<br />-- ' nsideapal uses and to mamuerx+nce of the Praperty. • .
<br /> � Barrower sbaU promptly giwe irender wr►tten notice of a�r inve.stigatiou,claim:dsenand.lawsuit ar otiier action by any .
<br /> - � governmental or regutato�y aB�Y�PryY�P�'iavoIviRg,tfie Property aad any Hazacdous Substan�x or Enviioamental
<br /> -- ' iawe of whicb Barrower has actual knuwkdgt:� 1f Borr�aver leamc, or is notified by any gavemrt�eatal or ngui�tory
<br /> i aathority.that aay�val or od�er remedia6on nf any Elazatdous Su6stance affocting the Property is necessary.Borrower
<br /> _- � shaii ptomptly�take all nocessaty remedial actions in acccttdaaee with Env�runrnental Law.
<br /> _ ` • As ased�n this P�B�Ph 20."Hazaaloas�Substadces"are ihose substances defined as[oxic or h�dou.4 su6stances by -
<br /> t � , Environrriental Law and the following subssa�zs: gasoli�te.kerosene,other flammable or toxic��um pr+oducts,toxic
<br /> pesticides and herbicides,volaa'Ie solvents.ra��als canwming as6estos or formaldehyde,and ra�'i�ive materials. As
<br /> i r j t tued�n this pa�agtaph 20,"Fa�viranmentat Laa.',`'rrieuis feckrat taws and taws of the}urisdtction whet+r�Ptnperty is locata!
<br /> . that.r�3ate to t�eatttE,s3fety or env�,m�,-aenta�.a�'t�tectioa: , � --
<br /> 1�iON-UNTFQ�Z:�t COVE�.�.ti`TS. �oirawer and Lender further covenant and agree as follaws: • � -..
<br /> �, - 21.�Ac�terat"son;Rua�edie's. Lender sfi�il give notice w Borrawer prior ta ncceteration fotluWiag BarraWer's _
<br /> . ``''�"•r breacbot�y covenant or�g�eanent in thi�Secaritg Iast�ament(but not prior to accekratioa undu paragrapb 17 =-- _
<br /> � � aak�appikable taM pcaviQes mit6erwtse)- 7'he notke sraR specify: (A)the defpult;(b)tl�e action requircd to care t6e __
<br /> �{` defaait�k).s�datG not kss tiran 30�ds�ys trom the date tbe notice is gtvcn to Bocror�cr,by w6ich t6e defaait mast be �_
<br /> cured;aad td)tbat tailure to cure the defiwit on or betore the date spec l f i M in t he n o t�c e may r e s u l t ia accekration of m.Qq._,-
<br /> the sums secured by tbis Secur�ty Instrumeat and sak ot tlie Propeety. The notics shall turt6er inform Borrowec o� =--.,
<br /> - �t the rlght to rei�ate atter accekration and tl�e right to 6rtng a cour!actiort tu sa�sert the noa-ex�stence ot s�defaa{t or t,��.Y_.
<br /> �� ::
<br />: ,�_; any Mber defense at Borrower to accelerat3oar and sate. If the detautt is not cured on or betore the date specified in �:-__
<br /> tY�'.
<br /> ,• the aottce,Lender at its optian may reqaire Immediate pa�tnent in tutl o�all sums secuced by this Secarity Instrumene �=.
<br /> �` without iurthev demand and may invoice the power o�;ss�tte and a�y other remedies perm�tted by apptkable taw. ;::��
<br /> .� l.ender shap be entitted to collect a!t expe�es incuxved in pursuing the remedies provided In th�paragraph 21, '`�'`
<br /> � !�� • ..- includbg,but not Uimited to,reasonabk attorneys'te�and costs of titk evldence. � : . ,
<br />_ Ii tfie powe�ot sale ts invoked.7lrustee shall record a notice ot de�ault in each county in which any part ot the ,
<br /> , :. , Property ts loeated and�hall mail capies of such notice in the manner prescribed bf aQpiica6le law to Borrowee and to
<br /> the otliee persons prescri6ed by applica6le law. Atter the time required by applicabTe law.Trustee shall gire publk -.
<br /> notice of sa�e to the persons and 1n the manner prescribed by applicable taw 7lrustee,without demand on Borrower. ���.. .,--._�
<br /> ' �-� � shall sell the Property at public auctioo to tt�e highest biddee at the time and ptaee and undev the terms designated in '•'';t:;:'•'y"'s,;`;
<br /> . . '>,. .��' F; •:�.•','�£-,':
<br /> �. � the aotke ol sale in one or more parcels and fi any order 7lrustee determines. 7�rdstee may postpane sak otnif or aay . �s,,
<br /> . . ='�• ' `• " ' p�rcel ot the Property by publlc annauncement at the time and place pf any prevlously schedaied sale. l.ender or its � �., �
<br /> �: Q�ignee may purchs�se the i'roperty ai any sale. `,'��'i`:.
<br /> ' ;�:` ilpon receipt ot payment oi 1he price 61d,Tcustee sfiail dpliver to the purchtiser 7'rustee's deed conreying the � �.;%;>sj;_,'
<br /> ;� Yemperty. The recitals in the'ibustee's deed shall be peirt�a facie evidence ot the teai'h of the statementg made t�ereln. �;f;fY;;;._
<br /> ':= Tr�stee si�U apply the proceeds of the sale ia t[�e toltowing order: (af to all costs atM expenses of pxercising tbe power . . .::',,+. ;,
<br /> �.4-,:.; �,�.-
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