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<br /> .1'ogether wlth tenemtab.lxreditamente,and appwtenanaa llieeeunto beianging ar in snyxl�e appertamins aAd tbe reab.iwaei�
<br /> ' _ � p�oflt�thereot , ' .
<br /> • 'll�is aonvennee is,iaeended foe the parpo�e of eecusing tlu pAqment W Henefid�uY of Tsu�Wn'promiriboey note ot even d�te in ths . .�', i.�.
<br /> • ' amoont dated above as'Total of Payments".9aid'Total of Payments"is ngayabk In the numbes ol moatblp fi�utalmeat�et+ced�hove.
<br /> � � , • The sawuat ol the lnstaIment psymente due on e a t d toan ie e t ated above.The flrat and fiasl inrtalmeat due d�te�on�aid 1au►�ee aut�d , . , •
<br /> • .. �'•4 abova Paymant may 6e made in advance ln any smount at a�y time.Default ln r�uklni�Y WY�t fha11.at the BeasAcju�s optlan f .� . . _
<br /> . ,��;�r;::�-�': � and va3thoat iwtice ar demand.render the enHre unpaid bul�nae ofsaid 1wn at onee due and payabls.losr any nqu►red oeb�ta dclu�rge�. ^y�'-
<br /> , , .,.;rr ." �psoteet the seenrlty of this Deed of'Prwt,'Pwtor cavenan�and�gnee: � � ..
<br /> ��=
<br /> ` � ' 1.To keep the yeoperty in good ebndition snd eepsir.m permit uo vru�te thereof;to wmpiete anq b�fldtng��ae impeovement . . -
<br /> . ' - • bemg bu11t or a�o�w be bnilt ttcer�ecn:w restcens�romyKy aay 6uilding.ariuemre or impmvement theeeon�hieh may bs daaaged or
<br /> �
<br /> . . de�tsvYed:and ta w�ply with a11 taws.ordinances,seg[iladons.wveaanfa.cumditions and restetetions afieeting the p:oyerty. . ..�. : :
<br /> . " � • 2-To y�y befoee delinquent aU�Ffai tazes and aseeaemeatv apan the property;to keep the property free and cleae ot all other charsee. ' .>�"'.�
<br /> • '. .. • �Crs-oz encumbranees impairtng tRce secariey otthia Deed otl�a.at. . . . •�..
<br /> . ,• .If . 3� To keep all 6uildingi now or hereatter erected on tde property de�cribed herein coqtiauauely insurcd�inrt toee by fire or afJxr -. .
<br /> - . ' � ,.�.• �ard�fa an�raouat nat teee than the tota}debt aecured Dq Lh�i Deed a!Trwt.A11 yolicies ahall bs held Dy ths Benaticlary.and bs � •;-;,4c�*•�
<br /> � in nuh eamy�nies w the 8eneflciary mAy ayprave and hsve loee psy�hIE fcs�C to the Beneficiary es ite inten�t may�ppeu aad then ��y,',;! �
<br /> ' to tbe 7'nutor.The amouat tolltctM under a�iasu*ance poliey miy be ayyF.�ed upon any indebtedneee huebq eeeund ia eueh orde��s � �,-,;�*,'.:
<br /> . •,:�•: '. ` t2ye Heneticiary shall determine.Sueh s�ptication by the Henefie2ary ahall no�cawe dl�cant�nuance of any prooeediags to fureclae this � , .
<br /> � 't:•".r.,. ... � S6
<br /> . �� ���j,_r.;• . � �ee��l Trua!ot cure or waive any defiult be nat�ce of defanit oe invalidate ayr act done Duemant W auch notice./n the event aS.°rncloetme.
<br /> • ali righb ot the 7'rwcor in ineuranes policiee ttua-1u force�La1t pan to the purchaser at the f�rectosure ea[e. � `��
<br /> 4.To obtein the wrltten coneent ot Beneflciary before eeilii�':t�nveying or otherwise tranaferring the property o�any pars tt:er�af and ;' � � �
<br /> .' '. any each eate,eanveqanee or transfer wlthott!Qie�H�[eficifry's writkn aonser.t s�.all waaUtute e default under the terme hereot , . . .
<br /> 8.To delead any action or proceedin�purportiog to afieet f�lie�ecurlty hereoF or the rights or powere of Beneficiarq or Trustee. �
<br /> � 8:$hould T:astor lsil W vsy when due any t�es.aseeesments,inaurence premiums,liens,encambrances or other chaegt�againit the [ .- , ��.
<br /> � property hei+ein�bove de�cribed,Benelieiary may Day the eame,and the amount eo paid,with intereat at the ate set forth in the nate ! , :
<br />. • , aeeurtd heroby,ehall be added to and become n part of the debt secsred in ehis I)ecd of Trna!aa permitted�y law. ! ,
<br /> . IT I3 MiT7'UALLY AOREEbTNAT: � ��
<br /> , � 1. In the event any portlon o!the property is taken or damaged in an eminent domain proceeding,the entire amount of the award • . .�
<br /> • • � � or nuch portion thereof as may be neces�ary to fu11y eatiafy the obligallon aerured hereMy.ehall 6e paid to Benet3ciary to be appt,rd so ; . .
<br /> ' aai8 obligaeion. ' .
<br /> � • �2.$y aeeepting peyment of any eum seeured hereby aRer 1L�due data.9eneficiary does nnt waive lts righL W reQulre psor.+q!peyment
<br /> .� whee dne of all other eum�eo aecured or to declare default for tailure to so p�y, .
<br /> • • � � 8,The Truatee ahall reconvey a11 or any part ot the yroyerty cavend by thi�Uerd of Ttus!to the penan entltted thereto,an writun
<br /> . trqtseat of the 7'wWr and the Beneflciary,or upon satisfactioe of the obligatioa eccured and written rcqueet for reconveyanee made hy
<br /> � . , efie Senellei�ty or the perean entitted thereto. , � ,
<br /> -- - - - ,. -- �34SC4]lN61 , -- - -
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