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<br /> TOqL�1 HEEE 1Nfi'Ifl�II the in�proveanents now oz IZCreafter erccted un the pro;�c��ty,m�st nll cascmc��tr�, �ppuricnt►nc�n,nnd
<br /> tixture9 now or here.�licr a part of tl�e pc�perty. P,11 replac�.�u:,n4s nnd tsddidniis s�mll casu he caverEl l�y �liis �ccurity _-
<br /> Instcument.AII of the fore�oing is referred to tn this Security Instrument ns tlia"1'roperty."
<br /> BORROWEit CQY�NANTS that Barrower ia tuwfully scisal of the estaie hcreby conveyecl nnd lius the�igl�t to g�ant�nd
<br /> convey the Praper.ty nnd 1.hat tFuo Property is uncncumbtred, exc;ept far encumbrunces nf recurd. Borrower warrunts atxl will
<br /> defend generally iho title to�he Property egainst all cfaims a�x!demands,subf ect to any c��cumbrances uf rccopd.
<br /> THIS Sl?CURfFY INST�2UMENT canbines unifor►n covonunts for n�tionaf use nnd non-unifarm cavenaius vilth limjh:ci ,
<br /> vaxiAtiQns by jurisdiction ta constitute a uaifurm security insteument cc�vering reul propeny.
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS.Bcnower and I.ender covenant and agret as follows:
<br /> 1. Psymeat of Poncip�►1 �►nd fnteresli Prcpt�yment and Lxte Llu►rges. Aorrower shafl pramptly pay when duc tha
<br /> principai of and interest on the�ebt evidencal by the Note ancl any prepcyment and latt charges due undtr the Note.
<br /> x. Fund9 far Taxcs �nd Insurancr. Subjext to apPlicable law or t'v u written waiver by Lcndor, Dorrower shall pay to
<br /> I.e�xler on th�day manthly payrrnnts are due under the Note.until tlu Nota is paid in full.n sum("Funds")for:(a)yearly taxes
<br /> and assessments whict�may ntt�in priurity over this Securlty Instcument as 11ien on the Property;(B)yearly leasei�old paymettta
<br /> or ground rents on thc:Pro�erty.if any;(c)yearly ht�ara or propecty insurs�nce prcmiums;(d)yearly flood iasur�na pr�miums,
<br /> if any; (c)y�enziy mortgase Insurance premiums, if any;and(�nny sums nayahle by Borrower to Lencler. in aca►rdance with
<br /> the provlsf.�,:ss�ff paragroph B, in liea of zt;�payment of mortgage insuc,�nce premiums.These items ure called"�.�crow Itr.ms."
<br /> �.,�nder may;.a�t any time. colluct and hold Funds in an amount not to excad the maximum amo�mt a lender for a federally
<br /> related mo�tgage lw�n may rcquire far Borrowee's escrow account unckr the federnl Real Esta.�a Settl�men� Proadures Act of
<br /> 1974::s am�-r.,.csl frosniirne to tima, 11,[J.S.(:. 5ectian 2601 rt seq. ("RESPA'),unless another law that applies to ehe Funds
<br /> sets a[�ss�r uaraunt. If so,Lender may, at any time. collect and hold FLnds in�n amount nat to exceod the lesser amount.
<br /> Lender may rst�nute the amount of F�nds due cn the basis of cucrent data and reusonabits estlmates of expenditures of future
<br /> Escrow[tems or otherwisc in acoordanee with applic.�ble law.
<br /> 'Che Funds sfiail bc hcld in an institution wttose deposits a�e insured by a federai agency, insuumentality. or entity
<br /> �(:imeluding I.ender,if Lendee is such an instituuon)or R�nny Paderal Homc Loan�3ank.L.ender shall appty thc Fu�xls to pay the
<br /> �s+crow Items.I.�rder may nnt charge Borrower for'�w?��kag and applying the Fu�►•Ja,annually analyzing the escruw acconne, ar
<br /> verifying t�a��scmw iteins,u.'zless x.ender puys Sorrower intenst on the Funds and applicablo(aw pemuts Lxnder to make such
<br /> a shar�e.•�:i,svsver, Lender may�eyuire Borrower to pay a one-tiuie aharge for an independent real�state tux reporting se��;ine
<br /> .};i:�3;b�.�L''49j►k�r in connection with this loan. unless appiicable law prnvides otherwise. Unless an agcrement is ma�d�a cr
<br /> .•.�{�;pl3�able iar�requiraa Interest to be paid,Lencicr shatt not be requiral to pay k'�►,�wer any interest or eamingc on the FiuKls.
<br /> ' �;n;.���r a..,�v mar►ag►,ee in writing.however, thst interest shall be paid on thc Funds. L.ender shall give to Bormwsr,
<br /> without chf�rge, an annusal acca►nting a£she Funds.showing cre�its and dcbits ta the�unds End the purpose for wh�ch e�ach .
<br /> debit to the�iin�s was rt►ade.'Ilu Fun:i;:��me pledgod es additlonal security for all sums socuraj?b.y this Securiiy Inswment.
<br /> If the Funds htid by Lcnder exceec��aF�anxwnts peimitted to Ms hetd by applicable law,I.ender shall account to Burrower
<br /> :for the exc�s Fuids in aeocorcianoe with the r�quiren�ents of appficable law.If the amaunt of the Fu.nds h�td by[.�a�der at anp
<br /> iirne is not su�cient to pay the Escrow Items when due,l.e:nd�r may sa notify I3orrawer in writing.and,in�i�cli case Bormwer '
<br /> stnll pay t�:1:4nKltr the amount nx,ess�y+to make up the deficiencsr.Barrowor shall maice up tlia dcficicncy,in no mare tharn
<br /> twelvo m�xti3��y p�Y�-S•at Lender's•s�4e d3scretion. •
<br /> Upon paymait in full of all sums �acured by thIs Security Insttument. Lendcr shall prompd,y refund to Borrower wry
<br /> Funds hcld by L.eider.If.under paragraph 21, Lendcr shaU ncquire or Selt the Fza�erty,I.cndcr.prior to the ea�uisition oc s�fe
<br /> of the p�opetty� stull�ply any Funds ltield by Lender at the time of aoquisitio�a�t sFSle as a cralit against the sums�ecuted i�y•
<br /> this Secviity Inshua�cat• •. � . �� �' '
<br /> 3.Applkation �f Pl��n�ts.U�ics�applicable law providas nthenvise,all payments r�e�:�v�.by I..i:nder w�der paragrr+�h'a
<br /> - 1 and 2 shall be appliad: flrst, to any prepayment charges due nnder the Note: sxond.�o aInQ�Y��s payablC U►�dC[par8g[apit 2:
<br /> ,:.;�itd.to interost dua;faarth,to pdncipal due:and last,to arry late charges due under the Nota '
<br /> � 4.Ci�we�s;i.ieec,. Borrower shall pay all taxes�assessments. chargos. fincs}►nd impositions attribu��bl�:.w the Pcoperty
<br /> 1 which maY attai�Peiai�y over this Security Iastrument, and leas�hold E+ayments or grow�d repLS. if any. �i�rowcr sh�ll pty
<br /> t}�e.+e obligntians in the mannor provido�in paragraph 2,or if not paid ia that m:u►ntr,Borxower shall pAy them on dcne dic�tly
<br /> to the person owed payment• Bnrrower';�,'hall promptly fumish to ILcnder all notiees af amounts to be paid undtx this pen�t�ph.
<br /> If Bormwer makes t2xst payrx�nts di�ctly,Borrowar shall promptly fumish ta S.�e.Adcc roceipts ovidencing the�aymcnts.
<br /> goccow�r s}�lI �xocc�+i,y dischauge any lien which has priority over this 5��:.u+r.'iY3r instnement unles.c Borrow�r:(u)agoes in
<br /> - writing to the QaYmentQ:o�e oblig�:��in socured by the lien in a mamxr aactptable to Lender;Ib)contests in good faith tNe�irn
<br /> � by. or �faa.'� agai+►st enfbrcemt�: o�'the licn in, legal proceedings whlch in the Lender's opinion oper�te to prevast•,�he
<br /> � enforcement ot the Eien: �e+'(c)sec�lr�s�i�zom the holder of the lien an egreement satisfaciory w Lender sulx�rdinating the ai�n to
<br /> � this Sa�urity InstcumenC.:?�f!t�ender determines that any part of thc Property is subject to u lien which may attain priority uver
<br /> ft��s Securyiy Instrur��,;i,r•,�der may givc�3orrower a notice identifying the lien.Sorrower shall satisfy thelien or tnke one or
<br /> � more nf the actions set farth s4�ove within 10 d:►ys of dk giving of uotice.
<br /> ; Form 3029 9/90
<br /> . � � - Peyi 2 of 8
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