--�:�: �� . �_::�. :..>w.. -� -
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<br /> , � gaiods.m�c L eada�oquaes. The�e c�urier ptevidio8 the�s�ti ee chasen by sormwer subjea co I.enaera� {. -
<br /> � app�ai vehicri stnA not 6e an�atanaMY whi�held. If Ba�awer fails w�naintain coverage described�isov0.�der m�y.at
<br /> �S rig6ts in the Pm�pecty m aocqdaooe wid► ?. `
<br /> i�rnder�s�tion.c6nincoverage to piotec.rtl.ender P�B�
<br /> �ea , � ...-,.,_�•���.s�-�.��t�.�.l�era:sr! 'slm�iar�sc�gsinS�d-�gao�t��-3�tt�--- --_
<br /> — - _. _._ -%fui�1¢-�Rxyv,n.c��.rscu�..«.�.�...,�,�^r--- — .
<br /> ic.
<br /> ' s6�11 hm the right ta hold tbe pdi�,�es and raAewats. If(.ender tc9uires•Bosrower shall prpmP�Y Sive to t�ender all freceiptv _ ,
<br /> ` � of paid pmmiums aod r�xwpi mKCes: In tE�c event af tass.Barower si�aSf givt pmmpt i�otice to the insurance carner anA
<br /> Lender. Lender mzy mal�e pmof of toss if mt made prompUY bY Borrowelr.
<br /> Unkss t ender and 13oc�awer otixrwise agroe ia writing.iasaraitco pracads st�aq be applied to nstontian or seppir'of
<br /> t6e pmg.rty dag�aged,�the[estoraution or repur is eco�wmically feast'bk artd Lcnder's securiry is na�t lessened. If the .
<br /> ieswration or sepair is`not ecodanicaTiy ftasibk or I.endes's secvnty wflotd 6e tcsse�ed.tlx iaussanee psviceeds sb�tl be
<br /> apptie�to tbe su�mc secated(ry this Securiry inswmen�witietlyar or uot then due.with�y escess paid tu Barvwa. If
<br /> � Ronower abandans the Piopetty.oc does aat aaswsr wisbin 30 days a notica fc�an Lender d�at tbe insurrnce carrier ha� ' .
<br /> ot�e�to seulo a claim,tha�L�ender may colkct the insturance p�oceeds. I.ender may use the pmceeds to repair or cestoie
<br /> the Ptuperry or to pay sums secured iry this 5e�rity(nsuvmrnt,whetber or not tl�en due. 77�e 30-day penod w�716egin when
<br /> the notice is given. �
<br /> - IIeless I.eada aad Bosiocvec odierwise agc+x in writing.�y appiic�on.of procads to principal sLa{!not exomd ar
<br />� postpoae tfie due due of t6e manthly payments neferted to in patagrapHs 1 aad 2 or change the amo�mt of the pf►yme�ts. If
<br /> uader paragisph 21 t6e Rupercy is acqamed by I.eader.Borrower�s right to any incur�nce policits aod p[oceaas raqitinS
<br />�;:' fran daraage to die P�ope�typnor w the acqdssidan shall pass to Le�der to du exteat of the swns saaired by tbis Socurity .
<br />- . tnstromeet imrt�diat�Iy p�inr to the�cquisidon. . �
<br />%'_� 6. Ocwpa!ey. Pcesqtvatba. Mai�tean�e �d�sMectbn ot t6e Propeciy; Borrower s t.ou A�flo�;
<br />'i�.:; I.a�selaWs. Borrowet shatl accupy.estaWish.aad use ti�e PropertY as Bormwer�s p�ia�ipal�esidence widvn sixty daya aftei-
<br /> ;:�
<br /> . du cxecudan of this Security Insnument and shall contiaue to oacuPY��Y?4 Baimwer's principai nsldence fa u
<br />'`4" kast one yeu after thc date of occupancy.unless Ltnder ottxiwise ag�es:in wri6ng, afiich cansrnt sball aot be
<br /> . umea-conably witl�eld.or untess exteauating cireumstances e�ast which ate bcyi��arower's canocol. Bomnwer sb�U not
<br />- desaoy�damage a impair the Ptnperty,ailow dAe Pi�apetty to dateriotate.or commio¢wute oa tbe Fmperty. Bama►er s6�1� ,
<br /> be in default if aay forfeifure action or pruceeding,wl�ett�er e�v�or c�uiaai.is beg�an that in I.ender�s good faiW judgment
<br /> � •caiW nsult in focfeiw�t of the P�perty or atherwise materially.impair the lien crt�bY this SecuritY lasuument oc . . .
<br /> �:;�:�,� i.eader's soc�ie��nterest.'Borroaer may cune such a defauIt and ceinstate,as pmvided in parag�aph 18,by causiag the�ction �
<br /> ^�?:t - ��;* or pmceediugc<v�x dismissed with a ruling that,in Les�dcr's good faitlt determination,Prccludes farfeiture of the Barmwuts •
<br />-."�`'' intere,st ii►t�e�.�nperty or.other material impainnent c.`t�e iien crcated liy tius Secnrity Inshvtt�ent or Lender�s socuriry _' .
<br /> ���* catecr,st. Baaa�s��a shall atsp be in defaulc if Borra�zr.�during the toan applieation process,Save materiatIy Fa1se or'
<br />� ..,r _x':, inaccurate i���n av statemenis to l.ender(ar failed to provide l.ender with�nY+mataial infarmation)in connestian with
<br /> °..':.. . the toan evi�l�ced 1sY the Note.iacluding, but not limited to. nepresentations doncerr�mg Bormwers occupancy of the
<br /> - :,:a{r. . � . p�,up�ny�s E�icipal residence: If this Secariry Iro"uument is on a t€asehold BoYrower shall comply with aU the pruvisions
<br /> , • �. '''` of the lease,��Bormwer acquires fee titte to the Property.the teasehotd aitd tde fee titie shall not merge untess l.ender agrees
<br /> � to tbe merger in writing. . `
<br /> • ';�z :' 7. Pr+utection af t,tader's Ri�hts in the PropertY• If Bormwer faiLs ta perform the covena�t�.an�agartknts
<br /> � contained in this'Secar.Ey�strumen� or there is a 1ega1 praceeGing ehat may significandy affect l�md�s:rghts in the
<br /> __ � � , Propeity(such as a proceeding in bankruPtcy.Probate:for condemnadan ar forfeiture or to enforce laws os iagu2ations),thea
<br /> - Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the va�lu�of t1K Property and i.e�cf�'s righu isz`tl�e Pruperty. •
<br /> - � - Lender�s actions may include paying any sums secured�Sy a lien whech has priority over this Secnsisy Insuumen3,appeat+ng
<br /> ' �'��>- in co�ut.paying teasonable attomeys'fees artd enterie�g an the Pcoperiy to make repairs.Atthough Lender miay�take actian - —
<br /> .�:..,�.�--
<br /> '�����` under this paragraph 7.L.ender daes itot have to do so. '�°m`�
<br /> :�=°x
<br /> -=..};. � My amounu disbursed by Lender under tbis para�apb 7 shatl become additionai debt of Bortnwer secured by this �'-�-�'_
<br /> :�. p. Security Inst►umen� Unless Borrower and Lender agree to otrer terr�ns af paymen�these amounts shall bear interest fmm the ;�;::-:
<br /> -�•y;�-� date of dis6iuscrn�nt at the Note rate and shall he payable.with irase,�st.upon notice from Lender to Barrower requesting ��: .�;�=:,
<br /> ' � .'F J ..�..._-__
<br /> , �-Y:� P2�Ymen� ' ✓? �'' .
<br /> 8. Mortgage Insuranca li Lender required.mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this : , *^
<br /> . Securtty Instrum�,m� Borrower shali pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If.for any ._. ;•�,M.-
<br /> ':y� , - ._ ' reason, the martgage insurance cove�ge required by L en der lapses ar ceases to b e in e i fe c t, B o r r ow e r shall p a y the. - �"
<br /> .. _ premiums re�i.red to abtain caverage substantially eyuivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect. at a cost
<br /> s�r' ' ' substantia[���'�naterrt to the�cost to Borrower of the mongage insurance previously in efPect.�sa1n an altemate mortgage • � -_
<br /> ' '`� �ti<-��`'� insurer ap��zd by l.ender. If substantially equivalent mortgage iresurance coverage�s not avai�:e,Borrawer shall pay to •
<br /> `' - '•_'_ �+�:*� . Lender each month a sum equal to ane-twelfth af the��r�y mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the , , _-___
<br /> :"�• insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect. t.es;U�r will accept,use and retaia these paymems as A loss reserve in lieu � =-�---
<br /> ';s;-,:r� ' a—�
<br /> � �;� ;�n�..�.s , of martgage insurance. l.oss reserve paymen4c may na longer he required.at the option of Lender.if mortgage insutance . .. ,
<br /> .�'�� caverage(in the amount and for the per�ad that L.cnder requires)�ravided by an intiurer:�pproved by l.endcr again becames ' .��`�.:
<br />::��.i� . Y;..�::.Y=�• ' . . �
<br /> __,:,,•..,.s., available and i`s obtaineA.Harrawer shall pay�he premiums reyuired'ta maintain mortgoge insurance�n effect.or tu provide a
<br /> �• `�r`�'�' ` losc reserve.until the requirement for mongage in�urancc crrds in accordance with any written agreement bctween Borrower _ . .
<br /> . ��:�_. • "` -`, � and Lender or applicabie law. ' .
<br /> •.';:.,,=:,�. - :� . .
<br /> ��?�� 9. lnspectbn. l.ender nr its agent may malcc reasonable entrieti upon art�rn�pcctians of the Propeny. Lender shall
<br /> , ' "`�� ' �� � give Borrower notice at the timr of ar pnor ta an inspection�pecifying rea,onata[e��tse for the inspection. � ' '
<br /> . --- :- . •- 10 Condemnatiun. The proceeds of any awarci�r claim P�r ciazna�e�.ditect nf canveNwential,in connection with any , _. •
<br /> �,
<br /> .}.., �; - _ tiingic Famity-•Faenk lfaelFrcdAk 31ac l'v1F(/Rti11rSTBl;tlk�i'-Unitortn Q`y+:���ts 9/90 rrax�.+�,jhpugee) .
<br /> � , crea lules eualrcm vam��x.r •
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