:i4(Vr. .<.S^! . - � . . _. . _ _ . . . 1, �:
<br /> �, _ r _�C.� l _ . . . . . !L � f`�_
<br /> _ f • E : _ ' . . . _�..�._._Y;._
<br /> �F.' f ` " .' �� _ _ � _ . '}t'��'s?-..._�.
<br /> . ' " ` <
<br /> _ , � � •
<br /> � L . �
<br /> .... . . .. _ _ . . . _ _—
<br /> u.
<br /> . ... . �. "," : "'" "' ._."_"... _'___— _ _ _ .
<br /> _ ... � e1 y '_ . . � . ` . . . : ,. . . ' _ '
<br /> _ _ ' _ . - . _ . ( � _ i a
<br /> ` . � - - � � �� � � . � � � - 92�- � l � .�
<br /> __.� ._ _ - � ,�„aaucr���wcoa..na+�rnaxr.de,►nrn�+�o�+,�n.�cn�oc..�e�..�+.m►�M»s�a�w_-_ _-- �. ._. _.
<br /> Iwnby/and(A snch adrt as LsndK�Y��rw.or to appty al!sucA P�ocNdt�ahr wch drductlons.b IM rwbrri0n of 1!M
<br /> p,�l�iipontuchoon�ilor�ast�c+dremsYdM�rmin�.MY�p11c�a�o�FdPra�dsfotnd�bMdn�MSh�tnat�abndapo�oer ,
<br /> f,.au.aaM a snr Pe�r�b unau a�.trof�or cura arh►d�ault�wnd�r a h�rwna�r.Aryr��.vpii�d wnds N�N bs p�to .
<br /> , �Tru�lor. • , . . .
<br /> a��o.M�«w«upo�,m.occuRa,c.oea��t a aa�n�«,nd..:or if�ny act istak�n ot Np�!Pcod�d�p •
<br /> eom�e�dwl�ichn�ri�NlNcls{.�i�t':LM�r�ieftuProp�tr���dMmayinibarndi�cnflorbbutwiq�oatoDli�Nionbtb
<br /> so.and wNllaut nofice b or dan�nd upon Tru�lor and witlwul rolMftny Truaror hom iny ahii�tion.Go s�sy aet whleh Trwlorins �
<br /> ap�but Wb to do-and may alaado anY�r act it de�nts ewc�arY 1Q D�o�ct tAe s�auity Mr�Tru�OOr sht1�lrt�Wy
<br /> upprtd�marKltherebrb!/tand�r.G�1leo Lenderdl txsts ant!expst��sincurred�ndaum�u�p�nd�d b!►���►irtcorxNCttOn wNff
<br /> fhdixvCi�R by��nd��M thefo�paln�riyhts•�slhK wi111 i�ra�tMeteon attl»dstault wM pravid�d in ths Na1R wAiCh�ly�ll b�
<br /> ��p�f��s�curod hereby.L�nd�t shali not incur arry liabitiry becau�e d anylhtnp it mty do a ank 10 do•
<br /> h�rMx� •
<br /> -- � 9.lM�ardew YaMt�M�Trustor sNall Kaep thb Prop�rty in camptiaf�ct with a�l applica�le tsws�ordin�nca a�d npWMia�s
<br /> Fei�linp to indwbrW hYQia�or environnNntal Prcl�Cdon{col�e�tivelY relsrrad to hsrein as"6wlranmenW Laws'�.Tiustor�hW
<br /> - ke�plh�Propertyireetramallwbsmt�cesdeemedtobehanerAousortoxicunderuryEnvlronmsntaltaws(colwcdveCYn�rt�db
<br /> iMnin as"Fifzardoua MawrWs`�.Tnrsmr heroby warnmb and ropresents to Lasdsr that thers are no Hszardaus A�afwisb on ar
<br /> _- — tndarlheProperty.'fnqlorharet�ye�reestain�ernnitySrMholdharmlessLendsr.itadirectors.affic�.emptoya6Eandapw�,and
<br /> -- any succeaors to Lsnders inlxasL irom end a�inst any and ail ctaims.damsqesrtcs�es and(iaWlities aris(ng in connrction wi1M �
<br /> ths prs�bnce�us�,di�posat or transpoR ot airy Haiardoos Materiafs crt.nnder.lrom or about ihe Frop�rty.THE FOREQOiN(i .
<br /> St1RVNE RECOIWEYANCE G,F THI&DEEQ OF TRUST_ � � ' th�tTrustor
<br /> - 10 AMiPww�t d RM1b.TruSta ha�ebll afsi�ns�a Eender the�ntl.issuas and profiq of the PropertY:P��
<br /> aAtll.urniltdeocc�renceotanEventofOdaullhereunde�havetltetishttoC011actandrepinsuchrenb.lswesandProfibaslA�ll
<br /> b�coms d�e and payable.Upon the occu[rence of ao Event of Detautt.tende►msY.elther In person or by spent witri ar w(thouE
<br /> = - brGpi�q any ae5on or procaeding,or by�recdver appointed by a coun and without reps►4 to the adequacy ot ib aecurity.enta —
<br /> _: . upp�and bks posfq�lon ofS�e Fropsrry,or any partthereo%in ita own name or ln tbe nameoHhe Trusiee.and do any aCb wAicA it .
<br /> °.:',, deems nscessary or desirab�eto presenre the value,marketab8ity or rantabitiry of tAe Property.or any panthereot or interoattherein.
<br /> increass ths income therefrom or protect the aecuriry horeot an�.with or w t t ho u t fakiny p o a a e s sion of the PropeRy,sus for or �.-�—�_
<br /> � otlierwiea cdtect�s rMds,isfues and pro6h mareo�Includinp those�st dne and unpaid.and apply the same,less costs and ��-;_��
<br /> � {- expenselsotoperatlananticotlecUoninctudin�attameys tees.uponar���debteQnessaecuredhereby,8ltinauct�orderaslender � _
<br /> 1 msy delermine.Ths ente�in�upon and taking poasession of the Prap�,the collacUon ot such renq.issues and profits and tne ;� .,,�µ.:�;_
<br /> i Uon tfiereat as afo 0,s7�atl not euro or.watve any detault r�cr,,atice ot Qefautt hereunde�or invalidate any act�one in =��.�;:'_
<br />. , •.� �p1 Ca � --.;.�F�-
<br /> " ^�s �esponaeto such default or pursuant to such noUce of default an0.notr�;3TSt�nding the conUnuance tn posseasian otthe PropeRy or Kr-: --
<br /> 3
<br /> �_" �e coNocNon,recefpt and appticatton of ren�,issues or rofita,an�Tr.�tee and Lender shall be entitled to exescise evary�igh! �-�4'� ''��
<br /> �r
<br /> D �''�:.=Y:. ..
<br /> � provided fa in any of the Loan tnstrumenb o�by t8w upon occuRenca�.'-any Evard ot OefauH,inctuding without frmitadon ths rl�ht �-���- -
<br /> W 6xetcise�:i�6�werot sale.FuRher.Lecrdera righq artd remedies unCe:it�ia parayraph shall be cumulative with.and in no way a ���'`
<br /> �'" IlmitaBon ar.4.�z-der'srighb and remediesurtder any aasiynmeni of lea�and rents recorded aga+crst�the Property.Lender.'Rustes �'�''`--•-
<br /> and ths receicrer ahatl be 1ia61e to account anty tor those rents actua��rzceived. • �����
<br /> � 1L E�W DNwlf.The foltowlrtg ahatt constitute an�vent of Default under�.his De�d ot Tiust R Y����'�_-
<br /> � . t (a�Failure to pay any installment of principal or interest of any other sum seCured hereby when due; � �,�.�r,
<br /> r,., , (b)llbreachofordefaultunderanypravisioncontaln8di�theNote,thisDeedotT�ustanyoftheLoantnstruments.orany • � ,:5:,��-:;�Y:
<br /> '.�•�+'��; ofher f�e:e or encumbrance upon the Property: .}. ' ���" .-
<br /> ''� (c)A wr(toi executlon orattachr..ent or any similar process s�:all be enterad againstTrustor which shall6ecome a pen on -'" , • _
<br /> � - � ..�. �.� • the Property or any portion thereof or�interest therein: ' :�� �:. : _
<br /> _ (�There shalt be tited by or againstTrustor or 8orrower an action urtder any present or future tederal,stata or other r.<;••.:
<br /> �.�=is�• statute.law or repufatton relating to bankNptcy,insolvency or other reliet for debtors;or there shall be appointed any Gustee, _
<br /> recelver or Iiquidator ot Trustor or Borrower or of atl or any part ot the Property,or the rents,issues or propts thereof,or Trustor _ _
<br /> '';,,. or 9onower shall make any general assignment tor the beneflt of creditors; __
<br /> - �, �j'. (e)The sale,transter,tease.assignman�conveysnce ar tunher encumbrance ot a11 or asr�part ot or any interest in the .
<br /> '` '� PropeAy,efther voluntarity or i�vofuntadly, without tha express wrltten consent ot Lender,�s�ovided that Trustor shall be ' � � �_-,
<br /> � `' permitted to exeCUte a tease of the Property that does not contaln an option to pur�hase and the term of whicb does not excee0 :� . � �
<br /> . r� ' °
<br /> .,:; - one year, �`�``" -
<br />� •w Abandonmerc��s Property;or �`' _
<br /> �. ,�:r• (�) If Ttu9tor is not an indivldual,the Issuance.sate,transfer,assignmenL Conveyance or en�umbrance of morethan at�t�V. �`� � " _
<br /> I� �,
<br /> ;7_.=
<br /> ? p} perceM of pf a corporatlon)ita issued and outstartding stock or(if a partnerahip)a total ot percrn��# ' '`���`
<br /> '•'�• paRnership intereSts during the period this OeeA of Trust remains a lien cn the PropeRy.
<br /> _ � •' -�� 12, pNn�d1�/Icc�NriNpn i�pon ONauIL tn the event of any Eve�t ot pefauN lsnde�may,without notice exC@pt a9 requlred by ' �'.``':�-
<br /> � �� taw,declare all indebtedneas secured hereby to be due and payable and the same shall thereupon become�re and payable � ;-
<br /> ��:� without eny prASentment,demand.prase9l or notice of any kind.Thereafter LenQer may: � .
<br /> . � (a) Demand that T�u�tee exer�se the PBWER OF SAIE granted herein,and Truatee shalt thereafter cause T►ustOPS � .. . ,
<br /> � -.�,_A: �" iAn�t�e�rest In the PropeAy to be sotd and the proceeds to be distrlbuted,all in the manner provided in the Neb�aska Truat peeda � �
<br /> - i . -. g�i�,.'�'rt,.�. .`� � .
<br /> - (b) E x e r c i s e a n y a n d a l l r l g h t s p r o�i d e d t o r i n a n y o t t h e L o a n I n s n um ents or b y law u pon occurrence of any Event ot ;, . .
<br /> � � ' }=��"`-"' Defaul�8nd r�.".
<br /> ,. ',�,�,�t��. . .
<br /> ' (c) Gommence an actton to foreclosethis Deed ot Trust as a mortgage,appoint a receiver,or specillcalty enforce any of tM �-'
<br /> •- .', yT4; CdvBfldll�her80L
<br /> �!S., y��;=!'::^ � � •
<br /> . : =� No Iemedy�etn conferred upcn or reserved to Trustee of Lender is intended to be exclusive ot any other remeQy herein,in the
<br /> � "' :��:=,�..�=-- Loan Inshuments or by law provlded or permltted,but each shal)be cumutative,shall 6e in adQitton to every other�emedy given ,
<br /> "•."`��`''�i 'a"-'-'>��' he►eUnde�,in the loan Instruments or now or hereafter existing at law or in equity or by statute.and may be exercised cortCUrrently.
<br /> .. �,,.K,'r -', .r:
<br />'�`••� �• � � � '' � '� ' independently or auccessfvety.
<br /> . ,���:;_::._ t �..
<br /> � -;�:�i�•; • •: . ' 13. TruatN.The Trustee may resign at any time without cause,antl Lender may at any tlme and wlthout cause appoint a •
<br /> ' � • � Successor or substitute Trustee.Trustfle shall not be liabl8to any party,including without tlmif�tlon LendAr.Borrower.Trustor or any
<br /> • purchaser of the Prope►ty.far any loss or0amage unfess due to reckfess or witltul misconduct,and shall not be required to teke any �
<br /> �•*��':;� = • acNon in ccs�necdon wNh the entorcement ot thls Qeed ot Trust unte4s IademMtled. in wriUng,for all costs,oompenaation or �
<br /> ��� '� �� • expen�whlch may be associateA therewith.In addiuon,Trustee may beCOme e purchaser at any sate ot the PropeRy(JuCtcial or
<br /> � � - ��--_- under the power of�ate grented hereln);postpane the sale of aN or any portion of the PropeHy,a�p�ovlded by law;or sett the ,
<br /> _f+roperty as a whote,or In seperate parcels oc lots at Trust e's discretiort.
<br /> ' � 1I. FN�and Eyp�nsN.In the event Trustee sells fhe�roperty by exerclse ot�power ot sate,Trustee shali be entiUedto appty
<br /> •� �.� � � • any�ale proceeds iirot to payment o1 a0 costsand expense�ol exe►cising power of sate,Inctuding atl Trustee's fees,and Lender'�
<br /> � �• � and Ttu�tee's attorney's teel,actualty incurredto extent per�itted by applicebte taw.In the event Borrower ar Tru�tor exerciaes any ,
<br /> , •� , � rlghf provided by faw to cure an Event oi Defaul�Lender shall be entitted to recover trom Trusior at►costs and expense�actuatty
<br /> ' , ,incurred as a resuM of Trusfor's defaWb including w;thaut tlmltation au Trusi�e's and attorney's fee9.to tha eMtent permitted by
<br /> , ', appllcable law. . '
<br /> ' • 15. Fufur�AAv�nc�.Upon request ot Borrower.Lender may,at its option,make additlonal and future advancet!and re-
<br /> . • .. •
<br /> � - -, _-° ==��=`i" '�.—'— : advbric�s[o�rrawer.Sucharlvas�sasa�clreadvanu�.a.v11ltilnteses!lherean.shaltheseeur9QbythtsbeeeofTru�lAtnotlmeshall `� .
<br /> the principal amouMof the ineebtednes�secured by this Ceed ot trust not including sums advanced to protect thp Securiry of this � -�
<br /> � �.'` t)eed of Trusf,exceed the adginat pdneipai amount stated herein,ar S whicfiever�s greater. ,
<br /> . , _;",. ' , • , � I
<br /> , ..
<br /> • � - -- . .
<br /> . , . �-- -- -
<br /> - ---...°�____!,�_..�._.___._...__. ., .-- —.—___—_�__ ... _ ..,.... ..,. _ ..• - -
<br />