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<br /> � � 1. �a�srtr. �s P��•na oonfen wm B�aarT+��•vowe:.nd anffioriey.aus�s We oonsiaa.na _
<br />;-j� 1f tL�w Tea�to�vli�et t�e r�nb.iwe��peofits o!Mid RoPe+�7.�L mm�Tn�oor tb�ri�]►t.Riar to�n7 dd�uk b�Tta�or
<br /> - inp�ot d aaJ indebtdna�we��d l�e�b1 a ia Pn�bema�s at a�1��'��°r■to oolleec�ad ret�in w�d►zents.iruu .
<br />.� � ad peolfl�as ffie7 b�,o�e du�aad pyabl�•Upm aap wuh d�faak,Bm�ieiarf ma7 at an7 time withoat m�a.��r in pae+ioe.b! .
<br /> ue
<br /> �nt.ar b!a�has ta b�spooiahd b!a eouet.aod wlt6out MarA to t�ad�o�.7 ot�re�it7 far tln m3�6o�dnwi 6�nbY�en�.
<br />' = _ - arte�apm aad take pa�ion af e�id pivpest�or an?pat llrna�ia hi�awa name ana far os otbes�ire aolleet�imts,i�oe�a� —__
<br /> prolft�.incln�tbws pdt due aad tmp3d,and applJ tbe wms apoa u►Y ind�bh�a��ecmed 1�eseb7.aad m raeh adnr at H�aeSeis:9 _� --_- -
<br /> a�
<br /> ..�d.c�e:��rapa►sad�ns r�oa�••�a peopae��shs oou�an ar.ae��nn.�,.ues.sa pro6s.,ma lhs,�ptieaeioe► �
<br /> tlwe�olu�eqaid,eE�aQao�ems a waivs aay de6alt or notire otdefanit t�et�ada a iav�lidate anY aet dooe Pnnuant tu sueh notioe. �,,�s_Y._..
<br /> .-- -- b.Upa►def�att�y 91e4ata��tb p�pmait of atp ind�btdna+iercuced h�eb9 or ia tLs yer6orns�nes of a�a�+e�at eonhmed be�n. ' 'F'-,'''�- -"�-- -
<br /> .--��-
<br /> ' 1iA�YmoR��F e�.�7 b�came das�nd paJ�►k at ths option o[t�BNr�iary-Ia iaeh eveaC md.t;pou written s�qwk .<-__�I`
<br /> - - �t�!:Tnutw�6atl all the t�!p�opu�er.ie aoeoedanos wuh t]ss N�Aerita Tewt Ikode�Aet.�at gah'"�e"a�dion!e Hs� •--�._:
<br /> ' � bidd���3 P��T��!bia�t 7to�tas't asla'14ustee th�U�P'P11�P�=af�e�tt u�si�Ffa t�r�prtie . �- -:;-:s:_�_
<br />- - - ,d tbe s�I�;3�dadial=�msble Tra�tN'�fi�(2)to the abtiaation aeeat+e8 bp tLi�IINd of;fta�,E'.J#�s satptar►_����'s:F 5edidc�at�d 5.. r =
<br /> �� � ,�� .. .. . .�
<br /> • ':,t�tbaD���titYedt'�aetm . �;'�- : .::; . ',:; . . �► _
<br /> � - .. .. • �6.'ha�tM af�U d�efive�to th�patr]wet st Lhe M4 it�ded,wIt�oni w�eranty.s13ch abaA ooa i�y to H r�e c.7�e_�� - • � ' =
<br /> . >`=a � ��t�peo�isty wbidi'F�aater hid or had tir power to ea?+Te�►at the.time of hia weqtlaa of this Deed of 74�u�.aa�'sr�:a�8a-�baXc:. _ - ___�
<br /> '� . �.,?: ' . �pquie�d';he�e�Rer.Zlnited�d e e d s i v l l ecei4e t l f e f a�f s s h o w i c�t h a t t h e e a l a,wat condocted in:csm Plitnee It?'�.a:I ti�e '� •�+ea ,. _ ��
<br /> '"":�;, o[law�ud of this Deed ot Teui�wdieh ieeital eLall be prlm�tscie e�idence ot eash eamPUana ea��ouclos[ve evideoce thveaE�s fivor ` .��_-.---
<br /> ' _� alboa+►fris�nterh�wra.a�eneum�ra�s far v�lae. . , _ _ ' �::� ' _ � -�
<br /> � :,�%#�'a'��` � 7.Tbs power ot e�Ie oonferred 6y thL Deed af Trmt ie twt w arclnatve retnedY.BeneBciarY msPcr��t this Ileed ot'Peart to be foreeto�al C .§r�-:�
<br /> g� ,j�j [ ,�::
<br /> •`�L�°r'� t�A",�'�'' Y i mOTf�1�R• . er......w► '
<br />, . .�.� .,*+��r.'.�•������ .. � � LIOD Ot T�WGlE�HEIIOGCjiT� y��e+�w� .. �.; • "- °
<br /> ,. . "�: 8.la she event ot ite aeath.�nc.�jr,.��F'oi na;sna ma !n w,dang a a,eee�.oe eiu+ceR s.�=.
<br /> ^` `'.�r�' , ae��s the s�edi�8 of auch appoi�eat m the awrtgt8e neoids ot tlie caantq in whieh this Bee�ei Tiuet Is:eoonde8.the+uoaswr .�:�f-
<br /> . r� =x::.5�:'=':� ' ,., c���,,.
<br /> �,:�`,�,`: .;,;� '�s+tse shall be vated with all po�s a,°tte asiginsl tnutee.The tNetee is aat obtiged to not+fg3--":a�actp�e�a of stle�d�r r ' -
<br /> �:n f t� •�yr etbe,i Deed of'Trust os of any aedaa or pioaeding in which Tiwtoe,Trurtee or Benetlaarg sZ�a3l be a party�sueh adion or �: �:�,s�� _
<br /> ,:�����i� ProoeedmB i�bco�ht bY tbe Trastee. • ..? :� �
<br /> Y_ %`:
<br /> • � * r,�, . r, g,This flesd o[Tr�ut applies W.inura ta the beneSt of.�ad is binding not onIy on Lhe psrties hereto,6ct on their heir�,devLeee. •�, . :
<br /> admini�eswn,�:ecuto*�,aneee�ors aad aoigns.Ths term Beneticiary st+aU me�n the holder u��ner o[tbe note�ecared .F :�'
<br /> . :�,"'�:,r�.T _ �e�b��wl+etber ar nut aamed as Becef'�sr9 he�eia .. . �' • ' • 4 �
<br /> .•`;:.�
<br /> ,-�,.: .',, 10.liepue�t foe Noties ot Defaule ar PFotioe of 3ale.I��tlQUMLld N7iL A OOpY 6t�A,y NO�CE�DECAUIt O�NdIM 0�Si�O bE A3�Ild ZO f' i'.?,. •t--�'.
<br /> � . each paaan who ie named In this Tra.gt Dced at the maiUng addrees of su�h pereon as eet out above:
<br /> �.,,:.:-/.,.:. . � 'i '.
<br /> = NOTICE TO CONSUMER: 1. Do nat si�n thia paper 6efore you res�d iL 2 You are entitled to a copy �. . :. ��
<br /> • ot tbia paper.8.You msy pnpay the unpaid balance at any dnre without penalty and may be entitled �
<br /> , ' . � . � to seceive a refnnd of unearned cbarges in accordance w3tb law. � . _
<br /> .'_ Signedthia 22 dayof Rpri1 A.D.19 92 . . �. �''..`', . -�,�
<br /> � � �`".: •�.
<br /> �, J_�, - -� . ���}. �r. �-• .',.'_'• - .. .
<br />,� . : ' STATE OF NEBRABKA ) X G�.�iY"�.c.ti ` — -�'" -
<br /> � Hall X d _ '
<br />. . . CoUN'1'Y i�� �'° l � •
<br /> y; '
<br /> - .•.',�. '.. ' v . " : .� :_:
<br /> ` �`.`• ' On this 22 �y ot Aari 1 ,A.D.,19 92 ,befone me.the und� ed,a Notsry Public,c£aIp ' ' t ' '�-°`�`:
<br /> Edwar I. � -����
<br /> . .;.: :,����-r �. ����. . d Johnson and Mar S. � .'a"��F
<br /> :,,;. �.. � wmmiaeioned aad qualised for and resId9ng in said caunty, pereonally came y .-��
<br /> ' Johnson, _husbanG and wife � � known to be the identical person S whose name�at�l3xed to the foregoing � _
<br /> . � their voi• �::,-
<br /> •. ' , : •' inatrument aa Tetistor S and acknowledged the seme to be t : • : �
<br /> ' . ,�,,: � untsry act and deed. � ' �
<br /> � . . ;.;,;�•,. .
<br /> - .. �.:;°',, Witneee my haad and Notarial Seal the S y and year last ����� � . , �._'�_'•_
<br /> , �:.``:5,�:;'�:� My Commieeion BxDtrea the daY �ilEI1RIr MM7SON . •
<br /> • '`'%�' Februarv 19 92 �� �'� `
<br /> ; � � . ot — • � blic • . �
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<br /> • ''1, �
<br /> ' STATE OF � i .
<br /> . .- • �ss. � ,
<br /> Connty ►
<br /> '^��' Entered in Numericnl Indea aa��31ed far recard in the otiice of the Register of Deede of said county.the
<br /> � day of -- -.---.__. .. . 19 . at � dclock and " , �
<br /> , ' minutss - _ .._- --. M.. and duly record�d in Uaok of .
<br /> �.
<br /> '. ' Mortgagea page �.- ._-
<br /> . � . .� � ' . Hegister of beetls
<br /> . _ , . IkP�tY ,
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