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<br /> 'I'(N31:�'Nk�R W1T1�all th�imnroven�entn nr�w or here�tter erected o��{���;'!lBti�'�ease�iients, np��ricnhstc�cs, aiid
<br /> Gxtures now ur here�fter e {�rt of�he pm�r:rty. All repl�:�ments snd c�cididona �twll alsc� hc c�vored by tliis Se�curity
<br /> fn�trumca�t. A{t af'the fureYoing is referra!to in tfil�Sacurity Insirument as the"Yropeny."
<br /> B+OE�ROWER GOVPNf1NTS tiiat Borrower is IywtLlly s�isal of lhe rs�nto hereby convey�crfl e�xl has thc d�(it to grnnt an;l
<br /> canvey the Pmperty ar►d th�t the Nroperty is unrncumberod,exce�;t for encumbrances of rccord. Borrower wxrrnnts and w111
<br /> �t-fMY�iP.lY'St�IIV IIt!f I�tIC CU IITC Pt'11j)C11}�A�RIRiI ftII CIl!IIt1S lII1lI(ICIY1Ytiflfi.&11I3RCGt l6 W1y CUYi:Utllbl'a11CC5 Ofi'[GCOY(J.
<br /> TH15 SECU�ti?Y lIVS7'RUMBNT sumUine�unifonn cover�ants for sunionrl uso arxl non-Gnlform covenwnt�s wlth limitnd
<br /> varittions by ju�isdiction to wnstitute�uniform sorurity inatrument covering rexl pmperty.
<br /> UN�FORM COVBNANTS.Horrower a�t�d I.e�xkr ct�venent asK!agc+ee 4s f411ows:
<br /> l. P�yn�eqt af Prinrip�l�nd Interest; E't�{�yment �nd I.ate Cluir�ea. F�orrowe� ahall promptly pay whrn dttes tt�a
<br /> princIpal af and lruerest on the dcbt evider�ed bX the Nota and any pm,paytnens and late chargrs duo uncier the Notc.
<br /> 2. Fua�lor Tiuca�aud I�ursnree. Subject to epplirable law or to a written waiver by I.entit��.Bomnwer�hRll pe���ta
<br /> L.eix�r on the day montbly p�yments ue due under tho�Vote,unul the Nate is puid in fuU.a:sum("�urnls")tim. (n)yaarly tanav
<br /> at�xssessments which ra�y uUan priority over this Socurity lnstnrment xs a lien an the Pmperty:(b)Y�.arly Ie:�sehald ppYrma�tn.
<br /> or gro+��nd rtnt�on the Propc�ty.if any;(c)yeurly haurci or pmperty insur�nn;prernlams;(d)ycarly fl�ad insumrtne prc.minms,.
<br /> if ury; (e)yzarly mortgaae insurarv:e pnmiums, if uny;end(�any sun�s payable by Borrower ta�.es�clr.r. xn�xc�ottluxxx w�iih•
<br /> the provisions�of piusQraph S.in liw of the payment of niartgaga insurance pnnuuras.'TtH:se items arEr all�d"Gseyn���Ittans."
<br /> [,erdder may.u�ny time, cullrct and hold Funds in wn�nwunt ewt to cxoeed thr,maximum amt�unt,a it:ndrr far a fidtsrnll�r
<br /> ic�iuiu i"iAuiurcc IOiIi�iiiiV f2Q'li iia'.for Ga��uw�-'s��.:.ccuurtt undar the fed;r�!::M! �tate�:tlem:�t Pn;r�us�t�1c:of,' . -
<br /> 19T4 ns amendod from Ncna to ticnc, 1� �J.S.G. SecKion 260!�t seq.("RL'SPA").unte.�ss another lt�w Uiat appliss tn�ib Fundd.�
<br /> eats a lessor ur�ount. if so, f.�nder may, at any dme. coilect nnd hold Funds in rn amuunt not ta•rac.cxex! d�n len�ser a�x�t�ntf'
<br /> Lende�nu�y cuimate the w�wunt of Funds due on the buis of cume�nt data uz�reasonable esUmattcs r�f�exp�ndih�mc of fui�nr,
<br /> F.acrow Itrms or otherwix in�coordanoe wi�t►appllcable law.
<br /> '['1�e Funds shall be held in an insti¢ution whose dcposits are lnsured by a federel age��cy, in,tmmr.nttdity,.on,r��ttity
<br /> (ineluding LenA�r,if Lender is sueh an.in�titutian)or in any Fe�eral Home Loan Banlc.l�xier shaU apply�ti�n Fuc►da�tc�p1��x:•the
<br /> E+ac.�row xtans.L.enakr rray not chuge Borrower for holding and applying the�unds.annually analyzing d�a,escmw.x�cnetlt�•or
<br /> v�erifying the Escrcnv.Itans.unlesg Lencler pays Borrower interest on the�unda ar�d applicable law perrnits I.on�e�r m mr�k,aaich
<br /> a ch�rge. d�lowevcr,Laxkr may roquire Borrawer to pay a one-time chcu�e for an indcpcndcnt rcaf esaute ta�c ropmrtiri�;6��ce
<br /> used by Leiakr ia connection with this IoAn, unless; appii�cable iaw provides othorwise. UnlGCS an ag�en�nar,4��ci'ade or
<br /> wy�iL:i�3�.'v��.:T'vy��1Ti'M.�""°vwt Lit w�'7.'�.�:..Li'�..:C.°.�l.��� .!'^�.r�'':'�StlS'���J fln�t�ui��.ur,��is�twsr�t�r!°S^'L�S.".!S�`��'!:S'.`.�:.
<br /> �iorrowe�snd I,ender msy agra in writing. howevcr, that intcrest shAl!be paid on a}u:XLiuls. Ixnder shall givc to Borrower,
<br /> • without c�harge, yn anRUal ncawnting of thG�s,showing crodits nrr3�3ebits to the Fwtd9 and•t�� puepose for which e�rlt
<br /> debit to ihe FLnds was n�ade.Thc Fur��t+��+t+c�fyM�s additional security for all sums socured�ip thla.S�eaurity Instrumait.
<br />_� If the Funds held by[�rder exooed thc�oUnts permitlted to be held by applicable law.l.,ender sA�illl account to Borrower
<br />_ for r�z�'exoess Funds in�ocorriar�ce with the reyuicnnents�v.P;t�pplicablc law.If the amonnt of the Funds held by L.ender u any
<br />_ time is noe suf�ciau to psy the Fcerow Ittms when d��.l�cndEr may ao nc�ify Borrower in writing,and,in such caae&�rrower
<br />_ �t►rll p�y tn Lp�der the unount noat�sary tu x�nake up the doficlency. �a�:rAwer shall malce up the deficfency in no more then . :
<br /> twelve mootrilY paycnents,at I.encler's sole disi:�+etion. ., . :,,
<br /> Upon pNYmeat in full of xll sums secural by this Socurity Instru.rnent. Ir.,nckr s�twlt promptly nfund to Be�mower any �`�,,,,�s
<br />_.. Funds held by l.ender.If,under paragraph 21,C.ender st�all acquire or sell thc Pmpetty,3.e.nd�er,prior to Ihe acquisitiun or s�le
<br /> of the PrnpeAy,sh�ll apply any Fwd�hcld by I,ender at thc dme of acquiaition or sale�ar x ct+edit agsinu the wm��ured by
<br /> this 5scurity Instrumrnt.
<br /> �'�' 3.ApQ8la�tion ot P�yments.Unless apt��3�ble law provldes othenwise,aJl pAytne�its received hy�nd�a undcr par�nyths
<br /> '�� I a�xl:s}iall be lied:first,W an rt vrl�tt c6ar es duo under th�Note:sa�o�d.to amounts
<br /> :,,, ++PP Y P W. S PAN�ble under panegrAph 2:
<br /> `� tlund.to interest due;fuurth.to principai due;tinnd last, to ar,ly late charges due under the Notc. "
<br /> � ',:,�.C��s;I.ienr.gucrower shall pay all taxes. us.ycssiqents. charges. fints and impositions att,y�ibuts�ble ta•�fii�PropertY
<br /> � � ,�!!hn4b�mry attain priorlty ovr,r thia Security Inswmrnt,anfl']es�sd�old�ayment�or gnx►n�i rents, :�'�:ttny. �3c;rxbivtx sh�ll pa?+.,.,�.•. r
<br /> ;;`,��� �,:�4�iet�s'abligations fn�ti�a rtunner provldod in p�aragraph 2.or if not paid im,:t}tnt�r�wu�er,I3orrowcr shalt'�iaY thccn on time diroctly;:;. ::
<br /> � '••,��'�t4i�peraon owed payman.Eotro�ver shall prompcly fumish to Lender;eli��pticxs of amounts to be paid undcr tt�is partgraph. '
<br /> .;' •� . .,:��,;Rb;.rrowe,r m�kes tlxx payineartg directly.Borrower sh�ll g.r,oi�ptly furniish'fo I.cnder x'ec�ipts evidenoing ttre paYmeMs.
<br /> - ""~`,�Aormwtr�t►�1!pru�lfy cl:is�tiarge any Ijtn which he9 pr.iarity over this Sa�uriry Iristivm��u unlr�s Borrower: (a)agroq in
<br /> - writing to thr payment of the obtig�tion socurai by the lien vi a manner acaptabla to Lender;(�S)cort�sts tn good fath the iien
<br />`i, ' b ar defends nst rnforcanent of the �ia�e in. le si cocoodin s which in the Lender's �niun
<br /> r( Y, � 8 P B aP ��to provent the
<br /> � rnforoement of the lien;or(c)saures from�Jie�oider uf the lita an agrtxment satisfactory to Lsnder subordinsiting thc tie7t to
<br />�� thls Security Instrument. If Lender determines thal any pa�Af ttK Property is subject to a lien which n�ay aitain priority over
<br /> Q�ib S�curity Instrument,Lertder rr�y give Bomnwer a notian��ckntifying the lien.Borrower shull satisfy the iien or take one or
<br />::A monc of thc actions tstit foRh abuve within lU days of tho @i�}ing of noticc.
<br />;s:t. • .
<br /> Fwm 3G29 81l0
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