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<br /> S. tluzanl or Fro�rty Y��su�•u�+�e. T�or�owcr slinll kccp �he ir►;provcn�cntn na�v exi,tin� on c�rcnRee crcctcd on ttw ._
<br /> Property irsurtd against fer.x E�y fire. h.�►rds included within the tem� "entendsd coverngc" and nny other hnzwds, Including —
<br /> flaxig or fiaocting,for wOtir.l�Lencler r�qui►�s ii�surance. Thie insurunc�e�hnit be matntnlned in the amounts und for tha pedocis
<br /> that I.ender re�uires. The insurance sarrier providing tt�e i�iyuranca shiill be chi�sen by Bo�•rower subject tu l.end,.r's appmvul
<br /> which shall not be unc�easonnbly withiteld. ►f Honawer fails to maintnin cuverage descrlbed above, l.,erxlcr mny. nt L.cnder's
<br /> Qntion,obtain covemge to pmtest I.endcr's rights in the Prapexty�in accordnnce with parngraph 7.
<br /> All insurance polic:es and rcnew�ls shnU be ac,ceptable to Lender and shalt incluAe a stu�xlard mor�gagc clause. Le.*�d�r �
<br /> shnll havc the right to hald the poltcics and r�newals. If I.ender rcyuirrs,Burmwcr shsJ1 promptly give to I.endcr all receipts of
<br /> paid premlums and renewal notices.in the event af los9,�orrower shall give prompt notice to the insurnnce carrier aixl Laxltr.
<br /> i.cnder mny nnake proof of loss if n�.►t mede promptly by Bucrower.
<br /> � Unless l.endcr and Aor�rower othenvlse agr�e in writing,insurance pruceeds shnll bc applied to restoration or repair�f thc
<br /> Property damaged.lf thn restorstiut�or repnir is economically feasible and Lcnder's Eacurity is not Icssencd.If dtir,restoratlon ar
<br /> rapair is not economir,nlly fensihfe or Lender s secudty would be lessened, thc iasun►nce prc�cr,e�ls sliutl be app!!cd to thc sum^�
<br /> sccurcd by tlei� Security Ltstrumcnt. whethor or not then due, with a�y excess pnid to Iiorruwcr. If Bormwer abundans the
<br /> P►nNerty.or dacs n4t answer within 30 days a notice from I.r.nder th�.t the insurance cnrrier hne offered tu sottle a clairn,then
<br /> i..ender mny cal[��ct thc inr,uranco proceeds. Lendcr mny use the proce�ie to repair or r�estorc tl�e Property or to pay siutits
<br /> secur�i by this Sixurity Instrument,wheth:r or not tM:n duc.Tho 30-day perlod will begin when the nntic�is given.
<br /> Unless Le»der anct Borrower othcrwise agree in writiing. any application of procoeds to princ,i�tl sh;ill not catend or
<br /> post�o�M Lic c�r.i3 d�te of tfir.r►x�nthty payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 nr changc thv amount of the payments. If
<br /> urxier paragraph 21 the Propr.rty is acquired by L.ender. Borrower's right to miy iasurance policics and proc�eds resultin�froni -
<br /> damage tn t[tc 1PErope�ly privr to the acquisition shall pass to ixnder to the extent of the sums securod by Ihis Security Instrument
<br /> immediately prior trn eln:szcc�,��sitiun.
<br /> 6.Oecup�uncr,Pres�xv�q�an,Maintens►exe and 1Prabi�ctiun oi the Propaty;�►rrower's i,oan ApplM�tbn;LeA.geboYds.
<br /> �rrower sliall ax.upy,establish,and use thc Properry as fiarrower'a•p�rincipal residence within sixty days aRer thc execution of
<br /> this Security Instnunent and shall wntinue to occupryr the Prope►Yy�s�orrower's principal resiuient�for at least one yar afiiRr
<br /> the date of occupanrcy, unl�sa i.ender otherwise agrces in wrIting,wTiich consent shall not be unr�e�tsonably withheld, or ur.�wss
<br /> extenuating cinumstanccs exist which are beyoi�d Horrower's control. Borrower shall not destroy, damagc or impgir the
<br /> ' Property, allow the Property to deteriocate, or comnit waste on the Property. Horrower shall be in dafaule:�'f,any forfeitare
<br /> xtion or pn.�G�g.whether civil or eci.Ninal. is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment could result in�iorfeiture of the
<br /> Pm;�ercy nr�therwise materially impalr fhe lien creatai by this Security lnstrument or Lender's sc;.adry Interest.Borrower may
<br /> curo such a default end reinstate,as provided in paragraph 18.by causing the nction or proceeding to be disnussed wftt�a ruiing
<br /> that. in L�crider's good Fprrb dettrminatian, procluctes forfeiture of the Bnrrdwcr's interest In thc Propertg'itr otheP material
<br /> impairment of the lieR,err.i�ed by this Secudry Ynstrument or I.ender's sesurit�r'icrterest. Boerower sh�ll afso�ie in default if
<br /> � Horrower.dtta�i�$the lain applicatian process,gave matcrially false ur iuACCUratC SnSosros�tion or statcments to l.ender(or failcd �
<br /> to Rcuvltl�La�ncler with any material infomiation)in connoctioa with the loAn evidenced by the Note.including,twt not fimit��
<br /> to.repre�taWr�nn conceming Borrower's a:cupaney of tM:Pro(x:ctY as a pri�xipul residence.if�t��s Soeurity Instrument is on a
<br /> icasehc►ld, Borrowrr shall comply with nl[ tlu provisions of thc leaso. If Borrower acquic¢s�rec title to ttw P'rope�ty, du
<br /> �Lensehald und thc fec tit(c shall not merge unitss Lencter agtees to thc mexger in wri6ng. _
<br /> 7.Pt+�tectbn ot LefHkr's Righ��in thc Proptcty.If Borrower fails ta perfocm the covetu►nts and agrarrxnts contained in
<br /> this Security I�utrument, or there is a legal pnxxeding that may significantiy affrce Lender's�xights in the}�rnperty(such as a
<br /> proccodtn��in bu�ilcruptcy.pmbete, for condemnation or forFeiture ur to enforce laws or regufattons),then Lcndcr►nay do ard
<br /> pay for wt�tnver is nocessary to protoct the valus of the Propeny su�d i..ender's ri�ht»in t11e•Pmperty. L.ender's actions may _
<br /> include paying any sums secumd by a lien which has priority over this Secnrity- �rt:ytru�t�ent. apptaring in cxwrt; paying
<br /> rasotuble attornrys'fas and entcring on the Property to maice rcpairs.Althou�6 Le����•.hi�,y take action under this p�raph
<br /> 7.Le�xlez d�xi+not have to da so. � ; .. ,:
<br /> , An�+:u,'n.io�►nts disbursed by [.enderc a�:nder this paragraph ? sh�� becane acWitianal d�bt�o�'Borrower sa.�ured bp�0�rls
<br /> Securicy ir.�t�:rii:n:. Unless Borrower anc�,.JLendor a,s�i'x to aher t�ams of payment, th�se amounits stwll bear..interest from,�ihd
<br /> date of disbursemeRt At the Note rate a�ad shall be.�aynble, with intecest, upon not3ce f.rom I�ncier to �o•rrawer caquesting
<br /> �,y�t. , ' ' ,�
<br /> g.Mort�sge I�wrance.If Lenderscquired mortgagc insura��ce as a oonditian of making tha lr�an securod by this Socurity
<br /> itistrumenl. Borrower shall pay the prcmiums requixed to maintain dx mortgage in5urancc in effect. If. for any r�ason. ¢he
<br /> mongage insurance co�trege r�uired by i,ender lapses or cwses to!�e in effect,Borrower sha11 pay the premiums roquirod to
<br /> obta+t�covcrage substa�nial{y equivalent to the mortgage insucance�revious{y iXx•etfect,ae a cost substanti�lly oquivalent ta tho ,
<br /> cost to R^�w�r of the mortga,�c in�rance proviously in effect. from an alt��,nate mortgage insurer approved by i.endor, tf
<br /> substantially equivalcnt mortguga•ins�rrns�ce ooverage is not avaitut�l�,'�orrower shall pay to Lender wch month a sun►eyual,to
<br /> one-twelRh of the yearly monga�s insuvflnce premium being paid ay,'�crrower when the insurancx coverage lapstd or ccaseci 1a�:
<br /> be in effect.Lcncler will aocept.use and r�ain these payments as a ioss reserve in lieu of mortgage insumixx. I.oss res�:nve �
<br /> : .
<br /> Forn+3028 9190
<br /> Pep�9 ot 0
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