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<br /> ' 'j��"'n{�Wn�in�1�IC tlffQCdYdI�fS h0�f►(R�C[CC10d df!$IC�[Oj�fiSl.��Ci7G�t1.�' .
<br /> ' !0�f17f�1�G1 OOV1t Of`�1ClEf�Et a�it Of 1�k.'Q[�O�l.7t�4 �t����1��1C COY�EIJI-1�L5$a1Rl�t, �
<br /> ��I�pK. ��0�1�1C f�LS 1E�Gt1Ed W 01 tfliS SCC11Tt[SI��l4 l�%�y� '
<br /> �
<br /> ` __... $�$����A�N���it.�_IS fSWfU�/SCL'iO�.Of�1!'lS�It�� biS(�IE�I�1[1Q --- -
<br />- ,.-----�_,. �---- �,�"rp -- -- �-- _.
<br /> < ^ sad c;ouvey ttr PtapEny-��P�r�e-�yr�s,-tm�tRmm�ec�excep�rfore�� ° g{���"°"----�-�-�-��.
<br /> - will defmd gemallY the titleto ttte P�ert�r�gai�ali claims:and dem�nds:subject W aay rncmnbrat�ces of recad. R ,
<br /> �, T�S SFC[IRTfY INS['ttUMENT canb�aes unifarm covau�nts t`or aation�! use and nas-oniform covenaiitg with
<br /> �imiited rari�tionsby jutis�iction to constitu6e a uniform secu�ity iasuument covering tea!�xopertY. ' .
<br /> �1NIPOR.MC(?YENAN£S. Bot�v�aandLendeccn�a�aniardagreeasiollows: ��YPaY
<br /> ' 1, pqiest at PN�dpd a�d��''�W7���Late CMsr'6es Bamwer sha11 ��� `
<br /> = P��P�of'and intenst an tbe debt evcdaiced bY tbe Nate�nd anY�rcPaYment and Iate chuges dae undtr the Note.
<br /> • �, Fuds tor Taus s�d Iasara�Subjxt to applicabk taw or to a�vnt�n waiver by Lender.Bamwer s1�11 Qay w
<br /> LaWer au the day monthlY PgY�a�e due under the Note,unu7 tbe Note is paid in full.a sam("Funds"}for:(a3 Y�Y •
<br /> tues and assessme►us whict►aoaY u�in P�ia?�Y wer tbis Sec�ai L�nuneat as a l�en on the Pmperty:(b}Year19 kauhold .
<br /> -- � � p�ym�ts ar g�wnd rents on the Yropaty, d any: (c)Y�Y�°�P�n1' �sw�oce gKmiwns;(d)Yar1Y flaod
<br />-= inauance Ptemiums.ii any:te)Y�Y�8���P��•if ang: and(f3 anY ��P�Y�K bI►�ower to
<br /> = Leodet.in accadanoe with the pcovisions of paragraph 8.in lieu of the payment bf moRgage�P���- These
<br /> itans are cailod"�scrow Iums." Lcader may.at any wix.colloct and Iwld Tw�ds tn sn amovnt tiot to excced.the maximwa
<br />_ anwunc a knde`r fa a federaUy related moitgage[aau may iequire for Borrower's escrnw account w�der the federal Reat
<br /> - Euate Seulement P�oced�ues Act of 1974 as amendod from dme to tunG.12 U.S.C:¢2bUl et s�q.t"RFSPA'7.unless�
<br /> ua e
<br /> • taw that applies to t�e Cvnds se[s a lesser amouat If so,Lender may.at any wne.wUect`a�d hold Fw�ds in aa amount not to .
<br /> : excad the lesser amount Ler�der msy est�r��'��of'-�-due e.-s-thc�as':s-a£-cgeneai-daia_.and_n�asonabk_ . -- -----
<br /> __ • esti�nates of e�cpadit�s of future Escrow Itemc or adretwise in a�xard�nce with applicable law. insnrumentaliry.or eatitY
<br />- - The l�nds shaU be tietd ir�aa i�utitution whose deposits are insuted by a fede�al.aB�Y-
<br />- - (including Lender.if I.ender is such an insutution)or ia any F+ederal Horae Loan Banic. I:er�der shaU appfy the Funds to P�Y
<br />= tUe Escmw Incros. l.ender may not cbuge Bortower for twlding aad applying tC�e Funds,annually analY�B��'0W
<br />-. account,or vetifyiag tde Escrow items, unless Lendcr paYs Bonower interest ae the Funds and applicable,law pemtits
<br />`�'''. i,ender to maYe such a charge. Ho�veser.Lender maY recluire Borruwer to pay a ooe-time ehar8�for an independent reat
<br />, ., ' ►� � ����n8 service used by i.ender in connection with this loan,unless applicable law provides othenvise. Unless an �--_
<br /> agneemet�;c,r���ade or applicable law requires interest to be paid�r s��be�9uired to pay Bomnwer any interest or �i�::
<br /> - .;. �gs�atf�e Fands. Harrower and Lender may agee in writing.hawevtr.that i�eaest shal}be paid on the Funds. L.cnder �""`�-�
<br /> .E �.:` sbail gi�+��{3orrower.without ci�arge.an annual accounting of the Funds.showing credits and debits to the Funds and ihe ;.�,�,;�_-
<br /> c ��;�
<br /> •° ' :��:; puzpc�e�Whieb each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are led ed as addirional secwity fot aU sums secuced by ��.;�:""�--�
<br /> P 8 ��_,�
<br /> this Secu`� Instrument. - �--.,�q�.
<br /> :• .....-._
<br /> � fi`F:,. � If Funds held by Ixnder exceed the amounts permittec!to be 1�e1d by applicable taw. Lender shaU account to �:
<br /> Bomuwer for the eacess Funds in accordance with tAe requirements of appijcable:�atv. If ihe amaunt of the Funds he�id by � `:;
<br /> , � �;,`t� 'I.rnder at anx time is not su�cient to pay the��Ttems when due,I.endec may sc►not►fY Borrower in wtiting,and.in' -�=- � �
<br /> • such case Borrower shali pay to Lender the amoa�ut necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall malce up the �
<br /> � ' ;s-� : deficiertcG irc no more thau tweive ma�nt[s6Y paYm�ts.at Lender�s sole discretion. ���
<br /> <'�' ' L'pc�s�aymen[in fall of all sums s��bY dus Security[n,c�unent,Lender shall pro��refund to Barrower artY -���
<br /> ''f`s,, � , �dsT�et�isy l.eader. If,under paragraph 2t,Le�der shall acqaire or seil the Roperty,L4��prior to the acquisitian cr '' � �:_:�' �
<br /> . sale of the Property.shall apply any Funds he1Q by Lender at the timc of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums ';���`;�=i
<br /> �" . � secured by this Security Instrument. `��;�
<br /> - ,"�4�� 3. Application o1 Pt�yment9. Unless applicable law provides otherwise,all payments reccived by l.endet under . a
<br /> , - �aragtaphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,to any prepayment charges due under the Note:secand,to amounts payabte under •'f:��,
<br /> paragraph 2:tbird,to interest due;fourth,to principal due:an d last.to any late c harges d u e u n d e r t h e N o t e. _ _
<br /> " A. CdarRes;Liena. Borrower shall pay afl taucs. assessments,charges,fines and impositions amibutable to the �--'��' _�
<br /> Fmperiy which may attain priority over this Security Instrument.and teasehold payments or ground rents.if any. Borrower `�•,`� �, "a
<br /> • . shaU pay these obligations in ihe manner provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in s�hat manner.Borrower shall pay them on �r,�;�_.�t .=z�
<br />' �X�:'.� d m e d irectl y to the p erson owed pa y m e n� Botrower shali promptly fumisb to Len�Z:all no[ices af amaunts to be paid under �;;`;.`, � '•,`;'--�-
<br /> •.. this paragraph. If Borrower makes these payments directty.Borrower shall promp:y fumis h to L en der recei p ts ev i d e n c i�t g �
<br /> P . ' ``=-—
<br /> . the pay�aecs. ' � -
<br /> ' Be�+z;u�r shall promptly dischasge any tien which has priority over this Security Instn::??er�c unless Bormwer:(a)ag�s � �,y
<br /> � in�ri�,a;�_t;�;he payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptabr:ta Lcnder.(b)oontests in gaad faith the �:,•=.=°:'�-.,
<br /> . �.:;.
<br /> f;;��i�..a�defends against enforcemem of thc lien ia.�egal proceedings which i�e fa=lxnder s opinion operate to preveat the .
<br /> , ` `eafas►�..��:ttt af the lien:or(c)secures from the holde�r of the lien an agrcemen!�a�isfactory to l.ender subordinat�ng the lien �-�',;.�_
<br /> • to this S�rity lnswment. If Lender dett7mines that any part of the Propertyr is subject to a lien which may attain pcior�ty ';;;,_�.:-
<br /> - � over Qus Security Instrument,Lender may give Borrower a notice_identifying the lien. Borrower shaU satisfy the lien ar take ` �T
<br /> �''>'
<br /> one or nwte ot the actions set foN►above within 10 days of the giving of notice. ' •
<br /> S. H�zard or Yr+operty lnsae�nca Borrower shall keep the improvcments now existing or t�ereafter erected on the �.
<br /> � op � .
<br /> . �'`• �• Property insured'against toss by flre.haaards inrluded within the tem�"extende�caverage"and any nther hazards.incWding • ,
<br /> "�yf` - • ' '";.
<br /> � ,,,:.�;..�•..,� � ' floads or flooding.for which Lender reyuires insurance. This insurance shalF be maintained in the amounts and for ihe � �.� . . ,
<br /> l�y, " ' - f• '
<br />. . "_' " ..'1.�:�,•-: "
<br /> � -,....�.: �.; _ . F��s 9;�e r�xea�fe�� i
<br /> �ai�.ti"��.:.� r . . .
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