����`� j{�f '�=t-�-"�C' .-��'Ci" _;r`."'- - 'i_v.fi:�_`=i'.Fr��t;�f°�a,a.:(;ti _X'.' c,�._,�`� �' � 2 s'�..- '.;`+��. f ..�_`,.y�S �. .�,�C:,'_ _
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<br /> _ � µ-..�..._. ( �_�._� .��� . � r .___+_+-���..�..�.—� . , ' . '' :"�'' 1idi��-� —.
<br /> :� . _ . .. ' ' ' _ ' " ' . . , � . � _ •_`s �.c's._=—
<br /> _ . . . • . � . . ' . . ' 4 � f ' "'�•'?�' :.r�_
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<br /> ;���a',i�a:_`• ` . , . . . . ._ . . . . _ �(.(I��� r r.° ''--t� J�M.
<br /> til . . � / � .. �
<br /> ��-��S ' f � . ' . ��� � l/ - .
<br /> ��..;x.N:"�Y::`�." ' ��`.0�1�,�11R QfOCp�f Of �Mt�fd Of CI�i1D 10f di111i��►�O�cqi!lQINf15i1 Ifl COfifl�CbOfl 11f�1 i�y ^",( T�
<br /> - � , �` .
<br /> - ` ' T
<br /> - '-' _� . . -.-_:�QCCMtI��.dm!�D��ortorcanvelt�inlieuofcande�nnMio�.wA�r�bf►�� �.
<br /> : �.- ':,-?�� ind atWl b�Petdto L��der• - —�------ •- .__ .—. —..--— -• — _�____ 1 '---
<br /> �j��.,,:°,.s,;A , ` ` � In11��taistoWlakLgoftfwProps�h�����atvlltisappfied�othesums�xur�d0f►ft�isDs�ddTru�tw - . � . .
<br /> • ' �t�e�ps�,ifany p�id b Borrowar.tn 1tN avent ci a putiai taldr�of the Properh►,untess Bonowor at�d Le��clhe�i� ? -• ,-. ,--� . .
<br /> _ - �`:i ' ' paeinvrriWy.IMnahWbfspq'iadbih�sums�ece�redbltWsOsedotT d1Mp�ocasrfaasb�� . �.: . _
<br /> . '.1 , tt�t��lionwf�iChllMarrwuntoflh�surt�ss�CUnd0111h�D�sdofTrustimmediatetyPrionolhed�l�dWdrgb��mths � y.- . :
<br /> � � � . � a� �aw.am. �+�n.a�ra±aae+saN.a wfa►u�eo.w�ceam.aoce.asv.id�ea"°,w' ; - , ;�•
<br /> - � - .--- -_�_:�� MtlNPrap�li��a�bY��ot�ali�rno�icaDy��oBorrowerN�atihaeonQ�nnardlsrsbmetcsan , __---- - - -- -
<br /> -` . � awardarsMllsaetaimiotdNn�Ba�owe�faflsbre�por�tvtenderwiBtin3Q�SysaArthsd�suchnoticaisawite4 ' ; _
<br /> . . �.� Lend�rila��i�atiZ�dbC011�Ct�ndipplytheProces�sRat1lndsl'iOptian.eiftie[tOteslOraliOnOrtpelrOflhlP�aps�ylo�b • ` ' .. . - : :-�
<br /> `_ ' tl�s suma sicund bp IAis DMd d Tnni � ! r
<br /> . ?`i b shtllnotexwndOr . .
<br /> • UntasL��duarWBoRawerotherwistayceein�rittng.aaysuchspplicatianotprocbeds Pr�+eipat���d� ; . - _
<br /> _ � � ' . - -`� p0�ons tf�s dut dN�d tb�montltty insWtmenb reis�red to in p�rac�aphs 1 snd 2 hereM or chas�e i .
<br /> `. . j iM� � , • .
<br /> �, `` tf Mn..«IMtllw...a.�aa�.tin+srarpaymantormoaircationot�+�aln.s�,n�s.scu►eae�rn,is . �.
<br /> . . . DMd M Trust�ranbd bY L,�ndK t�any wCCasor in inMr�st ot BoRa�shafl not op�it�b nMt�s!inc�ny mtnnar.ths r - -
<br /> ' : � � fiab�tyollhsai�iruilBorto�sndBo�rawerssucca�orsinlKestL�xMrshaitnot0�cpuirodbcommencsproceedinys ;
<br /> . assinat auch aueeeMOr or rdu�s b extend fime tor psym�rn or otlla'wlss modihl art�o�z�lan d its su�secund bY fhis � .
<br /> -� � - - ---------- ,Daed of Trust OY�tton atany d�mand made t►Y the o�inal Borrower and Borrowers succasaors in inlere�R � . . .-- -
<br /> t�. FaMwsrsa b�L«�Nat a 1M�rr.My farbearance dS►Lender Irt e�ccercisinp a�Y ri�1 a���Y herwnder or ! . '.
<br /> - _ , ott,er�,;,s,itord.e e�r,ppl�caas taw,ahu�nor bs a w,ivsr a nr �,de fhs exercia.a a�r��o. �n,e �.� ,
<br /> - - procurame�tottnsuranceoNhepsYmsnto[�xesar�heriienso�c�es�fl��►shailnotbe�waiverofLender�Atto ` -- - ---.=
<br /> _�_ --- -_ - accebrab tAe m�rrih d the indebMdt�ess srt�ured bY tltis Oeed ot Trusi. _ ` ;
<br /> . a. - , , . � � iZ. iN�dMs C�rWW��AU rertbcties Prwided in tlds Oesd M Truat ace disdnct and cumuhtive toa�ry other�t ar � , i
<br /> (emedy under 11ws O�sd ot Trust or sllorded�?�law a equiry.and may be exercised concumenty.indePenOantll►aE ��, �
<br /> . ' . � � ' 13.��eewaa and AtMpM Bo�w�.lotn!ad'3�wra1 Lta6�[r:.CapWNM-Ths eorsnfnb and a�reem�nts herein. . ; .`. ., •_
<br /> .. conornedsbWlbinO.sndthsr�phtsMreundershatunurato.therespscdv�swccessorsandas�qnsotLe��derandBorrower. ` : � r
<br /> � � � subjecttu the Pravisio�i af Darayrapl►17 hereoL AII cowenanb and apnertients ot 8orrower aMN bs I�nt and severst.The ' . ` , . ,_y,,..=
<br /> .��,app-oma�d M�dirpsoyheparagrapnaofthi�DeedotTrustaretaconvenienceontyandarsnMbbqu�luintanrpreta -,,_:
<br /> . �. 3 ns ths provisions hereof. . - �.
<br /> � 1�, Nol{e�.Excepttaanyno6cerequiredunderappiicaDletawtobegiveninanot�ermanner.(a anynodcetoBorrower , ;;`
<br /> - - provFd�dtatnthisQwdofTruatshailboptve�►b7l�ilinpsuchnodcebycertifsedmailaddressadto we►atthePropedy , ,_, :7:
<br /> . ` ` Address or at aucb other addross as Bortower msy designate by natics to Le�der af OrcvideQ hamin.and(b)enyr naticeto
<br /> IendsrshallbsylvenbyceRitiedmail.rdumroceiPt�e4uested.toLender'seddrassatYredNereinortosuchotheraddcessais : . .. •.-: „_
<br /> ` . � ' LenQsrmayds�i�nals6ynWiestoBorroweraaP�videdhetein.AnynoticeD�evidedforinMisOeedotTrostshall6edeeme4
<br /> - . to have bssn�iren to Borrower or I.ender when�iMen in the manner dasipnated t�ein- . . ,
<br /> , � 15. UnMa�O�d d TnMk Go+r�nM�Vw%5�+�•The form of deed of Urust combines uniform covenants fo► ,
<br /> rust
<br /> " nadonal uas sn0 non-unifom�covenaMs with limited variatians tiy jurisdic�a�+to canstitute a uaitorm securit�l inabument ,
<br /> . � �pyeriny�atl ptoplrry.This Desd ot Trwt shfdl be qovsmed b!►tAs law of the;urisdiction in whicfi the Po'opertf►�s lodled.In -• .
<br /> . � • theeventthatanyprovi�iono►clauasolMisOeedofTrostorlheNOteconflictswithappIicabtelaw.wchconflietahallnct . ,
<br />� aiFectatherp�ovi�ioraoflhis 0eed otTrustathe NotewhichcaR[segiven effectwlthoutthecontlicHn�provisions,andto this
<br /> ' end the P�i�ions ot ths OssA of Trust and the No�are dec(artd to 6e sevetabl� •
<br /> • ` E ��, �onrow�'srqp�.Borrower�hatlbefumishedaconiormedcopyaftheNpteandotthis0eedofTrustatthetimevf •
<br /> � execution or afbr rocordation hereof.
<br /> � 17. TransN►d 1A�Prop�ty:As�p�on•�f afl or any paR ot the propeAy or an interest therein is aotd or tranaterred by
<br /> • , i BoROwerwithaitt.enderspriorwrttfenconsentexcludtng(a)thecreationofaUenorencumbrancesubordinatetothisDeed
<br /> thn�t
<br /> ofTrost(b)lhecreaHonofapurchasertwneysecuriryinteresttorhouseho►dappliances.(c)atran�dltdeuiaedesce�torby •
<br /> ' ' , i ope�s6onottawuponthedeathofaiointtenantor(dythegrantofanyteasehoidinterestotthreeyea�sOrlessaotcontainingan ,
<br /> i• option to purchass.Lender may,at F,ender'soption,declareal!thesumssecured bythis 0esaofTrustto beimmediatety due
<br /> �t a�d payabls.Lender shsli have waived such opt�on to acceterate if,prior to the sale or t�anste►,Lender and ths person to ,
<br /> whom the P�operty is to 6e ao10 or hansMrred reach agreement in wating that the credit of wch peraon is saUshctory to
<br /> , � " ' LenderanAMatthelnterestpayableon#iesumssecaredbythis0eedofTrwtshallbeatsucfiraisaslenderahall�aquesl.if .
<br /> Lender pas waived the option to accelerate proviQed in this pa�agraph 17.and i1 BorrowePs auccessa in interat has
<br /> � exec�red a wdtten assumption agreement accepted in writing Dy t.ender,Lender ahall retease Borrower Trom all oblipstions .
<br /> • under this Deed ot Trust and the Note.
<br />� � M Lender exercises auch optlon to aecelerate,Lender sha:��ail Borrower notice of acceleration in accordartce witt�
<br /> parapraph 14 hereoi•Such noticashall providea perlodotnot lessthan 30Qagst�omthedatetha ooticeis mai�ed wlthin v�t^ic� .
<br /> . Bonower may paythe sums dectared due.If 8orrower faits to p8y such sucr�s Fr�or tothe expi►ation of such period.le�der
<br /> may,without turfher�oUce or demand on Bonower,invoke any remedies perrnittad by paraqraph 18 hereof.
<br /> , ,� � ' ' . ti0l6tNiiFORM COVENANT�Sarow�r aed LN�dN NaM�M eov�nanl and s�rM as tob+� .
<br /> �s, Ae�N��Yon;pMn�11iM.FX t as prdvieed in paragraph 17 hereot,upon Borrcwp's breacb of eny covenar,t or
<br /> � � - whenduean su�rsssecuredbythis0esdotTrust, .
<br /> . a�reementofBoaowerinlhisDcedo�usl.includingthecovenanbtopay Y
<br /> LenderprlortoacceferationahallmailnoticetoBanowerasprovidedinparagrapht4hereofapeciiyI�g:(7lthehraech:(21he
<br /> actionrequi�edtocureauchbreach;(3)edate.RCt!essthan30dayatromthedatethenoticeiamaiiedto8orrower.byw�icN
<br /> , ,y � suchbreachmustbecured:and(4)lhatfailurotoc�::esuchbreschonorbetorethedatespecifieaintheRa�aemsyresulUn
<br /> acceteration oltheoumsaecured byth�t0eedof Trsstandsaleotthe Property.Theno6ce ahall tuAherinfom�8orcowerollhe
<br /> rlghtto reinsfate aRer acoeleration and the rlght to bring a cour!action to asseA the non•existence ol a dafautt o�any other
<br /> . ,, defenseotBorrowertoaccelerationandsate.ifthebreachisnotcuredonarbetoretheaatespecitledinthenotice.lenderat
<br /> � LeneeP�option may deelare all of the sums eecure0 by this FJeed ot Trustto be immediatet due and payable withoul tuAher
<br /> � demand end may invoke the power of�ate ana arry othet remedies permifted by applicab
<br /> e taw.Lender ahatt be enliUed to
<br /> � collectsli rsaaonabkco�ts andexpenses incurred in pursuingthe remediesprovided i�the paragraph t8.lnctuding,butnot
<br /> flmited to,reasonabb attorney s fees. .
<br /> If the poMrer of aale is invoked,Trustee shaU record a r.ct�ce of detauit in each county In which the Property or some paA
<br /> • thereaf is Ixatadand shailmail coDiesotsuchnotice in the m2rtner prescribed�y applicabte tawto Bonawerandtofheother
<br /> � perwna pre�cribad by appUcabte taw.After the lapse ot suc�c;me es may be requlred by app�iceble Iaw.Tcuatee shatt g�ve
<br /> , pub(tc noNCe o1 stta to the peraons and in the manner preSCr:bed by applicable law.Trwtes,without demend on 8orrouver,
<br /> sha11 sellthe Propertyat publicaucUon tathehi�est bidderatthetimeandptaceendunderthetamsdesigsfated inthenodca
<br /> ot sa(e in one or more parceta and in such orQer asTruatee may determina.Trustee may �one sa�a ot all�r any parcel of
<br /> the Property bypub4ie announcementat the time and place o1 any prev�ou�ty schedut�te.Lender or t.ender's designee
<br /> may p��rehaae ihe Property at any sate.
<br /> tlpon reeeiptof psymentolthe prlcebid,Truatee shail detiver tothepurchaser7rusteda deedconveyinpthe P�opertysotd.
<br /> Tneracitets inti�sTrustes'sdeed�hall beprlma facieevldenceotlheUUthotthestatemenb madetherein.Trustee sheilap�y
<br /> theproceed�oNhesateinthefotlowingorder.(a)toa11 reasona�tecostsandexpensasotthesate.including,butnot pmiteQto.
<br /> � {}to atj��m.�s�secur�by thi9 Deed ot Trus�and e)ihe excess,pit any to the person o pessoans tegacy e Utied thereto c��
<br /> �F � ��, �rte�'�p1�M to RNntiflt.Notwithstending Lender's acceteration ot the sums secured by tfns Oeed M Srust
<br /> 8onowershallhavetherlghttohaveany proceedingsbegunbyLendertoenforcetheDeedolTrusldiscontinuedatanyUme
<br /> priottotheeertia�tooccwol(i)thetitthdayhetorethesate o�the PropeAypursuanitothepowarolsatecontainedinthe Eked
<br /> ' at Trust(ii)enfry ot s ludpmeM enfo�cing thio Oeed ot Trust it:(a)Borrower pays LenQer aQ sums which woutA be then Eue
<br /> � under thi�Oeed of Truat the Nole aa0 nete�securing Future Advances�if any,had no accele►a�on occured:(b)Bo►rower
<br /> • � � � curar all breache!of any other covenants or agreements of Bonower contained in tnis Deed of Trust{c)Borrower pays a11
<br /> � retsortabteexpensasincuaedbyLenderandTrusteeenTorcingthecovenantsandagreement�ofBorrowercontainedinthis
<br /> � t)eedofTr�tandinentarcinglender'sandT�ustee'sremedlesesprovidedinparagraAnlBhereof.inctudln�butnMlimited
<br /> � to.roasonabfeatfomey'stee�;and(d)eorrawertakessuebactianas�endetr►�yressaneWyrequirataassur�lhat!lFratioao! - - - --- .-- -
<br /> this Deed ot Trus�Lender's interest in the Properry and Borrower's o6tigation to paY the sums aeCUted by thls Oeed of Trust
<br /> �.t . shaticonUnueunimpaiied.Uponsuehpaymentandeureby8orrower.tfits0eedotTrustandtheobilgati0n9seeu�edhereby,
<br /> shaN remein in tull foree and eHecf as if no asceteration nad occurred.
<br /> :.�� . _ _ _ _ _ . - -
<br /> , ; , .
<br /> � .
<br /> .�� � . __
<br /> � .,
<br /> . . : t
<br />