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<br /> sab�ra�rciilly oquivdent nw�t,�rgr li�xuru�ce cc�vct�e ie rx►t avuilnblr.,Dorrawce slwp p.tiy to l.er�ler each nx�isth n sum cq�awl tn •
<br /> c»�x•tweltih af the yearty nx�ciga�;o insurance premium ixinx�i�l by ilc�rroti��cr when tFse insuraoc:e coverage la��rxl or ccnsect ta
<br /> t►.:In efl'cct. I.cnder N�Ii�acceM,use u��i rctwn�hcsi paymcnts as a less r�scrve i►� Oie!! of n�origage insurauca. I.ciss n:scnie
<br /> p.,yFlk:lll�i11:fV IklyIQDLt`r Bc r�quiir�t, at E1►t f�.��liu�l�f la:nc�c"►•.If���uqtg���e init+►�cnt6e cwvctagc(in tltc antutmt s3nd fo�'tl�o�xri�xi
<br /> tir:t C.�:�;�.I�r I16{i4I1Ik`)�.,��•ri�'::;t fay r:� Pu•.��wt,i�}tip�r►t•���L•y A.:.,t!t:�:r r�,��i�h�•iryi�::,uw,ll�>�ilc i;��tl is��';!!J���d. Rinsim�;cr alt:;ll t�:;}•
<br /> the�remiums aquirevS to u��nr�4n inoM�Nge ir�aurxnce iu rffat.c►r tci pmvlda a lavs r�rvc,until thc rryuircn�eut fi�r�iwridagr�
<br /> insucanc�e o�xlx in swcxrrci�:e witF�any w�nnca�agrorrnent be¢wan Bo�rov��er und Ixoder i�r KppNcat+io lxw.
<br /> f.ls�peetkia. I.erdcP ar izR a�ena m�y rrtialce rta.W�bEe¢nlries upnn a�xl inspecti��n9 of tP�Pn►perty. [.erMtr�!►�i!giye
<br /> &�rrown•no►ice it t6e time of��r g�rlor ta xn inspectian specif'ying�exsc►iue5lc causo for the in�pe+_Ilon.
<br /> !�. C�wk�autlon,Thc prc�coaia af�ny �w�rd or cl�im far dAm�ac,,dinxt nr a►r►xeyuenti�J. in rnnnoctlon with�n�
<br /> candanration or ather u►king of mny �an of the Pnrpe�ly,nr for cnnvcyzncc m licu of randrmru��ion,are hercby�csignod an�
<br /> s���c�;�;a:o t.��„��. o .
<br /> In thc evant of a total talcing of the FropeAy.the proceodi sh�U tx a{�liod lo the surm�t+cural by shi�Security Ira�tmment�
<br /> �►vhether�r tat�heu due,wiih�ny ecces�paid ta Bormwer. In tbc event of s partiwl t�kfng uf lbe 1'mperty in�which the fi�i
<br /> m�rket value of the Prriperty immediately befi,�r�e th�t�king io oyual tu or grcater thu�thc amount uf ihc sums securod Fy thi
<br /> Savrity inatrvmcm imrnedi�tcly before th�s takinR,unlas Fbrtower bnd Lreaukr aherwiae KgnY in wdtin�,the sutn�Raeurod by
<br /> t�is 5ecurity lnctrumer►t sludl b�roducai by tt+a anxx�nt uf the pe+axqcls muldpiied by the Follow9ng fracli4n: fa) tfie taal
<br /> amoutyt Af r?�e sums sdcurod itmsxcliately t�fi�t�s tht tMJcing. dividod by(f►)ttro frir nurket vdue or the 1'ropeny in�maliately�
<br /> t�forn tt,e tr�iing. F►r�y bita:�:e�'tiala be�id :a[Iarrouer. Ir tt�e e�erct of a patial t�tin�of thc I'�operty in whir:�tha fair
<br /> rmrl:et Y�lue ot the fhoperty immodirt�ly befura t1►e t�l.ing is�ltss ttwn ti�a anwunt ot ttb sumv so��rcd immediAtcly t►eforo tlte
<br /> talcin�.un{e�s Borro+ti�cr ud [.cn3er uthervrise s�c+�in wnting or unlsss r�pplicat►]c law ott�etwise pmvides.thc�►mctixdF shall
<br /> be sppl�i to tho sumt�+ccurrd b}dus:Socurity in�trwncnt whtU�er or not the sumt�ro tbrn aae.
<br /> If the Prop�ty is ab�xdcx�od by Eiorrowcr.ua if.after nrxice by I.endr.r to Borrower that tho cAndemrmr of�'erF ta mn�;e an
<br /> . aw#rd or•sutle a citim fa duru►ges. Bocrou�er fiils to rcs�md t� Lendu dvithin 30 d�ys afizr the d�te the notice ic given.
<br /> L�cnder is wthori�ed to colixt�rd apply tlie praroads.at its aptiae,eithtr to rruonition or rcpair of the Pt+aperty cx to the w�s
<br /> ' :.x�ss��-�t!:':s�.::.,�:t�Imtntma►t.whetlxr ar ncx tt�m due.
<br /> Unias l�ender and&�rcower cxherwise agnx in writing, �nY appiia[ion of procxeds to princip�i siui� noc eatrnd or -
<br /> � poatpone the�+e date af the m�nthly piYmaus ncfexned ta in 1 ar�d 2 or clw�ge tfk arnmunt of such paynxnt�.
<br /> 11.�orrowir Not Rdeaued;Fo�be�r�aoe Ey i��r�x.Bxunaion of the tirnF for paymant�x modific�tian
<br /> of arnoetirs�ticrn of the sums socurcd by this Securiry Instcument gnnted by Le�der to u�y suca.ssor In intercst of Borrovver�luill �
<br /> , ceot operate to rdeaie ttu li�bility ok'the oriEiml Bormwtr or Borrower's sw�,oesaors in lnterc�t. L�ender s�alt not be�rqultnd tp
<br />�'; � conunence prooa�dings agadnst a3ny sucoea�or in irKercsc ar r+tfuso ro tatasd time for pay�nent or dhawise modify�morti�ratl�xi
<br />,,� of rl�e s+�ms sxurrd by U►is :,aauity I�t�uma�t by rc��on of any demuid m�de by ihe oriaenai 8orrowu or BoRnwer's
<br /> 4uccessors in iirenst. Any fe+at�,ranu�ce by Lader in ez�ri-ising any cighR or renx,dy stwli not bt a waiver of or procludc the
<br />�?Y axe�i�af any ri�fit c�r�ea�aiy.
<br /> 1lZ. Sron�aats sa�d Mci�Bow�d:xoi�t �i Se►erd l.i+�l�tl#ty: �o-�tpera. Tf�e c�oven�nts aud agr�eunrnts of this
<br /> ;; Savrity Lnstrumer�t shall bind x�d benefit the sucttss�o+s s►nd assigns �f Lrender �nd Bort+ow�ex. subject to�he proviaioes of
<br /> p�uagraph 17. 8orrower's awaaants and agrexmaita st�ell be joint und seva�l. Any Bormwex wtK► oo-�igns dus Sxuriry
<br /> � I�tcum�t but do�noat execute the Note: (u)is oo-sign,ing this Socurity InstnrmEnt only to mortgage,grant ard oonvey that
<br /> r Honrowa's i�ih��e PnopMy under lhe terms of this Savrity In4tnu�nt:(b)is�wt persa�tly obliSateA W pty IDC wt»s
<br /> sea�rod by:his Srcurity Tnstrument;and(c)agra:s that i,ender ud any�c�ttrcr Aomower�ray agroe to extaed.modify,forbex or
<br />�::� m�1ee aqy�rr,n I�xlations with negud W tAb:tCm�of this Socurity Inatte��i�ar thc CVotc wid�out that Horrower'a coment:
<br />, �:� 13.Iwr�e C�hut�.If the lwn seaireci kiy this Socurit}r Instnrment is subject to s law whici��nts mucimum lo�n ebrrgx„ � .
<br /> �uxi ttat 4w is�iStlly inu�prded so �h�t the inteKSt or ather Iwn chuges ool�ectod or to be aoilec�ed in coonectioR wntl�tiic,�
<br />.( ioaa exceed the permittad linnits. th�i:(�)�ny weh losn�hxr�e atull be nduoed by�he amr�unt nocxssary u��duce the cl�rge
<br /> n w tbe penniaed limet:a�xi.f�+)anY wan atrcady oollectal firum Bc►rr�rvrr which exexei'l�d pumittR+d 1lmits will be re[un�led W '
<br />;.:� Hocriower. Leodet:;mry ctnc►se w aiake this nfwd tsy re�ci�.^ing the psincipal owod under the Note or by maicieg a diroqc ,
<br /> - p�y�art tu Bori�osvl�'. If a refwxi reduces principsl. the rod�dion will be treated as a Wrt�l Pne�Yma�t nnWait a�i�,.:•. ; ��,�
<br />-- p�speymaH ctaraa uuder the Not�. . : .�. ::
<br />� ,,31.NrM3cpt�.My notice tv Bumower provided for in tAis Suvriry 1n�tiutnent a}�all be givean by ddivdind it t;i"s.by mailir�`'.;r :: ;.;�'
<br />�� if,��r,fint�elsst mail unless a�lplicyble law nqoices use of tcgatbts metfbd.The notnx shall be di�ctod to th�N�ryr,t�r Addm�,
<br /> or any odiar addtr� Borrowrr.x'desig�wes by noti�x tu�,l;t�nda. Ar�y notioe w [,edkr ehall be giva� by.firit�Yija� m�il to '.`;�;.
<br />= LaM1or's addcaf ettted hrntin c►r wy olher�ddt�as I�ader'ilaigti�a,.by noiia W�ortnwcr. My aotioe ptnri�for in J�qr}����.•; ,
<br /> � Sawi�ty Instnundnt.�l be deaned to hnvGheai giWen to Barower or��.oiwdec wha�given as proviid�ed,in tbis panqrapt�: �`,•. •:
<br />-�+ iS.Cora�t� Y.aa; &e►eraYilil�. ;:'.d#r'{3 Sowrity Inswma�t sha71 bc govemod by fodetttil: d�W �d �t�e 1�►w of 7��`.ti�, . ".'
<br />-: jmisdiction in which the u locsted: In the evern that any pmvision or clws,,of this 5oairii�;TnstivmerK�or.d+c iVd�`' � .
<br />=y ooeflictt with�pplicable�oonttict atWl na st�'�t aher pmvisions ni this Spcurity Irtit�umeet or;�e 11i�L� .w�,yi�cao I�t
<br /> aivw e(fat w�itl�otu ttre oon�ictit�pro�vision.Ta this end the prov�siona uf this Security I�trumrnt;�d dre,.�rr�►!;�,�st►e dectaeed
<br /> ,� :,, ,
<br />==¢• to be sevatd�le. ,•• .. . ."
<br />— .lf.Borrower'ti CoA Homower shall be givrn one c»rifartnod copy of t?�e Note a�xi of this Sapl:srJty rnahumait.
<br />_� 17.Traeder al the h+opatr ar s Ha�efichl i�ntee+eet ia�o�sowar.If all ar a�,y�rt of the�xi�perty or any intexrst in it
<br /> is sold or tranifaral(or if a benefic+at interest in Barrnwer is sold or tranaferrod aixl Borrc�w�r is not a rwtur�!person)witlwut
<br /> .i:�.'�10er's prior written caae.tK. l.ender m�y, at its aption. �rc immaliate pa�ymem in full af all sums secvrod by th➢e
<br /> m
<br /> ;� 6'c�.vriry In�tnuna�t.i�owevr.�,this oPtion stwll r+ot bc excrcisod y l�ender if exercise is p�rhibited by federa!iaw xs of the date
<br />:.� of this 5ceurity�.i►�um�ent. ��:�:;,
<br />' "� If Laide�'.ys{ercix�t�is uptiom,Lcnd�r,�ull give Bonnwcr rxxice.�~oi xoelerrtion.The notie��'h�ll provide a pericxi o�qr,�r.�,
<br />'�; las tlw� 3(3 i�iyi troen the date [he,noticx i�y�deliverrd or m�llod witt►id which Bnrre�vver maan »��:all wrt�.c aocurcd t►y ty:Y�:,"
<br /> ,; Secvrity I�.If BcKmwer fiils to�3y t}iesc sums prior to ihe expintion of this peri�d�#.��rniy invoke any nenradies
<br /> prr.mitood by this Seeurity I+sr.trucuent witl►out furtt�er iwticx.or cfetnwnd oa I3orrower.. '
<br /> �� 18. �'n l�bAt`;to Rei�te. If Borrower xnats actain oa►diti�,;':�4orrowar s�w11 have the right to t�ve
<br /> �� enforoaircnt�if�t3�ib Socunfy�inst�ument di,qcoptinu�.�d at any tirne p�i��±r w thc�ar4Her oF. (a) 5 i�:!ws(or auch othrx{xriod xs
<br /> ' l�cabie Ir.vr:ti�i� i for ni is brfone salc of thc � rsuarrt to �r�ae af sale cor�tained in thia -
<br /> �, aPP� �'•�P�'�Y �4' )• ��) Pa any l� : ,
<br /> • Sv�:My Xnstxur�at�:;ar (b)entry of a jud�:ix saforiyng U►is Sxunty�i�tttument.'Thuse oon�li�i�:r-im�tl�at Bore+nwer:(a)���
<br /> ` 1.*}nler,al2•siim.s��u+hich ihrn would be due under this Scx�urit�Instcument and the Note�s ef no�crlst�tior.had occumed;�l�) �
<br /> � ��p+F,=•i�ray;.'h�.,+�.s�init of any otticr covenants or a$r+tetwmk�t;;..��t�)'PaYs all expeiues incurnd tn cnforcing this �rx:t�r'�;�;Instrumer�t,
<br /> . �::;r:�;ir���.�ia�ti:nut limited ro. rasonable attomeys' ic�',ltr:`it�•{d)talces such action as l.endr.r r►Yay�rasonalily.nc��,;3tre to as�:lur
<br /> t3atetht ljd;�;�i�xhjs 5eruri►y I�utcumer�t�L,ender's rights iti the Prope.rty aod Homower's obligatinit�t�pvy the swns socut�t�'.Uy,
<br /> ihi� Secv�=t�,.�.:tstn��rn �hall�continue unchangod. Upon reinst�se.tinmt by Borrower. tltts �ia:u.rity Instrumrnt anii� llit�.
<br /> ohlia�tio�=eomtid hrlr�v ahall.eYmain fulla effecYive�s if m��:ikinn!md�cumd f[nw��,�� rhir r;ahr t�..�;e�ede.�liW1`
<br /> �� -- ._ . . - - _. _.._ _..---- --------� --�-- --° —-�--�_��_
<br /> �c apply in the case of�melerotion ua�der paragraph 19.
<br /> j9. S�le o+l'Idete; Ch�t�e of�.u�n SeXVker. 'Ifie Natc or� partial �nt�+rtt,in thc �iote (together with this Security
<br /> � Instnrrtee,nt)m�y be sold ooe vr more times without prior notia ta Bomswer./�s�i�:c�.�y msuit in e rhange in t1x eniily(6;nown
<br /> s�thc"[,au Serviar`) tlut�rotiocts monthly p�yments due under�hc Nnte and this Security Insteument.The�also rrsay bC onc ,
<br /> or rt�►rc ch�es uf tS�e l.o�►5crviar un�lated to a sale of thc Notc. 1't'�lt�ra�e is a change of the Lonn Scxvicer,Barrowrr w�ili be
<br /> givae writtrn notia of tt�e ctw��ge in a�.�cordux;c with paragraptt 14 aUr,�i�znd applic�ble inw.The�afltic�e witt statc the tuune w�d
<br /> address Qi tbe new l.oan Servioer arxl tt►e address to which grayn�esi�c s}wuld be made. Tl�e notice will also uontain any other
<br /> infomwtion roquirod by applicak,lc law.
<br /> 20. Hsrardo+►s Su6elanns. Bamwer si�a11 not c�use qr permit tf�e pr�ncc.usc.disposal. SlOI'Hg'P,. or releaW;uF any
<br /> Har�rdous.Subuanccs on or in thc Prolxrty. Borrower shall not do, nnr allov,r anyonc clsc to do, anything affecting Ihc
<br /> Property that is in+iolation of any Environmcntal Law. The ptcced3ng two sentences shall not apply to rhe presenct.us�.or
<br /> storage on the Property of small quant�ti�s of Hazardous Substances that arc gcnrlally rea�gnizcd to be apprupriate to isormal
<br /> rcsidrntial usss and to mainlotu�nee ot the Prc�erty.
<br /> Psp�3 0}• �� Y�f1R3�1 gl�(I
<br />