c.�. � - �� c 'ry"d . .
<br /> :. . •tc .. • �. . ' ' "_ '(.' �' _ , ._..
<br /> c - -- � � - � _ . „ — .----- . _ � _ _ -
<br /> . i ,G` ' _ . . � . . ` .
<br /> = __ � - � f . _ � . . _ ; . . .�2_�o��a _ -
<br /> � .. � � ' . < � , � , ' . . - io any�rovrer�sote wixaioed in this �_ '
<br /> ' a�ca�e u►w m.y Sraca�►�c�)n�ae�e af�ne�y�,�com�u�s a��e s«m�: t�� � , .
<br /> . ' SeaQity L�a��'lb)��a l��lOfarcing this Security�'and the Nate as if no acceiehdvn� ` <
<br /> - �_.atl sums wlucl►then wnutd be due under t6is S�tY - • �ciagtli�s Seaainr- _ ` —
<br /> __.--- -- - _ _ cutes �ioover�sss�-;��t3�
<br /> --�Instturt�eo4 I�ludin�,but not!'vNtad fp.res�oa�tbk aua�eeYs'fas:�nd(d)takes such acdon as Leader way rrasooably .
<br /> ---- ���F��p�y�d,gonoBrer's_oWigationtoP?Y�
<br /> � � uire ta ass�me�ihe��� tei�utatement by Boirower.tius Sesuncg -
<br /> . , s�ums secutied bY t siull con6siue uaci�an8ed- UPon Nowtver,tbis .
<br /> effecme as if ao acceleratiun had occumod- . �
<br /> i�t utd the obtig,�Ons secuted hereby shali remain fn1tY . . .
<br /> ����sl�all aot�piY-m tha c�se ot ac�xleration under�17. itt the Nots(to&etiter with this SecuzitY �
<br /> I! Sd�d Nate;�#a�'.at I.os�Serrioer. 't7se Nae or a paEtial i�teresc .
<br /> insuum�tl�►Y�sotd o�or rnae tirtxs without Pia aotice to Bcurower. A sak may result iP a chan8e in the entiry
<br /> dur under the Note arid this Securiry Inswment 7liere aisa�
<br /> (knoyire as the"Lo�n 5erviar"}ihat col�ects mont6lY WY�
<br /> m�y be oee oc moc�e cb�n8es uf tlie Lo�ce Senricer uarctatc�to a�tohf the Nate. �4 above and appltcable aw.�7he natice ,
<br /> ' Bottowu vinll be given wriueri notice of the change irt aocordance � ts should be made. 11x notice will
<br /> � wilt spteihe name aad ad�i�of tbe nev�I.oau Secvicer and the addtess to whicd paYm�
<br /> . �O cun�in any atUer iafocii�tion ro4�tred bY aPP�icabl�Iaw.
<br /> � �g���Bamnwer s6aI1 not cause ar pecmi[the p�e.use,disPosa!•swr�ge•vr release of u►y -
<br /> - Bomower siull not do.nor allow anyane else to do,anY�tu4B����
<br /> -- �is�v�olation of aay F��o��w. Tbe pcecedin8 two sentences shatl not app►y to the ptesence_use,.ar —�__
<br /> izec�to 6e appropriate to namial
<br /> ��t}ie pt�opaty of smali qaa�ues of Hazudous Substanoes d�at are generaltY recuSn Y..�
<br /> S _,——
<br />;'� - — Rside�tual a�ts a�to maintenai�ce aLfe�Pt+a.P�Y•aotice of�cty investigation.claim.demand.lawsuit or o�er actian b�ang� _-___ ---
<br />- Bocmwer st�all prom4t1Y gi u►valving the Properey and anY Hazu+dous Subsranoe or Envir�aiental ----.
<br />. =- t w of wlitch Sotco�has a�cp�at luw ledge- If Hatower teatns,or is notifie�by ai►Y Sav��or[egulator5' • . �
<br /> �".._� , or other cemediadon of an Hazardoi� �s neces.sa�Y.Bc�oaer —_ -
<br />-- � au�l�oritY.that an� teqioval Su6stance aff�S��Y� _ ---
<br /> y witb t�►viraar�►eniall-aw.
<br /> al�ly promptly tatce aU noces,sarY�ial actiaas in acca�dance defined as toxie or hazardous substances tsY _
<br />- . As used u�tlus ParaBraph?A►•"Hataud°us Substances"�k���� u�ts.toxic
<br /> �er flammabte or[oaic petroteum Pr�d
<br /> Enviratmenta}l.aw and the foliowing substancts: Saso1� �_1_
<br /> . pesticides and herbicides.valatiie mentai law"means federal la s andtlaws of ti�ie j1urisdi�on whece the yvPro�+ertY is locate.d
<br /> usecl in tbis paragtaph?A."Environ ectioa.
<br /> tr that celate fo healtA,safety arem�ironm��P� as foilows: • - -`"�;
<br /> .:�o: NON-UNIF�RM COVENANTS. Borrawer and Lender further covenant and agree ='��v•`
<br /> . �_, ' � 21. Acceieeallon;Remedies. �in tdis Secu�rity Imtrutieea�t(bat nol�t t accelerAtion underppA��*+Pb 17 __—
<br /> ;-: a D r e s e h o l'a n y rn v e n a n t a r a�c e m m - _
<br /> uete�applicabk law peovldes dherwlse). T6e aM1ce s b a D s p e c i fy: {a)t i�e d e f a W t;(b)tb which N�de f a It must he '- `r =
<br /> ' defaMit.fcl a datG no1 kss than 30 days tran tbe date t6e natice i.�gi��i Bthe���msv��:�3n accekratloa oi ;_;"'''.-
<br /> . � �,�':��, cMred:�nd tdl tluit isilure to wne t6e detautt aa oe before tbe date specif �torm Borrower of . �_=-=�-
<br /> � tre sn�secured by this SecuritY Instrument and sak ot tbe Propert7 The notice���'� �;.,.-_-
<br /> �f` t�rt6iE to ninstste s�f ter accekrAtion snd the right to dring a ooart s�ction to assert�e non-existence ot a ddAWt or ���,�7`__.
<br /> . �w
<br /> .�:� � aoy dUer deftase af Borrower to accekratbn and s�fG It tbe de�autt ts not cuced an a Ixfore the date speciried ie --��-�_
<br /> �� - `. tbe notke.Lender at its optbn maY re9uire immediate payment ia fuU o[aD sams secu�ed by this Security lnstrument 1._��^_.___
<br /> rmitted by apP�icsbte law .>.��=:;
<br /> .�F,� . w i t b o a t further demand and may invake the power ot sale and any other rcaiedics pe h Zl. '���.-_-.
<br /> � � 1,ender shpil be entitled to coliect ail expenses incu�red in parsuiog t 6 e re m e dies provided in thi�paraS�aP :F`x:. i_
<br /> ��• • ' inctudina,but nnllimited to.reasoiw6k attorneys'fees and costs of titk evidence , ,;
<br />. . �.��.:j.;� ' It the power o�sale is invoked.7ti'ustee shall recard a notice ot Ae(aalt tn each coun�bte law o Borrowe�i and° , `
<br /> i�' ' property is ioqted aad shafl mail copies otsuch notice in the manner prescri5ed bY appl .
<br /> 7lndctee shAll give publk
<br /> ���' the dher pensons Pr�scribed 6y appiicabk law Aftec ihe time requi�ed b appiicable law, _
<br /> ° - nalk+e ot�ak ta tUe pessons and io the ms��hPrh�6iddebr at the dme and ptu a d under t de eai'm�d���� -_
<br /> �- ,�twp seU the PropertY�t pubiic auction to t ig t sale of ali or any -;
<br /> � S the eotice d xale in one or more Parcels and in uny order 7�ustee Qetermines. 'I1rus�e ma9 P�D� << ,.:_-
<br /> �• _
<br /> . -_ ,� .-��-�. par�e�ot the property by pubUc announeement ut the time and place ot any previoasty schedukd sak. 1.endec ac,�ts _
<br /> , �:�,T!'- -J� de+i�nee may purch�.se the P�opprty at any sale. � -
<br /> ' F" ' ��y , Upon recelpt ut paYment u�ihe price bid.11rustee shafl deliver to the purchaser Teustee's deed conveying the •;,.
<br /> � �• �. Property. The recit`�i'��ut he sa�n the(otlo i�o diere lal t a(�tusts�and expenses of xercis g tde porwe ' _ --
<br /> � 7frustee�hail apPly D . ..
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