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<br /> c � ,.UNttaDRMZOYF�FANTS. BarruweraadLa�dacovenantand�areeasfoltows: �2� �V�. ' � -
<br /> 1. Pa�ef Frh�a�i[rtete�1'teM7we�t a�Isu CWrg�. Borrowu shai!promPelY��rn due �
<br /> ' th�principal of and intEtest�n thedebt evidenced by the I�tote and u�y prepayment and fate charges due under�hr Nnte. �
<br />_ _-�.--.M—��dt.CorTua�i iMSUn�_Subiect tou lics►bte taw or to a written waiver by l.endcr.Borrow�rr sfialt pay � .
<br /> �-� _ ------ -- — - � -----
<br /> - to Lendtr on cTic y mont�yT Uay-ments are ue un er t e. o e,un ��3t�� T
<br /> _-= one-!welfth pf•fa)yearly t�cs and aascssments which may aitain priority ovet.this Seturity Ir�suumen� (b)fqtly ` � .
<br /> - — _ - lr�sehald payments or,ground rents qn the Prope�ty. if any: 4c) yearly haxard ia5uranrc premiums: and (d)yearty . �
<br /> - __=�-:i • martg,age insuran�premtutns,if eny.These items are plla!"escrow items."ixader may atimate the Funds due o»the
<br /> - - _-- basisotcasrcatdataas�reasonlbkessimausoffiuureescrowitem�. .. . :
<br /> �.;� • The Fnnds shall be hdd in an institutian the deposits or acwunts of whicb are insured or gusrarttecd by a federai or•
<br /> sqte agency(inciuding Lsnder if Lender is such an in�titutian).L.ender shalt agply the F�nds to pay t&e escrbw items.
<br /> -t Lender may not cltarge fot holding an�appiying tha Funds.analyzing the account or vcrifyiag the cccrow items,untess
<br />=.�. �� � Lender gays 8omawa iaterest on the Fundc and applipbte law permits Lender to make such a charge. Borrower and
<br /> •�::.
<br /> • -t. , Lrn�der iaa�-a�ree in,ariting that interat shal!be paid oR the Funds. Uale�ss an agreement is made or applicable fa�+
<br /> e
<br /> � � ' nquires mtetia��tiibe paici.Lender shat!rtat 6e requirod to pay Bpttower any interest or earnings on the Funds.I.ender .
<br /> - 'sl�ll giv�ui$orcawec.witht�ut charg�an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br /> - t.' `� parpose for whicb each debit ta xhe Funds was made.The Funds are pledged as additional securitY for the sums secured by
<br />. +'_-.... ti�is Security Instrumen� . , •
<br /> ' `;�:,_ if th��nnunt of'the�unds heid by I.aider.together with tise fatare moathiy payments of Fuads payabie prior to
<br /> � �: �� the duc dats of the escrow items.sh�IP exceed the amount required to pay the cscrow items whea due,the excess shaU 6e, —_
<br /> ��,,, �::�;. -Y` Y P � �6=-:
<br /> ;,�• �,..:,�„-;_• at 8otrower's option,dthu promptly repaid to Borruwer os credited to Borrawer on monthi ayments of F�mds.lf tIt�
<br /> ��-:�'r:''=���� unouni of the Funds hetd by Lender is not stdficient to pay the escroa items when due.Borrowec shali pay to I.ender any �.';�__--
<br /> � 6+...��' .:i'.' .
<br /> x, R.�-'� amannt noeasary to malce up t6edeficiency in oae ar monpayments as required by Lender. �•. !�=-:'-=__--
<br /> r.,.�:.::;•�,-`.' � .
<br /> r k�,::-y .-..._ Upon payment in tiill of ail sums secured bY this Sccurtty Instrument,I.ender shaU pcomptty iefiu�d to Borro�ver �=�.
<br /> . _ ���. 1.,.: . :�-,?-•--
<br /> fir::�,:• s�_
<br /> , . '`�'.�,t;�,,��,.,�:,,.. . any Fuads held by I.ender.If unda paragraph t9 the Property is sal3 or acqu"ued by Lender,i.ertdes shaU apply.no iatec_ � .._�.r,
<br /> '� ��: � �`.�Y � tban immediate/y prior to t he s a le o f t h e P roperty or its acquisi uon 6y L e n d e r,an y.Funds held b y Lender at t6e timc of- r: z
<br /> - �,. >: �.. .. :. r,x2='a._
<br /> - ��=}�::;'. �,frf�.�:`� �PP�ication a4 a credit agaiast the sums secured by this Security Iastrumrnt.' .
<br /> :>�'?��:`� ' , = �:f.°; 3�Apoliatios ot Psyme�ts. Unless appticabte law pravida otherwise.a1}paymwss recaved by Lender ueidc�.' . ;_ �'`.:-
<br /> .:::,s;;;:;' . ' � ent charges due under the , ;`
<br /> _ .,•:::t�::.� . paragraphs I and 2 s6aitbe applied:first,to late chatges dve nnder the Not�second to prepaym , .—
<br /> , ° - '�:_ " Note;thiM,toamoua�payable ander paragraph Z;fourth,to interest du�and last,to prinapal due. , . ._--- � -
<br /> . ' �r��,, �- � C 6 a r�e s;G e a v. B o r c o w e r s h a l l p a y a l l t a x e s,a S S e s s m m t s,c h a r g e s.fines and im p o s irions attn"6utable to ihe . . •;" :u'
<br /> � - `:-�;���• Praperty which may attain Qriarity over this Security instrument,and leasehold payments or ground rents.if any.
<br /> ' ` � � `�'��'``�'`'�' B onower s h a l l pay t hese o b liga t i o n s i n t h e m a n n e r p r o v i d e d i n p a r a g r a p h 2,o r i f n o t p a i d i a t h a t m a n n e r.B o r r o w e r shaU - -
<br /> . :,,,�.�._..,,,�, :-�, _:
<br /> r,.._.
<br /> �. �::-?::;�,... ' ;•4`,;': : pay than on time direatg to the person awedpayaient.Borrower shalt promptlY furnish to i.ender all narices of amounts , . €
<br /> :�::�;�;;'.� - . . to 6e paid uader this pacagraph.If Borrawer mai�e���e payments directiy.Barrowcr shalt promptly furnish to Lender i,• ,. .. ��; � .
<br />. ''' ,;�.;' , roceiptsevidrncingthe��tnrnts. � . `• _. . `.
<br /> ���kr, , . _;;�'_ � -
<br /> _ ..F< , „�,,r:.,` Borrower sdatt promptly discharge aay lien a'.�cb hasg���rity aver tl�i�Security Instrument u n less 8 orrower:(a? ,"`'
<br /> ' � . ` age�s ia writing to the gayment ot the obligation secured by tfie[ien in a manner acceptable to Lender,(63�ntests in goad �': �
<br /> • � faith the lien by,ar defe�ds against enforcement of the tirn in,tegal praceedings which in the Lender's opinion aperate to � - _
<br /> `�;,;;; ' �" • prevettt the enfarseaie�ti oP the lien o[forfetture of any part of'thc Property;or(c)secures from the hoIder of the lien an i , _ .
<br /> . � ageement satisfacto�w Lender subordinating the lirn to thls Security Instrument.If Lender determines that any part of . �,�
<br /> ' ' the Property is subject ta a tim which may attain priority over this Security•Instrument.Lender may give Borrower a _
<br /> ' notice identifying the lien.Borrower shall satisPy the lien or take one os mare of the actions set forth above within 10 days �j��
<br /> � of the giving of noticx.
<br /> � ' S. Hazard Iasarance. Horrnwer shall keep the improvcments now eaisting ar hereafter erected on the Property
<br /> . � � insured against loss b�ftre.hazards included within the term"eatended coverage'and any other hazards fdr which l.enAer �," �
<br /> : � requires insurance.This insurance sha116e maintained in the amounts and for the periods that Lender requires. The ; ,. _ '�
<br /> ,;::;.;.• , insurance carrier proti�ading ehe insutance shalt be chosen by i3onower subject to I.ender s approval ahich shal!not be
<br /> , •` , . ,,. • unreasonablywithheld. �. " -
<br /> , ':.,;. '. ',,;•.:; ' .
<br /> AU insurance policies aad r�ats shaDt be accepta6[e ta Lender and sha11 include a standaui mongage clause. f � � ? '
<br />,� '�'� � � • Lender shall have tAe right to hold ti��poficies aa�.d renewats.tf�.ender requires,Bonower st4alt pre�mptly give to i.ender � • .•
<br /> . .�:;' ' . ' all receipu of paid prensiums and renewal notioes.In tke event of loss.Horrauer shall give prompt nafice r�ihe insurance i : �
<br /> � prtierand Lender.Lender may make proof af lossrifaot made promptty by�rnnower. • { . .
<br /> , • ' Untess Lender and Barroweretherwlse agree in writing.insutance praceeds shal)6�ap�piied to res�:�atianor repair � . .
<br /> • � of the pca�erty damaged,iithe reseasatian or rep�tir is economically feasible and Lender'ssecurity is nat lessened.IPthe � .
<br /> � restvr2.�:��or repair is,not etcmo�o�Ey feasibEe�ar L�mder's sccurily would be lessened,thc insur�nce proceeds shall fie , : ,
<br /> • � appliM to the sums.secured by tiacs Security�r�s�ctment,whethcr or not thcn due,with any eacess paid to Bonawer.If i • ,
<br /> � � Bonower abandans.r�e L�roperty,or dc�es nmt�rese�+er within 30 days a noticc fram I.ender that the ins.urarce carrier has � ,, , .
<br /> � � o�ered to settte a ciaire�.ti�en Lertderactay coZtec3 a�e'insurance procecds.l.ertG:r may use the proceeds ta�repais or restare � .
<br /> , ' the Property or to pay sums secuved 6y this Security lnstrument.whether or not then Aue.?he 30-day period wilt be�iz ,
<br /> .' � � when ihe aotice ia given. �
<br /> --- . ., ,- - , .
<br /> --- Un1e�s Lender and Botrower otherwise;:�rec in writing.any appticatian of proceeds ro principal sLa� na2 eare� c-�
<br /> :, � " postpone the due date oPthe monthly paymer.ts referrrd to in paragraphs 1 stnd 2 or change the amounc offthe payments.IP
<br /> undec puragraph 19 the Propeny is acquired bp Lxnder,�arrower s right to any insurattce policies and nrocreds resuIting
<br /> ' kom damage to the Property pri�or to the acquisiti�n shall Pass to Le��dcr ta Ihe extent of ihe�nms secured by thic Security ! •
<br /> instrument immediately prior to theacquisision. ;_
<br /> 6. Presen�tiQe aed Maieteaaace of Property;I.easehatds. gorrawcr shatl r.cr�,�.*roy,�damage or snbsiais=wlty
<br /> � . change the Property.altow the Property to deteriorate or commit waste. If�his Sec�r:rc tnstrument is on a leasehold
<br /> Borrower shall comply with the pmvis�ons of'thc lease.and iP Rrnrrower acquires fe�rirke t��he Propeny.the leasehold and • ,
<br /> � fee N�te shall not merge unles.c Lender:�grres tu t hr mrrger in a•r�ting. :
<br /> . Z ProtrcNoe of l.ender•s Rigbts in/hc Property: �1ort��e lnsurance. Ifi I3crrowcr Pai2s to perform thc : -
<br /> covenantsandagreertients rantained in this Sccurity trzs�rumei�t,nr there i�a te�al proce�d�^�;that mny signifir:�ntly affcct '
<br /> • Lendet's rights ia the Property(such:�s a pruceeding in hankruptcy,probatr, for rredemnatiun or to rnfarre la+.•�or
<br /> •_. . . regulations).then Lender may do and pay fbr whatrvcr i�n�cessary to protrct thr value nf the Yro,erty and Lcndcr'�.righn
<br /> , in the Prnperty. l.ender's actions may irtctudr payin�any sums�rcured by a I'teh cihi�h has priarity o�er this 5ecurity
<br /> , tnstrument.nppr�ring in c��rt,paying reasonablc�u«rneyy fee�::+nd entcring un the Pmperty ta mrke repairs.AlthouE:h .
<br /> Lertder muy take action untier this paragraph T.Lender d�nut h�vr tv cla sn.
<br /> . A»y amounts disbursed by Lendcr under this paragraph 7 shatl bccomc aetditi�mal deht nf Borrnwer secuted by this
<br /> • Security Instrumeht.Unless HottoHer and Lender agtea tv rnher tcrms of payment,these amuunts shall t+eas intcrest from
<br /> • . - the date uP disbursemeot at the Notc r�te and shall be payabfe. «itB iuterest. upan nntirc Prc�m i.ender t��Harrower
<br /> ---__-- - �.v - re4ueatiagpaYment. - - - - -- . . _ , _. . _ . . ---_-- -- �---_ _.
<br /> , � ' .
<br /> . .. _ i . - - - - - . : ,
<br />� • • ¢ .
<br /> ; � . �
<br /> .
<br /> , .
<br /> .. r ' . ' ' . " ' . .
<br /> ,a..
<br />