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<br /> - - : ; ' ,tor�)beroct s�te of the Ptop�ty pu�swn�m ny'power ot.saic oaataiae�ia ttis. , -
<br /> -, appyc�bk taw auy specify '1'I�ase caodifi�s ate that Haruwa�.(a)
<br /> ��ry�or(b)e�i Y of a j u d�m d M t eefas�ing dus•SecaricY Ia���t-
<br /> _ ---------__.�y3_j�fer all sun�wbkh tl�'vrcA�ld be duc ueder this.Sic�uity InmumaK and t6e Ncite�s if no.act e k n t i a h�h�d
<br /> . tc�ot���4¢���s all exnensa inctuned in enforcing this Sec�uitY
<br /> •fas.aud(d?tites sucTi ac"uon�s- . ��1:�•�•••:••� --
<br /> ' — —
<br /> but tat Wnited to.ceasanzMe at�Y� ' - ---- -
<br /> ` �°�+��°g� md Bvtrower*s abligation to W►F�
<br /> � toquire so assure that thc lien ot this Seciuity tastrumert�.i.rnder's rig6ts in ttK PtopeEty `
<br /> - , sums sec�nsd 6Y tms Se�i�Y t�s� stnit cantimu tmcir+n�,ed. LTPon�� bY �wer..tdis S�unty
<br /> ����obiig,atioes secuttd hereby sh�ll nmain fully efftetive as if no acceteration.t�occurred- However.tHis
<br /> ' right to rems�e s�alt twt�r in tbc case of acataatias u�er�17. _
<br /> if. Sak o�1liafe:C�a�6/Lo�w Servker. '[tie Note or a puti�l incerest in tbe Note(mSettxr with ihis Securityr
<br /> Instroz�ta may be sold oo�a moce times witAout prior nori dua under the Note and this Secunty Iustrum�t '!�also
<br /> (hwwn as the"I.awm Servicer"l ttlat coUects mond�lY PaY�
<br /> �����������ioet urutLUed to a sale of the Note. If ther�e is a ct�nge of the L�o�n Suvicer.
<br /> &�rawer will be givea written twbce of the chaoge in accoiduKae with puagrapi� 14 aDove and appficable law..The naice
<br /> wID state tiie name and address af the new Lo�ut Servicer and tbe addness to wluch payments s�u1d be made. Tbe aotice wi11
<br /> -= aiso coN�in aay othes iafacmadon requirod by applicabLe law. � Staage.ar nlease of at�y
<br /> • 20� 8mrdoas SN6etseces. Bot[awer s1uU vot raust or pe�mit the Qneseace.use.dispcisal.
<br /> - Ha�rdous Substances on ar in the Pinpe�ty. Bamwer shall not do.'aor aUow any�ne else to do.anything affecring the
<br />- -_ ptoperty d�aE is'sn viotation af iury Eavsraunenta!l.aw. Tde p�ecediag taro seatences shall n�io Ae�p ���
<br />_•- storage on the Ropeny of smaU quandttes of Hazardous SaDstances tl�at arc generally recogn pl�Pn __'
<br /> � residentiat uses and to m�tnitenance of the l�t+ape�ty. � =
<br /> Bonower siiaii prornpti�r$ive i.e�der writtcn aauce of ariy uteest�garion.claim.danaad,lawsuit or aher action by any --_�_--
<br /> _ � gavaamemal ar regulatory aSenc�'o�Pri�E�Y involving the'Propetty and ar►y Ha�ardais Su�e or Environmental ��__--
<br />�_.�:Y: ���-
<br /> - Law af wluch Hottower has actual knowtedge. If Barmwer teams,a is notified by an�gwetnmenta� W regut�°rY �_:,_-_
<br />- ,s�arity.shat aay nmova!oc ut6er rcmediation of any Haxardous Substance affecting the Propeity is necessary.BwTawer �=_ --
<br /> --- ' s��P�l�P��Y taYe all nec�ssary remedial actions in accordance with Eavironmental I.aw. !_
<br />_=_ ' As used in this l�B�Ph�*�H�S Substartces"are those substances defined as toaic or 6azardous substances by =_ -
<br /> , � Eaivimnmental Law and the foltow�g substanees: gasoline.kerosene.ather flarnmable or toaic petraleum products,taxic �;�_-
<br />: . pesticides and hecbicides.volap'te solvents.materials containing asbestos or fortnatdehyde,and radioactive matenals: As �;.
<br /> • - . used in this ParagaaPh 20."EnvironmenW Law"rteans federal iaws and taws of the jurisdicdon where the Property is located , ,� ,
<br /> �f• -
<br /> �- that retate to heattti,safety or e�vironmental protection. -: •:�•_�
<br /> . , "ti;� NON-UMFORM COY�TANTS. �arrower and Leader further covenant and agree as follows: , ;.
<br /> , '21. Accdaatioo:Rtm�dies. Lender sA�ll give notFce to Borrowa prFor to accekeation fdtorring Borrower's. 'r:,.,�.y.:,_4.
<br /> :_ .,�. �+�•-
<br /> - � •�eb ot anc me,�enant or agseement in this Security Instrument 16at not prioe to accekrAtion under para�p h 17 .,_:;_;:.�_ -
<br /> >�i . �.
<br /> ::�• : �[ess aPMka63��"aw provides Mherwtse). The notice shal!specity: (a)the detauih,(b)the aetion ceqaired to cure the �...r t y_•_�i
<br /> � def,i«3t;(cl s�dat,e.not le�than 30 dAYs fram t6e date t6e notice is gtren to BorrnWer,by whkh tbe detaait musl be - � °.=-
<br /> �,,. cui�d:aad{dl�bat failure to care the delault an or before tbe date specitied in the�ce may raWt In accekrntion o/ ` L,,r:.�.
<br /> �;. t�e s��s secared by this Sec�r�tY lnstrument and sale of ihe Property. 7'he notke�all further inlorm Borrower of . ���_.�"°-
<br /> 1. Ff��l�'.
<br /> ;4u"�t,;�:':
<br /> � �=' tGt right to reinstate aRer sooeieratbn and the ri8ht to bring a catrt Adion to assere'�e noa�xistence of a defaWt or � ,�;,.�y f�
<br /> any otUer defeese ot BaTOwer ta acceteration and sak. li the defaait is aot caeed a�or hefa'e the date specitied in '^�r�;�.�<:-�,
<br /> " '• " the no�ice.I.ender sat its optioa�a�reqau'+e tmmediate paymeot in tu ll o t a t l s u m s s e cured by t1�Securi t y lnstrumeat _ `
<br /> ��_';;k�� �vithout turt6er demand and may�n�oYce�he power of sale and any other remedies permiuefi bY aPpiia►ble 1Aw �. :y:,�
<br /> ' .'� �-•�� � Lender sLall be entifled to caltect all e�enses i�curred in pucsuing the remedies pmvided 'm t6is pavag►apb Zl, �
<br /> ' '�=��� inds�ding.but not llmtted to.s�easonable attorneys'tec.w and costs ot title evidence. : , xi�" +�
<br /> :-�.:..£•,-..-, ..•. . "
<br /> � !�� r I/the p ower of sale is invoked.7'rustee s6a11 rewrd a notice ot default in eacb county in which any p�re of the .��``;�
<br /> .���_��:;:h. • � .
<br /> • , ,,;� , property is tocated and shall mail cop ies o f suc h no t ice in t he m a n n e r p r e s c r i b e d b y a p p l i c a b t e l a w t o B o r r o�e�a n d t o .�,.__
<br /> ;`'�` F• the M6er person.s prescri6ed by applkaMe�ac� After the time ceyuired by appiicable IAw,7lrustee shall give public . - —
<br /> �:w. }_ —---
<br /> _ v�'' . notice of sale to ihe persons and in the manner presc�ibed 6y applicable law 'Ilrastee.vrithout demaad on Bo�awea =__
<br /> shall seil t6e Property at paWic auctfan to Ehe highest bldder at the time and place and under the terms designatEd in _ .`�.__
<br /> � � the notice ot sale in one or�ac+s+e parcels anA in Any orderTrustee determines. 7 i�a s tee may p o st p o�e sale of aQ ar an y �-__
<br /> . �'�,•�:
<br /> - ���;�"`'`" parcel of the Property by pab!'irc annoancement at the ttme and place of an pre��sly scheduled sal� Lender or its � '', 3
<br /> , y , '��-:.`:
<br /> "��- "=#,�,��.:�: desig�nee may purchase the PrapertY at ac�4 5ale. . ,--=:--:�.
<br /> •`��; gtJpon receipt oP payment o�the prbae biA,7t'ugtee shail defiver ta ihe purchager 7f��tee's deed conveybg the �-y:=�--�-
<br /> � `� �;:�,,�.�: _ Property. The recitals in ihe 7lrustee's deed shail be prima tacie evldence of the truth o!the s4a'�ements nwde therein. _,�,�,,--_
<br /> •�* f',� . '11�ustee shall Appiy the proceeda oi the sale in the toltowing order: la)to all catits and expenses�Y exerctsing the power . '. � �,�`
<br /> •< <w . .
<br /> �: . �;,�_
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