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<br /> • 1� TOGETIiER VYCfH �p tha Impmv�m�nts now or h�re�Aer sncted on the prop�xty, and eB easement�, nppurtenunr.r.a, and
<br /> Axture9 now or.heae�Rer +��rt of thr pro�e�ty.Afl rephicem�nt$�nd addttiona el�rll niso be caverod 6y thle 3ecurity Inatrurnent.
<br /> ASI of the tore�olnp ta r�temed to fn tha Stcur}ty Inatrument�e the°Propeity.'
<br /> k30l1ROWf�R GQVE�JAPITS titat �orr��v�t Is InwfuNy aNt�cf u1 tNe e�tnte hateby convayed and hes the r13h1 to Qrent nnd =-
<br /> canvcy tho Pioperty end iha4 tho �ro�e+ty I� unencuniliered, �rc^E�t for e�icurrbrnnces o1 record. Borrnv�r,r wArrnnto nnd wlll Q�)
<br /> dete�d flenKaNy the tkle to thn Property epskiet�N clWlma �nd d�nd�,aubJec4 to eny e+icumbrsnaes oi�erord. C�i� �
<br /> 7HI9 BECIiRITV I{V5fT(IU!'��NT combinea unlfortn coven�nto (or a�tbn�l use and non•unlfortn coven�nte with Nrnftod �
<br /> v�datlonw by judedictlon to r,on�Utute�unMcxm sacu►9ty Inatrum�nt coverk�p re�l property. �
<br /> UNIFOHM CONENANTB. Barow�r end Lend�r covsnant�nd�prea aa IoMovla:
<br /> 1. P�ym�nt ol Princip�l �nd Int�r�sf; Pr�ptymeni �nal Latt� Chn►�r� Borcower eh�W promply p�y wh�n
<br /> du�th��cipd o}and int�nst on th�d�bt widmc�d by th�Plots�nd�ny prepaym�nt�nd I�te charpea due undK th�Nots.
<br /> 2. ��nclr tor'P�xes �nd fnsuranc�.Sub�ect to uppllcable idw or to a w�ittert walver by Lender,�arrower sh�N�tay ,
<br /> ta Und�r on 1h�d�y monthy p�ym�nt�*n du��nd�r 4h�Note,u�til the Note le pa{d In 1uN, ■aum('Funds")for. (�) y�urly �
<br /> t,uces �nd ��stnam�nte whkh rrMy �ttun priorky ova thie 9�cudty lnetrummt �a a flen on the Propeity; (b) y�uty lans�hold �
<br /> p�ymaito or ground r�ntw on the Property, N�ny; (o)yaRdy haurd or prapnrty Insamnca pretnlums; (d) ye�rty flood inaur�nce
<br /> pr«nluma,If�►ny; (e)y�1y mortp�ge Insurance praniuma, N my;and (Q any auma pay�Wa by 8ortower to Lenrlar In accordence
<br /> wNh the p;oWelone of p�ra�ph 8, fn Mw ol th�p�y�nsr►t�1 mortg�pe {naumnae prornium�. These Rema nre caped 'Escrow
<br /> Iterns." lender rru�y, �t �ny thtie. coYect �nd hnld Funds In an nnou�t nat to exceed the maxk►wm amount a len�itrr for a
<br /> tederel�j rel�ted maty�ps b�n rrMy�equlro tor 8orrower'a escrow nccaint unda the ted�xal Re�l Eatite Settlement Proced�res
<br /> Aci o1 187�ae�mended irom tkna to tkne�.12 U.S.G. �2601 et ssy. ('H�:SPA"), uniess �nother law that �ppNe� to the Funda
<br /> aets� kaser �moun6 H ao, I.ender m�y. �t my tkne, coNoct and hoid Funds fn m amaunt not to exceed th�lesser amount.
<br /> LendK m�y estkn�te tha �mount ol funda due on tha haa[a of current dntA end reasonahta eathxtea of expnndih�ros ot furiue
<br /> Eaaow Items a otherwf�s�in RcGOrdance with�ppYcabN law.
<br /> 'fhe Funda sh�N be h�In an tnatiR�Uon whose depasNe are Inaured by e tederai ngeacy,InalrumenteNty, or enitty(inchiding
<br /> L�ender. H Lender la auch an inatilulbn) a In�ny Federsl Home Loan f3ank Londer sheY�pply the Funde to pay th�e Escraw
<br /> it�ns. Lende►may not charye Bwtawer tor hotdinp �d �ppyiny the Funde,ennttaly anni��xinp the ascrow accaunt, or vaNyfny
<br /> the Eacrow Ite�r�a, unlesa Lend�r paya Bortovra Interest on the Funds and appikable law part►�its Lender to m�k� such �
<br /> ohuQe. However, Lender m�y roquiro Borrower to pay a ons-Ume chir,�lor m Indopendent re�l esLts tax reporUnp senrico
<br /> uaed by Lenda fn connectfon with �h{e ban, unkaa ippic�bN I�w �xo�ri�cs otharvvlse. tJnbas an �yrearNnt la made cv
<br /> eppffcable I�w requirsa lnteroat ta be pvd, Lender shaM na De requked co puy Bonmrar any intereat a euninga on the Funds.
<br /> LinTOwer end Lender may egree b wrtthg, however, thnt Interest shdf be paFd on the Funds. Lenskr shaA give to Borrowa,
<br /> vrithout charps,+u�annual�cecaunthp of the Funcb, showinp uedite md debks to the Funds �nd the purposs(a which s�ch
<br /> debtt to tha Funda wan rtkde. The Funda�re pkdgad as �ddidons7 saurlty tor al sums securad by the Secxitrity Instrument.
<br /> ff the Fund� heid by Lender axceed the arnounta pertWttRd to be he{d by�ppMa6{e{�w, Lender sfws'A eccau,t tu Bnrrowex
<br /> tnr the excesa Funde b �cco�unce wttli tNe reqWrementa ot ap�Ncabb law. K the amount ot the Funckc hdd by Lender st�ny
<br /> tkn�!e not auflclent to payr tbe Eaaow kema when due, Lenda may ao notNy BoROwer in wrkhg, �nd, in such ceaa Barower
<br /> sT�al pay to Lender the anw�x�t necesaary to melce u�the de(iclency. @orrower shal m�9c�e up the de�drncy fn no more than
<br /> lweke mont�dY WY��• at L�nder'a sole dlsaetlon.
<br /> Upen payrnent h tut!of aN eum�securcd by this Secixily Inatrument,lender shaA prompUy rePund to Borrawer�ny Funds
<br /> held by Lendx. N,under pangr�ph 21,Lenda ah�M�cquire w aeN ihe FYoperty,Lendx, prlor to the�cqulsid�n w sde o1 the
<br /> ��f "�f i `"�-g."�L-z�:tlss�.-.:a!a.,y.:� -- '-- s�-.'�a�.`:si YP� �..�:�sr:..a:r;th�
<br /> ,•---. . s�.� it� .inr a v... .n ww.v
<br /> Seaxky Maltwn�nL
<br /> 3. Appllea�lon oi iyay111�f1ls. Unlas �ppNc�bb iaw provides otherwise. ail P+7Rr►ents roceivsd by l.�nder under
<br /> panyniphs 1 �nd 2 shM be�(�led: Rrat,to u►y pnp�yr.mtit ch�rg++�dtca under the Nr{t4;second,to�mouate payrWe under
<br /> p�ng�ph 2;thFd,to Intenist due;faxth,to�xindpal due; ond ws�to any kte chugea cV�xv a�rider thn Nots.
<br /> ' 4. Cl�f�: Ll�ns. Ba+rower sh�it�pay ak taxa+, aaaesamenta, chaigens, 11nan aued kr�aNinna athC►utnbh to the
<br /> . prop«ty w1�ic�h m�y ptt�kt ptforlty ovar thfr SeowMp Instnxnent. snd le�sehold p�yments av pround r�nts, if u►y. Barrow�r ahal
<br /> p�y tNeae oDiy�Afor►a b the rrNnt��►r{xcvkied 1n panyn�ph 2, a K not pdd tn that irw�oa. Barower•ebnl pny thnm on tlme
<br /> drscily to the ponon owrd ptrymm+t. Barower ah�N p�nm�r fumFsh to Lender dl notk�ls of�nantm to be pNd unda tF�is
<br /> p�nyr�ph. If Bortower m�kas thuse piyrnents dk+ecty, 8orrowe► ahaN promptly ltxniah•to Lender receipts �vid�ndnp the
<br /> PRYm�M�s.
<br /> BoKOwer ehaN prompty dfsclwrge any Iien whtch haa prtorityr mer th�Socutiry Instrument unNae Bortoy►er (�)�yr�k►
<br /> vv�g W the perymnnt af the oblp�Uon saaxed by the Yen In r manner acr.cQtab�e to I.ender, (b) contesta in Qood trilh ths '
<br /> fen by, a dehnds ay�k�st en/orcKr►�t►t of lhe Aen kt, IegY proceednpa which In the Lender'a o�ktilon operat�to pn+r�nt th� •�. !j,
<br /> q enkxos�»eM d tha Yete; w(a) s�cuns kom the holder of the Nen an aynenerrt satlst�ctory to Ltmd�r euboMkwtlny the MM►to •
<br /> ; thie Sscaity Matrum�nt H L�nd�r daterminw that any p�rt oi ths Property h a��ect to�Nen wNch m�y� pdo�ity over thhs
<br /> � . Seaxhy Inshum�m� La�may qire Borrower a notfce i3anti(ying the Ye�.Borrower sha11 aadsy the Yen ar t�ke on�or moro of
<br /> :; 4he�ctlonn set tath�bov�w1thN�10 dnya oi ths Qivk►p oi nuuce.
<br /> •... 5. Hazard � P�opKty Inw�a1MC�..Rarrpwer ah�l1 keep the Nnprovar�entn now ex}athg or 8�ere�iter erected on the
<br /> i'., .� Prop�rty inaund aqdnst bss tay fire, hazard9'lpdudsd WAhl�l the teml 'exte�ldsd CoYehye' �nd atry.r•iiher hauMe� indudhp �.'�
<br /> }loods or AoodY�p,Tor which LeodK requtros Insww►ce. Tfils 3nsurance shM be mahtafnad In the amainW ano for the pedocb ' .
<br /> that Lender rsquiros. 7i�e inswmce carrier providfnp the inuttrnic� ahar be chosen by,�3�rtower subJect to Lm�k�'a �ppnortl
<br /> } whlch sh�M not bs unre�aona'biy withheld. It 8orrower 1ai1�to mdntNn cov�9e dearxibec! �bove,Lender m�y. at Lender'a
<br /> opUon, obl�in.cnv+�nye ta prot�ct Lender's►�phts in th�Propaty In accorci�nce wMh psragraph 7.
<br /> , AN in�noee:poYdea �nd ronew�is ahaN be rocepteble to Lnnder �nd siuiN indude a atand�rd mortg�g� cMuae. Lender
<br /> shaN have t�,uigM to hotd the poNdes�nd renewals. Ii Lender reyuir�,Borrower shaM prompty gMe to Le�dtr a1 rooefpta ot
<br /> �nY!preMutn��d renew�l noUces. In the event of bss, BoROwer sh�N give prompt notion to the ireaurance urt{or�nd lendsr.
<br /> 'L�niler►n�y m�ke proof of lass tf nat m�da prompty by Bortow�.
<br /> . ' �. "Unleae Lender and 8ortawa othx�vise a�es k�writl�fl,'.Snsurance proceeds shaN be¢ippYed to reetotadon or repal�of the
<br /> Prope�rty cW»n,ged,R the restoretbn or r�air is economlcaRy teesible end LendeYs sea�rlt�Is not fcss�+eed.N the roetantbn or
<br /> . rep�ir h r►al:a�cvnamk�ify teeafbN a Lender'a;�ewrky would be leseened,the Insursn�;e prxeede a3�nR S'o�eppMed to the eums
<br /> saurad by x�te Securky Matrumen� whetb�ns ar not thon due, with eny �xsesa paid tn Borrower. ��'Honowa�bmdons the
<br /> � Property, or tloea not enawer withln 30 days�a noUce hom Lender that 1ho anEUronce oarfie►has offerod to settle a cMim,then
<br /> - Lender rrry coAed the tnssir�nae 4xoceeds. Lcndar may use the proceeds to repair or reatore the Prapeity or to pay sums
<br /> uoc�rsd by this Securfly tnatrummt,whether or not then due. The 30•day.period witl bec�ir►:when tho noUce Is giwn.
<br /> i Uniess lmder end Borrower otherwise agree M wri�ng, �ny �ppilceUon oT proceeds to prindpnl ehar not extend or
<br /> ' poatpone Ihe due date ot the monthty payrnents reterred to In parugrsp(ns 1 and 2 or change the amourtt of tho payrna�te, B
<br /> under p�ayravh 21 ihe Property Is acqu2�u3 s�y Lender, Borrower's rlgSat'aa any Inaurence poYdes and proceede resuldng irom
<br /> , dem�go to the Nropxty prior to tha accrybil:an shaN pas� to Lender to the extont of the sums by thia Secutiry Instrument
<br /> y�,,,��,...6. �-- �- '-'��a.�
<br /> ..,��H..o.��o�.. .
<br /> 6. 7ccupsncy, Pns�rvatlon, MalnMnaon�� snd P►ot�ation pf tfio Prop�rty; Borrowrr'a Loa�
<br /> 11pp11C�ttton; L�l:Oi1WA8.Bortower aE+nh occupy, estdbWsh, a�d use the Propuly as Borcawer'a princtpal resldence within
<br /> sixty days afte�'thtl ettecuUon ot this Sccur]�r Instrument tnd ahall continue to occupy lhe Ptopary as Botrower's prkicipal
<br /> ' residmce tor et knst oRA ycut eRer tho da�e o1 occuµvsey,unless Lender othernise a�ees In wrHk�g,K�hkh cansent sh�ll not
<br /> 6e unrcesa�eby withheid,or untesa extmuatlng circumsteuices rxfst whtch are beyrond Borrower's caitrol. Bortawer shaalf not
<br /> desVOy, d�mage or imp�k the PtopoRy, sMow the Prope�ty to detaiorate, or comnit wa.KL on the Property.Borrower sheN he In
<br /> defauk M�ny fateiture acllan or proceeding, whether civil a c.�Mnk�a1,la begvn thit k�L�xrder's pood(akh,Wdcjmmt could in�uR
<br /> M lodeflwe of Ihe i�roperty or othemrise mntedeNy impe(r the Ifen creeted by thts Security Instrument or Lender's security tntercst.
<br /> F7316.LM0(3/3G) P�gc 2 oi 5 � �
<br /> 9G092
<br />