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<br /> b�t t�MOn W�l.�w!a��f►�a��8orrowK ond Bortow�s tuCO�MOrs in itN�. �
<br /> � �i.�'s�...�..wrmoue a�.eu�w s�e�r a s�r aa.►wrs«�t�ae+��a�r�a�nr o��a•�o��
<br /> ` �nw�iana.ae�dw�houfaMclinO�nN+.nad�rpeotth�sn«a�otrruuuponar+�rt�a�•��a�r"0t1f'°^«w.n�o�ar. :.
<br /> r.w..ass«cu�kS►1a.u�.t�[ae+owKaau w�p�idabli�ilmna.l.�ndKm�tS►.1rom�n+.atirt�.and�i�Aoutnolic.m�M•a••�r
<br /> pwio�w Ii.bt..c�•xwtialn.m.�uil�r or aibranyota�.termsaf anysucN oab.Yoro.(iti)aaMatNr inaui�w'�Rt�I�M�
<br /> . or�carwlr.«caw.b e.nNa�.a or rkonwy�d at a�nr�•ae L.�.rs oodo���]►w�+•v«�a an a uti.Prov�r•
<br /> t�f!1Ya or ntw�sr�f►e�r or�ddMional s�cu�it�►to►anf►�������a��"�C0"'P°�0^�°t oM+�r
<br /> �rr��lr+�ifA�bbrs in t�NioR 1Mnb
<br /> (���i�Wra��iy�M�r NM��ai�MY��nq b!►Lender in exsrCisins any ri�M or anNdY hMSU�der.ar
<br /> - Mf»rwiM Mord�d bY iPD����►•'MNII not b�a waivK d or.PncluM 1h��x�[cls�of u�y wch rl�ht a rmNC1y.Ths
<br /> procurMnantdinwranceortMpaymentotwc�aotherlisnsordw�asbYLe�QerahallnotbeawalverofLender'ari�httn -
<br /> �tcaNri 1!�mMUfitS►M th�(nd�bMdMSS Mcund Dy this DMd d Tnee�
<br /> tdj�ee�o�s and Ariais tow�doUt and�at LiNiy:Caplio+�.7f�co+renams and s��fs i�eain eon-
<br /> taqMd tftdl bhi�k u�d fffe ti�hls tt�r�ttndar sh�di inare io.ttw rap�ve succetsors as�d ss�iQn�ot I.end�►and'�iustar.Atl �_- -
<br /> corsn�nls and apn�n�snb ot Truabr shalt b�Ioicn and wreral.Ths captiona and h�dln�s of the P��s oi Ibis Deid ot
<br /> Tnwt ar�ior Coriwni�nc�oniy and ara not f0 tia uaad 10 int�pret o►alltfs 1hs provltiDns hereW. •
<br /> (�1 R�Mrlf�rpwoM.T1�PW�M�abfl�luMttQatacopyot�nynoticaotQehwith�reunderaadscopyotanyncl(ce
<br /> d aN h�r�d�r 6�m�iNd to e�cA MrtY to this Oesd oi Trust at ihs addross set fortl�above in the manner P���6!F
<br /> � appfic�bM taw.Exaept Tor n►Y o1Mr noUes�equired ondet eDP���taw to be�tven in ano!!Kr mwnner.arty notice PrvM,ided
<br /> to►in NNs DMd a1 Trwt sh�ll bs Qiwn bY naitirp such naucs bf►cMifi�d mau aadreaed re tM ofher Wrti�s.au+�addre�s s�t. .
<br /> -- � {pri�pov�,Any notice provideA 1pr in Ihb Deed of TruR shail bs e1lscBre upon mtilin�in 1be mwnner dNipnaMd hersi�IE
<br />�� Tru�lor b mors lhsn one pKSOr►.nWlcs s�t to tl�s address t�tlorth sbovs shsil be�oUc�to all wcl�PKSO�sa
<br /> '� (t�tn�p�ellon,Lender may mske or duse W be ma0e rea�onabb enMes upon and in�psetions ot ths Proparty.proviQe4
<br /> . q�t Lq�e�.shait ptve TNStor rtotics Prfor W any such irtspection spscityinp reasonabis cauae theretor rsl�ted to LaiOsr s
<br /> Interest in tha P�operty. -
<br /> ��?{�q�y�,tJpon payment o1 all aum�secured by thia Oeed of Trus�Lender shal I reque�t Trustea to raconvey the
<br /> Rroparly and shalt surrendsr this Dsed of Trustand all notes evldencin�inde6tedness secured by this Oeed of Trust to Trusls�: ___
<br /> Trnstes shail reconvay the�PropeAy without wartanty and witAou!char�e to ths Person a Pe��ily ant�sd t�e1°. _--
<br /> T�uatct shAil psy ai!cosfa af recorclstion.(i any.
<br /> • �h��a�so�►r p�o�Ar��h���As add�ionat securlry tor tha psymar►t ot the Note.Trusta heteby�►ants —
<br /> � �p�dsrunderiheNebaska Unitorm Commercial Code asecuritSt intereat in all tixtures,equipmsntdnd othe►persana�prop�rly
<br /> u�sd in connection with the roal estate or impravements Iocated tAereon,end np�otherwbs dsciared or deelnsd t0 bO a Dtut d
<br /> fAe rwl esfats aecursd hereb�r.This instrument shaii be consorued as a Security 1lyreement under aaid Code.and the LendN _
<br /> shaii Mve e11 the�iphts an0 remedies o!a secured party under aaid Code in addlUon to ths�i�hts and rem�as crest�Q�riaer ___
<br />- and accorded the Lender pursuantto this Deed of Trusx p�ded that LendePa rlphts anci remedies under this parss�sbaJ� __—
<br /> be cumutaUve wNh,and.in no way a�imifaqon on,LendsPS righta aod remedies un�any ott�er secorityt agre6ment sig:sed by _ _
<br /> Hor�ower or Ttuator. _•-._ . ��;i-Y'"`
<br /> � , ����i���raneN,Try�stotfi�aby wdrrants and cepresenb that thero is no defauft under the provlaions oi any �- �'�,,-
<br /> -�3- 1`=
<br /> � r,t�rtyase,deed ot hua�teass or purchafs contreat deacrlbing a(i or any part of the Property,or other wntract,instrument or �:',���'t�..
<br /> ; a. , a�esment constituting a tien or encumbrenca'agaTnat all or any paA ot the Property(eotleetivety,"Liens'�.existin9 as ot the •i Y
<br /> dafe M this Deed of Trwt,and thst any and all existi�g Ltena remain unmodifled sxcept as disclaeA to Lender in Trustors _ _
<br /> ' w r i t t e rt d isc losuro o f l i e n s a n d e n c u m b r a n c e a p r o v i d e d f o r h e r ein.Trustor sha0 timel y p eAorm alt ot Truswr's obtigallons, �-�:�.:s Y.�_
<br /> • � �ovenanb,representations end wananties under any and all exisiting and iuturo Lien�.ahall promptlyt forward to Lender copis� �'�.';�;r:r_
<br /> . ,. _
<br /> ot all noHces ot de/ault aeat in connectioR with any and atl exlsting or future Liens.and shal�not without Lender�prior writesn ,�:_ .___ .._..
<br /> . conaent in any manner modtty the proyision�of or allow any future advances under any extstir�a tuturo Lbn�. .,..r�_
<br /> •. . (�Applksypn o1 PsynNnb•Unfess othervvise required hy law,aums pdid to lender hereunder,inCludin�wifhout limitation .;�':, , ,
<br /> � paymenb of princfpai an0 interesL lnsurance proceeds.condemnaUon proceeds and reMS and profits,shall be apA�ied bY ' ;a•�i':_,:
<br /> Lender to the amounts due and owing from Trustor and 8onower in such order as Lender in its aote discretion deart�s�esltabte. • .
<br /> (p) gw��bMtr,N any provlalon of this Deed o1 Trust conflicts witb appiicahte taw or Is dectareQ invali4 a�af�erwl�s S't�-:�,="-
<br /> unenforce�bis.sucb con0lct or invalidtry shait no!attect the other provisons ot this Oeed of Trost or�ht tiate w`*:��t csn bs "��e r
<br /> �hren et(ect wlthoutthe confliCting provisio�,and to thisend the provisions of this Oeed of Trustan0 the IVoYe aredecta�ed to bs I� ---_-
<br /> ,: severabte. �"����-
<br /> (p Ti�na.The term�"T►ustor"and"Borrower"shait:�lde both singular aad ptural,and when the Trusto►and 90nower ,�-�-�-:
<br /> are the sAme person(�),lhose terma as used in thts Deed�F Trust shall be interchanqeabte. • '+�
<br /> (m) QowrnNq Lfw.Thi�Deed of Trus!shatl be gove^Qd hy ihe lawa of the State of Nebraaka. -.
<br /> T r u a t a n a s e x e c u�e c t t nt s O e e d ol Trust as of�da!e written above. , S t e� & Rawe Comractozs by: - .:.-.
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