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<br /> : . ,-. .:::
<br /> Ly
<br /> �.—._�.� . ..... ._ � - -
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<br /> .�� : # � - . � : - - � ,'µ �x _ _ � -=
<br /> ::�::zj:�;.�-_� . . . . � , �
<br /> . oaodemia�riuo ar ot�er/atina pf aey pYt of du PH�pect�.or fpr convey�ioe ie liea of��O and ` .
<br /> ; s�il}-6e p�i3 to tx�der. ` - . - . .
<br /> , __ . . ..
<br /> . < . Ue dje everg.of a IoW tak�ag of the AnpeRy.t`b0 P��t be applied to tttt sumg secu�!ay titis 5dcurity
<br /> ------ lestnm�nt_�ix ornot dren duc,_wiW�ny excess paid m Bairvwer. In tfie evmt of a partial taking of the piopnty.ie _ �
<br /> - - -- : �. ,� ._.� _--__ _._ .�
<br /> . secureQ by this Stcu:ity�Insuument�tely before Ehe tak'ing.unkss Bamwer and i.ender aI�erwise agnx ie wriUn�— —
<br /> the sums.sccured�y this�Securiry Insuume�shaU be nduced by the amoime of tho poatds mt�iciplied Sy die fo11or4inE
<br /> 9
<br /> fiaction: (a)thF totai am�wnt of the sums saurtd'nnmodc�tety befae the taicing,divicted by tb)the f�a market value nf the ,
<br /> pta,perty immed'rate(y 6efore tde takiug. Any ba/ance s6aU be p:�d w Bwruwer. In the eveat of a paitial taking of the `
<br /> _ ` �pt�operty�a wiude ti�fa�r muket�alus af the Pt�arerty immediatelg.6efae the salcing is tess.l2wn she�nount nf the surtis .. --
<br /> securod immoediately befoce tLt tatcing. unless Bormwer and l.ender dhenviso agree in writing or unkss applicabi�iaw �
<br /> od�wise pmvides,�he procoeds sl�all&applied to the smns secuied by this Sa�rity Inswment wtKther or mt tix sums�r�e .
<br /> � ttxn due.
<br /> If tfie ptoperty is atiaodmed by�$omnwer or if,after noticc by,i.ender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to rnalce
<br /> an awaM or sutk a claim foc damagea Bomower faiis to respond to Lxnder within 3�days aftet the d�te tlie�notice is givan;
<br /> Lender is authore�.ed to coUect and apptg tha proceeds.at its opnon,either m restartion a cepair af the Prnperty�r to t6e ,
<br /> sums seca:ed by tLis S�eruritY Ta�trua�ent,wt�etlxr ctr not ihen due.
<br /> Unkss t,ender aad B�r�wer ott�Ciwise agree in writn►g,any application of proceeds to principai shatl not extead a .
<br /> postpooe the dua date of the awnthi}r�►yments referted to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or cfiange the amount af such Fayments.
<br /> 1L Boerower ATot Reks9ed; For6tara�ce By I.eedel' Not a Wsiver. Exteasion �f tAe time for paymem or • <
<br /> - . inodifcatiar of amortiza600 of the sums secund by.[his Seciuity instrument gramed by Lender to any successor i.�interest .
<br /> = ef Aarrower si�aU isot crperate to trteace t6e liabiliry uf tbe originat Bomnwtr ov Borrowec's succes�ois ia iniarst.l.endes. . -
<br /> , , s�1�ot be r�t�d m commen�e p�oceedittgs against any successor in interest or cefiue to extend time for paymrnt or
<br /> - � ., odx�wis�modffy�atinn of the sarns seeurcd by this Security Inistrument by reason of any demand made by the original
<br /> — �Bomowa or Bosmwer's successois in interG�t.'Any forbearattce by Lxnder in exercjsing any right a�remedy shaU na 6e a
<br /> = — � waiverof or p�eclude tite exenci-4e of any right or remedy. '
<br /> -- j2. Spoces�s and Assi��Boaad;JoiM snd Seversl Lia6Uity;Co�si�ners. 'il�e ccrvenanu and agreements oP this
<br /> . � Sa,'uritg lnstrumrnt shall bind and tieaefit dre successors and.assigns of i.ender and.8ortower,subject to tlx provisions of _
<br /> - pa�agr� Z�.gonowcr's crnrena�us aaci agreements sha1l be joint and several. Any�Borrower who ca-si};ns tlus Securiry �
<br /> Insttument but does nat execute the Nae: (ay is co-signing this Security Insttumerst only to mortgage,grant and convey that
<br /> Boaower's ir�unest in the Peoperty under the tem�s of this Securiry lnstcument; (b)is nat personally abligated ta pay the sums
<br /> � se�ur+ed by this Security in�uument;and(c)agrees tbat'Lenderand any atlter Bosrowermay agnee to extend.modify,forbear _____
<br /> , ' or make any accommadatians with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Borcower's =-__
<br /> consectt. �---
<br /> . 13. Loan Chuges. lf the loan secured by this Security Instrument.is subject to a faw �rhich sets ma�cimum toan . ---f�-
<br /> . charges.aad that law is finalty interyreted so that the interesi or other loan cha�es collecte8 ar to 6e coliected in wnnection __�s-�-=_
<br /> with the luan exceed[he permiued limits.ihen: (a�any such loan charge Shall be ceduced b}�amo+iat necessat�+to reduce —--- _
<br /> the charge to the pennitted limix and(b)any sums atready collected fmm Borrower which exceede��•.�rrri�'jed limits will6e _
<br /> � refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed usider�Fe tiare or�y making a . , �_,:,_
<br /> • direct paymeat to Bortower. If a refun�t reduces principal,.the i�duction wilt be treated as x panial pft'�r«ent without any �_-�_
<br /> �. pcepa�ment charge under the Not� � - �-
<br /> _ �� Notiees. Any notice to�Lio�rower pmvided for in aties S�urity Instrument shalF.tx given 6} delivering it ar by ��
<br /> mailing it by first cl�s mail unless appiica6le taw requires ase of another method.The notire shall be di:�czed to the Property �:�:-�;�'�-_.-
<br /> - Addcess or any other address Borrower designaces:6y notice to l.ender. Any nutice to[.ender shall be�•en by Gnt class "•;•i-r.`:;• `
<br /> ^�.:.`.,� ,
<br /> { mait to Ixnder's•address stated herein or any atlreraddrecs Lendcr designates by notice w Borrower. Any notice provided for , �:,,.
<br /> � � -� in this Security Instrument shall 6e deemed to have been given ta Borrower or I.ender ahen given as pravided in this .`�'.�=r?-":'`�
<br /> ' parapaph. . �:.,��..:.
<br /> ' 15. Governing I.aw; 5everability. This Security (n�trument shali be govemed by federal law and the taw of the
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Praperty is lacated. 1n the event that any provisian or clttuse af thix Security Instrument or the Note - _
<br /> . ,. caaflicts wiih applicabte law,such conilict shall not affect other provisians af�hiy Security instrument ar the Nate which can ,.:;.;�;::
<br /> �, • � be given effect witY.�:rt the conflicting provision. To ihis enQ ihe provitiions af ihis Securiry instrument and the No�e are :-�`���:.�:::�_ .
<br /> . ;: ' dulared cci be severabte. . . `" - :
<br /> ' r �6� �orrower's Copy. Borre�;+zr shal)be given onc corfc;,r::d capy af the Notc and ot�his Security Instrument. `j�t�J�,
<br /> -' . :',J;}.,:..��:.�,
<br /> ;� I7. Transtee o�the Property tir a Benetkia!Interest iw�'on'ower. !f�II ar any pact of the Property or any intere�.;n ' �•t,�,��'z;
<br /> ` it is sold ar M+nsfem:d(or if a beneficiAl interese i�;Borrowcr ic sold or tran<ferred and Barrawer is nat a natura! penon) ' . _ �•�_
<br /> � without Lender's prior writte�cansent.Lcncler mw:.•at i��:aption.reyuire ir,r.�:.�iate paymem in full of at!sums secured by 'r • ��`�'�,=
<br /> ' �' ., this Security lnstrument. Huwever.this optian sha:i nat be exercised by Ler.��r if exercice is prohibited by federal law uw of '�-�°°'
<br /> : Y:..:
<br /> .. R • . the date af this 5ecurlry Instrumen� ��=-��-
<br /> � � � If Lender exercises Ihi�optton.l.ender shail aive Harmwer notice uf:�cceleratian. �'he aotice shali provide a period af - ;�;� �
<br /> not less than 3U days fram ihe date ihe notice iti delivered or mailed within which Horrcfaec�i�ast pay all sums secure�by thic !r�a�;F;.`..
<br /> �� � Secudty Instrument. If 8orrawer fails to pay the�e sumz prior to thc e�cpirz;:on of t;��4 peri«f. Lcndcr may invuke any ,
<br /> ,:; ;� , .
<br /> '� •�,+,�, -•.' • remedies permittcd by this Security lnstrument without funher niuicc ar den:.�;���n Borrau•cr.
<br /> r'•""��•`=:y 18. Borrovrer's ftight to Relnstata If 8arrawer meets ceAain ccsru tans. Borra�er ��hall have Ihe right tu have �
<br /> ?'�: '` �°•� 's S it Imtrumem diticon�inued at an time vior to the e:�rlicr c�f: :'��3 days(or such ather Qer'�.�i a� � ' •
<br /> ��a:_ enfartement�f t1» ccur y Y P � • •'�
<br /> ;> -� ,.
<br /> Singtc fnmrly•-iannie�fae/�rtddk S1x l_�IFOR111�%'1'N!'�1Y.!�'f-•1 r.:'_r.�Cu�cnanh 9l90 �p�ic<•.1 r.f n;,;:�i•.�� �!,
<br /> ' � , ' ' . . '{' .
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