<br /> �_�-�__ ei..- � •�
<br /> _ �y=�.� — _- _--: - ._. , . .— _.•.._.���"�� ---
<br /> . _ ,<'
<br /> - . .�»_. �.,.. . ..... _ _ -
<br /> -T"�.--�� - � �---� —� -- -_—�-_ - ._.
<br /> . ._ .- - - - - r- --- `— c; . —� -_ ---
<br /> j. . � .� � �`^ _ - - � -- . . �'._... _.—_ , - —- � .
<br /> _.,.A.� -- ' ` .. . < ' - . _ � � - , . ' • . . - � . .�
<br /> ` ., 3 � �` i ' '.. �. . . ._ : - , . , ./— jO� J ` ..( .
<br /> � appL'ca61e taw any s�o�ifg fa rei�poaeeat)befoc�e a�1e Qf the pco�aty purswet to�o�pawr�o�'ss�e�in this
<br /> ` � SeprRy La�en�or(b}eot�y ot a jtdgmeat mfac�mg dris Satiaity Iest�iau. 'irio�caa�ti�art tivt Borrower. (a� , �'
<br /> _ ___--�� ----------pax�l�dec all._sums.�rhi�h_t6eo tAnwld be�iie nndu this Sa.witg Insaumaet uid tGe Nofe as if no acceleiation had
<br /> :- .- , �;(ro)��3► o m,► °u�' °r r`----..g�us,e�,ry-----._ __
<br /> _ Iaa�amee�inctudiag.but na limited to�ceasanaMc attomeys'fees;�nd f�)�such action as I:aider msy reasoa�blY� .
<br /> iequ�e to assute dwt fhe lirn of this Sa�tuity Zn�.i.et►dtr's rights in ths Property a►t�Harrower'�oDtiguion to pay the .
<br /> : suaas savied bY this SecuT►tY Insmimmt sl�U vanrinue nnci�auged. Upoa reinstatem�at 6y'Bonower. this Secunry .
<br /> r Ins�t ana tbe obligatioas secui+ed henbjr shall Rreaia fally effecave�s if m�ccelendon h�d accuasd.. l�uwever.this,_ - -
<br /> riglu to�oe sh�ll nat apply in the case of acrete�atioes under psragnph i't. '
<br /> I!Swk af Noi�(.'I��e o[I.aw Servie�.'11�e Nooe or a putial intaest in the Nae(to8ether witii this Sec�ity
<br /> Iaarument)may be sotd one a moe�e times witl�out prior notice to Bomower. A sale may res¢tt in a ehu�ge in th�ea6ty ,
<br /> (kaowa u We"Ia�a Sen+ice�')tUat co[lects monthlY PaY�u due ynder the Note and t�is Security Tnsaument Tt�ere�lso •
<br /> mty ba aK or mo[e ch�nges of the I:o�n.Servicar urmelaud to a s�le of the Nore. If there is a change of the i.oan Senicer,
<br /> Bamwet w�t be givrn written mtice of tk eMoge�9ccasdance with puagt�pG 14 above uid applica6k law_ Tlie mtiae.
<br /> vrn'il st�the n�ae aad�dd�rsc of the new Loan Se:vicet and the addcrss ta which paymenu should be tnade.77�e txxice wi'il
<br /> , also camin aay d6er iafa�mation nequic�d b7►aPPlicabk taw.
<br /> 2� HssudoYS S�bsh�ces Boaowec sh�Il not cause or permit tlfe�e.ose.disposal,staage,or t�lease of aay
<br />--- Hir�rdaus Substances on ar�the Pmpeny, Basowec sball not do,aot a11ow anyone eise to do.anything affectiag t6e
<br /> - Pmperty tdaE is in vidation of any.Euvi:o�mte�ftat Iaw. The proceding two sentonces si�0 not appty fo the presa�ce.us�or _
<br /> stortge art the Ptopetty of s�nail qu�ntitie�o�'Haza�dous Stsbstauces that ane generalty rerugtuzed to be appmpitiate w nomtal _
<br /> tesidattiai nses aa�!to mainienance of the�Etapeny.. '. . ' ,
<br />-= Bamwer sball�y give I.endercvritten natice of any ia���ation.claim,demand.lawsuit or a1�r ac6on hy a�r �.
<br /> -- guvemme�ai os nguTatasg.aga�cy or private party ia�virtg d�e Pt�[t9 aad aay H�rdous Sabstance or Envuomnental
<br />-:i' Izw of�r�e Baaower�actual knowledge. �:`'.�wer leams, or is natified by any govemment�! ur teSulatoiY
<br />-';: � ''autMrity,t�at�y removal or otlkt temedi�eian of aa�;�rdous Substance affating tbe Prope�tY is necessuy.Bormwer
<br /> -- shall p�opsptl�taYe ail necessary tertKdial act�ons ia acmtdarjce with Fnvimnrrx�pl Law. `
<br />- ° As used in this paragtaph 20."Har.etbus Substances"are those sn6stuices defined as toaic or hazaMoas sabstamas by `
<br /> � F�vironmental Law and the following sahstances: gasoline.kerosene,other flammable or toxic petroiwm products.toxic
<br />. �`• pe.tticides aad he►bictdes,cmlatile solvend.materials containing asbestos or formatdehyde,and radioactive materials. As _
<br /> used in this parsgaph 20.`�nvtronm�tal Law"means fedetallaws and taws of the jatisdiction where the Ftoperty is Wpted _
<br /> - t1�at nelate to 6raltb.safety ot enviratmentai praecdon. • �
<br /> NON-UPIIF�ORM COVENANTS. Horro�aer aad Lender fiirther.coveaant and agrce as follows: _.__
<br /> �. � 21. Accderatioa;Remedka Leeder siwll give aotice to Barroeer pe�toe to�tian talloWiog Borroeer's ----.
<br /> . _' _ bre�c6 d aay cove�uut or aEreemtnt in this 3ecurity Iastrame�(6ut nd prlor to a�atton under psus�pr 17 �-
<br /> "`•� � �appltcabk taw peovldes athenrisel. T6e noiic��atl specitYs (a)t6e defaoit;(h)tbe actlon rcrp�^c�d ip cure the - -
<br /> �,,:;�_
<br /> •, � defs�lt;ic)a dstti nat k�t6�n 30 dstys trae tiK�ibe aoike is given to Borrower,b�vrl�ch t6e�it must be �„�
<br /> ,: . . , � e�red4 aed(d)that fsilane�cun the default on o�5et'ore the ds�te specified in the notice ms9 resalt iir'aae�Aeration of ���-
<br /> tl�e a�ms secpr�d by t6�Seairity Iu�dr�meut aed swk af the Propert}: Tbe natice shaU t�¢dKr inform BorroRer of ���.�:
<br /> � t6e r�6t to reiagbte aRer accekeatia�aed the rig6t to bring a coart action to a�ert the was�ence ot p defaWt or � =--.
<br /> �� any Mber defense d Bon+nwcr to�tion aad sAk. It tde detaoit is aot cured on or 6e�iire t6e date specifled in . ;� ;�_,
<br /> . � tfie notioe,l.ender at its apbioe may reqoire immMiate payment in tutl of aq sums secured by th�Security IRCtrument �;;�; ��.,��;
<br /> � `�� `� withaut turther dema�d and may invai�e the power ot sak and any ot6er remedies permltted by applicable taw �f;;;�;__:,?r:
<br /> i.ender shAll be entttte�tr�cdkct alt expenses incurred in pursuing t6e remedies pcovWed in this paragrap6 21. •'::= •w
<br /> ��, � includia$,Dut�M limited'to,reasonabk attorneys'tas s�ad costs of titk evMence. ���k'`jY�:
<br /> •' If the power ot sale�involced,7lrustee sl�ll record a notke ot defan(t in each county in whkb any part ot the ": ;� . :
<br />_ �; � :,,� ,-
<br /> Property is located and shall mail copies ot such notke in the manner prescribeA by appiics�ble law to Bonuwer and ta =:;.�:_ ;.:,
<br /> � tfie other persons prescn'bed bY aPPlica6le law A}tee thc time required by applicable Is►w,'[tastce sham give pablk
<br /> �potice ot sale to t6e peisu�s anA ln the manner presciibed by appIkable IAw. 7lrustee.wilhaut demaa�ar Borrower. • •
<br /> ` • si�U seU tbe Property at p�ifc auctbn ta the highesf bidder at the time ynd ptace and under the trrms d�sig�wted i� ._; _�=''
<br /> ,;;,� ;lie notke o!sak in one�c�rore parcetaand in any order 7lrustee determines. 'i�agtee may pastpone sste of all or any -���-� -
<br /> ��Y �ucel of tre Property bq publk annauncement at the time and p�ace ot any previously s�ieefnikd sak. 1.ender or its
<br /> �. ��Y Purcbase�re Property at�ny sak. , ; �::.�. ..
<br /> �:: Upon receipt a��mient of the prke bid,Trustee slwil dellver to t6e p�rclluer Tru'stee's deed canveying the _ ��.;;�, �J_
<br /> ' '` Propeet�. The eecitats aia IIhe Trustee'.s deed shail6e prima tacie evidence of tlse truth of tfie statements m�le therein. ' �
<br /> ` � r� 7}ustee sha11 apply the praceeds oi fhe sale in the tdtowing ordcr: (3)to all cats and expenses ot exercising the power �"`•; !,'
<br /> , •�, _ .. . -�
<br /> ;_ . .
<br /> � . •
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