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<br /> 5, Ht�xurti a�' �Tfb�il'iy If1atJ�Af:C;.. �rro+�lce sh�ll l;c.:Q tiir, ir��7rovcmc�d�� uoe� exisdn�y ur ltcrc�Rcr e��cctcd nn the __
<br /> property insur�d�g�lnst los�by �ire, Itinrx�+rds includccl within the term "extended covcruge" nnd �+n;+��ther haiatds, including
<br /> floais or fla�ding,for which la�cter reyuiras in�i►runec.'f4tiie insurmK..shnll be.mc+imnin�cl in tt�e a�ioi�nts a�xi far the perials
<br /> �imt I.ender requirts. Tiic 'sn�urancc currlcr pmvlding thu insurance shall be cho:en t►y finrrc�wes sub}ect to l.c►xler's uppniva!
<br /> which sha�l a�nt br unreasonxbfy withheld. If 8c�rrowtr fails to maintein rnvem��di:��ihcxi above, i.crxier uwy. at l.ender's
<br /> apdo�i,obtain coverage to protect l..eitider's dglits In thc Property in�ccordiinr;e with parugraph 7.
<br /> All insursuue rsolicies end renewuls shall be accepta6lc: to Lr�xler a�xi tiiiall iucludc u sta�idurd monryagc clausc. f.�ndtr --
<br /> shall have the right to hald the palicics nnd rencwais If L.ender rcquires,Ban�wer shal!promptly give to L.ender ull rutipts of
<br /> paid prerc�iums und renewal notices.[n the eveN of loss,E�►rrower shall give prampt notice to ths insumnce carria:r und Lendr.r.
<br /> Lcnder may mnkc proaf of loss iF nc�t macie promptly by l3c�rrawer.
<br /> Unless I..endr,r uncl Borrower othenvie,�agree in writing. insurance pimreeds shall be appli�d tn restoration ar repair of thc
<br /> Pcopeny damagcd,if tl►e r�storatian or rcpair is economicnlly feasibir,on�d L.c:nclee's socii��ty is nat lussened.If the restoration or
<br /> repnir is oot ecor,omically feasiblo or Lendc�'s security wauld i�lessenad,t8o insurar��.�prou;.dc nh�lE be Applied to the sums
<br /> socurcd by this Sccurity LTr.suumr�nt, whr,ther ar not then due. with any excess paid to Bnrrower. IP Bormwer nbandons the
<br /> Froperty. or does nat answer within 30 days u nc�tice from LcnciGr thnt the insur.tnca c:mrier has offered to Se+.tle A claim, then
<br /> [.cncler may collect tho insursince prc�s. l.eixler may use tha pracecAs to re�rnir or restore the Property or ta pay sums
<br /> securcd by this Security Insttument.whethcr or nat then due.The 30-dny periaci will begin wben t1�r..notice is given.
<br /> Unless l,ender and Borcower atherwi�e agrex in writinb, any applical'ron of procads t�principal shall not eai�»tfi�a
<br /> ti�ci�t�nne the duc date of thc monthly payments refermA to in pnragraphs 1 and 2 ur change the amount of tEta payments. if
<br /> uodr.r parsgraph 21 the Pro��ty is xquirod by I.�nder�1T��rrower's right to any insurance policies and procxd.5 resul�ing from
<br /> dimage to the IProperty prior to the acquisition shalf puss ta Lender ta the extent of the sums secur�ed by this Security IInstmnxnt
<br /> immaiiutety gr►.�vr to thc acquisition.
<br /> 6.Oocupwucy,PaservNlon.Mainta�na aad Protection oF the Propaty:Borrower's Loue Applicxtion:I.e�e6olds.
<br /> I�c�.4ow�r shall occupy,est.�6liah.and use trie I'roperty as Ibrruwer's princip�l re�idance within sixty days si3er the exxcution of
<br /> t?,i;t Security Instn►ment arc�i�tnill contlnue to accupy the Pcopecty as Borrawer's�rr�ncipal resid�nce for at least one yeu afler
<br /> the�fate of eocupan�.�y.unless Lender otherwisc agrxs in writing, wbir.h consem shall �wt be unreasonably wlthhel�l, or unless
<br /> extenaating cin:umstsuic�s exist which are Ixyond Borrower's cau.Cr•��. Iiorrower shall not destroy. damage �r imp�ir the
<br /> property� a![c�w the proQerty to deFeriorate, or commic waste on t!w J'roperty. Bomower shall ba in ckfault if any forfeiture
<br /> r�L�.ion or proceoding. whether civil or criminal, is begun that in l.end�r's good faith judgmr.nt could resuit in fodeitun of the
<br /> C�1�:m+nr oeherwise materixlly impair the lion created by this Security Insttument or Lender's socurity inter��.,Rormwer may
<br /> curo such a defauit and r�instate.as p�vidal in paragraph 18.by caa�eog the action or procooaing to be�3ism:ss�d wiin a roiing
<br /> th�t, in Lcndcr's good fsith detcrminaticrr+, Pttc:ludes forfeiRure oF tit�e Borrowcr's interest in the Arope�ty or othcr m�r�i�l
<br /> impaimxnt o,f the loen crcatal by this�°urity Instrument or Lenctcr's seeurity i�tonst. Bormwer shall alsa be in ckfa+uult w3'
<br /> Borrower.during th�lorn appliqtion process,gave materially fals�or inacriiraGt e�fomwtion or statcmen4s to Lsnder(or fxiled
<br /> ta.providc L,ender with an f ronterial lnfermatiun)in connection with thc loun�^rir,i�r.r�red by the Note.including.but rwt lirnitad
<br /> to,t�{xcsenutioni;cotxxrning Borrower s acuponcy of the Property ss a princip�l Jrzida�ce.If thie Securiry instrumant is on a
<br /> � tca.9Cholc�. �ixrower sh�ll oompty with a?a dk: p¢�visions of the leas�. If�orrQwer acgui� fcx title to tlw Propetty, the
<br /> le�ld and thc fee tide sh�dl not merge anloss 1lxnder agrcas to the merger in writing. ;..
<br /> ' ?.Pretection c�La�da�'e R3ghts tn the PropeMl.If Socm�vsr fails to perform the Aov�rtiiis�s.and ug�rements coot�oad in
<br /> �;i�i�Socur+ty Ins+�unxnt, efr tlxne is s legal procexdin�Uiut tnay signi5cantly�f4'eci L.ender's rigl�ts itt tha�c�erty(sud��s�t
<br /> `proceeding in bankruptcy, ptnbRta. for condemnation or forfeitun or to enfora lstws as rtgulations),tha�Lenckr m�y do and
<br /> P�Y for whattvtr is ne�x.ssuy to protect the value of the �c+apaty artd Lender's rights in the PropeRy. Lender's�ctia�s m�y
<br /> include �yirtg �ny sum� secured by a lien which has }reioriry over this Securiry In�uumcat, appeariu(t �n a�utt. p�ying
<br /> r�sofu►ble sttomtys' fi+es and entering on che Pnoperty to make repairs.AlU�ou�th_X.cnder may tai;e xtioa w�der thia puagnph
<br /> Tt L�ader does mt have ta do so.
<br /> ,•;: • Arey �mounts dislxusod b� Lender under this paragraph 7 shxU bfx�on�:�nc7�itional debt of Bo�rrower socurod by this -
<br /> ,.,•
<br /> y�,eairity Instncmrnc. Untess Horrower and Gcndcr agroe to other tcrms af pay�ncnt,tF�c.se amounta ahatl benr it►:erest from�1�P ' ;:�.��
<br /> ti�}�of�iaL�;�•�men¢at ;he Note rate astd shall be p�yable> wlth interest, upo� nMia fro�re Let�cier ta�orroW..er ctque.stnng
<br /> •.',p�;�t: '' �
<br /> '�� 8.Moct�e Iresiu•ance.If i.ender rr.quired mo�r3�ba insurana as a conditian of m�king the lou►secured by this Security
<br /> '��...f:'»�trument, Bormwer shall pey i�e prcmiums reqafr.�d t�o maintain the mongage i�uw�unce in effoct. if. fer any r�e�.wn. the
<br /> '' `�mbrtg�ge iiuurar�ce eovessge royuiral by I.ender lapses or cea5es ta bc in effect. gomower st�all p�y thc prcmiucn�rtquirnd t�
<br /> obtain voverage subst�ntially oquivalent to thc rm�rigage ins�ranae�+reviously in�ffoct.at a cost sut�stanti�lly equiva]ent to the
<br /> . cost to Borrower uf Uk exattgage ii�.surancc Qrev�ousiy in etTxt, from en altemate mongage insumr ap�novod by Lesder. If
<br /> ' � �ebstar►tially cquivalrnt mortgage insura�xx coveragc is no¢uvailable,Somower aha11 pay to Ler�der ea.h month a suxn equal to
<br /> :•;', � <ur�c-twelfith of the yearly mortgagc insuianoc prrmium being paid by Borrower�u:��+�the insaratxc oovcrxge'lypsed or oe�s�i to
<br /> � :;'�e�n effect.[.ander�+31i acoe�x,use s►nd retain these�uyments as a loss rwerve i�n lieu of mortgage in.wrance. Loss nserve
<br /> ` • Form 3023 9/00
<br /> .. . . . Pap�:1 ut e �
<br />