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<br /> ��� - � - �- �- -
<br /> -_ . Y .
<br /> � -.��-.. . . ,. . _ . _
<br /> - - ..r --- -- ''r� .�.� - __;,�- --- . . - - __ �--- --. � . - -' .;\ =_—°—.
<br /> . �•� _ � . __ ,r..� ..� - , � .. . - � -'� .1" _
<br /> r�- , "' __ __ . .. .\1 1��:✓.. , " _ ' ___ . "_,.__,. ._ ,_—_�_- ` '__-
<br /> 1 .. . .
<br /> =_��:�:�_�.`�...� - � - .,_ .� : 4 � _ � . . -� . �9-�' .�!�--��� . . .
<br /> - d,.r+op.rrfr h.o eM�«+�a.n�a�.i.«�►.h�i�riaw w.ov�*•!��•w..ne a�otu�.di�.Mo�.�a.Pwr w�+on Psoc..�M. �
<br /> -- � pra�,�.u�on�Wd�bttl+na alkurr0
<br /> — � ��
<br /> � .ne Gt wch ord..as t�na.r may d�1Mm�n..—«10�op�r v�wc oc t:� — , - - —�_ _--- -
<br /> P�o�rbupa+w�Aeon�diMo�hsst�dKma�rdN�n+il�+�.N+r+�RP��+�+dp►ocNdsbinaM�QnMS�Aw ���bT
<br /> M�Qw d�M ol�ny paYm�und�r thr No1R a cun u+f►d�+K 1MrwnQ�t a h�wn�dw�lrqt u�PP��
<br /> • ��j�ie�o��t+�nd�r.UD�t!�occurr�+c�W�n E�t bf OMaultlwrwnd�r.a 1t any act ts qtc�+«NDN P����
<br /> e�Nn«rc�d Whiclt m�MtWAt�l'NcK L��i 1nM�wtlntlN Rra�ty.E�nd�r ma7/in Ibawndl�CrMtor�.but wiMoutoWi�tlonb�a
<br /> p,,an0 wllhout noYc�to a d�mand u0�Trusto►ind wUhoat rNwtin�T�usfor i�an1 u�Y abifiW�a�r'�O mStad whlch Tir�qor I�aa
<br /> � aprNd t�E taits to Qo�nd maY atto da any otlNr act it d�ns n�eaY�ll�P4W�t ttM s�cudh h�r�of.Trwlor�tWt.imm�dl�ldS► .
<br /> upo�ndMnandthsrelorbYt.andsr�P�YtDl�ndKaltco�bu�deaip�miaineurradac�dwma�xpKxNdbltLMduincanrnctlonwl�h '
<br /> tM�roiss EY Lend�r of th�foreaoin��hb.toqslhar with intsrest th�raon at tl�d�fault nW provWW in the NoO�whiclt�hatl bs
<br /> idd�d b Ih��nd�OMdrnM NcuAd fN�M�y.I.Nfd�r s�N-not inCUF any iiabuiry becau•.ot anya��n��t may Qo ar�omn w o0
<br /> 11�fA�M1dK. .
<br />--- 8 ll�ra�dow MMwIMR Trwlor�tati k�ep 1M�Prop�sty in canpliance with alt tppllcabl�lsws.crdinancu arb t�lior�s . ..
<br /> _ �tlep b industri�l Aypl�ns or anvlronmanW proNCtlon(cdt�ctivety takrr�d to herein as"Emironmental LsWS"1.Trustoi af�U
<br /> - RMpthaPropKtyfrNt[ontallsuWtancesdNnwdtob�hazardousortoxic�nderanyEnvlronmenGtLawsi�olqcti�Mf►��b �
<br />�-t- i�reitt as"tiazardou�Mib�iala'?.TrwtorLO indsymn�ho(d ha mtess Lendsr.(ts directors.ofl'icsw�.emP�Y���� .
<br /> -�- undNtl»PrapsnY-Ttua�hsratiYaSrMs
<br />��-:z� any succa�ors to Lender's intecesR Nom and e�ainst any and all ct�Ima�d�mayas.tosiea aad Iiabilitlas ariflnQ in connsctlon wilh �
<br /> t�p�tce,�e,disposal or dantpoR oi arry Hasatdaua Mate�ials on.unQer.irom or about!he Propedy.THE FOREGOtN(i _ -
<br /> � 10.AW�M d R�M�.TasOOr hernb�t assi�ns ta Lerxter the rents.issuos and prQfits of the PropertSr,Drovidad that Tiuswr: g;;.�=:.� -
<br /> � shall.untll theoccunence of an Event ot Default heteunder.have the rl bfto coltect and�elatn sucA reMs,is�uesanA pcofita�s 1heY ��=R`��'_
<br /> � , ��;:E,--
<br /> become due and paya b l�Upon t he o c cu r r e n c e o f a n E v e a t o t O e f a u l�l�e d e r m a�e i t h e r i n p e�w n o r b y a g e n t with or wtthout ,�,__�__
<br />�f'r . bringing�ny�ction a procesdirtp.tlr by a reoeiver appointed.by a courE a�withaut ro�ard to the adequacy ol its secu+'�y6 en�r �--
<br /> -''< ���tce possesaion of the Property.ara�ry panSttereof.in its own nama.�f in the name of fheTruslea and do any actswhich it .':'fr���
<br /> �,``�,, , dsems aecessan+or des(raWe W pre�erve tha va[ue,markefabllily or rensabil':ty of the Property.or any partthereotor in0erasttherein. y;�,;;--;.. _
<br /> � � '�' increaaa the income therefrom or proSect the secu�ity horeot and,witb or w(thout taki�g posseasicre ot the P�cPertya sue tor ar �:..
<br /> _< , . ,. ptheiwlss coltect the rents.lssues and pro8ts thereot,inclu�og those past due and unpaid,ana appty the same,(ess costs and ,��•'.:,j'L.,=
<br /> �•,;:,� .-, e�sesotoperaUonandeoltectionincludingattomeys fees:uponanyinQebtednesssecuredhereby.alttrtanehorAp►aslender � ; _
<br /> ,t:;_ �QeterminG The�enterinp upon and taktag passesslort af the property,the collectlan of sucK rents.issues and proflts and the • -
<br />�-r�=�(; - ',, ;;..;appfica�on tS�a�as aturesaid shatl not cure or waive anyr default or notice ot delautt hereunder or invalldate any act done in c-,,� r??�
<br /> - ' [�itansetosu:hQefauttorpursuanttosuchnottceofdetauttartd,notwEthstandingtheconUnuanceinpossessionotp�ePropertyor ��.'�:._�•.:_::r --
<br />;.��'+y','; �:��i` �erolJeCticin;rec�ipt ana aPDiicatfa�ot fents,issues or profi�,and Trustee atld Lender shatt be entIUed to exercise every riyM (';rf's;{'�.� �:��
<br /> ,,.- proridedfbainanyvftheLoantnstrumentsorbylawupono;s�rrenceafanyEveMOlDefaulxlnctudinywithoutlimttaUoritheRgM ;�� _---_
<br /> tpexercise the povuer of aafa FuMer.Lendera►ights and remedies under{his paraqrapt�ahall be cumulattve with.and in no way a � :��
<br /> ' ' timitaUonon.len�#r'ari9btsandremedlesunderanyassigrtmentolleasesandrentsrecordedagainsttheP�operty.t.ender.Trustee •...`.�_f
<br />�'�' ` � ��s and the receiver sisait 6e�isbte to account onty for those rents actualty received. �`�-.-� '
<br /> , � � �Y. _ ,� 11.Ewnl�o!IIdaull.TM following shall constitute an Event of OefauN under this Oeed ot Trust -��:i`.=-,�:`-
<br /> �t�__� =:' (a) Faiture to pay any installment ol principal or interest of any other eum secured hereby when due; - '-
<br /> ,�,� ., '�` (b) AbreacboforAefaultun4eranyprovialoncontainedintheNote.thisOeeaofTrust,anyottheLoanlnstrumenta,orany '� '.�+'. '�
<br /> ..�.^. t. ,..
<br /> .;,;„,-.,•:• • ,,�� � otheo lien or encumbrance upo�the Property; � ' `
<br /> ,,_.•�"
<br /> _ #� .• �j��•: (c) A w�it o1 executfon o�attachment or any simitar process shall be entered against Trustor which shall become a lien on _
<br /> ��,�'••;.'� '.� the PropeRy or any partlon thereol or interest therein; -
<br />, • �'?i;�- . • - (a) There ahall be(iled by or against Trustor or Borrower an action under any present or future teCeral,atate or other '-,. �; ,�.,'
<br /> ;,, " ..,r_,_�`,. ,, staWte,law or regulatian relating to bankruptcy.insolvency or other reliet tor debtora;o►there shall be appointed any trustae. __. _
<br /> � �5� ' ' receiver or tiquidator of T�ustor or Bor�ower or of all or any part of the Prope r t y,or t he r e r�.9.i s s u e s o r p ro t i t s t h e r e o f,o rT i u a tor � � -_,_
<br /> :''-��-.;- .' .._.::: -
<br /> •� �:, ,. or Borrower ahatl make any general assignment 1or the benefit of creditors; ��;,_
<br /> _ „�:;��.;: ' (e�The sete.t�anste�,�eaae3,assignment,conveyanCe or furiher encumbrance ot all or any paR ot or any Interest in the + _V-
<br /> � * PropeRy,either votuntarity or invotuntarity,withaut the express written consent of Lsnder,provlded that Trustor shatl be ,-J,`
<br /> .�'�`� } permitted to execute a leaae of the Prope A y t ha t d o e s n o t c o n i a i n a r�a p t i o n t o p urchase and the tsrm o1 which QOes notexceed •'.�._.:�._.
<br /> /r� �,�•�•in... ' .� y.•�n��.,.
<br /> . ,�" ,.:.:�� • � one year, .�--•
<br /> ��� ;;,_� : (Q A ban donmen t o t t h e P►o p e r t y:o r '��'�"""
<br /> i-. ����.��s , (y) ItTrustor is notan indiviCuat,the tasua�Ce,sate,transler.assignmen�conveyance or encumbrance o1 more than a totel i����-_-��r
<br /> _ " _ r•��* 41. ' ' . .�. . �'��a±.
<br /> 'Y`.yF��=.
<br /> ' ;,, p} perceM of(if a corporetion>its issu�a��vutstandi��stoCk or pt a partnerahip>a toia!a! petcent ot =__
<br /> � A�...��.,�_ partners.ti�intere�ts du�ing the pe►lod ihis deed a�'�rust remains a tien on the Property. , ��
<br /> �2.�,�S;Ae��NraHonUpp�pN�w(�Intheevan".otanyEve�`.o�Detaultlendermay.witho:a:no�'s:eexceptasrequiredb�e `•�r,�,
<br /> ' ���'.�� taw.dectare att indebteAne�s secured hereby to be O�.re az�payabre a��the same sha�1 thereupon beceme due and payabte • `•�,�.;�•:-
<br /> "' � wnhout any presentment,deman0,protest or rtotice ot�.�y k•r+�.Tr,e�e�an°t�ender may: �•
<br /> :' �i Y��!Y:,� � ��. Tru tee exerclse the POWER OF SALE g�anted h.,•B�n.end Trustee sha0 thereafter cause Trustor's • .
<br /> �:�,?_._:..;'. °- ; .
<br /> (a)Qemand that a
<br />' - lnterest irt the Propertyl to be sotd and the proceeds to be Cts��.��Ed,a:�m the manner provided in the Nebraske Trust Oeeds i
<br /> ..., . �".ti:';',•.; ACt " :
<br /> , -.-R . �:-- (b)E�cercise any and all Nghts ptov,�ded far In any of the L�a-tnstruments or by law uaan•ocCUrrence of any Event�'� `
<br /> . •.j; • ; �., OelaulX and �
<br /> ` °�"'���` : ",.', (c)Commence an action totorectose this 0eed 4°Tvu9f as a�r o�fgage,appo�n>areceiver,arspeCilically er.torpa any of tho
<br /> ' � covenants hereot. � � .
<br /> � No remedy+�erein conferred�pon or reserved to Truste6 or Lender is�ntended to be exci(�aive ofi any other remedy herein,in fhe .
<br /> � ... Loan tnstrurt�ent9 or by taw provided or�e:Titted,but each shall be cu:nutat�ve,shall be►n a�'�`on to every other remedy�+e�n� � .
<br /> � - hereunder,irt tEfe Loan Instruments or naw v-heroafter existing at law or�n equ�ty or by statute,and may beexerciaed conCUrr�r:�}r:. � ,
<br /> ' �
<br /> . ' � ladependently or auccessivety.
<br /> '" 13.TrwW.The Tru�tee may res►gn at any time wlthaut cause,and Lende►may at any time an0 without cause appair.t a
<br /> � � �uccessor or subatltute Trustee.Trustee shatl rtof be liabte to any party.lnc�uding wlthout Nmitation LenQer.Borrower,Trnstor or any .
<br /> ,� purcheser o1 the Property�for any tos9 or damage unfess due tv reck�ess or will}ul misconduct and shall not berequlred to take any ;
<br /> "` � � � action in connectl0n wlth tha enforcement of this Oeed o1 Trust untess indemnitied,in writing,fOr aIl costs,cnmpensation cr j
<br /> � • ' • � expenses wh1Ch mey be a�ociated therewith.tn addltlan.Trustee may become a purchaser et eny sate otthe Properly UudiClal�r, , , .
<br /> � `..;' - - undu the puwer ot sale granted hereinY;postpone the safe ot all or any portion ot tAe Propertyr,as provided 6y law:or sell tte _ .
<br /> � � � PrapeAy as a whole.or in separate pa►Cels or tots at Trustee's discretion. �
<br /> --•- ' i4. FNi and ExpMfN•tn the event Trustee seHe t�e Property by exerci9a ot power ot sale 7rustee shall be enUtled to apply
<br /> ' any sate proceeda tir91 to payment of atl costs and expenses of exercising power ot sate including alt Trustee's f��;and Lertder s ,
<br /> and TNStee�attorney'stees,actually incurred to extent permitted by applicab�e law.In the event 8o�rower or TrugiGi exerclse98ny
<br /> ' � �ipht pravlded by 18w to eure en Event ot�e}ault,Lender shaQ be entitted to recover t�om Trustor all costa antl expense�aCtuzi�� ,
<br /> • tncurred a�a result of Trustor'�delautt.Inctuding without limitation all Trustee's and attomey s fees.to the extent permltted�,�:. -
<br /> • � . 8ppticable taw. • �
<br /> � � 15, FuMxy�draneN.Upon request of Ba►rower.Lendei may,at its optian,make addiNanal and tuture advance�and re-
<br /> _�� -._-- � �—=--' a�neesle8oua�er.&uGhaAvaneesandrendvances.w�ttfiatereattherean.shallbesecuredbythls0eedolTrustAtrto�meshafl _
<br /> ' the pdncipal amount ottha indebtedness secured by this 6eed olTrusf,nat in�tuetng sums advartce�tv prvEect�i�securlry atlhis - -------�------
<br /> • ' � • pf�d of Tru�t,exceed the ari�nal principat amaunt etated hereln.Qr S -- whichever i9 greater.
<br />. , •a � .
<br /> . - . • #. - - � ' - - , - _ _ _ _ . _ .. �
<br /> ', . _ � '
<br /> ,
<br /> ,.
<br /> �
<br /> . . . . _ ._.. .. . -- -... . , .
<br /> . . . _.. -s'- - — — ---- -- �. - -- --- _
<br /> , __. _—. � --...._.�...._ _...,_- _ _
<br />