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<br /> ,.
<br />-... --_— _— ---'1,�� _�. _ ' ' __.-- T- , - . -- — _� _-_' _..—_-�
<br /> —. ..- _� __ '_ _'c'c ' 'r!�__ � ' . . r:��.::�_•�-� �
<br /> _ _ - _ _ . '. " _' _ _ ' i"� .l' __- ' _. .
<br /> _ . .y j( . ' . ' . . . . . . . . ' . . .
<br /> . _a�r�.�..J�!'�ii ^ + . . ,t . _�N . . . . ' _ - .
<br /> - . �
<br /> .. ` .__ ' . . _. . . . t . `. . . + . � .. . . . .
<br /> _ -."_�_"_"_ " __ "'_"_.-._"" . _"-____ __ '_"" . . �. . . ..' _'- ' _ _ ' ' - ___
<br /> _. _. . r �
<br /> _ ._.. . .. ._. i� .__".."_'_ . . "`'__-�_-__.������ _ -- . . .____"___
<br /> If Lender roquired mortpje:��•�^•as a coadition af m�ataeg ttx toan seca;ed Se�unty nstru t,
<br /> 'BorroMer s6a}1 pay the ptemiums requ�red ta m�intaia the insursnce ia eBact unti3 such rime as the requirement for the .
<br /> <insprancetaminatesin�ccordanctwdthBarmwtr'sa�WLendet'swrittenagraaaeatorsppticab�le����y.��
<br /> - -. . S. Ii�s/eetto�. Lender or its agent msy maice seasonabie mtries upoa ans!inspeeti
<br /> shallgiveBoaa+�er noticeat thttimeoiorpriarto an inspecdon spaifYinS resson�blecauscfor tiu inspection.
<br /> 3. Co�iamt�oe. Thc Procads of ang awud or citim for d�ges.d.irect or con.xqnmti�l.ia codaxtion with
<br /> . : any condemmtion or atha tafang of any part of tbe Property.or for conveyance ia lieu of condemnation,are hereby
<br /> �siaaed and sba11 b�paid ta I.mder. ,
<br /> __ - Tn the event oP a total takiag of the Pmpecty.the procads shall be applied to the sums securtd by this Secusity
<br />_-- tostruuaent,whetlxr or not thm du�arith any eioes4 p�id ta E�rro�er.ta the event of�partial tatcing of the Praperty.
<br /> CG
<br />' � ` aofess Borrowa and l,ender uti�a�vise aarae m�vritin�the�sssa�ed b�tUis Socurity Insunment sbali be reduced by
<br /> ' ihe a�aunt of the proceeds multiplied by t5e foUowing Ciae�i�:fa)tke t�tal amount of the surnc secured immediatelY
<br />'��'` beface.iht t9kipg.divided Tsy f��e�e fair martcet vatue of th��ty imiaediateiy befere the taiang.Any balance shaU be
<br />�-:�i toBarrot�er. - - ..
<br />'��� , � ..�fthe pcvpertY is abandoned by Hana�ru,or if,aft�r noticr by Lenda to BaaaWer that the condannor uffets to
<br /> `�`� �akea�a�a.*d�rsetfte a cl�im for damsges,Borrowu failsto rapond toExnder witbin 30 dalrs aftathe dste the noticeis .
<br />.4�7.
<br /> t}k.=� . `g��;,�azder is antharizat to caUect and apply the proaeds,at its�an.�r to ratac�onur re�of the Property or
<br /> �%��0��������'~n������ '- n of saoeod�tn rin shall not exund or
<br />,.� ,,,<
<br />"'��t' ";::�_ . �=:�•�Unitss�.eQderuidHorra�verothetw�iseagroeut�vriti�anYAPF� P P �
<br />"..�;;' ts referrod ta ia patag�gE�s r�d 2 or change the amomit oisucb payaients.
<br /> .:�F ppstpoae the ducdste ofthe mondilY PnY� --
<br /> )0 B�Not Rekre�FaAesai.ee BY I.e�ier�Iot a�'ac.sq Eatensian of tbe�e far paymatt or ��,.
<br /> Y
<br /> ��; � ,: . modi5cstion af sasorti�tion�of tbe snms so�e�ed bY tbis SeruritS►In�eiit gcanted bg I,e��r i�any successor in �;�.;,
<br /> � ' interat of Borrower shall ttnt�rate to release.the liabil�Pf the ari���orrower or Borra��es s s�sors in interest.
<br /> ''� l,eadcr shall not bC m4�.oa eommrnce g{ucec�,�����►Y��ia�zst`c�:s�fi�:ia ea�tend time for ���---
<br />- '' ��'���.,,,'?::,'� WYmrntorotherwisemodifsa�ant�atioav�s�Cesumss�dbythisSea»ri��y�stsaiimec:��yrea��afanYdemandmade . �x:�. _
<br /> :x�r:w�—
<br />� '•��=�'� by the odginal Borrower or Barrower's suc�is ia interest.Any forbeaca.��ziry�Lend�i�exe£�r,g:�y nght or remedy ,4;•�="-
<br /> , :���,�_:;•.. . •� ' . .,.... . : ,;n���.;
<br /> i;�_,., . sitsllnotbcawaivaofurprecludetbeexerciseofanyrightorremody:� ' ' ::;,;,_1.,_: _
<br /> 4-- if. Srec�rw�a a�#'�s Hoaad;Joht sed Se+reral Li�idy��8u��• 'f�e caver.�nis and agraments of _ s•:_
<br /> :�„'� �. •� � this Security lnstruinatt sT��ii sud bene8t the successcc�a��assi�sof Lender artd�a.:�aer,srby�s ia the��ov�ians � �,
<br /> .-� `°.��"'���:� ofpuaBraPh 17.H�rrn�.�"s,�..:�iaatsandagamentssh�]Vbt��a�aseveral.AnyB�4werwHac�-�SSt3cs�t9 . --�i;._
<br /> i
<br /> , ``%� _-'��`=�5.• instrumrnt brit ct,o��t esaziie tbe Note:(s)i s c o�s ign i ttg r i�s S e�i i i i i"y�s s s t ro m e n t o nT y to mort g��'�a n t an3 as�tY ' � _ - _;�°'_°
<br /> - � ���' � ` � that Boaower's i��erest in the Property under the tern�s of th�s Securit���scument;(b)is not perso�naSIy obligatcd�a pay` �`"''�'�;—
<br /> -':�'�'-��• � the sums socnred by this Socusity In.atrumrnt;and(c)agras that Lender and any other Borrowrr'may agrce to eutend, _ • _`
<br /> .,r; ,
<br /> ' ��r=c::;_'>�' madify,forhear or make aay accasnmodations with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without - ` :�
<br /> � lY:Ff-�.:i.�.:',-. . . _ . �.�_
<br /> - . that Horrowtr's consent.
<br /> '� I2. Loan Ch�rBes. IP the toan secured by this Security Imstrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan , . ^?
<br /> � _� � . charges,and that law is flnally iaterpreted so that the interest or other loan charga oollected or to be cullected in ,. .
<br /> ' � ' � ` connection with the loan e�ccced the permitted limits. then:(a)any such laan charge shall be reduced by the amount ..'Y• .
<br /> � .�,,, , necessary to reduce the charge to the permitted limit;and(b)any sums already caltestcd from Borrower ahicb eaceeded
<br /> ��a.6 yy. _'��
<br /> �,� � _.� permitted limits wiU be refunded to Horrower.Lender may cboose to make this refand by reducing the principal owed ..�•--
<br /> »� under the Note or by making a djrect paymmt to Borrower.lf a refund roduas principal,the roductian will be treated as a ,� �x�.;
<br /> • .�:'-�';•':-:�:-.�_ � =y-
<br /> pariial prcpayment arithout a�y pre yment charge under the Note.
<br /> '�Y`'��� l3. LeB�slaHon ARecNng l.�ender'a Rtgbts. If rnactment or eapiration as applicabtc taws has the effect of , , '-_-
<br /> �__ .
<br /> ' ��; � •� rendering any provision of'the Nate or this Secudty Instrumont unenforccable according to ita temis,l.ender,at its aptian, . ��=
<br /> =:.1, s_.:=`•#.�, may tequirc immediate payment in full af all sums secuted by this Se�.urity lnstrument and may ne►voke any remcdies
<br /> � rmitted by paragraph 19.lf Lrnder exercises this option.Leaeder s�:.:.��ake the steps spaifled in the secand par�graph of
<br /> �'}t.''. �-�Y^ � , � � . -
<br /> � patagraph 17. '�
<br /> , �'�' '�"`� % 14. Notica. Any natice to Bonower provided for�i�s t�is 5a:.�:ity lnstrume�t shall be given 6�delivering it ar by . .-
<br /> :b' ; � mailing it by flrst class mail unless applicable law requires use of xq�t�er methad.The notice sha',��e directed to the �,
<br /> � .���;t'� . ` i- � •;t�. ,. .. "y��-�
<br /> . ;• , . � -. Prope riy A d d r e s s a r a ny a t h e r a d d r e s s�a rr ow e r d e si g nates b y notice+s+Lender.Any notice to L�.:er shall be given by _
<br /> � �`.' flrstelass mail to l.ender's address stpted herein os any ather address I.ender designates by notice ro�rrower.A-y.r.otice
<br /> � � ,,. ` '= provided for in this Security lnstrument�►hall be deemed ta havc been given to Harrower or Lender wh�given�s��r�s u�ecf ,
<br /> i.� ,► � ,• -. In this paragraph. '
<br /> ;'+.�`. 15. Corerning l�w;5everability. This Security ln�trument shsll bc governcdby federat;;.:�ard the laa cf:pe
<br /> ,'f,:�.,� � jurisdiction in whicb the Property is located.ln the event that any pratiis"svn ar c1aW�.of this Ser.,���c I:rStrument or the .
<br /> Note conflicts with applicabte law.such conflict shaU not affect ather�rvvisians ef�ni.3 Securiiy Gr�Y:ament or the hate
<br /> � � , � �,',' �� which rdn be given effect withaut the conAicting prcrvi�ion.To this end fhc provi�ion.4�f�his Securit�Mstrumene and the- .
<br /> • � ' •���� � ' Note nre declated to be severs�ble.
<br /> - - 16. Borrower's Capy. HorroKCr�hnU he given onc cnuWrmed r��py uf'thr tie�tc and�F thi�Sccurity lnstrumer.t. �
<br /> 17. Traesfer of the Property oe a IieneHcial Intcrest in Burruwet. lf all nr;►ny�r.ut�+f thc Properiy or uny
<br /> "'?,�i� ' � interest in it is sold or iransfcrrcd(ar if a t�neflcial interest in Hnrtowcr is s��1d�r transferrcd artd Burrower i9 not a naturaT �
<br /> . .: . perscm)w�thout Lender's prior written consent,Lender may,at i�s option,rcquire immedi5tc�+ayment in Pull oP all sums � ,
<br /> � � � secured by this Security lnstrumcnt. Howevet,this option shali nc�t Me cxerc�sed by Lendcr if cxrrcise i�rrohibited by �
<br /> � fedetnl 1aw asoPihe date of this Security lnalrument. '
<br /> . 1i Lender exerrises thiv uption,l.endrr shaU gi�e�ormwer ttntire uf accelerati�n.The nc+ticc yhall pruvide a peric�d �'
<br /> . .� of not less than 30d�ys from thc datr the notice is delivered or n�ailcd withi»whirh I3osroNer mu�t p�y all sums secureci hy ! , . .
<br /> • thisSccurity lnstrum�nt.lf gurrowcr faits ta pay thcsc sumv pri��r t«thc e�piratian of this periad.l.cnder m�y invi�kc an} �
<br /> ' �� remedieypermiitedhythicS�tiuritylmirumentwithoutiuttherttotire�+rdemandc�nNnrn�wer. � . , �
<br /> - - -- -- - � - 18.eo�w�rer's Rip,ht to Reiastate. lf liorri�uer mcets certain cou�fiti��n..Narrn�vrr shall havc th�nght to havc f
<br /> , .' ` � enforcement'of this 5rcurity instrument discantinued t�t an�•iin�c pn��r ti�the cariicr nf:(;il 5 days(��r�ach��thcr period ati j
<br /> . . applicuble law may sprcif}fur rein�tatemcnU before sale rf the Pr��pen}•1+ur�uau�fa uny po«cr of calr run�ai�ie��i»th�s ;
<br /> � 5erurity Insiroment:ur tb)enuy of u jndgmem enfi�rcing tf�i�Security lmtrumrnt. 'f'h��tie condition�are that H��rr-mer: �
<br /> (a)p:�ys l.ender�fl sums which then would be due uncirr this 5ecuriip [n�trument anct �hc Note had no accclrrutw� � •
<br /> � . � ' orcuned:l6)cures any deP�uit c+f;�ny rnhcr cn�Enants e�r agreements:(r)�ay� ail crpeme�incurrcd iu enfureiiis:th�s '
<br /> ' �urity Instrumcnt,inrludi��F.but not limite�i te�.reasaaable attnrnc}•s firv::u�d td►tai:��+.ucli:s�tinn.�s Lrndcr m:n : .
<br /> �--•-__ - - -, - _ru�nabf� fcqttire t+s assure that fhe iierr vP ti�i.Src�ttetfy i��FStstrtcs�#.�,ecuis�r s M�;Eot�aiet l4e�Yro�ertp and tt�+ttc�urc'� `_---- --
<br /> • ' ��Hligatiun ta pay Ihe sums seeured by this 5ecurity lnrtrument �h:dt eunlinue unch:mgrd. Upon reinaatcment hy i
<br /> . � ba,uwer,this Seeurity Instrument and theobligatiuiis�eenred hereby shai)remaen fuily effecti�r us�f ne*acceirrat�on h,�d
<br /> • • accurred.However.this right tn ceinstate sha11 not apqi�`in the ca�e E�f aceeteruti��n m�der p.vagraphs f 3 nr 1�.� � .
<br /> ; i , �f , �' .
<br /> . ;
<br /> _ _
<br />