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<br /> .5.iX�rurt!or f'rop�erty i��W►�ra�ice, f�aj�owcr sl�all kecj� ehe improvCi1tC11I6 no�n+ existing ae i�e.r:�zSR:i• ef�2r.t�d c�n tha
<br /> Pro��rty iiuuecQ Agai��st lusy Dy Pirc, I���urJs included witbin ti►c te►zn °cxtcadcd cnvc:sage" t�ud as�y utl_ce itu��i�as, incieisliu�
<br /> Qc+cxie or fla�diug, f�r whi:h l.eaxler reyufres Insurunce. This insurar�r.e shidl be rr�aintainecl in the nmcrunts nn�l for the perlcxls
<br /> thAt I..e�Ser rcqulres. Tha insurance carricr�►roviding the In�curxnee shull bo chosen by Borrawer subject to i.ender's approval
<br /> whir�r.huil not be unrtu5onubly withheld. If�rmwer fails to maintain cavernge dtscribed nbo�ve, Lend�r mc�y, at I.ender's
<br /> option,nbtain aiver�e ta protect I.�nder's right�in the Proper.; 'sn occordance with paragraph 7.
<br /> All in5urmxa �litlep and renewals Rrinll be acccptable to I..�nder nnd shall include n standard mortgage clause, I,ender
<br /> sh�l! IuvG 1ho right to tkild the{�c�liciey and�tTxwals, If Ltnd�r requfres,f3orrower shnll promptly givc to I.x��fer afl�•ec�ij�►s o;
<br /> pAic! prcmiums nnd irenowel notices. In the evenl of loss,Borrow�r shall g�ve prompt noti��e to the insurance carrEr.r and I.,�nder.
<br /> Lcndermay mul;e pra�f of loss if not made prou�ptly by Borrower.
<br /> Unlcss l,ender and Borrower otherwise ngrcc in writing.Insurenco pra:eais shall t►e applied to rcstoration or repair of ttk
<br /> Propeny dam»gai, if thc rcstoration or r�pnir is economically feasible and I..ender's socuxity is not lessencd.lf thC restoration or
<br /> r�pair Is nut cconamir.ally feacible or Ge�fer's security wouE�!bG lessened. thc insuranc�proceeds shnl!be applicd to the sums
<br /> socuced by �his Security Instrumr,nt,whcfh�:r or not thcn duc, with atty cxccss paid to Borrowcr. If Borrowc;ah3ndons t1►e
<br /> Pro�xny. or does no1 answor withG�3Q days u��otice from LenAer thnt tlu:insuranr.e carrier has offrred to senle a claim, tixn
<br /> l.ttxier may collxt the insurar►ce procceds. Lender mny uso the proceeds to repnir os re;stora the Propr,dy or to pay sums
<br /> . secu�+od by this 5ocurity Instrument,whetM;r or not thr.n due. Tht 30tlay pericd will bagin when thr n�iice!s glvci�.
<br /> Unless L.ender and Borrower othenvise agree in writing, any ag�di�:ation of procecxis to p�incipal sh311 not extend or
<br /> postpone tbe due dxte of the monthly payments referrod to in pangrephs 1 u�d Z cr chAnge the amaunt af th�payments. If
<br /> u.ns!�=�..r!gregli 2! ttee Property is nr,tp►ircd tsy Lender, Bonnwer's right to any insurar�ce policirs ancl procoocis a�uiting from
<br /> ctamage to tht Pn�e:ny prior to the acquisita�a�shull pass to I.ender to the eatent of the sucns secured by this Sec�riYy I�strumeat
<br /> imrrr�di�tefy prior.to tk�e�cquisitio�e.
<br /> I5.Oacu�,�.Preservxl3�n,Mair�ta�nct smd Protectlon oi thc Propcity,Barrow4r's L.oaa Applicatlon;Le�sel�olds.
<br /> B�rawer shell accupy.estabGi:sh.ar►d use the Propecty as Borrower's princip�l rcsidence within sixty days after the eaecution of
<br /> this Sauriry Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Property as Borrower'�priixipal residence for at least one year aRer
<br /> ' tl�e dste af occupancy. unless Lender otherwise agras in writing. which consent shal!not be unre�onably withhe[d. or unless
<br /> ext�au�ting circumstancts cxist which ue beyond Borrowtr's control. Bom►wer shall not drs�rroy. damage or impair th�
<br /> Praperty. allow tha Prope�ty to deteriu,nu�, ur oommit waste on the Property. Barrower shall be in d�fault if any forfeiture
<br /> action or procading, whether clvil or criminal.is bcgun that in [ander's gaod faith judgment could result in forFut�u�e of the
<br /> Property ar ottKrwise materially impair the lien cneated by this xcurity Iastrumcnt or Lender's socudty inter�.ct. Bornawer may
<br /> n�� surh a drtautc and rcinstste.es nrovided in Q9rag[�nh 18,by causinft the actton or procealing to be dism�ssed with A ruling
<br /> tl�xt. in I.endet's good faith detennination, ptecludes forFeiture of the Borrower's interest in thr,Pmperty or other ewtcr�al
<br /> impaimxnt ot�the.iien crcstod by this 5xwriry Inununcnt or[.etder's security intccest. Borrowi�l.�hall also bc in dcfswlt if
<br /> Hqrrowtr,durir�g thc la►n application practss,g�ve materially false or inaccurau infom�ation or s�a�tenfents to l.�nder(or failai
<br /> t��novide i.er�der with any mate�ial infannation)in can�KCtion with the loan evide��d by the Nn�te,inclu+iing.but not limitod
<br /> to;�+epresfntatio�conc:eming Borrower's uccupancy of the Property as a principal residence.If this Security Instrument is a�a
<br /> leasetald, Bormw4r shull oomply with sll the provisions of ttne lcase. If Borrower acquins fee tide to the Propecty. tho
<br /> leaxhdd a�thc fct tidc shull not mcrgc unlcss Lend�r agrtcs to the inr.rr�cr in writing.
<br /> 7.P�ratectiii►o ot I.wder's R[ghts in the Pmperty.If Borrower fail;i;to perfortn the covenants anc!agro�menta oonlaine,d in
<br /> thi� Saurity Inswment, or thero is�a legal proceeding t��at may signif�ctu►tly afFoct Lender's rights in the Propetty (auch ss w
<br /> procecding in b�nicruptcy.probate, for condemnntion or fo*feitum or to enfaroe laws or ngulsUions), then Lander may do aid
<br /> pay fa wbateva is c�xes.wry to ptntect thc vnluc of thc E'roperty su�d Lender's rights in the Pctixne�ty. L�eruler's xcti�m m�y
<br /> Include prying any sums sCCUSed by a �it� wb[ch hna priority over this Sexvrity lnstntmenC. �ppearing in court, paYiag
<br /> reas��ble�ttomeys't'as and entering on t'h�R'roperey to makc repairs.Although Lender may tgke�i�ction under this p�ragraph
<br /> 7;:t;se�er does not have to do so. .�..� . •.
<br /> :.'��My amounts disFwrsed by T..ender under this parngraph 7 shall become actcTitii��al debt of Barcdwer sanr+ed by this
<br /> Sec:urity Anattunxnt. Unless Bore+nwer and,tyender agree ta other ternns of payment;'9h�se acnounts'sl�a1�lxar intaest from t�ie..:
<br /> d� of dis6ursefrteat at the Note rato and:snall be payab!e, with interest, upon notice from�.entl�s� to Aorrower nqucstin;�ti�
<br /> �x Mortg,f�c�Iasora�e,��Lender required mortgage insuranoe as a condidon of making the lcxin sea�red by thia Socurity
<br /> •lnatiUment,Bo,trawer shai}'�pny the premiums royuicrd to m�intain the mortgnge i»surancti,in cff'ax. If. for any �on, the
<br /> "�i��iii:tg�ge In�,Yatiee coverag't rbquired by i.4nder Iapses os ceases to be in effectp&�rrower shall pay the promiums requirtd to
<br /> °t�fi#ain cavrtr�a substantlally oquivalanR to�th�e mongage insnrence previously in effect.at a cost sulntantially equivalent to the
<br /> eii�t to Borruv6rer of the mortgag� insurance previausly in cffxt, from en altemate mortgage i��iircr approved� by I.easder. If
<br /> sii;�:st�ntiWly equivalent mortgage insuraix;e coverage is not available, Borrower stwdl Qay to Lendc�each month a sum cqwd to
<br /> vnc=twdRh o€the yearly nt'o.rt�age insurance premium being paid by Borrower whe�ithe insurance cover�ge•lapsed or ceased to
<br /> ti�in effect.Lcndcr w111 Accepl,"use nnd ret�i4►thcse payments as a loss rescr�e in �lieu of moi�gage insurance. Loss reservc
<br /> ��_ . • ' F«�,3o:e fllg�
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