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<br /> ' _ ' " �/1.�;.�:,:.x::�,1:'-`.� . . _ ..�, _ . .. . . . . . ... . . . . . . �. .
<br /> - t• � � of tht pmpnty.a fa coavey�noe in tieu of ca�femnatiar:ur t�neby usipfed and .
<br /> �i���fas�iluA8 _�� . .
<br /> >.,. :s• ,
<br /> sttall b��k�ta:��: . .� .sr, • , �
<br /> �.Lt'a'A�.cY�;?�;�%�:�'���,��rtY:�F��sh�l�l �,�lied t�sums securcd by this 5ecurity
<br /> � __.—, � —— `' � •� a._: : , . . _ rti,t ,�I��e��nf 2�.��l�_in _ —
<br /> .... • � 4Y£R!- �'�--
<br /> , msem�����:#��?�,� =�---T^
<br /> y���:�;��R�v�]ue pf'�`'�e property immediacety befoce tt�e taicing is equa![o or greater than�hc amaaui�the wms'� .
<br /> secussd ��•�tcutitg.in�n�t immediatety before the taking.untess Bormw:r and Lrndrr otGenvise agme in�.Yiling.` . -
<br /> ��'°. t�s Sec ' Inspumem shall�be reduced by the amoune of the pror:ceds multiplied by the!'nituwing -
<br /> , the sams,r�ured`'fs�: .' u�i5' .
<br /> fractioa:'�}��amount af the susns s�imme�arely befa�r the taking,divided by(b)the fau�aticet vatue a►f the _
<br /> _ p�,op�y 't�,+g;�fore,the taking, Any hatancx shall be ptid ta Batrow�r. In the event af� pattirl iaking of the ` J . -
<br /> p�operty ui�t�;za�r ritaKcec Value of die PEOper[y immediatciy before[he tal:iug is iess tAart thr amcwsts uf the sunsc ` . ----.
<br /> �� ���;�e�s d�e tal�g,u�pless Boirower an�Lender otherw�is,e agree in writing or untear• applicabie#�w �_ _
<br /> cxhenvise pc+`avic}es,�2ie.g�o�sha3!be appiied to the sums securzd by this Secuiit�Guwment wheti�et nr not the,ums�re -=- �
<br /> _ � �s�'�-�..
<br /> .,,,..... . . � ��_Y�_j-
<br /> - tt�en du�,;'; '; ''.::«•,•.:.�`. Barower.or if,aftet notice 6y i.ertder ta Bortoa�et tixtt tfie rat�&mnur offen ta ntakc - -- -
<br /> . If ti��irope�ty tis'�oned�}, �& -
<br /> . an awa�or sa3lea cla��r��a�,es.Borrower fails to respaid to Lender within 30 days after thc datc the noti�e is gicen. ��� ::
<br /> Lender�s a�uFira�ze3,tcj.cQ'�.aird,�Y the Proceeds•�t iu opuon:eifier to mstoration or repair uf[he Prupert�or to tfic � ��- _•�'
<br />---= — sums secured�y't{ris5��i�ment,whether or not thea due: ' _ �- - "
<br /> Untess��au3�w�t atherwise agree in writing.any application of proceedx to pruicip�l,h•rN na eatend or �.,,,,o�,Q.�;�
<br /> post�one thedtze dat��s�i�e�isi�'�i;ray�nts ceferred to in parrgraphs L aad 2 orct�an�e th�amountof�uch paymentr. . . _ _ -_-�_----=�
<br /> ll. Bocru�er;�lial� �.�'���ance $y I.ender lYot A �Yai�� F.�tension uf che time for paymenc or �r-�
<br /> � mpd�����on;L,�'sR�;s;vns sec�ard by this Secutity Instrt�meat granted by Lender to any successor in inter�eat --_
<br /> _ ' . of Bc►rrow�r St�9I�i��esate•i�ie7ease'the�itity of the origina!Bormwer or Borrower��uocessnrs in i�terr.t.t.end�r _�=
<br /> shaq'not be c�uira��a�co.mu�"�•�&s��t�Y 5����n inte�est ar refuse to ea[end time for payment or =�
<br /> � othe�wise modi�:aRnvitiiaa�s s���=sums securod by this SecuTity Instrument by reason of any demand made by the ori�in31� -�:'� .-
<br /> `��� go�uW�r a gor�r,��s sua�:�:5�s�interest. Any foifiearance 6y Lender in exercising any nghc or nemedy+hatl not be a �'";_
<br /> - � waiver of or p�ech3�ase��iru���.any right or n�nedy. � . ::`_--
<br /> 12. Sua�ecss��.vs�ls.',3"uand;loint and Severat Lisi6iGt�;Casip,ners. The covea�nGC and,agcements of tbic :_--
<br /> 5ecurity lastnap�sna7i;bisr�.�aiz�benefit the succeswrs aud assigns of Lender and Borrower.aubject to the prov�ston+of- ' �"K�.;_-:-
<br /> -• paragraph 17.Bc�+r�a:r�:.�ms and��uents shal!6e soint and�-eral.Any Barrdwer wIw co-sigm�hir Security �''.��..�
<br /> ' _,�'' Inctrument but dae3:mfl:ec�u�e da:'�ote: (at�is co-signing t6is Security[nstmment only to mortgage,�rant and comey that .
<br /> ..- . gcMOwer's imerest is��•��er the tecros af thisSec�ity lnsuumen�: lbl is no[penanally abliLeated to p�►y the�um. .- -- _
<br /> ec �
<br /> � � ` secured by this Sectr'rcg:.Tns4vm�:,and(c),�-�es that Lender and�ny other Bormwer mxy:►�ree to eatcnd,madify,for6ear , �
<br /> _ ,,,n ' , ar m�lce any accorumo3ati�ns.+�•:ii iegar�xp�e tetms of this Security Instrument or the Note without that BoROw-erti ' �`�"'�
<br />- ' . :��- , consen� . .:.. ' :, . . . _ � r�;r. ��:
<br /> . ' .�-��.,�.,. :� 13 i.oan Charges,. �€.tFte 3o3re ser�.-r��SV this Secoiiry lnstrument is�ubject ta a law+�hich�.�t,s matimum[nan ' .
<br /> �K; ,_ eharges.and that law is�'raaI�°i�:e�xted s�ama:iiie intec�t or other Ioan chargeti coltected or to E+e coltected in evnnectian . .
<br /> a
<br /> � � with the laan ezceed the p�m2,.'r�i,�-yts.t��-:; (a)anr suc6n ioan charge shall be redaced�by the amount neces+ary to reduce ��.• _�''�` "�
<br /> � .,. ,'•;`. ��r tttc charge to the pertnitted I��ne�:,n3 T�)a:nti s',..-�s alread}collected from Borrawer which exceeded pettnitted tim��c will Ue ��,i:..{ . �
<br /> � '` refunded,tn Barrower. Lender znz:ew'actis•r�m zr•.:1'.c�•L�is refiurid by redacing[he principal awed underthe Nute or by making�► `:;
<br /> dircct a mcnt ta Bocrower. If arefi�i�r:du�e��rincipal,thc reductian will be treated as a partlal prcpaymcnt without any 1�"`�� '
<br /> .�-[ p,y , - _ ..
<br /> ' S�t.,tieI?.,a< � ' .
<br /> . ' -��,=,z;:_ � .� prepayment charge under the Nore_ , "
<br /> �}�;.�� . 14. NMiees. Any notice ca�c+�rower psa��Tded for in this Seeurity Instcument tihaQ,iie given by Jeliverin�it or hy , • Y,
<br /> ,.;,;;�,i�,; �•F. ' mailing it hy fint class mail unl�.sc applicabie 1aw requires�se of another methnd.The m�tice sht+ll t�e directed ta the Praperty �•-'.* ,;
<br /> . ����;;�, `i. Addre�+c�r any other address Borrowerdelignates by notire to Lender. Any notire tc�Lender.hall 6e given hy Gn�clas� . . �-- �.j
<br /> e
<br /> • mai l to l.e n d e rz a d d r e s s s t a t e d�e r e i r e o:a i e y a:.'�r a s t d r e s s L e n d e r d e s i g n a t e s b y n o t ic e tv Borro�ver. An y nutice provided for ��,3.i_
<br /> ^ : `�, in thiy Security Intitrument shali 6e deeme� c�"-.ave been givrn to Bnrrower or I.endcr when gi��cn a. proviQeA in thi� . . : ;-
<br /> '�,�5r
<br /> 1�:� P�r�l5 hGnverniaR I.aw: Sever3�6ility. '6'!z;<Secariry Ic�strument �hall he gavemcd hy federal laa�:ind the l:tw of the :i`:`5`'
<br /> • •:����[: juriWli�Kiun in which the PropeRy is tocated. 1�►the etea�t tic:at any provision nr clau,c vf thiti 5ecurity In�trument ar the Note . ,;:::--
<br /> :-�.. cunflicts with applicabte law,sucirc�nnffirtix.i:s no�aff�a�er provisianv of thi.Security Instrument�r the IVate which can , ;-zY:_
<br /> .;� :r�-r,_='"r,'..' he give�t�ffect without the confF��;ng pr�s�ic:w:,, To t�'s..end the pravision��►f Ihi�Secutity In.trument and the No[e are �-
<br /> ��_�;��`:�-�. � _ deciarcd u�hc�cvcrablc. •` � -.
<br /> : yTi':�.. ..` M..�wr,.
<br /> , �•• , 16. Rorrowee's Copy. Borrov.•.7 s�ald��;�u,�onr confarmed copy of thc Notc anJ of ehir Security In.trumem. _V.�:s;
<br /> � �''• ""� � - 17. Transte�otthe Property ar a ffieae�6"�cuaj fretc�est in Bnrrower. U'all�r any part of the Prapeny w any intctcyt in � _
<br /> �,t,.. Y . a��
<br /> " �- =,�''<<:.:�ry it i.,�►Id ar tr:�n�fcrred(or if a benetics�;:a:ere+t i� �o�;;%.er iti sold ar tran.f'rrred and��+rruwer i�not a natural perscm► • . _-
<br /> !� .� ���� with��u!lAndcr:prinr�vritten cansenr_�..:,��::�5.GE"r..�rr;an.re��uirc immedi.►tc ptryment in full c�t all yum.secured by �. • . .. '���
<br /> `�- r��-:�=k� �hir Security Imtrumcnt. Hnwcvcr,thiti:+pao u+��:E:�r?�e:xerciscd by l.cndcr ii excrc��c i.prahibited by federal law av of ` , .�;:�-
<br /> . _Y =f � tfie datr�+f�Ihi.ticcurity lmtrumcn�. � �'��
<br /> , -_;.-;` ;�.. .
<br /> '� :.-�: . ._: • li'l.cader cxcrci.rc.r thi�aptian.Le�t�ler s!'.:,Is�ice$:�.,ower natice of acccicr.itic+n. Thc noticc+h.�u rr�,��a���«<�„r ' , -
<br /> �-Y.'[''.�� • ' f'..., ... .
<br /> • ,,.t uul Ic,ti than�U day�irnm thc datc�hc noEi:r;;.�_.°c�e�c:�.-r'�ailcd within which R�,rcuucr murt pay�ll�u�n,hccunJ by�hi.
<br /> Security In�trun�cu�. If H�+rruwer fail�.to p:ey�::,:��. .r.r-4�rinr to the expir.�tinn uf thiti prriud.l.e�ider may iaw�ke any �'�
<br /> . , rrnudicr prrrniucd hy thi.Srcurity In�trumcai u?:?:�3=.r i:�t��•:."nrnicc�,r dcmand un 8��rrua•cr. .
<br /> 18. Horr��wer'w RiRht to I�einstute. I?$a:::�:�•�:*:�:.ts certain cunditiun�. (iorcuwcr •h.�ll h:ivr the right to ha��c • •
<br /> ' . �.t mtcnt di.rc+:�:ra:.*�a:a::v timc rior[o thc e:alirr uf: I:u S day�lur.uch uthcr�xri�Kf a� �
<br /> . �nfurc�n�cut uf�t►ir tiec��rity li n , P `
<br /> • ">,: �• tim�fc I�.imi(y..Fy��k�1�e'•F�eQdie�iilc f SIF/lR�l(XtiTRI'.yF.YI-•I'ndorn�f'uticnant� V WI ip,icr a„�nl,�i,i�i � '
<br /> '' l ' .. .
<br /> , � . .
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<br /> , . . , ,
<br /> , • ; . , .
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