i�' _r '� . _ .� �� � - . _"_ �- �' - _--_ _ _� . .
<br /> � �_,.r>-�� `�.a.2�.:� a ' . . ;" - - , . < � '- . .
<br /> � � � ` . � � � . . .` `i . . �� , � , '
<br /> ` . ' C�1lI�f 1�fG 1�S���7C C�IOSC�` �i��rR7oCS� `
<br /> pC[�0�i�lit��Q�CS- �;QStY�CC Q��� .
<br /> ' �pQnnral wLicis sb�l!ra 6e�uQasanaMy.vu6treid. If BamweE W'is to mai�ai,s coverage des��rih�above,La�der msy.u- .
<br /> . ' I�endartC option.dbtain cov�r+�e w pcot�c,�t Lender's rigMs in the Pt+o�erty ia acco�d�nce wit6 p�ragraph�. , ,
<br /> � - ,� _ - - -- __.,.- .....�...sIs�a!!_l���table�. .... i�LWeasta�td!„TM,eo9o���,..�. ��______ -`__ --
<br /> � shall ip��e d�e ria6t to hold the policies and�eaewals. U Lender requi�es.Boriower shall p�omP��Y B�ve to1e�� er �
<br /> ` of pid pRmiyms ud ren�wat nodces. Ia the event of toss.Borrawu shali give pcompt notice ro the insur.mce curier and •
<br /> Lender. I.ender may m�te pmof of ioss if not made pra�ptIy by Barawcr. .
<br /> ` Urttes�Lender and Hoiroarer otberwise agm in writing.cnsurance proceed�shall be applial to riestciration ot iepair of
<br /> the prnperty dmnaged,if drc restoration at cepair is�ca�omicalty feasib7e asd Lender's recurity is not tesseaed. If the
<br /> ' re�a�n artepairis m�recanomicatty fa�ible or ixttder's sec�mtjt woWd•be lessened.the insertat�ce pcncteds s6a11 be '.- ,
<br /> - apQtied to tbe swns seciired by tbis Security Lsuument,whether or not t6eo due.a+ith atry esc�ss paid to Bo�uwer. If .
<br /> Barmwerab�ndo�s the Qtopeity.or das not answer withia 3Q days a notice frbm<Leada thac thc insur�nFe carrier has . -
<br /> ' offee�ed to se�tls a ctaim.then t.ender may collect the insurance P��� Lender may use the proceeds ta repair orisstore
<br /> th�ptopeity ar to pag snms savred by thu Security Inst�men�wExtlrcr or not then due. The 3Q�day period tivill begio whtn
<br /> the poticc is givea.
<br /> - `iTtil�-1.ea�le�and Boanwtr al��ist agree�wrifmg.u►y aP9�iatiart of proceeds to princiga!st�aU not extend or
<br /> . post�one the due date of�he ma►tlily payrnenss nefernd to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the urcamt of the paymeats. If
<br /> - or�der paragcapl�21 tHe Roperty is acquued by Lender. $omnwers right to any insurance poficies and pmceeds resulting
<br /> - from damage w tbe P�aperty priot to the acquisi6on sha11 pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secuc�ed by thic Sacuriry
<br /> InstrumaA imme�ately prior to the a¢quisition.
<br /> -'- � 6, pceop�ncyy pe+�rvatioa, Maintenance and Protectfon ot t6e Property: Borcawer's La�n Applicatioa;
<br /> = 1.ezseM�d.c Bxsouer sl�Il occupy.establish,and use che Fr�erty as Borrower's principal iesidence within siaty days after . - �
<br /> -- the execufioa of this$eccwiry lnmumene and shait continue to occu�y the Property as Horrower's principal residence far at
<br />= � ont yeac after tbe date of accupuicy, unless Leader otherwise agnees in writing. which c�nt shall not be ��.„
<br /> -- ucueasonabty aithheld.or unless extenuating cincumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's contro}. Borrower shall not .�':';:�
<br /> _ . , desrroy.dama8�or impair ttte Property,allg�tbe Property to deteriorate._or commit waste on the P�vperty. Borrower shall ..
<br /> _ be in defauit if any forfeiture action or preo�qsg,whetl�er civt7 ot criininal.is begun that in Lendei s good faitb judgment , • .—
<br /> '=` conld iesult in forfeiture of the Property,���"?erwise materially impair ti�e lien created by this Securiry Insttumeat or
<br /> ;.- t,ender�s securiry interest. Bo�swer may cure s�seh a'fie�+x?�wM reinstate.as provided in paragraPh 18.hy causing the action - ..
<br /> or,proceeding w be dismisse�ovith a ruling tUa�in L�:r�goad faith detertnmation.pEectudes forfeitur�e of th�Borrower's
<br /> - - ._ iaterest in tde RopertY or other material impaim�eat_���'�'�e lien created by lhis Security Instnunent or Lender�s security .. _. ___---
<br /> q interes�. Borraser shail also be in defautt if 8ocrnwes;during the loan appFicatiai process, gave materially faise or == _-
<br />_ '•;.j� �' —
<br /> inaecivate infr,s�:ation or statements to Lender(or failed ta�rovide Lender with any material information)in connectian with '
<br /> ' ihe loan evidenced by the Note. iacluding, 6u[ not,l"un�:i to. representations co�ceming Borrawer:s occupancy of the --
<br /> Propecty as a principal c+esider�ce. If this Security lnstruraerr•is on a leasehotd,Borrower shall comply with alT the provisions —�=
<br /> - of the lease. If Barrower acquires fee title to the Propen}�[fie teasehold and the fee title shall not merge unless 1.ender agrees ` �'�"=`<
<br /> � to the mergeesa«rriting. '�. : , ���.`
<br />_.� � 7. P�o�ettion ot I.ender's Rights�i��e Property. If Boms:�•rr fails to perfocm the cc���ants and agreemen�s � �
<br /> cantained i��:ss'Seturiry Instrumeat, or�:°re ifi a legal procee�:i-�.'�at may significa�tly affect Lender:s rights in the ��r.��-.
<br /> ea�-_
<br /> Yt¢rper[y is:cc4s:as p proceedi�g in bankruptcy,probate,farcandc�nm.ti�:r or focfeiterz u;io enforce laws or regnlativns),then ��=_-
<br /> [.�3er�•u�a and pay for w�tever is necessary to pratecE the vatae of the Property and Lender's rights in th:�taperty. • , -+..
<br /> � i,e�det?�ae;iv;u mu mclude �n s►n sumc r+ecured I�,a tien wf�ich fias norit over this Seeuri Instrumerie,:��'dring �� �:�,:�'.r *
<br /> � r;; Y PaY S Y• P� Y �S' c :�.,,��-a=_-
<br /> ::;• _ in wur�.pay�g Reasanable attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to make repairs.Althoush l..ender may take action
<br /> '''" urtder Ihis paragraph 7.Lender dces not have to do so.
<br /> `,'`;. �+
<br /> M amounGs disbuned b Lender under this ar.� h 7 shali become udditional debt of Borrower secured by ihis ��•�-�`w
<br /> .'::.;,:�. y Y P S�P
<br /> � - Securiry Instrument. Unlesy Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment.these amount�shall bear interest from the �:�' :r��
<br /> �. - date of disbursement at the Note rate and chall be payab:e,with iriterest,upon notice from Lender ta Borrowtr requecting '• �'
<br /> ::��
<br /> "_ paymem_ `".'_�`_
<br /> .'.z•w
<br /> 8. Mortsage in.wrance. lf I..ender required mongage insuran.e as a candition of making the Ioan secured by this ' �:�,g,
<br /> � � `Security instrument,Borrower shall pay the�remiums requited ta ma;r:.�ain the martgage intiuraria.�in eifect. If. for uny ---
<br /> � ;° �� reawn. the mortgnge insurance caverage r�:sired by I..ender lapses or cease. to be in eifect. �orrower shap pay the .i`,,��.. :-�_;>•
<br /> premiums reyuired to obtain coverage subramially ec��cE�atent ta the mortgage i�s5uaaace previously in effect.at a cost �•',�r•�';;;'�"
<br /> . substantialty eyaivalent ta the cost to Bocrower of the Frr,¢{c�age in�urance�revivu�C,.�.:effect.fram an altemate mortgage ;�,«``�:t,y•. �' -
<br /> ,'� insuret approved by l.ender. I�substantially eyuivalem mortgage insurancc caverage K not availaUte.Boaower�hall pay to : ���`�� `�=.��
<br /> "''• `�: Lender each�s^.�;:h a tium equal to ane-t�►•eifth of the yearly mongage insurance premium tx:ing paid by Borr�w,�r when�he "`� `
<br />�. �1;:;:;,:; ��;
<br /> ;�!. in�u�ance co4e�c lupsed or ceaced to he m effect. l.ender wiA acccpt,uxe.►nd retain the.e paymems as:�lo�y rcserve in lieu -.� �-:`;='
<br /> •�"%�;' of moR a e ics:.;ance. Loss reserve ��*r�nt�ma no lon�er be re uired.ut the o tian of l.ender, if mort a e insurance � r, -rt
<br /> �. , S S Pa.•• ' Y b 4 P S S .,-�>;;�=
<br /> . • �f. coverage tin ihe amaum and for the periad�hat Lender require�)provided by an in�ur¢r:�ppmvcd by Lender again hecome!� ,
<br /> � � available and is nbtaincd.Borrc�wer�hatl pay the premiu:rr-rcquircd tn maintain numgagc insurance in effecL nr to provide a . _
<br /> lo::s reserve.until the reyuirement for mort�a_e in�urance endti in acc��rdance with.my�vritten agrcement be�ween B�rrawer - ..' �
<br /> �'� � '�� and Lcnder oc:��licabtc law. �
<br /> -�.�x* 'Y•- �f` • 9. /nspec8on. Lcttder at its ugenc ma: makc rca�on.�blc eniriey'upon and in�pecuun�of ch�Yraperty. Lender�hall ' ' 't
<br /> "x� •�' .� :r"� give Borra�ver notice at the time of or priace3��n in�peciiun�pecifying tea,onable r.�u�c for ihe ia�pe�;t�on. I.
<br /> '' 10 Cnndemnation. 7'hr Qr�u:�ed.<�i:�ny;�u:�rd c�r claim f�r cianwFe�.dirret os consequen�:al,sn eanneetian with any ' •
<br />- .,•:r.r>.:,.�� 4. ..,i:,,�. . .
<br /> , 5inglr F.auily..�annit\1:�e�i�eAQir 31:1r 1'�IFORSt1�tiTIiC�1F:�F•- t"nitorm C�nra:mt. 91911 rpaR<•{�,)hl,uii•u �.'���t il�'�•� ' .
<br /> • . ,..sfi ." .«.. 1"trat tatc+IwvinR•�umy.Int.� } , • ' •
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