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<br /> md fixtura ta�r or he�a put oE the pcoQe�ty. �Ail replacaueMs aad aAdit�ans s6a11 atsa�6e covaed bp this�S�ecunc�
<br /> 1n�All af thc fonegdng i�teferRd to in this SecurIry Iamument as the"Pcog�ty° - --
<br /> BORRUWER CUVENAKCS.1bat�we is Izwfully s�is�d of the estate 6e�elsy c�nveyed�nd has the right to gnnt
<br /> ' a�t cronvey thep�pe�y and�hal the Ptopetty is�oencumbend.caceptfor encum5ra�wes of rxord.�Bamwer warrants u�d:
<br /> � _ wiil defend geaeraliy tbe titk w t�ei'tnpttty agai�nt all c1�ms and demands.subject W any encumbtances of moM. =
<br /> THIS SECURTfY INS1RU1yIENT tambines.unif�covemnts for nationa� use and non-uniform covmants with `
<br /> timiced variaaons by jurisdiction w constimcc a unifam sea�rity insaurneuc coveriag ieat property. `
<br /> UNIFORM COYENANfS. Batowar aad I,ender co�remat and ag�x as foliows: � �' � �
<br /> 1. Pt�y�ert nt Pci�cipwl a�d Iit�st'Pr'ep�Feett a�d L.ate CMu�e� Bamwer shaIl ptomptiY pry when due tbe
<br /> p�iacipal of aM inte�est on the debt evidenad by the Noce aad aay prep�ymetu am laze cHarges;due aader ttx Nae. .
<br /> � Z. i�1��is tor'l1��ces s�Ia�ra�e� Subject to applic�ble law or W a wiittm waiver by E.ender.Basower shall pay to
<br /> l.a�der on tde daY��Y WY��ue due+vider tl�e Note.unW the Note is ptid in full.�sum("Fw�ds%for:(a)Y�Y: ::t;;.,..'�?''
<br /> taxes aod assessments Mfiid1 may auain priority avu this Savritg Instr�ent as a lien on thc Pmpe�cy:(b}ypr1Y 1e�.sehoW :
<br /> payments ot ground t�a►ts on We Ptoperty. if.any; t�)Y�Y��a P�P�Y �� P�'�miums;.(d)yearlY fTood r'-.:
<br /> u�swaoce piemiwns,if any.(e)9e�dy mortgag�ins�rrance pnemi�ms,if aay;aad(fl aay swns payabte by Barower w
<br />�
<br /> I�ender,in aco�dajce witb tbe provisians of p�agraph S.in!i�of tt�e payment of mortg�ge insaranca premiums. 1Lese
<br />-- _ itams are calted"Esc�ow Items.°Lender may.aE any time.collect and hold Rinds in an amount not to exceod the maximum
<br /> - -- • _ -- -
<br />_- - ama�unt a teadx for a feder�(ly retated mottgage loaa may nequue for Hoirowei§asccow accoe��li�e fedeiaTKeat -- -
<br /> -- Estata Seu'kmeat Roccdees Act of 1974 as ameaded fcom tim�co time,l2 U.S.C.�2601 et seq.("RESPA'�,untess aaother
<br /> __ laov t6u appi'xs to ihe Fino�s sets a lesser amamt If so,Ltnder may.at acty time.cotlect and dold Funds in an amount not to
<br />-_ exceod the ksser�nwunt. E.ender awy estimate the aa�ouat of Plmds doe on t1Ee>4�of cucreat data and rraso�ub�e
<br /> -- . eswmtes of expendiwas of tunue Escro,�Items or otlknui�e in accadanre witb applii�ble law. � —
<br />- - . 7fie Funds sh�116e bdd in aa insiitutinn whose deposits are in.w�rd by a f�agcncy,insbtm�eatality,ar endty .
<br /> - (inctuding I.ender.if I.ender is sucb aa instiduion)or in aay Federal Hane l.oan Bank. Lender shatt appty�he Furxls w pay
<br />- �� thc Escrow Items. Lxnder mry not cdarge Borrower for holding and appiying the.�'vnds,aruivaUy aaalyzing the escmw - —
<br />_: .'; accoun�or verifying tt�e Fsaaw Items, uNess Lender pays Barmwer inter�at on tfie Funds and applipble law permits --- _-
<br /> a
<br /> I.ender to maice such a chacge. liowever.Lender may requ�re Botrower to pay a�ae-ti�he chazge fot an independent n;al
<br /> -- - estate tax reporting seEVice usod by Leader in wnnection wi t h t his 1oan,u n less app l ira b te t aw pro v�d e s o t h e r a r ise. Untess an �!'":_
<br /> ,�,�_�
<br /> ag�ument is made or applicable law reqnires interesi to be paid.l.ender shall not be tequ"ue�rto pay Botrower any interest or ��`F==`-"
<br /> ` eamings on th�Funds. Bociawer artd Ixnder may agree ur writing,l�owever,q�at intetest sha116e paid onthe Funds. Lender �fi�,~�--
<br /> :� ,,�� s[�all give to Borrower,without charge.an annuai accounring of the Fwids,showing credits aad debits to the Fimds and'the �--�..�-
<br /> . ,. y�arpose for which eacb debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional sec�uity for all sums secured by '"y,��_.�
<br /> `.!�'. this Security Inswment , � _---__
<br />��;� If ffie E�w:::,s hetd by Lender exceedt the amounts pem�iued to be held by applicable taw.Lender shaU acsount to ___-
<br />�. ' � Bortower fcu��:excess Funds in accos�:�with the requirements of applicable law. 1;the amomse of the Funds held hy , �-�:_`_:
<br /> Lendec at aap tisrte is nat sufficient ta�ay the Escrow Itetns whea due,Lender may so notify Borrawer in wtiting,and.in -----_-
<br /> such case Bomnwer shal!pay io Le�tder ihe amount rie�es§ary to make up ihe de�cbectc�y. 8orrower shalt make up the ' fy;r���'=",:;
<br /> deficiency in no mote than twelve monthly payments,at Leiider's so1e�"uenction. ` �� `*"�-:
<br /> �.�
<br /> ' Upon paymeat in full of all sums secured by th�s Securiry tns����Lender sH�ll promptly refund to Borrower any -";•�=�-
<br /> Funds held by Lender. If.nnnder paragraph 21,Lender shall asquire a:s:ll the Property.Lender.prior to ihe acquisirion or . . ° %` '
<br /> " sale of the pmpetty..shall apply any Funds hetd by Lender at the tcr�of acquisirion or sale as a credit against the sums •"�"r��` ��
<br /> secured by this Secnriry Instrumen� '��s�,.';�::_._
<br /> . 3. Applieation ot Phyments. Unless applicabte iaw provides othenvise. all payments received hy Ixuu:r under �
<br /> � `' paragraphs i and 2 shall 6e appfied:first.to any prepaymai[•charges Que under the Note;second,to amounts p��;e under '" `_��
<br /> ' �' paragrayh Z;thIrd.to interest due:fourth.to principal due:and tast,to z.�y late charges due undes the Note. • ' *��•.* .:��r�
<br /> 4. Char�es; Lteas. Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessmece�. charges. fines and impositions atm"b¢�'sFe to the ` ' �
<br /> • Property which may attain priosity aver this 5ecurity Instrument.and leasehold payments or gound rents.if a�g.:�atrower •° �� �" "' '
<br /> ;�:..,. •_.,.
<br /> . � shall pay these obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manaer.Borrower shalt��them on -;',�'+�-�`.�':;•.,-
<br /> ,.t.,,�
<br /> . time dlrectty to the person�Ked payment. Borrower shat!promptly fumish ta Lender�ll notices of amoudts to be paid under ����.�"'-,�)�.`'k=`'.'�_
<br /> � � . this paragraph. lf Borrower makes these payments directty.Borrower shal!prompt7y fumish to Lender r�eceipts evidencing '`��"' '�:�.;;:
<br /> _ the paymenu. ���`
<br /> � Bortower sha11 rom tl dischaz e a lien which has orit over this Securi Insuument�r.less Borrower.(a)a ees • ``=�r�-=
<br /> _ P P Y S � Pn Y tY g :.��.--�"
<br /> ' in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a mannet acceptabte to I.ender,(b)contests in good faitti the _ "• •,;_:��-
<br /> ' llen by.or defends against enforcemeni of the lien in.[e��l proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the ' . •!•�:�;��
<br />: • enfonement of the lien;os(c)secures ftom the hotder af�e 11en an agreemant catisfactory to Lender subordinating thc lien ,�;�. - :.
<br /> to this Security Instrumen� lt Lender deter�rrines that an�part of the Yraperty is subject to a lien which may attain priority .
<br /> over this Secudty lnsttument,l.ender may gj�e BoRower a noticc idef;tiLying the lien. Borrowrr s6�a6t satisfy the lien or take � ; �, .
<br /> •3 one or more ot the actions sct fonh above within 10 days of the giv,ng u f r.otice. .
<br /> y ,r-�� : 5. H�rd or Property Insurance. Bortower shall keep the icr�rovements now existing or hercafter erected on the .
<br /> � �-� � Property insured againsi toss by firc.hazards included within the term"catendcd covcrage"and any othet hazards,inctud'mg • _
<br /> - -:�;�`�.; tloods or ftooding.for which L,ender requires insurancc. This insuranre shall be maimained in the amounts and for the � , , ,
<br /> _,.,.r�'�•�� � ,
<br /> .:rr?.y-` �'arm3�2s �l9S Ipnxe2r)6PaRn► ! .
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