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<br /> 1�EL�wm�all ttm imp�ovem�tu,s`n�w ar 6ere�tter«,ectod an td�papeity.�d an ea�nmts.�. ,
<br /> aud fuct�es tw�v or haoafter a paraf the propeny. AIl rept�cemarts aud adduiaac s6aII adso be coveted hy this So�aitY
<br /> tnsWcne�. All af tbe foregc+ing is tefem�d to in this Saunt�Iasuument as the"Pnopaty:' . . ' . ,
<br /> __.��_,�,�sn�.,,...�-� -°-- -_ -- --
<br /> — - . ---_-_-<a� - tI�FHomnvwei is iawfaity-seise�-uf�ihe-. _. _�-- - •���a���
<br /> aid courey t6e F[op�rty and that We P�ropecty is ureacum�e�ed.except fas encambruxes of�ecord Bamawer warrants amd ,
<br /> - will defend generall�th�dtk tQ the P�ty agaiast ali ciaims and�/emands.sub�ecE U��►y e�oes of recWd. •
<br /> � 'flIIS SEC[Jft1TY INSTRUMFNT combine�unifoim eov�nts for national use and non-aaifotm covenams with
<br /> limited variatiaas bYluris�ction[o c�ns6cuce a uniforrn security insaument covecing r+rat propeR3+. � ` �
<br /> - - � IJNtFORMCOYENAN3S: Bo�[oweraeidl.enderccsvenuttaadsgc�eesasfoilows: � wlienduethe � •
<br /> 1. Pa�ot PrtKipai s�d�ataes�Pre'paJmait ad Lsk Caa�'ges Bomnwer shall promP�Y PaY
<br /> Qrineipal of and iotarst onlhe de6t evicienced by tAe Itou nad anY P��Y��and Isu charges doe under the Note.
<br /> �. E��ds for'Ii�zes�d.twsarea Subject to applicable law or to a wntten waiver by Leader.Bo�rower shalt pay to
<br /> - I.ender aa ihe day montldY P�Y�are d�e w�der�he Note.unt�the Note is paid sn full.a sum("Funds'ry for.(a)yeuty
<br /> taxes and a�sess�naus which may auatn ptiaity ovtr this 5ecurity Iastrumant as a liea at t6e Ptopecty:{l�)YearlY kasei�old
<br /> - � �aYments°r g�ound tents oa t6e Ptaperty, if aay.i�) 9�Y liazard`.or pmpctty incafaoc� P�emiums:(d}yprly flood
<br /> - ;nsivance Qncmiwns,�f 9ay:te)r�Y�8�8s �P��-��: �°a tfl anr�nar�k by.sonowa co .
<br /> I.eader.in accad�nce w�th the pm�i�ons of paiagrapl�8,'in Geu of the paytaent of tnatgage insucance pce�mums. These
<br /> iteros ace calied"Fxrow itans." Lender may.at any ame,collect and tioid-Fu�s m an aaaant not to eacetd the maxuaam
<br /> = anwuet a ta�der for a f�erd�Y n��$age loaa may neq�e for BoaovQer's esaow accwac uader tbe feder�!Reai. _
<br />-- Fstue Settlema�c Procedaces Act of 1974 as amended froin time ta�12 US.�.§2601 u scq.t"RESPA°),unkss aaothes.,
<br />^�~`� law tlat applies to the Funds'sets a tesser amount ff so,Le�der mag,at mry time>collect a�d hald�ds�w�m�cwni ooE tn- • .-�. :: .
<br /> � excad the ksser amoant Lender may esdmate the amamc of Fwids due on the basis af c�enc d�a and reasa�able .
<br /> - estimues ofexpe�Wit�ues of faturc Fsc;ow I�os oc a�hervvise in acc�xdance wiW appticable Iav�
<br /> - The Tvnds s1aI16e heid"w aa iaAituuon wiwse deposirs'ar+e ia5ured by a foderal agenc.'y,iasuaaKntalitY.a emity .
<br /> - tineluding Lender,if i.ender is suct�an institutioa)�in any Federal Hanc La�Bu�k: L.endcr.sbatF apply the Fvn�s W P`Y ._
<br /> . � the Escrow tums. [cnder may na cls�ge$o�rowec for holduig and applying the Punds.anmially anatyzing tbe eacrow ,
<br />- - accau�t,ar verifying the Escrov�r Itaa.�.umkss.I.ender p�ys Bartower iaiec�est on ttx,�vnds and applic�6Je b►w Permits
<br /> , - . I.ender to maice such a charge. Hov�ever.Lender may require Ba�rower to pay a or�ci�arge for an�iadependaK rad
<br /> ?:� estate taa iepoRing serviee used by Lendcr in cot�noction with this toap,unless applicabk law�pcovides dMwise. 1Jnkss m
<br /> � __ ' agrcement is made or applicable law requires'intecest to be paid:l.es�des stm11 not be requse�!Co pay Bomnwer anY in�st a. .
<br /> ;: � eamings on the Functs. Borrawer and Lender may agrec in wnnng,however,ti�at�nterest sltat!be p�id oa tl�e Fmr� i.,et�der
<br /> t shall give ta Borrower,wiUwut charge.an annual accouming of the Funds,showing credits and debits to t6e Funds anQ the
<br /> . patpose fa whieh each debii to the F�nds was made. The Fands ace pledged as additional seeutity for all smms sa�uned by
<br /> � . this Securlry lnsuumen� '
<br /> , • = If tt�e Funds held by Lende�.cxceed the amounts pemutted to be held by applicable law.Lender shall accamt to
<br /> - Borrowcr for the excess Fimds in accoMance with the requiremants of appticable law. If the amount of tt�e Funds heW by
<br /> ��� l.endcr at any timB is not suffictenc to pay the Fscrow Items when due.Lender may so notifY Baimwer'sn writing,and,in ,
<br /> <• such case Borrower shall pay to I.ender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency. Hatruw�shall malce up d�e
<br /> � `h�=; � deficiency In no more ihan twetve moqthlY Payments,at L.ender'ssole discretion. .
<br /> Upon paytnent in fuil of all stims secuted by th�s Sec�uitg insd�umen�.Lender shall p�tty rcfund to Bortowa any
<br /> ."r Fuuds held by Lender. if,under parag[aPh 21.Lender shaU acquire or sell the-P+opercy.�.a�{,,'sr.Prior to the acquisition or
<br /> • �.'••...:'• safe of the Property.shall apply any Bunds held by Lender at the time of acquisition a�s�''e ac a credit against the sutns
<br /> �"�:�� F- securcd by this Securiry Inswmetu.
<br /> ��:'""'"" -; 3. Application ot Payments. Unless applicab2e taw provides o[herwise.all pa�^ients received by Lender under
<br /> ' � r r:' .s;;.� paragraphs 1 and 2 shaU be apptied:firs�,to any prepayment cflarges due under the Nate;second.to amounts payable under
<br /> ' '"' ' `;a�;=��� patagraph 2;th'ud.ta interest due:fourth.to pnnc�pal due:and last,to any latc charges due c�'er the Note.
<br /> ,.. �:-•
<br /> - 4. Charges; Lieas Borwwer shall pay a11 taxes,assessments,charges.fines acs�impositions amibutabte to the
<br /> � r = Roperty which may attain prioricy over this Security instrument,and teasehotd paymenu�F gaund renu.if any. Bomower
<br /> ' . shall pay these obliSations iu tlie manner Pmvided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Borrowcr shall pay them on
<br /> __ time direcAy to tbe person owed payment. Bonower shal!promptly fumish to Lender all noticcs of amounts to be paid under _
<br /> - .-��. ' `�aaragra� If Bortower makes these paymenu direcAy.Harrower shall promptly fumish to l.ender receipts evidencing ---=--
<br /> ` '� p Bo�rrower shnll promptly discharge any 11en which has priodry over this 5ccurity ins[rument untess Bmrower:(a)agrees X� �
<br /> .;4r=-=rl=_
<br /> - in writln$to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner arceptabte to Lender.(b)contests in good faitb the � �.�=_-
<br /> � lien by.ar defends against enforcement af the lien in,legal proccedings which ia the l.ender's opinion operate to prevent the •..,_t:^-�
<br /> � L Cnfoccement of the Hen:or(c)secures from the holder of thc lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinaung the lien '-'�"
<br /> .. :. .. `'�,<;�.„�:_�
<br /> , ; to this Soeuclry Instrument. Tf l.ender d�:termines that any pan of thv ProQerty is subject to a lien which may attain priority ' :•.�,a�:
<br /> over this Security Instrumeat.Lcnder may give Barrower a nouce identifymg the tien. 8ortawer shaU satisfy the tien or take '' '"�ft';- ��
<br /> ;�•?_,. -
<br /> ,- � one ot mare of ttic actians set farth ahove within 10 days of the giving of notice. � ;, ,'`i tii�;:�'<<•
<br /> �",�#;'.,:.� ..
<br /> - - ,,.-;= S. Hazard or Property insuranca Bortower shall keep the imprave�nents now existing ar hereafter erected on thc d�: '�. :�
<br /> '..z::. �_:�� , i ; ,:, :
<br /> • Property insured against loss by�re.hazards included within the term"eatctt��d covcrage"and any other hazards.including ,,, . .
<br /> , .- . � � floods ar ftooding.for whicb l.ender requires insurance. Thjs insurance shaU he maintained iu the amounts and for the '••
<br /> , �pr-•_'+� _' F '. E" • ,
<br /> - , , . r`) .
<br /> �r'.:r_`� •.,�:' . Corm302s 91� lpu�c2ufbpaged� � . ,`r'., .
<br /> . �'E"'.i. � ... , '. � • ., .
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