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<br /> t. , .�Toc��eam��uwe�����a�w�p�y,��u�:�.«d._
<br /> , s�a �v or dene.`Ra a p�et uf we psopercy. Ali � aaa .a�tions•�ull atso`6e cor►e�ea e�►`tWs sacarity .
<br /> Tna�am�m�t.All ot tbe tot�des is tefetted ta ia this Security instrwnent as the'Fso�e�tY-" -
<br /> - - --�- - -__ - ---- - '
<br /> -_
<br /> ig�nftii�e�6eecisg=��i ' _- _
<br /> ' eonvry the�copMy aad that thc PmpeRy is uneaaun6eEed.exaept far e�vmbraeces of ieoncd.Boaa�rer wurants aad wiil �
<br /> • defeod getxrall�tAe titk to the t'�ope�ty against ail ctain�a�t,d�emands.subjxt ta any ajau�br�noes of tscotd. .
<br /> THLS SECURITY t1VSTRUMENT combioes uniform ooveauits for nationil use and tioc►-anifarm oovemats with limitad
<br /> vui�tia�by jnrisdiction tu oonstitute a w�uform senitiry iamumeat covding r�q1 P�gtdY- • •
<br /> UNiFORM COVENAi�iTS.Boriuwer and tinder ooverimt urd agree aa folbw� . , `` --- -
<br /> 1.pl�y�st d PtLcipot ad I�amt;PtYp�l�e�t atl late Ciat�es. Borrovrer shaii Pro�9 i�►Y wbcn due t�e
<br /> - prit�cipai df uW iotercst ar the debt evidonad by the Nott and yil'P�PaY��wd tate charges due under the Nate.
<br /> 2.Bm�ds tor Tms a�d ta�ra�oe.Subjax to applipble 1aw or ta a written waivu by Lendu, Bormwer shal!�y W -
<br /> • Le�d�er on the dsY�tiY i�Y��ue due under ihe Note.und't tUe Nate is paid in fWf,a sum('Fuads')far.(a)Y�Y� -
<br />-- aad�raen�s Wbich may anain prioriry over this Sewrity Iasmuneat as a lien on tbe Pm�pecty;@)Y�Y�b WY�s
<br />`" — . or�rou�d�a�s oa the Piopetty,if a�r;(c)Ye�rIy har��d or property inwranoe p�smi�c:(fi Y�Y flood inwrmoe p[aaiva�,
<br />.ti-- • if aay:(a)YearlY moctgage ins�uance preminms,if any:aud t�any sums.p�ya6lq 6g Borrower to IRnder,in aoconiaace wit6
<br />- � the pmvisioas of paragrapf►8.in IIea of the�E of mortgage insuraaoe premiurt�s.,Th�se items a�e pUed"Fscr�ow Ite,ms.' _ ------ - - --
<br /> 1,ender may, at�ny time.collect and hold Fantts ut an amo�mt nat to eucood the maxia�lum amoutu a tender for a fede�alty' � --
<br /> �- oelatod rtwagage taan may i+equice for Borrower's escraw aocaunt aader tbe federal Re�l Esttite Seatanent Pmcediues Act of � _ �==-_
<br /> - -- - 1974 as�nknded itan time to time, 12 Q.S.C.Section 260I d seq.(°RESPA`};unless another la�v tint appiies to the Funds , R�.,"='.=-:_--`------
<br /> sets a lesser amonm.ff so.Leader may, at aay tim�collect aad hold Farids in an amount not w 4x000d the lesser amount. �'�°_-_-
<br /> _ �n���:
<br /> _• ` l�ender mry�e the amount of Fands due oQ the basis of wment data wd mwn�bte estimates of espendituns of fuiute 4:�:
<br /> �r F,scrow Itans or at�wise In aocor�dance with�Iic�ble taw. � . "`'�,-'-�°�
<br /> . � 7be Fur�ds sha11 be held in an institution whose deposim aie iaaue�by a federal ageacy. iasaumeadlity, or eraity =�;_�:,�-
<br /> '. (111C1Ddit1$1�eOdu,i�'lsnder is such an institatioa)or in a�r Federal Home Ioan B�nlc.IRf1dCt Sh31I 2�Iy thC Fulld4 tt1�3y�111C �`°-"`-=
<br /> ,�:_:i�,.:.-
<br /> >•.. . Escmw Iteacg.Lender may not ch�rge Bocrower for holding and applying the Fands,aanually analyzing the escrov�r aomouat,or . �"".'`.= _
<br /> itR
<br /> � - . vtrifying the Esctow Items.unless Lender pays Borrowa imerest on tht Funds aad applicable law pemuts Lender to c�atc�sach , ' L
<br /> � , a cdazgc. However,I,ender'may require Borrower to paY a one-time d�uge for an independeat real estate t�s�orti�setviee. . - -, '
<br /> used by Lender in connection with this loan, unless applicable Jaw pcovides athenvise. Ualess an agr�eerneat is made or ' , :�`.�.
<br /> - � appticable law nqnires interest to be paid,I.ender sMrll not be reqaired w pay Bormwer any intetnst or earnmgs on tl�e Fuads. .:: :;.�':�:.
<br /> ., _. . •-�r. ' ,--i -
<br /> � • sr:�r� . Borrmv`er and Lendcr may agree in writing,hawever,that intemst shall be paid on the Funcis. Lender s6aI1 give w Bonower. . :;,�r;,, .-- -
<br /> �'- � - r-�; ,
<br /> ' arithoat charge,an annual accounting of the Fnnds, sdowing credits and debits to t6e F�s aad thc purpose for witich eacb :..:;;;� ,
<br /> ��' debit to the FuMs was mad�.The Funds are pted�ed as additional security for all sums seacred�by this Socurity " "`'"•`��
<br /> IdSWtllCtl� �r.'}�.�:a'`�,��.
<br /> � ;� t: �� • If the FuMs hetd by l.ender eaceed the��nnts pemtitted to be hcld 6}aFp!irable la�cc,Lender shall account to Bormwer i;r�''�'�`=���'�
<br /> ` � for the txass Funds in accordance with tlse s�in�nents of applicable law.xf tbe am�unt of the Fwds held by I.ender at auy . � `
<br /> . ,: T•� Lende�may so notify Bomuw-er in writin a n d.in s o c h case B a r rower ,, .
<br /> � �• ,.�;. time isnot sufficient to pay the Escr€�w L:.��whcn due, S• �.��. . :,.:,<<,
<br /> r � �.:i.v:,y,� :..
<br />.: � r�� ,(� :-=�+�� ; sfiall pay to i,ender the amount nea..'ssa.-r-:��ake up the de�uiency. Borrower shall maice up the deficienc.y in no aiorc dian , :i,r,,; . ,<
<br /> '�.t�4Tii. r�r� �. ..
<br /> ,:x.Y,,:`_:`�:,, . � ' twelve monthlY PaYments.at Lender's sole�:7s�r°:ion. • ' ;•`°.:
<br /> . :.._�,u;_;.; . Y • Upon payrt�ent in full of all sums secac�by this Serurity lnstiument, l.ender sl�aU promptly�ftu�d to Bomawer any �� - �:
<br /> ' - Funds held by I.ender.If,under paragraph 21,I.ender shall acquire or sell the Property,Lender,prior to the acquisition ot sale � �'j�,.:�•�
<br />� � j�;�;,��,�;_.'. of the Property,shall apply any Funds held by L.ender at the time of acquisition ar sale as a credit against the sums se�arod by �;;;:
<br /> . � �-:�:` {-"�- this Sxurity Insttument. � , ��'�;;
<br /> , ��';.- ' - .,• 3.AppUeatbn of Pf�ymenis.Unless applicable!aw provides othenvise.all paymenu received by Lender under paragraphs . �.`;��
<br /> '� .1-',.-:.�r � � -
<br />. .:° �;z::r;;-:� - 1 aud 2 shall be applied:first,ta any prepayme�t charges due under the Note:second.to amount�payabte undet paragraph 2; � `-�;�
<br /> ` ��''� �;�':- � third,w interest due:fourih,to principal due;and lase,ta any late charges due under the Note. � . _
<br /> � � .. � ',,.u:,:;:-,
<br /> � , r' . ��'_^ _ �� � I.C l w r ges;Lkre.Bonowce shall pay aU taaes.assessments,charges.ftnes and impositians attributable to the Property : � :'
<br /> � ..n;:.,
<br /> ..,,:i'��'s'•• wS::rb ma�y attain priarity ovcr t�is Security Insuument, a�leaschotd payments or ground rents. if any. Borrower sball pay "�'���"�'_
<br /> . ���,.;�;. ' � thesecbli tions in the manner rav'rded�in ara ra h 2,07 iF aot aid in that manncr,Bonower shall tl�em on time directl "'�1°``
<br /> • Sa P P S P P PaY Y 'r�:��
<br /> ta c3se n owed a mcnt.Bonowcr sfiall ro�n tl furnish ta Lcnder all notices at amounts to be paid under this paragtaph. -�-?Y'�
<br /> .. _�.}�r..: perso P Y D P Y � _.__
<br /> � "�`f"r•���� I f B o r r o w e r m a k e s t h e s e p a y m e n t s d i r e c t l y.�rc�:w e r shall prom p tl y fumish to Lender recei pt`s evidencin g the pa y m e nts. �-� -�—
<br /> 4 '�' Borrower sha11 pramptty dischargc any tie�afiich has priodty over thie Sccurity lnsuvment untess Borrower:(a)agees in . � -�
<br /> '.�.��_��`' ;r.,,� :.
<br /> , ;�'� ����•��� . wtiting to the payment of tlic obligation secured by the lie�a i�a manner acceptabte to L�er:(b)contesta in good�z:ch the lien i � � . .
<br /> ��'�'`'r � , or defcnds nst enforcement of the lien in, 1c a� vccedin s which in thc Lendcr'9 o inion o rate tm ent tha � � • '
<br /> .. ..:!��,.�_� bY � S Fr S P Pe. F�' � � ,
<br /> ���'�''• enforcemene of tF[e�ti:n:or(c)secures from t h�ho t der o f t he l ien an agreemen t sa tis f a c tory to l.e t t der su b o r di l a e i�L'�e ti ea r� ;
<br /> .,::.
<br /> this Secority ln�r::�nt. lf Lcndcr detcrmines t:�at at�y part of thc Propc.�g is subjcct to a licn which may att�m p:i3zbt�%e'fer : � .
<br /> • ' .. _._ � _ this Sect�rity Instrument.Lcnder may givc Bonowcr a notice identifyir,�t1r:licn. Borrower shall satisfy thc licn os G4ice c�:�os !
<br /> ,;�t������• mor�cf thc actions sct forth ab�s�c within 10 d�ys of the�i�g oi notice. ; , .
<br /> . ' ���lr=�;i� form3�28 9l90 ' '� ' • ' .
<br /> - � ' � � v�ge 4 of e • •
<br /> � % 'r•' . . MC�3019�NE/2 ' , .
<br /> ��,,.� .
<br /> � ' " . ' ' f; , � ' • .
<br /> ' .. -�- - -- -- - • - ' ,=. -
<br /> . �: • . • � . .
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