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<br /> �[O�Y�IYbIC111��OOt bC I�O�l IYIt�. U�fil�S tQ�!�OYO�EC�C�I��'G�mir�� , ,
<br /> ' Z+lO�Cf�Opli�,GaiiQ CQYEq�l.'iQ j�''��S Il$�S ifl d!C���R�i�C�Wll�1��17. ,
<br /> � � ./�j(IA�C pOIIC�ES i0t�tC11CW�-t b�1in�1G�OGY�1fiaC iQ�C�lr�Shi���llldC i�iif flIOREiaC C�illst. �
<br /> s�lt have We ri�ht to hold t6e policies aad�enewalt. If Lender caquues.8a�mwer sh�it p�omptly give w Lenderall reaq�ts ,_ -
<br /> o#pid txemiams ad tene�vai natices. ta tbe eveK of loss.8anawec sh�ll give prvmpt nocice w tfie insuiancae caaia and .
<br /> • 3,ader. Leode�mry mate poof of luss if not mxk P�P�Y b'i��K � .
<br /> sha!!!x to r�stontivn oc�pir flf-
<br /> : ` Uak3s i.a�der a�d Hacowrer o�e:wise s�x+t�����I.ender's� is�not kssened. It d�e '
<br /> t6e,ptopaty�d,if tl�e�estoa�ioe oc re�ir i4�Y
<br /> �estoe�tion.or tep�ir is mt amomia}tY feas�ie ot l.aida?s security wauld he lessened;the in5ucance p�acads s1�ll b�
<br /> �� appliod to tl�e sums secuc�ed tiy this 5ec�uity Iamwnai�wl�her ar aot then due.with any eitcess pLd to Batower. If
<br /> Batrower�b�doi�s th Ptr�petty.or daes nut aaswer within 30 days a notice fium l.eader d�at tlu iasnrarnx curier hiv
<br /> offe�vd to seuk a ctam�.tbea Leoder may eoltoet the ins�ra�x p�oceedc. I.eader may use ehe procxds to rep�ir or restae
<br /> • " tbe Prnpetty or w pry sums secu�ed by thes Secacicy Lsshmx�nt,wbetherot not then due. 'li�e 30�day period will begin wl�en .
<br /> tLe ndcioe isrgivea � :
<br /> IInless Lender aad Burmwei olbeiwise agroe in writing,any applicaGan of proceeds to p�incipal shall�ot extmd or.. -
<br /> �postpofie tbe due due of tbe monthlY WY��emed to in paragraphc 1 aod 2 or change t6e amamt of the payrtxats. 1f
<br /> wider p�sgr�pb 21 die P�o�ty is xqui[ed by Ixndet.Batower's rigUt to tity ins�uance policies and pmcecds resulting
<br /> — ---=-fmm d�geta thr['rope�cy Prior to t�e a�s':sisioa shall-g�so-Lmder m the eatancnf[he sums secu�d 6y diis-Sa:uritY -
<br /> Iastnane�irtunedi�tely prior to tht acquisition.
<br /> f. Oappac�,Prexrv�e.N4�ee sed Protectios af tlie Praperty, Barrower'a La� Appiiatiaw;
<br /> l.ea�e�aiM. BarowasfWl occalPY,est�blisb.an�!use the Roperty as Bormwers principat iesidetsca within sixry days after
<br /> the exocotion of this Se�ritY lnstrmnent and shall cartinne to occnpy the Ptnpeny as Bomuwer�s p�incipai residence for at
<br /> last a�e yde after the d�oe of ocxup�ncy,-unkss L+ender atberwise agcexs m writu�g:which cansent sbstll nat be
<br /> � u�sp'sonably withheld,oc unkss e�a�a�g ca�uaa�nces eaist which are 6eyond Boriower§control. Bortawes shaU not
<br /> - dasauy,d�m�ge ar impair the P�P�►Y•albw the P�operty to deteriaate,or cammit waste oa the Ptoperty. �Bamwer stmtP: .
<br /> be in defaWt if any foifeitu�e actian or procoeding.whether civil or crinw�al,u pe8ua that in Lender�s good faith judg�aiC=:�
<br />=�� could nsult in forfeitutie of tde Pmperty or a�erwise materially impair tbe Uen ctesud 6y, this Security lnsuumeni'�`��
<br /> -`� _ I.eade�'s secwit7►��- Botrower may cure saci�a default aad reinstate,a4 provided in patagraph 18,bY causmg the agtion
<br />_'.�f ' " or pr000eding to be dismisscd wit�i a mling that,in tender's good faith detemiu�alion.Prccludes forEeitune of We Barro��s . ..
<br />_ ' ink�est�n the pivpeny ar other maurial impaimkat of the Gen cleated by this Security Instrument or Lender's securiry
<br /> interest. Bormwer sUall also i�e in default if Bomnwer during the loaa application praoes_�. gave materialty false or
<br /> inaccnrate information or statemcnts,to I.ender(or failed to provide I.ender with any mateciai infom�ation)in conneccion with
<br /> ' , the loan evidenced by the Noa.�s`ncluding,but not limited ta.repieseatations canceming Bormwer's occupufcy of the
<br /> �`-' ��nY�a P��P��.idence.�f this Secuciry Instrument is on a leasehd�.Bcs�tuwer shall comply wit�Mll the provisians
<br /> - of the lease. If Bar�ar�acquicts fec title to the Propesty.the leasehokl a����`ac title shall not merge ac�.1�,=s t.ender agroes ;. :.
<br /> - ' to the merger in writirig. ` ;•. . ,•
<br /> - • 'f proteeNon.of Leader's lti�l�ts ia ihe Yroperly. ���.+�s to pecf'oan ihe covenasts and agroert�c
<br /> .- � • contained in this Security lnstrunient. or there is a legal Pra�g ttiat may significantty affect l.en�ie�'s rights ia �e
<br /> ' Bmperty(such as a proceeding in banksuptaY.Probate,for condemnadon or fvcfeitwe or to enforce laws or i�u�Sations�.t�en --
<br /> Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the vatue of�Property and Lender�s ri8hts-an the ProPertY• _
<br /> 1,ender's actions may include paying asiy swns secured by a lien which has griority over this Securiry Jnsnument,appearing __
<br /> ' ir�courb paying reasonabte attomeys'fces and entering on the Prapeny to make repairs.Atthough L.ender may take accion �
<br /> . under this paragraph 7.l.ender dces noc have to do so. �
<br /> - pny amounts disbursed by Lxnder under this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by this
<br /> Security[nsWmen� Unless Borrower and Lender agree to ather terms of payment,these amounis shali bear interest firoaetfk �
<br /> _ date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable.with interes�upon notice from l.ender to Bormwer requesting �`
<br /> - �• payment. � �_-
<br /> S. Mortg�se Iasurance. If Lender r�quired mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secured 6y this E
<br /> Security Instrument.Borrower sh�t pay the premiumc require+!to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If,f�r any
<br /> ` � neason, the mortgage insurance cas�erage rcqu�red by L.enQer.l:�ses ar ceases to be in effect. Borrowec shall p�y t�e
<br /> '�w i' premiums required to obtain coverage subst�ual3y equivaler.s to the mortgage insurance previously in effect. at a cost
<br />-_ _ substantially equivalent to the cost to Borrower o�rhe mortgage insurance prevmusly in cffec�.from an altemate mortgage
<br /> =.;'��' - • insurer approved by Lender. If substantiatly equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not available.Borrawer shall pay to . _
<br /> ''"' ": � Lender rach manth a snm equal ta ane-twelfth af the yearly mortgage insurance prcmium being paid by Borrawer when ihe �:.
<br /> �r y- insuranee coverage lapsed or ceased to be in eifec�.-[:�,n�er}uili accept.use and retain these payments as a loss reserve ln lieu �
<br /> of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve paymco�a may no:Miger bc reyuired.at the aption af l.endcr,if martgage insurance F
<br />- 'c'overage(in the amount and for the period that l.endcr rcyuires)provided by an insurer approved by l.ender again becames �
<br /> available and is obtained.Boaower shall pay the premiums reyuired to mainrain mortgage insurance in effec�or to provIde a =-
<br /> toss reserve.until the r�quirement fbr mongage insur�nce ends in accordance u ith any written agreement between Horrower �
<br />: �. and Lender or upplicable taw.
<br /> . 9. InspecHoo. Lender or ita agent may make reasanabte entries upon and inspections of the PropeAy. Lender shall
<br /> � � give Barrower naice at the time of or prior to:u�inspection sp�cifying re�.conable cause fc+r the inspection.
<br /> • '' '.�ti 10 Coedemeatbn. The proceeds of any a�a:�c.c'.,�`.nt.for ds+magez,direct or conseyuential,in ronneelion air�any
<br /> Singtc faatily--Fannk Stae.fieQdie 7Ca�L 11i/IRN I�tiTRll{tEtiT••Uniturm Cuvcnants 9.'9� �page 3 a;b�%a.qea�
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