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<br /> . L �. l�wei�c A�lMT t�ew�s. Borm�er sbaii keep tbe imprdvanents no�v existing or ba�eafter,enecfed an d�e . .
<br /> : • Propetty ia�aued ag�iast lass by fii�e.-iuwids include�within the tem�'extendod coverage'aad u►y Qtder huuds.iectudin� '
<br /> Mods a tloodi�,to�wAich#.ader c�quina�in�r�e.This iesuraex shali be maintained in the amounts and for the peiiods .
<br /> -_ — --- = - - -�RSV[dirg��f�r�r3aq _� � _ ° ,_�_.�_ - -
<br /> �fiic6 slull uat be un=r�soa�biy withNdd. If Bomower faits w maintain covetage described a6ove. LeMer may;at iender's
<br /> ' •uption.obt�in onverage ca pmtea Lcnder's rig�ts in ttie Property in acanrncdance widr p�graph 7. �
<br /> : .. All iaw�noe policies�nd�wals sluq be acce�ble to lreoder aad shatl iaclude a sta�ard martgage clwse. Lender
<br /> sh�U bsve the right to lwtd tl�e potieies and�a�tw�ls.IF Lender ceqoites;8orrower sliall promptlY give tu l.ender all r�oceipts of
<br /> P�Pr�►ums attd�vval aotii�ts.tn the eveat oY foss.Bc�maw�r sha11 give prumpt�noace totbe insurence�rrier and Lendec
<br /> I�der mi}�m�Ict pinof of fos�if not m�de promptly by Borrowtr.
<br /> � UnIess Iender ud Borrower othenwise agFee in writing,,inwrance p�s shall be applie�to restoration or repair of tlu
<br /> Psope�ty durogod.if the mstaration or cepair is economtcally feasi'bte and Lender's security is nat lessened.If the restnracion or
<br /> - - rep�ir is not eoonamiratty feas�le or Le�er's se�vriry aould be tessened,the insviaace proceods.s6ali 6e applieQ to tGe sums
<br /> aecvred by this Saa�rity Ia�n,whetlxr ar nat tbrn due,with any exoess paid t�Barrower. IE Borrowu abandons the
<br /> "_ Pmpe�ty,or does not aacwer within 3Q d�ys a notica fmm Lsnder tha�the insur.wce carriec t�as offered to settle a claim,tixn
<br /> --- Isnder may coIleet the inwrancc proceeds. Lender may use the pmceed�to repair or nesto�the Property.or to pay sams .
<br />= s�urre.+d by this Security Instn�ment,whetiser or not then dae.71�e 30�ay period will'begin when the 1�c,tice is given. , ---
<br />':Y'• ilnless Lender and Borruwer otherwise agcee ie writing, aay appliratioa of pr000eds to{�rincipal s6a11 aot extend or
<br /> . � postpoae tbe due due of tl�monchiY P�Y��cefcuad to in paragraphs �ana�ai chazege the amount of the payafennts. if . _ _-
<br /> � wider parag�aph 21 the�operty is acquired by Leader.Borrawer's tight to arry iusnrance policies and proceeds resutting from �- -_------
<br /> dazaage w tt�e Ptoperky prior tQ the acquisition shait pass to i�ender m the eatent of thc swns secured by Wis Secutity lastnunent —
<br /> - immediately prior w thc acquisidon. � o= -
<br />° �.p�e9,PteservstioN.Matdaasce and Ptata�fbn af tbe PtopRtg;Borranra's I.oan Applicatbo:I.ease6otds. __——
<br /> Bo�nwer sl�ll acwpy,e�btish.and use the F�opeity as Bosrower's principa►resideace within siaty days after the execution of . _ ----
<br /> this Savrityr instnunent and's1�I1 continuc w ocatPY���RY as Borrower s p�crcipal residence far at ieast one year after __=_
<br /> ,r. We date of oocupaM.y,unle`ss I.ender othetwise a�roes in wrtting,which consent shaU aot be a�ueasonably withheld.or untess fya:'r,��r;
<br /> a�
<br /> � eatenuating cinumstances exist which are beyond Bormwer's control. Bomnwer shall not destro , pair the `�'-°
<br /> ; r y damage or im �.. �
<br />_ ��:•_`-::-.;_-�:�
<br /> . ` I� � a tbe Pro todeteriorate:or commic"r'vaste bn the Pro . Boriower sfiatt be in default,if any Focfeiiure - ;::,�,....:�.•;;;
<br /> _ Property,a➢Io P�R7+ P�l' �
<br /> action or proceeding, whether civil or criminal.is beg��that in Lender's goad faiti�judgrt�ent cautd result in forfeiturc of the �`�''� ' � �-
<br /> �"'°:� or ot6ernLse materiall i r th�lien crieated fo �this Securi Instcument or i.ender's seavri interest.•Boaower ma ::�;b.!:;:.��`��'�;�
<br /> _: . ,��-.� FropaRy Y��! Y tY tY y ,; •. .,..�,•.
<br /> ::..},._ , � _
<br /> ;�� � ...�.;.:� cure sucb a defanit and reinstate,as provided in'paragraph I8,by causing the action ar praceeding to be dismissed with a ruling •. ____
<br /> that� ;n Lender•s good faith detenntaation,precludes fodeiture of the Bartower's interest in the Property or other material �� _' �'�-;:�`p!��
<br /> , ` . ' "u ,impaimyrnt of the lien cmated by this Security Instcument or I.ender's security interest.Borrower sball aJso 6e in default if :i�,�at': �'r�`'��
<br /> ��:,�� Sorrower,during the loan appliation process,gave materially false or inaccurate ia�fomiation or statements to Lender(or faited r''�t�::•�� .;. .
<br /> to provide L.ender with any material infom�adon)in conrKxtion witU the loan evidenced by ttie Note,including,bui not limitcd `�';��s�-�_ -;. '°
<br /> - ,.���.�.� `�� ;'�. . to,repressa►►tations conceming Borrower's occupancy of the Property ag a principai"residence.If this Secudty Instrument is on a �- _ -.�
<br /> � �:..>:�<�f�;'�t;: r a •�: , '; . ,
<br />. ��,:x,�•=n::,�"«;:;', leasehold, Borrower shall compty with all the provisions af the lease. If Borrower acqu'ues�fee title to the Property. the . :
<br /> <:'.t� - ' � ' ` teasehold and the fee title shall not merge unless l.ender agrees to the merger in writing. !•
<br /> , �'y��r'•.t�.:�y� . . t . .. . i'_
<br /> fyJt�?°�:'= '��'' "� 7.Protectton ot I.ender's Rights in the Pcope+tq.lf Bo�ower fails to perfonn Ehe covertants and agreemcnu contained in � �
<br /> .� �r1f�43'�:,'.r_ .�•":, �. '
<br /> , .� ,_ , ; , . thu Security Instrument.or there is a tegal praeeeding that may signifecantly aff�ct Lender's righis in the Propeity(suc6 as a '<-r•:�.�
<br /> ' ��.., =_�.. , proceeding in bankruptcy.pro6ate, for condemnation or forfeiture ar ta enforce laws ar regnlations),t6en Lender may do and • �
<br /> :,,.��'.�,. `:� ._.�. pay for whatever is necessary to protcct thc value of the Praperty and I.ender's rights in the Property. Lender's actions may •
<br /> �S.T'��:.':``?^'`� �' include n an sums secured b a lien which has riari aver this Securi Instrument. a ring in court. payin ' � • %'k` _==
<br /> , �'•�-���.,�_,': :! P�Y� S Y Y P tY tY PP� g . . � ��?';.:__.
<br /> '���. . �•.. :... � :�T--
<br /> �;,-, reuon�ble attomeys' fees and entesing an the Pragertg.to makc repairs.Although Lender may take actian under this patagtaph _ ,
<br /> r "', ' 7,l,ende�dces not have co do so. 7 � � '�''
<br /> _ . `". Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall bccomc additianal debt af 9orrower secured by tfiis . ,.�;b',�,�:�
<br /> •'`�?- �� ' Securiry Icutrument. Unless Borrower aa�l.ender agrcc to o�hcr terms a1'payment,these amounis shall bear inter��st from the . ' :;:�:`�':i;�si�•''
<br /> :;�.,: . ��:' • • ,�,.,,
<br /> . � ��a;�YY s�'`�� date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payablc. with intcrest. upon aaqcc fram l.cndcr to 8onowcr reyuesting � . . `�_'��`;:;f'�%��.;�;:.T
<br /> . `� __ P�Yment. . �;`�:- . �``_'`'`-
<br /> •• �� 8.Mort�ge It�surance. If L.ender required mnrtgage insurance as a conditian of making thc taan secured by this Securit}� �� f� .•�. =
<br /> �r :�..: s�. �� � +'°"
<br /> _ ������`��_�.,� Itutrumen� Borrower shall pay the premiums required to m�intain the mortgage insurence in effect. ii. far any reason. the }� : , ;, T�'°= � �
<br /> S S B �9 Y P P'Y P �l r • . ,.�``
<br /> �, -';�,:;__ � mort a e i�surance covera c r uired b Lcndcr la �es or cca�to bc in cffcc:t,Borrawer shall a thc remiums r ufred to , ��,. . . ,
<br /> �Y�:L��. " IY.-.:i'.� .
<br /> - • obtain coverege substantialty equivalenl to the mnrtgage insurance previausly in effat,at a ra�t subtitan[ially equivalent to the . �;�%�:s�. .
<br /> . '� �r:. • _ � . . ., .
<br /> - . cost to Borrower of the mortgagc insntancc prcviousiy in cf(cct, from an altcrnatr mortg�gc in�urcr appruvcd by Lender. If ,:
<br /> . � � substantially cquivalent rrortgage insurancc cover�ge is s�ot available.Bnrrower tiha!!pay ta L.ender each m�+mb a'sum equal to `--
<br /> • one-twelhh of the yearly c�ortgage in�urance premium being paid by gnrrowet when the insurance c��verage lapsed or ceased to ?� : _ _
<br /> , '.� • :, ��,`;� ' be in effect.l.ender wilt accept,use artd ret�in thc�c payments as a totis reticrve in lieu ot mortgagc in�urance. Lbss teserve . ' .
<br /> . :.�:�..�..:,;. i
<br /> . iam 90?� s/!0 .
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