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<br /> L`J` .. . _i 4��2_�!"r"' � ='"_�PFA e-' — — --- -- s�i—� —
<br /> '�I�:, Fun�s sli�f! be hel�J i�i nn in�titutins� whasc dcparits arc intiural by a feclernl �}ic:nc�nscr�n—tality or cntiry
<br /> linclutiitsF L.ei�l�r.it Lciidcs is nuch au ius.�h��linf�l t�e iu any F���r�1 Hc�nc Lo�n Bank. L�:ndrr shnil u�;�►ly the f�unds to�ay the
<br /> �:se�r}w ltc�u�;. i.ciidc:r i�iay�►ut cl�ai'ge tln.rim.cr f�►r Itut�liri�;citd u;sjifyinp;tiie Funds,c�m�unlly nnnly�inr the c�:ceuw aeec�a+n,ar �__
<br /> veri�ying thc Gxraw izemr',�u�lcss I.eri+fcr�vays Bc�rrnwcr interest on thc Funds and�pplic.�bie Imv�crnuts Lcnder eo n�Scc s��c1j
<br /> a charge. Nowevcr, L.ender mayrcy uire tinrrower tn ps�y u���e-ifmw chArge f�r nn indepc:ndcrit rcal esta�c tax reportir�g service
<br /> u.sed by Lemier in conna:tiun with thig loan, unitss apptEcpbte law providey olhervvi��C. Unless an agrcement is n�ade or
<br /> a(r(ttir:able low rsquires i�uerest tu be paid,Le�xler shi+lf nc�t be rcyuired tu pay Ilorrawer any interest or camings un the Fuixls.
<br /> F.A�rro+uQr and Leoder rn+�y agrce in writing, ix►wever, that interest shall be pKid m��he Funds. Lender shal!give tci Borrower.
<br /> �viti�unt.el�urge, an annual uccounting uf the Fu�xlv, shawing crcdits and debits ro the Funds and the purpose for which each
<br /> dobit j f Ihe Funds held b�y l.cnder e.rroa!Ihe��sm�wnts permitted to�beuheld hy appli ahlc a [.endcr shall r�account o Borro�ver
<br /> for ttx exces�Fu��ds li�..xccardarx:c with�he irequfnmcnts af epplicahlc law. If thc atr�ount of the Fu�xls heid by Lsnder�t any
<br /> time is�xrS suffici�;�tr.a�pn�thc Escrow Items when duc,Lei�der may so natify Borrower in writing,and.in such case Banawer
<br /> shall pay trt�.cixtcr tMa nmrount nocesc�riryr to mnke up the deGctenc:y. Borrowcr shall make up the dcflcicncy in iw more ttwn
<br /> twelvo mn}�d11;/�rayn�tilia,ut Lender's�celit�irwnet��n.
<br /> Upuu payment in fuli of xll sums e,�.�cur.�i by this Security Ins�runxnt. I.ender shafl prom�xly refund to Barmwer any
<br /> Famis hr,4d by I.en�kr.If,wklee par��aph 2!,1.,cittR:r sh�!!::�q+it�or scll thc Pro�'+eny,Lendcr,pnor to lhe ucquisition or s:tle _
<br /> of ths Property,stwll a�ply any Funds held by L,crr�ta at the time of acquisitiAn�r salc as a credit against the sums sccured by
<br /> this Socurity Instrumcnt.
<br /> 3.Applitatioa o�Puymcots.Unless applicuhJe I�uw providcs otherwise.ull payments rcceived by Lervier und�:r pnragraphs
<br /> l and 2 sh�ll bc appliat:�rst,to sny prepr!Ynxnt charges due u�x1�:r the Note: r�eco��d.to arnounts p�lyable undcr paragrrpt►Z;
<br /> third,tQ enterac dua:fourth,ta princ�pal due;and lwt.to any I�t�o chargcs due under the Nlote.
<br /> 4,CAi�t�;Lime,Borsnwer sh�11 p$y all tuxes,assessn�cnts.cliargcs. finrs and imp�asitions attritwtable co thc!'►npeny
<br /> w;;�c1-,�-�J r•fi;.in�^�r�t���vrr lhis 5ccun�y Ir,�trumcnt, su�d I�;�.cchold payments or ground rents. if any. Borrowcr si�aU pay
<br /> these obligatio��s in thc.�twnner Provided in pamgmph 2.�rr if uui paid i�th�t t►vrstt;.r,�nrro�:er sieaIl p�sy��-.���iz ar�:di�sl, --
<br /> to the person owaipaynnent.Borrorvor aNall proroptly fumish to Lcndcr al!notiscs of amrxuus to lr paid undeP this paragraph•
<br /> If Borrower makcs these payments dirnd.ly.Borrower stwll prompdy fuenish to lxnder receitNa evidencmg the psy►Yw:nts.
<br /> Bar+r��iver sha11 promptly discharge u►y lien which has nriority over this�carity instcwiient urtless Borrower:(a)u��as in
<br /> writong ta the pay�of the obligxion secured by the tlen in a rnaiuur xcceptable to Lender:(b)contests in gc►od f:at�n e'he lien
<br /> �y, or defendr, against enforoement of the lien in, legal procoodings whfrh in the Lender's apinion operace to pr�verst the
<br /> ° eufarcesrent of the licn;�r(c)secures from d�e holder of the lien an agrament satisfaciory to Lender si�t��xclin�ting tt�lim to
<br /> ' this Security Insavment. if I�erider detennines that any p�rt of the Property is subjoct to a lien which�a�e:�y auain priority ovtr
<br /> �h�g Savrity Instrument��,ender may giv�Borrower a aoticc idnntifying the lien.Bormwer shal!satisfy tlra Yi�n or take one or
<br /> roott of the actiong srt farth�Iwve within l0 days of the givin�aP notice.
<br /> S. l�anrd a. p�+ope�ty I�nrance. Borrower shall kccp the impsovetnenta raw existing o� he�Rer erectod on the
<br /> prca�erty insured against luss by fire, huards includad wiilun the tam "exta�dod oovecage"and any ott�er bazaul�. includin6
<br /> tloods or[Ioodin8.£��nwhich I.ender requires insura��ce.'This insumnoe sheil be mtintaSned in the�ounts and fnr the periods .
<br /> that I.et�der roqnires.'t�he insuran�e r.arrier pwviding fie insuiu►cz snat;oe�����3�•,"^�^�°��j�i^t,.,�irr',e rw�eval , •
<br /> which shall not be unra�um�biy withheld. Tf Borrower f';til,s to maint�in coverage des�ribc�l abova. L+e�xkr maY.u i.end�r�s
<br /> optian,v4�taia oovcrags to praect Lencier'$rip,hts in the Propaty in scanrd�exx with puab�r�iph 7.
<br /> A�1 ii�teurana pot3ci�and renewals sh�Jl be�t,�b le to L.ader ond stWl includo u st�ndaid moTtgage clause.4.enda
<br /> shal!Imvo�he r+�bc tcp Iwld the Policins and nnew�ls. It I�a�der roquires.Hormwer st�all prumptlY give to Lender nll r�er�iP�s of
<br /> paid pr�emi�iim9 and r�Ssiew+�l nntias.In the event of loss.Borcower�hall give pmmpt no4ia to the�r+�u�anoc cxniar and t,txxler• ,
<br /> I,ender anu�+1+n�c+e'��+c�uf of toss i[not mde promptly by 8ormwer.
<br /> Lfni�+s I.nic'k�s'�ai�d Borrower othenvise�groe�n wrxting.,inait�nve procoeds shall b�applfad tce tt��i6a;sec'san or rcpeir of ihe '
<br /> p��Y�Bod.if the crsWnuion or repwir is oconomicalljj•f't�ible and Lender's security is r��,��Se4�cd.if the n�tor+tjon or
<br /> tepu[�s not ocotwdlieatiy[tasi4k or i�cnoer'a aa:u�:��s;:au.tC!:��••,�.,���`•_`�,�t��nQ��ranrr.prr��.eed��rix116e aupliu�d w the sums
<br /> • ' sxurcd bv Wis So�tti.t�!ty Ynatiuma�t, whether or not then dut�. wlch any oxc�s patd eo]�ar't+�wer.Y�'�rrower abandotes the
<br /> •�;� . Pcoperty,or does not'�uuwer within 30 days a rwtice from L�.�ndcr that the inwrpnce cs�rcicr tus offe��ec�to settie a cteim,t1�cn
<br /> Lender m�y oolloct the isuurance proceeds. I.ender may use the proceods•to•i�p�ir or restore xho'.'r�peRy or.to p�y sums �� ,t ,
<br /> Y P�� � �ti+��a is v�n.
<br /> secura#�by thi:Secur�ty InsuumaU.whdha�or not tixn duc.'i'he 30�� v�lil n.vrha►tho'b �
<br /> �Lxr,aitss I.e�Yer iu�d borrower aherwise agree in writing. anY apPlication of pra:r;cils to principal shall not eata�d ar
<br /> pop�io�iF:;Yhe due date of ihe t��nth1Y WY�� �ferral to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or c1i.s�?;b.�he.amcwn�uf the Pn'm��. !f
<br /> uir�:,�+t�nplt 21 the Property is ac:cfu�red by l�ender.1Borrower's nght to xny inwrarkrti y�i�licies and p�+ocoods raulpag fivm
<br /> � dn��e Yprior w the acqu�sUion shulL�ss to I.etd�er to the extcnt of the sums socarod b�tlyis Secunly Ir�uuma�t
<br /> � • � y pria�ihe scqwsin�n. ' �g��rp��s I.�a Ap�kscion;t.e�neiold�• �,.:,
<br /> ..�.::�la�upsoey,PraeeYalioa,l�lduteu�ce and I'ro(eetioo ot the Pn►pe�tg n
<br /> , Horixb�ar stWl aowpy,establish.and use the FropeKy as 8ormwer's principal residerxx within sixty al�ys after the zx�cutiou of
<br /> thin•S�t:arity Instcument and shall continue ta accupy the?ropaity a�Borrowa's pri.oca}i�il residenoe for at least one yair aftar
<br /> ¢ht d�te of�ocupn�cy.unless Ltnder othenvise agt+xs in writing.wvhich oonsent shefl nni be unreawnalbly withhdd. or unlac� . .
<br /> exteaiating c'u�curngtances exis¢ which are beyond Borrowrr's a�nunl. Borrower shall not d�esh'uy. darn�e or impair the �� �'
<br /> prqkaly. allow the qx rty to deterioratt.or mmmit waste on the Pro(xtiy. Borrowtir slwll be in ckfault iF any fatkiWr�.�'��'•.• � •
<br /> scti�a,,qt procoe�ing,�wh�ther eiti�i�or criminal. is begun thst In I.tiader's good faith jadgme�►t awld resuit in fude►ture of tha����:.::
<br /> p�i✓or od�awise in�rial�y impair thc lien cc�eatod by th'rs Security Instrument ox l�ader's s�curity interest. Bo¢�a�r.may ',
<br /> cum�rEit�►a dcgiult and reinstate,as prov�ded'en paragraph 18,by causing the action or p�u�eeding to be dismissod v��t�,'s�,nt�m8
<br /> that, In I�a►�er's good fai�th dctermin�tion, precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's it�terest in the Propecty or otht;�-�nat�tisl
<br /> imQainntnt of the 19en crated by this Secunty Instnimmt �r Lender's sec.�rity intsra�. Borrowcr sl�eli<also be i�i"tkfa►�t if
<br /> Hocrower.during the loan application procGSS,gavc roaterially false or ic�ccurne informttion or statements to Le►x4er(or f:►ilocl
<br /> to p�ov'�de Ler�der with any mattrial informati�n)in co�iun•with thc loan cvidenced by tho Note,im:luding,bus t►ot limitcd.
<br /> to,reprgenu�ions con�tmmg Borrovret's occvp�rx�y of ttw Propeny as a principallrsEdeaoe.If this Sec-urity Iaswttt�nt,is on�i
<br /> ;easclu,{d. �orsowtr st�ali a►rrq�ly with a11 ttre provisic►ns of the lease. If Borro���cr acr}uins fa litle ro the Fr�vnecry. the
<br /> leasdwld and►he fee tide stull nvt mctge unless Lendcr agrces to the�tKrgcr in wYitirrg. •• •
<br /> i,;"• 7.pr�otectjoa o�I.eadtr's RIgMs in!he Property.!f�orrower faxls ta�rfonn tho oovener►ts a�xlagroem�nts c'.iat�G'iic��osi�.�
<br /> . this 5ac�irity Iostr�un.�t, or.thero is a lcg,af prooeeciing that may sigaifirantly aftect Lcnder's righu in d�o['roperty'�si�4h�as��ic'
<br /> p�r�xtedin,�in bankmpscy.probate, for condtmmtlon or forfcituro or to enfnrce laws or regulations).thcn Ler�der rat�ip'do er�d
<br /> pay frn�wt�azever is necassary to protcet tho velue of the Property and Lcnder's rig6u in ttx Araperty. Lender's At�i�ns muy
<br /> :..��,�...,�.,;� �v �,m cr�urod hv a lien whlrh has qrioiitY over this 5ecurity Blstivrncnt. appearing in ooucr, paying
<br /> T.--4 --�. �
<br /> rps�mblo attornryR'foes ancl entering on tho Property to make repairs.A[lhoush I.�ejwev maY ta.ice xt�on uraer mis pa�ag.apn
<br /> 7,[.,e�v.�sr drxs n:,a hai•e to dn so.
<br /> Any arn�ur� disUursod by i.crxler undtr �6is parxgraph 7 sha11 become adcliuonul debt uf Bonnwer secured by this
<br /> Se�urity Ii�qument: Unless Sormwer and l�ntsier agtoe to other temu of payment. rhese amouuts shall bcar intccrat from the
<br /> dxte of�disburxuxnt at �ths Note race and sha11 bc payable. with intercst. u�on naticc from [.eixier to Bornnwcr requesting
<br /> paymtnt.
<br /> �,Nlort�e Inwranoee. If I.endtr rt�uiral nx>�tgAge inwro�s+�a condition of making d�e loan sccured by this Sccurity
<br /> lnstnmxnt. Borrowcr slu�ll pay the premiums requirod to mxintain thc mortg;+igC icuurance in effect. If, for any rcason. the
<br /> nartgage insunux.�e covera$e�+equired by Lencicr lapses or ceues to be in effect.lDorrower sha{) pny tt�e prcmiums rcquired to
<br /> c3btain coverage substvui�l,y eqaiv�lent tn�he mortgage insurance previously in effect,a!a rnst subst�uuiaqy equivaicnt to tiie
<br /> cost to Borrower uf thu nwrtgage insuraur.e preuiou,sly on ciCcct. fiom an alternate ��rtgage insurer•rpproved by �nder. I4'
<br /> ' o.00 s at• Fotm 302Q 8/90
<br />