_ - - .,_
<br /> - � , - ' � _-�=- -�_- _. . ��: - �L . . . � � :,r;�. �__ -�_
<br /> °- ,; - • �;� .� - _ - --- - -- ..__.�--
<br /> ..��` . .
<br /> f i �
<br /> = _; .; ,, . ..'i- - �l � � . . ._ . . . ' . ` < � . . � • � , _ . : , .
<br /> - ; ----. --`- - - . - - --,- - . - _-. . ._ : . _ :. � - -`.-- �.,.. �t��3.�� .-
<br /> catidana�¢ion or a�ber r�tcing of arry part of the Ptoptrty.or for convcyanee in!iw of cor�dtm aR.ue reDy ass�gned and .
<br /> :: sball bc paid to Lender. � • _ �
<br />__ _ _ --- -- _=._Iu�_�ent af�a tot�i taicia o_tde Prnpeny.d�e p�-ecds shatt b�ee-���pplicd td thc3vrt�s iec�ued by this Security.
<br /> —_ "_ . . . �r1iRZR�F-�/�AL11161� R=-�..._.... _
<br /> jOSltU111C[lf.Nt OE �'. . • -�'---
<br /> wRict��he fsi►markei�vatue of ths Pf�openy immediate[y Qe�ore the taking i.c equat to or gteatcrtlwn the amount of the sums ,
<br /> secored by this Secuary Insnument immcdiate[y before the takisrg.unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in wdting.
<br /> tt�e snn►s secured by this Securiiy lnsuument shalt be reduced by the amount of tGe praceeds rnuttiptied 6y the foltarving
<br /> fr�ctia�:_(a)the tat�f amount,of the sums secuced immediateiy before the taking.divided by(b}the fair m�rket value of the
<br /> ptopetty immediately before the talcin� Any batance shali be paid to Sarrower In tI�evetti af a partiat tat�mg of the - --
<br /> prpperty in which the fair marinet vatue of tlie Pmperty immedtatrty befoce the taking is tess th3n the amo�nt of the swas ,
<br /> serutied�m�iatcty befae the�akinLe.untess Bomnaer and Lender othecwise a�ee in wriang ar untess applicaAk law
<br /> otl�er�vise ptavides,the procceds shal!be applied to the sums secared by this Security Insuument whether or not the sums are
<br /> �then due. . `
<br />- � If the pcuperty i�atiandoned by Barrowu.or if,'af[er notice by Lender to Borrower that the conJemnor offers to make
<br />;�-; ` an aw�rd or scate a claim for damages.Borrower faits m respond to Lender within 30 days after t1�c date d�e notice is B►ven,
<br /> I.ender is authorizai to coQect�:nd appIY the.Prnce�'ds*+a its optioR;eit4�er to nestaatioa or cepair of the Picopeny or to the
<br /> �sums secnred by this Security Insaament,whether or not then dae. . . . ,.
<br /> U�����ga��rer othenvise agree•in writing,any applicatian of proceeds w principal st�ll not extcnd or
<br /> " .P�P�the dae date`of the�ntAiY Pa!'ments r�feirzd ta in p�ragcaptts t and 2 or chaage tlie aznount of suct�payments.. .�
<br /> -. , ��� g���y. N� g�d; Forbe��e$p Lender Not a Waiva: Exteasien of the time for payment or
<br /> modificatian of aawrtizatio�z of the sums secured Gy;this Security Inswment gtanted by I.ender:t�any successor m mtecest
<br /> o�Bomnwer shall no[operdte w retease 1t�iiab►GiY u€ti�e aig�nai�orrower ar Borrower's c i..-�ssois�n interest. Lendar
<br />�s� shall ncit lie requi�ed to commence pruccedings against�n s�cessnr in inte�tesc ar refase iu�xYend itme for payment or
<br /> - � otljerwise madify arnoctirrtion of tlte sums secured by tiris Security Instniment by�eason of any�embnd made by the orcginal .
<br /> � Bomnwer or Bortnwer's sueces.i�rs in interest. My forbeacar:ce by i.ender in ezeni�ing any right or r�redy sball uot t?e a .
<br />_ aaiver of or preclude the exereise of any right ar remedy. ' �
<br />. 1Z Suocessas And A�s Bwed;Jaos ana sev�ra►�b�ry;Cks�ne�. 'j'��?!enanu and agreemeaes afshis
<br /> � Secar�cy Instcument shall bind and benefit the successors artd assigns of Lender and Borro�er,subject to the prov��s of
<br />- •''�: paia��h 17.Botrower's covenants and�g�eements shal!be joint nnd several.Apy Bartuwer who co-signs this 5�.?�ity � ��_--
<br /> -•- t�a!ent but dees na eaecute the Note: [a)is co-signiag this Security lnstrument only to mortgage.grant and Cuniey that �.:,r.=:---.
<br /> � BortaRer's interesi in the Property under the terms of thisSecuri iastntment; (b1 is not onalt obli ted to the sums� ;��•°":
<br /> tS+ Pers Y Sa PaY ....:rs:=:,•�-
<br /> secu�rad.by this Security Instrument;and(cl���hat Lender and any other Borrawer may agree ta extend,madify.focbear :: „.:. ==�
<br /> or mafce any accommodadons with regard to the te�ms of this Security Instrument or tfie Note wid►out that Bomt.�er's • '�='��-�`.':.�_
<br /> � J'� cansem. � ����
<br /> . . ` ;��.�-
<br /> a. . . •, �,.f..`H'�
<br /> . , ` !3, l.oaa C6arges. If the loan secured by this Securiry Insirument is yubject ta a faw which sets maximw'z Lian `:;�;,r_;,_�
<br /> charges,and that law is finally interpreted sa tts�'t�e interest or other laan c€��es collected or to be cei�ec[ed in eon��.o " �.,��,�,,��
<br /> ,` . with the loan exceed the permitted limiu,the�: ��:any such toan charge.s��'L[�e reduced by the amoa����ary to red:ice -�;. •,:,-;
<br /> ' ''�'� �- � the�ttarge to ttie permitted limii:and Ib)any si:.s already caltected from Borrower which exceeded per::�'�ted limits wilt be = ` . �'
<br /> y�,.-. •• :, �, .
<br /> ' �<s.;_-� reEurn�ed to BoROwer. L.ender may choose to make this refimd-by reducing the principal as�a3 under the 1Vote or by mai►in5 a ' �.�;. , f '-
<br /> .t.;��f• =tt 4 di-�:a�yment to Borrower. If a refund reciuces principai,c�nduction will be treated as a paitial prepayment witisaut any ':
<br />. �.}h>:=`-�=°= prepaymentehargecndertheNote. � " �
<br /> ` �:�
<br /> ' • • ': • ;, , i4. Notices. .rsny notice to Borrower provided for in thiz Security Instrument shall be given by'delivering it or by .
<br /> '� �� mailing it by fr�.*.�a�s maii unieys applicablc(aw rcquires use of another method.The notice shall be dis�cted tv the Praperty '� �
<br /> • ."��;r,: �...�._:. . 1 �:
<br /> ��. , Address or any aih:r address Bocrower de�ignates by notice to l.ender. Any notice ta l.ender shalt be g+ven by fint cla�.s �yz,�
<br /> " ''�� 'f':`� '� mail to Lender's•addre+ti st�ted herein or any ather addres.Lender detiigaate�by notice to Bprrower. Any notice pravided for a;.:,. 3
<br /> r�"`* % � in this Sccurity Instrument +hall bc deemed ta have been given ta Burrowcr or l.ender a'r�:n given as provided in this ' ';:;,.%�: �- "•
<br />. _'r��.: j . . . ;lf';ir,^.c• ___,
<br /> - ; : Paragraph, ..r,r.�, �'"�-
<br /> , �?=ti � t5. Governing l.aw: SeveraDility. This Security Inytrumcnt �hall be govemed t+}�f�deral!aw and the law af the :r.`, __
<br /> • ', �,„,,,,,:` ` jurisdiction in wbich the Praperty is located. In the event that any pravi�ion os clause of this Secudty Instrument or the Nate • ;-�,-. ._�•;r�-__
<br /> --�..�_;s��� conflict�y with applicabte law,such conflict shall not affect other pr�wi�i��nti of this 5ecurity tr_strument or the Nate which can �'<';�-;��.`�e;��.
<br /> y�-t -�•.° � be�i:•+�.n effect withom the canflicting provision. Tn this end the provitiions af thiti Seee!^ty Instn�ment and the Note arc r r.` r `a=•=
<br /> . 'Jr .{att.��.��.t:__ . - �=—
<br /> •,� .. . decG�r�to be�everable. � �.__-.---�.�
<br /> • -'`r'''�� -'�t��' 16. Borrowes's Cupy. 8arrower�hall he given one cnnfarmcd copy of the Nute and of thi.c Security lnstrumenL • n
<br />