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<br /> � , � �vndnniution ar u�har t�iciag of any part of tho Ptopeity.ar#'ar canreyance in lieu of canden►aatioe.aer lkrtby acsi�ed aM
<br /> be�ridta[r�e�.-__ _ ` , � t
<br /> —r �.s_:-�1�__.� ._— ' , • :.nn.- —
<br /> �D dIC EYlrit Of 3-tOf7�t�g --�'__----.__.� - __ . • �tl�-Sl4-°�-=_.
<br /> Ins�iunent.whether or aot tdat due.with any eaoess paid to Borravrer. In tl�e dvent of a pattial taking of.tl�e PropeRy in
<br /> — wt'icft the f�ir mulca vatae of the PropenY�amxdiate[y befosr th�.c�icing is equal w ar greatee ch�n the amau�of.ehe sums .
<br /> � sau�6y th�c Savriry Inswment imisxdiauly btfore the taicing;unkss Barower snd i:ender othenvise a�see in writing.
<br /> � . the sums seFu�ed by tltis Saa�ritjr Iasu�ment slnll be�by the amount of the p�aceeds multipti�by[he following
<br /> ` fraciIoit: {a}tlse wn!a�rt of the ssims securrA immediateiy befae tl�e takipg.divided by lb}the fair maricet value of the
<br /> ` ' -< pbpe�ty irtunedr�tely 6efae t!r talcing. My balance shaU be paid to Bomower. In the evem of�pattial taicing of the
<br /> : •ptoperty ia_w6ic6 the fair matket aatue of tfie Prope�ty i��ediately befexe the talring is less than the amoart of the sums
<br /> � seco�ed immediatety 6efae the taking. nntess Boirower and Lender otf�erwise agree`�n writi�g or unless applicable iaw �
<br /> i ot�wise pov.ides,the proceedc s6al�be applied to the sums secuYed by this Securiry Insuurt�ent whetl�eer or not the sums are
<br /> QICII d1iC. �
<br /> � ff the Property is abardoned by Bo�rower,ar if.after notice by Lender to Barawec that tUe condemnar offers to malce
<br /> an awud a settk a claim for dun�ges._Banower fails to c�espa�d.to Lender within 30 days after ttie date the notice is givea.
<br /> Lender is autharized to eblket anQ appiy the Fcaceeds.at its oppon,either to testaation or iepair of tbe I'roPert9 or to the ..
<br /> - sum4 savred by this Securiry Instrumea�whether oc rtot then due.
<br /> Unkss Lxnder and Bmrower oti►erwise agree in writing.az�y application uf p�oceeds to principat shal!not eatend or - ---
<br /> - postpane the due date of the monthtY PaYmems neferred w in paragraPhs t nnd 2 orchange the amount of such payme�us_
<br /> i , I�. g�o�vri..Nat geka�ed; Foe6earaace Sy i.ender'Not a Waivea E�ao.�ion of the time for payment or - __
<br />:l- � modsfication of amactixatims of ttie svms secus�ed tsy this SecuritY Instrument granted by t.ender to any successor in�nter�st -
<br /> �`r i of Borzower shall nat operate to cetease t6e liabiliry of the ariginal Borrower or Botrower's successoes in interest-Lender �_-_-
<br /> ; sfiaU not be rrquired to commenee pmceediaSs a&�im�t anY succe�s°r in interest or iefuse[o extend time for payment or
<br /> - _ � � •��:.od�erwise maiify amortiiation of tLe s�uns securcd by this Savrit:�Lr4rument by reason of�ny demat�m�de by the orig�ual =__--
<br /> � ! . �:•:;{3orrower br Batuwer's s�ccessors in interiest. Anx frn�brardnce`@ a�ader in exercising any right or remedlr§halt not be a
<br /> �;f: `:.'�. xilaiver of a pc�xlude the exec�cise of any sight or nemedy. �� -� , ------
<br /> _ ` . ,��;,�:. .12. Sacce�ors and A§.�s Boand:Jaat and Several Lia�i'�v;.Co-signers. TAe covenants and agreernenu af this ,
<br /> , ,,�::�;,.::�..
<br /> � �ecurity Inmument shall bind and benefit the suecessors and assigns"of L.ender and Borrower.sub,�ect ta the provisians of �-�
<br /> �' ! :".:paragraph 17. Borrawer's covenants and agteements shaU 6�joinh�and several.My Borrower wfio co-signs this Security �•
<br /> _� � . " :Insuument!wt does not ezecute the Note: tal is co-signirtg this Secarity tnstn�meet only to mortgage.granE aud canvey that . �%_��' "
<br /> Borrower's inurest in the Praperty under ihe terms of this Securiry Instrument; (61 is not personally obligated ro pay the sums �- �,,.�
<br /> setured by this Sec�iry Instrument;and(c)agees that Lender aad any otheF Boceawer may agree tP extend.mudify.forbear s,�„� :_-
<br /> - - o r h e N o t e w i tho ut that Borrower's ��`----
<br /> or make any accommodations with re�ard to the terms of thi.s Security Insm�ment t ..:��;_:
<br /> � '; ` consea� _
<br /> 4� 13, I,oan Clwrges. If the tda3 s�ured by this Security Instrument is subject ta a laa which sets ma�cimvm laa.-►, - :^:`;:t,;.;_-
<br /> � •.charges.and that law is t'malty interp:�'.�so that the interest or ather Ioan charges collected or to be wflect��in cm�e�ims �. �,;__
<br /> with the loan eaceed the pern�itted limi�s.then: (a}any suc h toan c h a rge s h a l l b e r e du c e d b y the amount nece s s a�y to reduce r,, •r,'
<br /> :�e charge to the permitted limi�and(Tsl any sums already collected fram Borrower which exceeded Permitted�imsts wi32 be :��.;�'
<br /> " '; A.. r�f��edto Bottawer. Lendermay cl�aoseta make this refund by reducing the principal owed uader the Note or by making a ,�� .�,_
<br /> _�`-` ' "-;��� ct�:.�;rayment to Barrower. If a refund reduces principal.the reduction wil!be treated as a parpal prepayment w�thoat any ::'r}'.�,:.;,.:.
<br /> ' i:, pr�ayment chatge under the Note. ����'`': � . ._
<br /> ' �� •:�.-, 14. Notk��. Any noticc to Barrawer provided for in this Security Iastrument shail be given by delivering it ar by
<br /> ' '�' - mailing it by first e1a5s mail untess applicab1e iaw requireti use of another method.The notice shall he directetl to the Property --
<br /> ' ��'�� Addmss or any other address Borrower designate.s by notice to l.ender. Any nntice to Lender shatt be given by first class � • . �_
<br /> :; ,� mail to Lender s address stated herein or any other address i.ender designates 6y notice to Borrower. Any natice provided far �
<br /> ' in tftis Security Instrume�t shall be deemed ta have been given ta Barrower ar Lender when given ac prov�ded in this .: .;:-
<br /> '.r.: �'
<br /> "<.: � '= � ��15 Governing l.aw: Severabillty. This Security Instrument shall be govemed by fedeml law and the{s►w of the - __
<br /> � 5' ~!� a'. jurisdiciion in which the Praperty is tocated. In the event th�t any provisian or ct•a3se of tfiis Secarity Instrumem ar the Note ,_ . _
<br /> ',: , �• �i� �,, ' conflicrs witb applicable law.!;uch conflic[shall not affect oiher pmvisiona of cheti 5ecurity lnstrument ar the Nate which can �
<br /> . ;t;. . 6e given effect without the conflicting provi:+ion. To this end the pmvisions af�his Security Instrument arid the Nate are =� _
<br /> ,: ��� declared tv 5e severable.
<br /> ' !`�` '' 16. Barrower's Copv Borrow��hall be given ane conform:.s3 copy af the Note and of this Security Insis�ument. • =�
<br /> y '': ' ��; � 17. 7lranstee of t�he�rmperny r:r a Beeeflcia�Interest in Bormwer. If aIt nr any pa»of the Property or�:y rnterest in .r� ' %��:-
<br /> it ia sold or iransferred Ec��if a tKnefcial interc�s in Borrower iy rotd ar transferred and Borrower is nat a iiat�ral person) s�; --;
<br /> � without Lender's prior written ransent.l.endcr may,at its nption.require;mmediatc paymcnt in foll of att sums secured by . �:-..
<br /> . •: - this Security Instrument. However.tnis c�pliun�hall nat be exercised by l.ender if exercise i�prahibited by federal law a.ti af �� •• "`:•��
<br /> �'"'.� • the date of this Security Instrument. � �'� `
<br /> " If L.rn¢er exerce-�e�this option.Lender shall;ive Born�wer nntice uf aeceteracion. TE*.e r,a:ice shal!provide a period af �` . .'
<br /> � ;::,-,,,; -::�'?�'' not lesti than 30 day�s trw~.i the date the notico iti de;"so•ered ar mailed within which H�rrower mus.�y aft Sar,;:secumd by this
<br /> ; ' � _-,a�1::�� Security lnstrument. �f 8arrowcr fails ta pay t::� tiums prior to the expiratinn af thi��eri:�d. Ler.�es may invokc Any �
<br /> - -'� :� � remedies permitted by Ihis Security Instrument�vitho;n funher notice�r dcmand an Hc�rrawrr.
<br /> � T• �,,�._,�. � . , IS. Borrower'9[tiRht to Reinst•rte. If Borrower mcen ccrtuin condi�ians, Borrowzs ti!�atl have�he right ta have �
<br /> ' , ��ss"�.r . enforcement of this Security lnttrument discantinued ac any rirne yrinr ta�he earlier af: lal 5�ays Inr�uch ather pericxl as
<br /> • �n, �' •�
<br /> '�.•�i''';�.... `- tiinglc Funify--Pannie�tae-6eeQdie�tac G��6Y)RS11\STRC�IEN'f••l:nifortn Cuv�nanl4 9'40 lpuRr J n(e p�(¢e.c► � !,
<br /> ;.3:?i�'tF:,.�".'.'."' , �
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