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<br /> ` - _� UNIFORMCOVFHIW1S.�ow�rand Landercovenantanda9roeasSO11'ows: — ---- ----- -' ---•---�:
<br /> - � �y�t at►�eipd a�ti I�Nf.Bortower sAall promptlY P�Y arhen due the prir►cipal.ol and ini�e�ast on the, �
<br /> , . , ` `� .<::. � , . • it�dNl�bdi wjd�tsCM�1��NO�RO�� tandtstectsar�asRrov�dedtnlheNotb andtheD�mcipatafandinteBSton ` -_
<br /> �� any FeAK�AtivanC�s s�eur�d O!I 1� of Trusf. '` . . � _
<br /> ` ` • • 2 F�wi�/wTaMt�il�wR�ow�w 'sctto P��'icabtetawortoaw�waiwr�Y.t,ender.Borrow�snat�paytoLender : : 4 �:
<br /> . ` U ' anlMdh►mo�11MY6aW�n�bdai anai arepaYabbundutAS[�1ol�unbltdsNotsisP�infut4aaum(hsrein . ` . ..< . _;,.
<br /> - - -�,.'��=r �' - °Funds"taqud b�a�s-iwMMa!fAs yMrEy tezea and as�ssmenb wNch may atlain pdority over thi�DNd ot Trus1.and _ - . . -_ ._.
<br /> - s - �roundr�nlsontMProp�ty.itarry.D�usone-trr�iMot�nyPrortiwminstaitmsntsiorhanrdinwrence.ausorte-twetithat -
<br /> � , ��k .=� �y prweiun►in�WMw1Ms tor�r��t�w�snce.,+f arry.�fl as re�sonabtli estimaled inidalty aad han tima to timms by . _ _ , .-
<br /> Lsr�on tl�b�l�c���andbil�sand osaonadts a�lirnat�s theceW s �
<br /> ; � TheFund�sA�llbNwtdieartin�tiWtionlhed�Positsaaccountsofwhicharainwndcrguaranteed.byaFederaloratate i _�_ ` ;V jH,-
<br /> - ' �y(i�tdinp lMfd�r if Lrnda b wcb an insf�Attion�.Lender stlelt epply the tunds topay said tazes.aisessmenls. } .. --
<br /> . . iawarN�P�wniwnsandP�ou�dr�►s'�'��d�►mt�tnot�hu�°fOraoh0ldinpandapplyin�tl'ISFunda.anatYzic�s�ideCaouM r:�'�
<br /> � , _ a�������tssndbiii uNeasLanQerDays BortowKintecsatonitwFw�dsanasppIicablala•�r ' . -�
<br /> . - , p�rmilsLNbKbm�k�suchactw�r.6oROwerand�msyaproainwritin�atlttetimsafexewtionoflhisDssdofTrust , �
<br /> • ! tl�t inMrNt on tht Fwbs shail b�psid to Borrowa`and uniass sud►apreartient is made or�calba Iaw�equ�ras sucb :� ,�`,t,.;--.- _
<br /> � ' ! � int�bb� Rends►shsNnotbsn9uindtopayBo�rOwaanyi�ora�min�aonths u�.le��shatlyiveto , < �-
<br /> ,�, , �cMr�anannualaccountinSMlheFundsshowk�crodrband0�i�totheFundsandthepurposefor _ 'a . . .:�.,_ , �
<br /> �� , ' w�hioh�e�c�hd�biNothlFund;wasmad�Th�Fundsareptedgedassdd'itiortalsecunrytarthesumssecuredbythisDeedot _ _.. _'"=_�-�
<br /> -k , T H�thesmountaf_lhsfundsheMdbJfLender.topefherWitt►#lletuluremonthlyinsMitmentsofFunQspayab►epriortothedue . �. _—
<br /> �i - - . . - -_ ; - _ O�es of faxe�.�b.insuanCe premiums and gcound renls.sha11 exceed the atnourt�eQui[ed tu pay said faxes. _ : - - _ Y
<br /> - . ` gsse�atrNnts�inwranc�P�emiums and pround rents as theY fall du�such sxcess sAali b�at Bolrower's opfion,either -'=
<br /> . � _ p��r�i�Borrower or cr�diMO fu 9orroweF on nwn�hry inst�Yma�uf Funds.if the amou�t ot the Funds hetd byrr
<br /> E, sbsl natbtwlReienttop�yt�ur�.aa�smsab.iruunnceprerniumsandQroundrentsasfhe�tfa11duaBorrowerst�ll ,�_:�;.
<br /> .- - . . p�y to I.si�an ��t�fto maks uP the delieieney withirr 30 dsys icom the date notice(s maited by Lender to ' • . --
<br /> j Ba�rrarwr�iultofstlaurtaaecuredbf►fhisDeedafTrus�LanderahallpromistlYrewndto8orroweranyFundsheldby -
<br /> � .. ' . � Leodsr•HunctaoP�rprapt�t8hereoftMPr pe�issoldortheProparty isotherwiseaccN�redbyl.e+�der.tendershaltappty. �. ." __
<br /> r .� nol�terlhanimm�di�MtyPrio�tothestieot�IheM°PQ�Y°r'�a u�isitionbyLender.artdfundst�etd0ylenderatthetimeof : - ` ' :�
<br /> � • ` ; applicatian as a credits�inst the sums aecured by this Deed o f q l,'ruat , : ;i.:
<br /> 9, /I�pYealion pf Uniess applicable law rovides otherwlse.all payments received by Lender under the Note ,
<br /> �: ` - - - ' � � � �pa�� 2hers�of,�dtent�est�PaYabpeo tbel ote,tt[efintoithep�irt�dipat�iMthenNote.pa�nd�Mentoint�ar��ia�iidP��ion .� . =F
<br /> �, � aay Futuro Advpnces. � `. '�
<br /> �� LINr.Boarawe►aahatipayalltaxes.assess�s�enbandothercharges,finesandimpositionsattributabletothe
<br /> � i��y�in a pnor'ib uyet this Oeed of Tnai.and teaaehotd payme�b or grounA rer►ta.it any,in the manner ' -
<br /> provided under pars�raPh 2 hereo3 or,if not paid In such manner.by Borrower making yment when due.directly to the
<br /> BoROw�s�hsit��rtwke�p�ymaet dompt fu9oirow�shai�omPGY turnis�h t I.�ende u�ac�eip e�anc ng sucd,t�intneeen� �
<br /> ,� Bonower shali prompay dischsr�s any lien whicl�has Cna►h over this Deed ot Trusk Prov�ded.that Bonower shali not be = -
<br /> � raquiredtodischar�sany wchlienaolongesBorrowers�tisilayreeinwrifinytothepayme�toHheobligationsecuredbysuch .,
<br /> lien in a manneraccepfebieto Lender orsha��in 0ood f�c�ntestsuch lien by.or deknd eniorcement ot such lien in.tegal •
<br /> • � • pruceedinys which opsrsle�a prerent the enforcementof the lien or forfeiture of the R�operty a any paA thereot : . ,
<br /> s. �a�d�n�a�e�,geRCwer shatl keep the impror�er•rents now exiating or her�'Zer erected on the Propert!►insured
<br /> against toss by frre,hasards included within tne term"extended coverage",and such other hazards as Lender may�eqwre .
<br /> • • � and in such amounb a�d for such petiods as Lender rtfaY require:provided,that Lender shaii not�e4uire that the amount of
<br /> such covera�e exceed,that amoant ot caverage required to pay the sums secured by this Deed of Trust
<br /> j Thisinsu►ancecarrrerprovidingMeinsurancesha!It�echosenby SarrowersubjecttoapprovalbyLender,proviQed,that
<br /> � such spproval shall not be unreasonabty withhet0.All pre.^.•ums on insurance policies shatl be paid�n the manner prov�ded
<br /> under paragraph 2 hereot ot,if not paid in such manner,f��6prrower making paymenL when due,directty to the[rssurance
<br /> � , • �ml1p(nsurancepolicies and renewalsthereof shatl be in torm acceptaFr�e to Lende�and ahail fnctude a standard moR age :. •
<br /> ' clauselntavarofandlntormacceptabletolender.lendershailhavetherighttohofdthepoliciesanarenewatsthereo�and
<br /> • Boaowe►shailPromptlytumiaht Lenderallrenewalnoticesandailrece'rpfsolpaidpremiums.Intheeventattoss.Bonower
<br /> shail�tvep�omDt��oUcetotheinsurancecanlerandLenQer.Lendermaymakeproofotlossifnotmadepromptlyby8orrower.
<br /> � UntsssLendarand8onowevotherwllea�reeinwriting,insuranceproceedsshailtseapptie0to�estorationo��pa irofthe � • .
<br /> QropsAy dameyed.provlded sucb tesWratlon or repair is e�onomica(ly teasible and the security ot this Oeed ot Ti�1 is not .
<br /> 4 thareby impAired.If auch restoraUon or repair is not eccr.y:niCaliy teasible or it the securiry of mis Deed of Trust would be • .
<br /> �� impaired.the insurance proceeds ahall beapptied to the sums secured by ihis Oeed of Trust,with the excess,if ar.y,pald to •
<br /> i Bo�rower If the P�operty is ebandOned W BOrrower,or il8otrower fails to resportd to Lender within 30 days from the Cete • ,
<br /> ' noUce is maited by LenCer to Borrower tfiat the insurance carrie�offers to serite a claim tor insurance benefits.Lender is .
<br /> ' authorizsd to coltectaad appty the insufance proceedsat Lender's option either to restaration or repair o1 the Property or to . ,
<br /> . • the sums aecured by this Qeed ot Trust. � '�
<br /> � UnlessLenderand8orrowerotherwisea�reeinwriting,anysuchapplicationolproeeedstoprincipalshallnotextendor , ., ..
<br /> r po alpons the due date of the monthly in�taliments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereot ot hange the amoant ot auch
<br /> instsiiments.if under para9►aph 18 hereof the P�oDertgis acquired by Eender,aU right tltts and i�terest of Borrowef m a�d to ' '
<br /> '� ., anyinsurancepollciasandinandtotheproceedathereolresuitingfromdamaAetotlieP�opertypriortothesaleoracquisition , ' ,
<br /> __� ahalt pass to Lendet to the extem of the s�ms secured by this Oeed af Trust immediately pr�or to auch sate or acquisiHon.
<br /> . :-• S. p�����.-��pfprpp�rt�;t,�sNAolds:Cpndominiums;Plann�dUeilOw�topnNnfr.Borrowershail
<br /> keep the Prop�y in good repair end shall not commit waste or permit im�airment of detorioration of the PropeRy and shall .
<br /> comp!y wlththeprovi�ionsotenyleaselithisDeedolTrustisonateasehod.HthisOeedofT�ustisonaunitinacondominium �
<br /> or a ptanaed unit devetopment,Borrower sha{I pedorm all af Borrower's obligations unde�the declaration or covenants
<br /> creating or govelning the condominium or planned unit development,the by-laws and regulations of the condominium or
<br /> ptanned unit devebpmenL and conaUtuent documents.It a Londominium or ptanned unit development rider is excuted by
<br /> • Bor�ower and�eeo�ded togather with thi,Deed of Trust,the covenants and a�reements of such nder sha�l be incorporated
<br /> into and shall amendand supplement the covenants and agreements of this eed af Trust es if the rlder were a paA hereof.
<br /> 7, proi�cllo�M L�ndK's S�cutilf►.��Bor�ower 18i�s to peAorm the covenants and 8greements contained in this Deed o1
<br /> � Trus6 or if aay ecUon or proCeeding is commenced with materially aftects Lend�r's interest ia the Property.ineluQing but nol �
<br /> � . � k tfimi�sdto,eminentdomeln,irtsotvency,codeentorCement,ararrangementsorproceedingsinvolvingabankruptordecedenL
<br /> then Lender a1 Lender's opUOn,upo�natice to 8orrower,may make such appearances.diaburae such sum�and take aucn
<br /> ; aeNonasisrteceasarytoprotectlender'sinterestincluding,bulnottlmitedto,dfsbuisemeMotreasonableattornay'ateesand
<br /> �. . ; entNUDOnthePropertytomakerepaiis.H�enderrequiredmort ageinsuranceasaconditionotmakingtheloansecuredby
<br /> the Oeed of TruaL Borrawer shall pay the premiums rQquired�o maintain such insurance in eNect untit such time a9 the
<br /> re�uirementtorsuchinsuranceterminatesinaccordanCewtlh9o�rower'sandLender'9writtenagreementarappIiCelbetaw.
<br /> Borrowe►shall psy Ure amoun!o!atl mortgage insurance permiums!n the manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br /> • Any a�mounts disburaed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph T, w�th interest thefeon. sha�i 6ecame addit�onal
<br /> � indabtednessol8orrowersecuredbythis0eeddfTrust.UnlessBorroweiandlenderagreetoothertermsofpayment,such
<br /> � emounts shatl t1e payabte upon noticefrom Lender to Borrower requesting p�yment hereof,and shait bear interest trom the ,
<br /> �? � � dateofdtsbursemen3attheratepayabletroa►limetotimeonoutstand�ngpr�rtC�palundertheNateun�es9paymentofinterest _
<br /> at such rate would be cont►ary to eppucebte law,ln which event such amounts ShaU bear interest at the highesl rate
<br /> permiasibleunderappt�cebletaw:Notbingeontainedinthts paragraph7 sha�l cequ�re Lenderto incut eny expense ar takeany
<br /> ; acHOn hereunder. �
<br /> A.�n�p�eYpt Lender nfay make ot cause to 6emade reasonable ent�les upon and inspoctions ol tAe Property provided
<br /> ' thettendershaltgiveBorrowernoticeprtortuanysuchinspect,onspec+fyingreason�blecausetharetereretatedfolender's
<br /> � intbrest in thb PropeAy. �
<br /> - ; -
<br /> - - --�---:._._ , t{- - . __ _ . . _ . _ .. . _ . ..-- - : - -
<br /> � � , �
<br /> , �
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