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<br /> TniMorind.rwndstwtiMdocum.mtl+nrnaAOra.bouca•z�cuMaac.eaarrwt.r�dnd•aarpp�anatlwnwvow:.--- �
<br /> 01 W�provie�dlor1n11rf M�dMTnn�tP►avidrsaub�tlalHdMNrsMclphtsandobil�allonsbTru�ltar►i maq�In fMwrnt
<br /> MadMM�ItorOn�ch alobti�tion und�rthi OMd ofTru�tndudinp,twt not(imilsdto.tlfsl�rtcN�sri�htto f�a+rstM Proputyfol0
<br /> by th�r T�wNhout aAy Iudiclal proe��diiq.Truqor npreM++b and warqMS 'tl�is owf�dp�mmt w execut�d bY
<br /> Th�or bda��s�cutlon ol tlw De�d d.7niat � ' •
<br /> . , � ' A: ppr - �
<br />_ 9,�-�03�� y ` - ' . � -
<br /> . S, g�y� wife
<br /> _ . _ Tti�OEED OF'�RUST,is rtwde af af fhe—,l4tEs dey oE. • �^F's 1 . 1992....by and among. .
<br /> ' tlleTtustOr.��l �` � 8 (�sm�I. S. F�13jeal'tr husToa�d and Wlfe
<br /> � 1004 W. Sti� Street. Grand Isl�. NE b88�I�-�j�4�or."whether one or rriore)
<br /> • whols mailin�add�ess is �` . < .l
<br />. the Trusles. °'_ 'i°.-.:`° �, A � Cblpo_'�+�+_+OI! ' ,
<br /> . • ..P.O. Bog I507, �"Is3a.*r�. NE 688ti2., herein"Trustee"�and
<br /> • ' rvhae muilinp add�ess is . � ,
<br /> . q�s 9eneFciary. Fiv�.POiAts Bank -. . � � � __'
<br /> '� k Mmose mslNn�aadress!�� P.o. Hox L50�, Grand Zslandy NE 68802 � � ;�:.�:,���a 4�'�r:.-=_
<br />� _.. � .. . . ., - . .. ., _ . . i �� - � � -.. . j- _—
<br /> `3-=.• �;. � FOR VALUABLE CONS�DERATION,includtng ter�s aRension of credit identifted herein to �_�s---.��� ;';_
<br /> , �
<br /> �. : -�' Y�r� ' a.� t�_*+�+pl S D1vi2art husband atid wif ,_ y:,;.
<br /> ,�..�'-''•: �, �herein"Borrower'.whether one or morey and the trust herein created.
<br /> ' � �'{''t-"_ `:'= • the receipt oi whicb i�hereby acknowted ed.Tnistcr hereb inevocabt rants,hansfers,conve s an0 ass:gns to Trustee,IN
<br /> -�;_'-�� .:<�. 9 Y 9 9 Y . .., ' _,r�"?;::•
<br /> � TRUST,WRHPOWEROFSALE,brlhebenefitandsecurityofl.ender,underandsubjeCttothetermsandcord�+.ishereinafterset � ,._ ,
<br /> � .��,;r;��':f�, 10Ah.the fEdl pfOpE���.�e�clibBd eb t011Ow� � ;...j .,
<br /> . .r.�,�`�S,'�::t`�k. ... • ;�; :
<br /> ° ,..
<br /> •�-� .:,�,;,;,;' yot �i�e �3�, Billy P�oe Snbdi.visi.on, and ABdi.tion to the City of.Grat�c��Island, . 4; � ',> j-.`
<br /> , "�`t -'`y�' Hall Cot�ty, Idebraskcl. E�' �' �
<br /> ''..�_��� :��:• : � ' ;�-
<br /> . ,_.;,"_.r� ° ' .
<br /> . � To�ether w(th ati buildings,improvements.fixtures,streets,alleys.passageways,easements,rlghts,privileges and appurte- ,,, �±'`
<br /> .__ . - nanCeB(Oqted thereon or in anywlsa pertatnirtg thereto,and the renis,issues and profits,reveralons and remairtder9 thereol,ana � _
<br /> such personal property that is attaChed to the improvements so as to constdute a fixture,inciuding,but not limited to,heattng end � . `.
<br /> �. cooliny equipmenx and together with the hOmestead or mantat interesta,�t any,which interests are hereby released and waivod:a11 � •
<br /> � � ' 01 which,Includin�repiacements and additions thereto,is hereby daclared to be a part o1 the real estate secured by tha liert of tAis
<br /> ,_;,`ti�,`�; Deed ol Truat and all ot ths fo�epaing being reterred to herein as tne"Property". • s . .- •• ��`
<br /> ,_ �
<br /> ,o.�..•� . . � . -
<br /> •"�'�' " This Deed ot Trust sha(1 secure{a)the payment of tne princtpal sum a�d interest evidenced by a pramissory nota or credit - --_
<br /> ..; ,�:.: :': .. - ri.l 15. 1997 � , , _ -'.
<br /> ,' - epreemes►t dated �ril 19, 1992 ,havi�g a matu�ity date ot � . � '�-
<br /> ' . - in thp artginal prtncipat amount of S 45.285.50 ,and any and all moditications,extensions and renewat� [ , . �'''�r.. .�_
<br /> .�- ` � thereot or thereto and any and ail future advances and readvances to Barrower(or any ot them if mare than one)hereunder j , , . : ':_
<br /> . • �" �� purauan!to one or more promissory notes or credlt agreements(herein called"Note"};fb)the payment ot other auma advanced by !. fzt,=
<br /> . {:�':;;x`<-;r. ' Lender to ptotect 1he aecurlry of the Note:(c)the peAOrmanca ol aU covenants and agreements otTrustor set forth herein:and(d)atl j . __-
<br /> - -,�.�°�,4.�`� `•` preasnt ar*.a futura indebtednes9 and obiigatio�s of Borrower(or any of them i1 more than one)to Lender whether dlrect,indirect. ` k?.:�
<br /> �'��=-'''`' 1��•� � absol�t�cr�ontingent and whether arlsing by note,guaranty,overdrait or otherwlse.The Note,this Qeed of Trust and any and all � •
<br /> :��'�� - otherd'cc{�ntsthataecuretheNOteorotherwlseexeCUtedinCOrtn�ctiontherewith.includingwithouilimitattongua�antee9,securriy � �� ;_
<br /> „ :,:� ", _ ayreen�ents and aasignments ot teases ana rent9,�'zJ be reterred to harein as the"LOan Instruments". • .' •
<br /> :. �'_-_ . .�. _ Truflar covenant�and agrees wlth Lender as P�!.•+'rs: �
<br /> ' � 1,i#�nl 0)�nfsr.All lndebtedness sCured he�eby shatl be paid when due. i, �
<br /> ' . . ' 2.�TnrS:cr�s:he owrser of the Property,has the right and authoriry to convey the Property.and warrants that the pen • ,
<br /> . ' created hereby is a�tirst and pitor lien on the Property,except for uens and encumbrances set tortb by Trustor in writing and �
<br /> � ,- � deUveredt0 LenQer tvE:'��e ex8cutlon of thia Oeed at Trust.and the execution and delivery ot this Deed of Trusl does iot vlofate any
<br /> - � • conVact or other obtigaton to whlch Trustor is subJecf.
<br /> ' . � . 3.TaxM�AtNwr�nt�.To pay trefore delinquency ail iaxes,spec�al assessments and atl cther charges against the Property •
<br /> • .. now cr hereafter levie�. . .
<br /> ' � , ' 4.Imwane�.To keep the Property insured aga�nst damage Dy t�ro,n�zartls inctuded w�th�n tha term"extended cove�ege",and . •
<br /> ' �. ' aucb ot�e►hazard�ae Lende►may reciui�e,in amounts and with companies scceptabte to LenCer,nam�ng lender a�an addiUonal , �
<br /> ' • � named lnsurea,wlth los�payabte t�:�•9 LendAr.tn case ot toss unQer such polic�es,the Lender�s suthorized to adjust coiteCt an0
<br /> � � • comp�omi�e.al�Claim�thereunder anC!shait havethe option ot appiying a(1 or part of the insurartce proceeds U)to any Indebtedness �
<br /> • . secured hereby and In such order as Lertder may determ�ne.Uq to the Trustor to be used fo�the repair or re9torat�on of the PrCpertyl
<br /> • Cr(iii)for any other purpase or objec!s:��sfactory to Lender wlthout aNecting the I�en of this Oeed ot T�ust for thetull amountsecured
<br /> � � • • hereby before such payment ever took ptace.Any application ot procoeds to�ndebtedness afiall not extend or postpone the due ,
<br /> ' • , � • date o1 any payments under t�e Note.6�cure any defauit thereun�er or he�eunder. � . ��
<br /> ' • S.Eferow.Upon written demaaa�sy Lender.Trustor ahatt pay to Lender,In such manner as lender may dssigrtata,suHiclent
<br /> . ` sum9 to enabte LenQBr to pay as they become due ane or more ct the foltowing:p)aI�taxes,assessments and other charges ega�nse •
<br /> - - -� !he Ptopetty.(li)the premiums on the Rroperryt insutanse roquired hereunder,and(iii}the premiums on any mortgage�nsurance
<br /> • • �equlred by lender.
<br /> � � • 6.MalnNnanc�.R�paits and CompBsnc�wilh Laws.Trusfor shall keep the Propeny in gaad.cund�tion and repair;sha11 �
<br /> , •• promptly repair,or �eptaCe Sny improvement which may be damaged or destroyed:shall rtof Commit or pe►mit any waste or
<br /> • • deterloraUon of the Property.shall not remove,demolish or substantia�ty atter any nt tne►mpraYement9 un the Properry;shall not
<br /> . . � cammil,suHeror permit arrysetto 6e dane in or upon the Properry in v�otaNOn ol any law.ordirtance.or regulatron;and shaU pay and
<br /> � promptly discharge at Trustar's cost and eMpense all tiens,encumbrances and charges fevied,imposed or assessed against the ,
<br /> • .' • •�' . � PropeRy or any paR thereof. .
<br /> _�._:..: ---------, .. . T E�Mt�.tertdar isfie►ebyassigrtedratf compensation.aw�r�iisr�ttg68£�nd nther payme�ts a�se�te!{hsfeiaattea _ -
<br /> ' "Ptoeeeds"1 ineonnectlen with condemnatlon o�other taking olthe Properry ar partthereot,or for canveyanee ln lieu ot condemna- �
<br /> � • � � Uon.Lender ahatt be entiUed at its option to eammertte.appear in and prosecate in it9 Own n�mn any action or proceedings,and
<br /> �. shall also he enUUed to make 8ny compromise or setUeme�t in connecttcn with such taking or damage.tn the even!any portton of
<br /> ' � tNC31s1lMar�raukwNQw�N�vtOiAS - - -- - - - - �
<br /> . O tlMNalwW W�to�Canewdltuuu+dSanepfAffonie�an VkoM.HMau� . �
<br /> . , � -. � .
<br /> ' .. f
<br /> ' ' • ._ __ _ " — — _�._—. _. _ . .
<br /> • .. � Z .r.. ._�..�._.. � . . . - . -_' "_"'_'—' ._' ...... _ ' _ � _. _. .��_ —__' '_— _. .... _ .
<br />