�: 1 „ . . .. . • �' .. _ — - � �_-- . .
<br /> �-.��: _-_�� - � — -- - _ __ __._ - -=- --- Y__ _.
<br /> _:° - -----------.-�,��.e-- ------__----
<br /> .• ,� E3orro�yer nw,y curo euch� de(ruN end rein�t�to, �s prorrld�d In puaynph 19, by causlnp tho Ru�n or pracs�dkia tn b� `
<br /> ctlemissed wlth a ruYinp thd, In Lender's qood fafth dets�solnatlan,prociudes torfetture o1 tho fioROwcr'a Intcrest In tha Propesty or
<br /> otl�er matfiaf Ir�ipnlrn,:nt oi tho Iten crent�ed hy this Security Inawm�nt or Lender'a eocurity intsrest. Borrower ohpA rtao be in w
<br /> dci.�u!t il Oorrewcr, �,�rtv Ihc�loen nlz��!'.catton proc±�e, pRVe materle�fy fa!ye or Inaccurate Informatl�n or statemento to L�:nder(er
<br /> 1aAed to provide Laaler wNh �ny rnat«ial lnio�mRtla�) k► connactlon with Iha laan evldcnccd Ly t�o NotU. Inc!ua'nr�, birt not I'
<br /> IirvRt�d tA, represenutiona oonceminp Eortow�r'e occuponcy �1 the Prope�ty ea a principal rosidence. II thla 3ecurEty
<br /> Inetrums�t le on� IM6@h01d, Bo+sower shNl com�y wrih �N th�provialana of �t�s te�ee. li Bor�awsr aaq�kse fes titl� to ths �
<br /> Property, the Ee�sehold send the fea 1ltle ahaM not merp�unlena Lendx ��t����a P�o�he covemnta�nd�yreements
<br /> 7. P�otsctlon of I.�nd�r's Rt�F�b In tl� Prq»rty.
<br /> conWned h thie SewrHy Inatmment, w there la � {ep�l proceedinp that n►�y etgnMc�nty sflect l.andK'e dql�ta In ths Froperty M
<br /> (eunh Rs o prou;:�+:�p Mi f�:+��s,uPt�,+. P'G'��te,tor cone!-mnr.tton or toKeiture or to entorca lawe or royulc�qone),then Lender nay �
<br /> do �nd p�y�or whatN�b n�wy to Mxotwt ihe vaiuo ol!he Pvop�aly�nd Lsndw's �{phts in the Propsrty. Landa�'s Rctiona
<br /> r�� hqud� p�y�ny ny e�me eecursd by � Meo wh�t� han pAarty nve.r ihia Secur6ty Inetruma�t, �ppwk�0 M coud, p�yk+9
<br /> raaaonable�ttomrya'leee and eots�Mip on the Propaty to make repifrs.AlihoupM l.enda may take acdon undt�thla pua�h
<br /> 7, Lender do�s not luve to do so.
<br /> p�y err�wnN dlsbe�roed by Lend�r under pareyraph 7 shaN becomQ ad�iUonN det�t o1 Borrower secured by ttile Securfty
<br /> Instnw+�ttiti UnMss Barawe► ond Lender sfXes to othx terms o1 R�ymrnt, lhesa�mounta ah�N beu Interett irom the datn o1
<br /> dis Brscm�nl��,tQ�HIfOlu�t►�tl�sltf Lenrter requksd mort�a0e Insurru►oo as seoniiAtlWntoBm�khq thtls laan seatrai by thta --
<br /> Security �oshument,Boasow��ahwN p�y the pr�rt�iuma requked to m�k►tatn the morty*ga Insurance in dfect• M,for nny re�aon.the
<br /> mat�ge Insuance cavar�qa�rnqukaci by Lend�r I�psaa or ce�sea to be�n dlect.Burmwer ahaM qey the pre�rrfum�rsquked to
<br /> obt�Yi �ovenge subdanlMMY equN�lent ro tNe �mort�ya Insurence pre++fouay In e�fuct. d a cost au6stanU�My equlvaknt to the
<br /> coai to 8arowe� d ttse matpsQe Mssu�+ence prwlously fn eflect. tr�xn �n eltemate mortgage inaurer approved by Lender. tl
<br /> aubshntlMy equlvaMnt matSNqe InY�'�n� �OnW��not av�M�tAe. Ba►owe�'ah�Pay to I.endet e�ch month�aum a�wl to
<br /> onstwe0fth of tha Y�hl�n��haunnce pranMxn bNng p�W by 8arower wrhen it�o Insurnncs covenQ�tMpst+d or ceased to
<br /> � ye In effect. Lendu vn7 acaipl, uss and relain these paymeni��a a bse nrsexxe I�� �u of nsarty:,Za lnsurenae. Lone reaorve ..
<br /> P�Y�+ta may no bnga�b� roquksd� at the optlon of I�dar. E;r�iy�Qe I�aur��ce cmcenipe(r the�rraurd e�d tor the pe�iod
<br /> that Leader require�)Fxorklsd by�n insurer approved by Lendx agtfn becwnes w�Nebls�nd la otNh�d. Borrower shaN Wy
<br /> the p�r�arlurns rsquLtid to rr�Intatn mortq�qe hsunnce In Mfect,or ta provide u lose reservs, unW ihe requkemer►t 1or mort9�9�
<br /> Inaur+rc�d enda b aa.o�dnce wNh any wrRt�n s9rs�manS betweeo Bortowa�nd Lender ar�ppNc�fs Mw.
<br /> 9. Insp�cti�t. Lender or ka�gent m�y m�ke roasonable enMes upon and inspeetlons of the PropeAy. Lender st�aN 9He
<br /> Bortower notic�at d,s tkns of a p�ior to an fnsp�cllon apecifyin9 reason�bfe cause ta the Inapecllon.
<br /> 10.CondAnmitlun.The proceeda of �ny�w�rd or cMkn fa deu►�ges� direct or consequenUal, In eonnrelbn wiih arry
<br /> condetYSn�tlon or o�her Wckig of any p�rt ot the Propaty, or fa canray�nce Irt Ifeu of condamdton.aro henby asatpned and
<br /> shaN he p�id to L�nder.
<br /> In the event of a lotal tikfny ot the Propetty. the praceeda ahaN ba �ppfied to ihs asims aecuned by tMe �
<br />- Instrument,wheth�r ot no4 th�n due,wlth �ny exeees pald to 8ortower. In the event o1�p�tlN t�dn9 af the F'roperty in whkh
<br /> 2ts�� sr�.�_.•y�ry���hw wnoKty Y�vr�teN b�ioro the takh9 �e eqwl to or yroater than the�nwunt aY 2he aunu aeaxed
<br /> by this.9�curky Inshtsn+x►t Im+r�edNtey b�fore ths tsklnq. unbaa 8ortowK and L�nde► otherwf�� �yrsr in �o, ine w�ii ,
<br /> _ ascurm,�'by ihls Sec�Ky Inatrummt shNl be ret,Uced by tho�Ant ot tfie proceeds nx�tlpfed bY the toNowlrtq fracfbn: (��th�
<br /> toU)amount ot the wms aewrod fmrn�dlately before tha taking,alivided by(b)th�hir m�rket value of the P►'ope�ty inrnicffsi�'N
<br /> belord,�9ho,toldny. Any bM�+�ce sh�M b�P�d to Borrower.In the�evar�4 of s p�r1W Wdny of ths Propeity b v+hkfi tha b�ir ma+fket
<br /> rdue t���iht Pr�pat�.lrmrr�t�ly b�fay the taklny b fesa thar►the amount o1 the sums sscured knnMdMt�Fy M�Rxe th�Wdny, .
<br /> unNes Bgn�hryr'and.LAns1K oiharvlee �yrss In wrkhy or unless �ppNcabk, hnv qtherwlae provide�� the ptoo+sda ah�M be
<br /> �ppllk�i 1he;u�Pb�eaxe�d b1►this 3�u+itY��sUu"�t whether or not the aums Aro Men due.
<br /> N.it�Praperty b �b�ncloned by Borrawe�.or N� NcK notlon hy Lender to Bo��K t�t�tnt t8e d.t� Ae notice�fa �hr�►�
<br /> � aw�nd •ur�ctde a dr�m tor d�9es. Bortower t�lls to reapon�'4o Lender wNhln 30 days-�
<br /> - lender h autfiatzcd to coNect �nd applyr!hs proceeds� at ks vPtbn. 4ithar to nsto�raUon w rr.pair o1 ihs PropeRy or 4o the
<br /> : aume securod by 1Na Securily InaLuma�t,wh�t�►er Ax t1�1 thm due.
<br /> � ur�as i.en�r wria Borrow� oinav,�se agrY�a in.writlng, .ny aPpwc.uon o� prvc.sa. co �ndu.i �hun.nM ex�«,a vr
<br /> ° pcatpc+�e ths du�d�t�ol tM ma►tMY P�Y�ts rolertad to In.pl�I�Onphs/ and 2 a dwng�ths amount of such�!:r,�nents.
<br /> 7 -:��:8arr�rrwr Not R�asrd; Forb��raec�E1y l.eneNr Not �WMwr��xten�Ion or th�wns�p.y�mM ur
<br /> � modl(I�nAo�,o!�matli�tbn of tha eums aeeured by thls 3eci�rfh/9nebumet►t{�'artt�ed by Lender to�ny auc�esor In IM�ec'3 ot
<br /> Bumvver.�hf�b not op�nts tu nlwae ths IMbNky of the orl9lni�:�lottcwa or 8onav�ror's sucosaas h In1�t L�s?�I1,noR.,.
<br /> ' be ra�ukod�.90_com�enc� proc�edhps �y�k�st �ny eucceaaor'�ln Interett or resu.ce tu s�d�nd ttrN tor paynxnt or othtiswl��;.�.� . ` .
<br /> � mocMly.,�motSttaticq dY ths sums eecun�i by this Ssoixlty Instrument by roason of rny dar��d rrwid�by th�orfl�kwl Borta+��r'ni'.,' .'
<br /> '�.'„;• .,,.
<br /> - BortaM�er's�gu�In kit�t My torbe�rence by L�rkt.i� exerdaMq any dyht a ranay shM not b� a w�lvar a�!ar,�� :.,:.,�
<br /> � �x�q�i�le IAe�xKCke ol W►y rlpht o�ranedy.
<br /> � ��: i�u�e�wc�n and Asstgns Bnund; JoiM ��s1.Swnn1 Llabtlii�t; Cm��lpn�n. The cov.nw�ts"a�if
<br /> �prNnnnts ot thh Secu�ky InstrumeM ahAN Wnd and.benellt ttw ewccesson and uslpna of land�r end BorrowK,subJ�to the
<br /> provfalona of p�rp�ph 17. 8arrov+er'�s cuvarwzl��ai+d �gr�eements ah�N be joint�nd aeverd. My 6ortriw�r who casfynn��
<br /> S�auity Ina�wesnt but doee not exeaate!he Note: (ay fa co-slpnln�lhla Securtly Instrum�nt only to mixt��e,�to pay th�
<br /> tru�c e«mwer�s in�xest In thn Property uader the terma of thls Sscuriry Instnimenh, (a) +� noc pason.ry o�y.
<br /> " aums s�ax�w1 by thb S�a�rity Inatrume�h �nd(o)a�tht+t l.rnder end any other Barower m�Y�9ro�to exbnd, modfy,
<br /> ; �qys�r or m�cs nyr accwmwrAtfona with r�Nrd to the terma�ot thls 3ecurity Instrument or the Nsts witha►t dMA Botrower's
<br /> consant.
<br /> 13. LroMt Cl'r.�s. If th� loon sec�mrt7 by thle Seairity Inst►umenl la subject to a faw whkh eets rt�xMnum lo�n
<br /> - clwQee.M�d that b�v b 1kuiMy Int�dsd so thnt th� Interoat or other�aan.•Clinrqea coNeded a to tr�co�ded In connectlon
<br /> wNh Sha ban excad th� p�rtrdttc�i Amits,thon: (e) any suah lonn Ch�rpe o9�atf he reducsd by the anaunt necesa�uy to reduce
<br /> the c.'niupe to YM pamttted Ik� arod (b) any sums aknndy�otlncied hom Brxrawer whtch exaeded pet►n4tted imfto e+►ill be
<br /> � rEAuncied to 8arrawer.leader maY chooao to make thts retund by reductnp the prindpal owad under the Note ar by mii�t�n�•
<br /> ; direct pa�t.t!b Borrower. H w rolund rodttces prfndpal� the reduciion v�'iA be tratsd �s a partl�l prepaymet►t withnut mny
<br /> prepayirb►►t ch�rge under the Note.
<br /> �q, Npti�Cy. My notice tu Borrower prmrlded tor k►thls Security Instrumenl shall be given by ddirerin�it or kiy�malpng k
<br /> � by first dasa md u�kea �ppBcabte I�w requiros uae of another metAod. 7he notice shaq be dfrocted to the Propaty f�drtlress
<br /> � or any other address Bonower deslgt►ates py notice io Lenu�. Arry oot;..:. !o �°:td� �!!� he �!!"+ by Rrst dass t�nnit to
<br /> • .._._:_�_.,,..��,.. ..w..:.i.�d.r da4lanatds hv no8ce to BoRmr+or. AnY notice provMeci tor'Itt thls
<br /> - i.R�oi:a�;�.wa o�:o,. ..aa..... �.., �.— ------ --��- — -
<br /> ' Seq�rity Instrument sh�l!be deantd to hava been pNen to Bnrrower or Londtx when qtYen as provlded In this pan9r�ph.
<br /> 7b. GavomEs�g l.aw: Sev�rsbilHy. Tt�Is SecurEty Inatturnent eh�M be guvemed 6y terkrol kw and the kw of the
<br /> judsdictlon in whkh the Property is bc�atal. In the avent that eny provisbn or deuse of ihls S�c�rity InsWmertt or the Note
<br /> conllicte vrilh epplcabb le�v, sucl� conlNct shaN no!attect other provlslon�of thh Sec:urlty Instrument or the Note whlch can be
<br /> gNmn eftect without iha conlNcUng provlston. To thls end the provistons o!ihls S�cu�ity Inatre�ment and the Note ue declved to
<br /> be aev�nb4e.
<br /> 18. BOPraws�'� C4py.Bortower shap be glven one cunTortned copy ot the Note emd o}thls Security lnstrumer+t.
<br /> F1310.LM0(3196) Paqu 3 ot 9 � �
<br /> E6032
<br /> _- _
<br /> _ _ _ _ _
<br />