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<br /> _��d��.,..�e�e�.ne.rb srry�uc�r in int�tat Borrowar ahallnotoperatieto nNai�.fnanym�nnar.ttwli�bilKy
<br /> ot tA�orbtnal8ortcwu and 8ortowers wdasso►s inirtbrst Lerider st�alt not be required b comrnenw proc«dU�sp�imt
<br /> �ucN sitCC�MOr or�afuMb�x1Mid 1Lns toF P�Y�i aotlNtM�iiO madity amartitation ottde sumsMCUrsd by 1hi!UMd of TrWt
<br /> , � by�ss�pr�pt my d�nwnds mada by tlfe oriyinat BoROwar and Borrower's auCCeleors in int�rat t ot Ob1 tfon Mr�(n •
<br /> tb�t.nd�e',Fow«a w�fwuc af�ti�g+Re liab�l�r�say oiher o�on lisbls ror sn.wY� �4r +D� .
<br /> ' men�onsa,andwithoutafhWnQtheiie�orcUarysotffiistkadofTrustuponu�7fPortio�oftM�oRs�tinotll�natMrMobr�
<br /> ' ,r�le�sedas�scuritYtorth�fuilamountotailunMi0oDliSatlon�,Lsndermay.iromt�mstotic�esendwHhoutnotict(ilroteasanY
<br /> penon ao 11aW�f�exMnd the maturitYoraiterany oitheterma otanysuch obli�atlor�►(�7�rantolherinQut�tces.lfir)retsns
<br /> os reco�wY.ar causs to be raia�sed or reconvsyed at any time a�Lendera optlon any parcel.poNa+c►all ot the Pruperty.
<br /> _ (vj taks or re1M�6 ar9t�Ihar a additlond securit�r ta any obiiss�at heretn meatfoned.a{v�make composiUons or atMr ,
<br /> arrany�nsnts wilh debtas in reiation tlie�ato.
<br /> (c�fa�bs�t�n b]I E��M«�w��Y forbserance ts�Lender in exerci�inp any d�ht or�emedy Neraun�er.or
<br /> otlie�wise attorded by�ppikabis iaw.shait nflt be a watver of or precluds the euercise of any such dpM or ren�dy.Ths
<br /> - pracurament of Inaurance ortde payrt�ent ot laxes arofher Cens ar charyea by Lender shaf:not be a waiver ot Landsr's riphtta
<br /> _- acceierate me matu►ity of the indebtedness�ecured by thia Oeed of 7rust
<br /> (d!�ers and A�MpM Qa��aN�t a�d t�w�t Lt�b�lG C�P�-TAs covenants artd agreemenls harain con-
<br />- � �(�sdall Wnd.and the dghts hereunder ahall iau�to.the reapective successors and a3signs ot Lender and Trusror.All
<br />:-,�� • ��_ covs�anb and syreemenb of Tnistor shati 6e joint and snveral.The cap6ons and headings af the paraq►aQhs of this Oeed oi
<br /> r-` � :Tivat are tar convenknce onty and aro nut to be uaed ta i�i�Pret or daflne 1he proviaions hereof.
<br /> r�
<br />- •� • �eJ p«pMtlalloM�aThspaRiesherebyrequest3t�acoDYa�Ynodceotdefaulthereunderandacopyotanynotice
<br /> i.l:.• . � ot ssle hec"s�aJer be mailed to eacft paRy to Mis Deect�7rust at the address set fexth above_in the manner prescribsd 6y
<br /> �':� . appifca6te�ii:-Except fa any oq�er nattce required undei�p:p�c�.law to�e yiven irt another manner.any notice provided - --
<br /> �.� fa in fhis Dead ot Tnistahalt be�iven by mailing such�ce.by c.e.►�-r�d mail add[essed to the other paRiea.atthe addross�et _
<br /> ��poy�/�y�p��pidvided fa in�is Oeed o!TressE�CBe�cbve upon.�".ailin�in the manner desi�nabd herale•H _-
<br /> _� Trustor is more tha�ont�eFSOn.notice aent to the aQil.�s set fortN abave aha.�F foe?►odce to atl sucb person�. : , _:
<br /> ;< (�In�p�cNoie.Lender may make or cause to;[�e m�a,.'re.�sarlable entries upcs�e a�cf tnspectlons of the PropeRy.provlded �, A�-�
<br /> � that Lender aha0 give•Troator notice prlor to any aucte tns�eckor�specifying reasa:oable cause therefor�etated to Lendera '.�.,_'�'.-
<br /> - inferest in the Properiy. . . ..... -. � � . _ : . y'--=__
<br /> '°" � (�)papnwyanc�Upon payment of ail aums secu:eC t�y this Eleed of Trus�tsnder shalF�e�.iest Trustee to recamey ihe ��' ,..'�
<br /> ' ' Rroperty and shall aur�en�er this Oeed of Trust and alI r,y;�evidencing lndebtedness secured 6y tftis 0eed of Trustto T�steer. ::�:,,-,t_
<br /> `�`� Trostee shatl reconvey t�se Properiy without warramy a��v�rithout charge to the person or persons Iegally entitted the�eto. �`�"—'�,>�.4-
<br /> . ���'T t., ._.
<br /> ;t:•. Tnutor shail pay aii costse f recor d a t ion,i f an y. . rr•-%: _
<br /> , Y.� �h��propMj�;`g�curit�t A��o�As addittonal secisrity tor the payment o}the Note,Trustor hereby grants � 'u `�.'•��. ,;
<br /> ° ' ' Lender uZ�*fie Nedreska Uniiorm C�amenerclal Code a securitp i�lar�st in aII fixtures,equipmenL and other pe�aonai propeRg -_ �"'_'i:-_�
<br /> ;>' � f - .
<br /> ?:'`���• uaed ln cx►rs�ction with the real estaie ar improvements Iocated tf�ere�and not oMenvise dectared or deemed W be a partvF ..
<br /> �:�;k'.'- " the real�ate secure�t heteby.This irtstrument shatl beconstrued as a Securiry Agreement a:��:�Said Code,an0 the Len� - '°'�;��;
<br />- i .,.�. =
<br /> ' - ahall have ait the rfghtsand cemedies ota secured pastY under satd Code in additian to the ri�sis aRd remediescreated under� 5._
<br /> � y astd accorded the Lendes�rsuantto this Oeed of Trusx provided that Lenders�sghts aAd remeaes under this paragraph shait F
<br /> be curi��`ia6ve witN,and irt Ra way a Gmi�,a*3on ors,LendePa rights and remedies under any othersecurity agreement siyned by ' ��.
<br /> " ��� • eorrawer a*frustor. �
<br /> , �F!+�;� .: .` �S: ii^%,�_``
<br /> (i�Li�ns and Encumbanrws.Tr�a�fiereby wanants and re�:a5�r►ts that there is na de�s�under!he provisfons oi any t,�r
<br /> � � - �",:� moRgage,deed at truaL lease or purci�ase contract Ceseribing atr orany part ot the PropeAy.o;csther contract,instrument ot . • . -
<br /> • j,'�.:�'~�= agreement constituting a!ien ar encumbrance against att or any p art of the PropeRy(cotiectivety,"Uens'7.existirtg as of the s "
<br /> II xis�:��Uens remain unmodtfled except as Qisctosed to kenCer in Trustor'3' � '. ., *' .� "
<br /> r ciate ol this Oeed ot Tn,s2 and tha!any and s e � �;� � . :.�._,�-
<br /> writOen disctosure ot ifens and encumbranCes provided tor herein.Trustor shatl Umely neAorm alt of Trusto�s obtigations, -3.. ,,.
<br /> covenant�r�presentations and warrar�ttes under any and alt exisiting and tuture Liens,shall prampitytonrard to Le�Qe�copias �,* • .-
<br /> _ � � otal{na�c�-a at detault sent in conneCtion with any and all existing or tuture Uena and sha0�ot without Lender's prior written _
<br /> consent in a�y manner maCity the provisiona of or ailow any bture a3vances under any existing or tuture Ltens. � _- ,
<br /> • .r 'ti;��-� ����ue�,uonaP�,�.Untessotherwiserequiredbylaw.sumspaiOtoLe�d�rhereartCer,inctudingwithouttimitatio�e •� f
<br /> t �: ' r payments of principal.ard interesl,inaurance proceeda,condemnation proceeds a:^d rents and p�ofits,shall be applied by
<br /> --- Lender to tde amounts due and owing from Tiustor ar�d Borrower in such order as Gender in its sote discretion deemsdesirabte ��"1f;ll`'
<br /> J '-+ ' (k)SetrusWlity.if any provision o!this aeed o1 Trusi contlicts with appficabte law or is���Iared invalid or otherwtse , �
<br /> =' � ' - unentoreable,such conflict or inva'•i�^�9hai1 not affect the other provisons of this Qeed of�r,:s4 or the Nota whicA can b� �.> • �.;.
<br /> � '' ghren eHect without the cantlicting pra�:s:on,and to this end the provisiona ofthis Deed otTrusta��the Noteare declared to C+e
<br />- severable. �., ' �
<br /> ' (1�Tinns.The terms"Trustor"and"Barrowe►"st�ail include botA singular and plural,and when the Trustor and Barrowar
<br /> • =>T±i+ ' are the aame person(s),those terms as used in this Oeed of Trust ahali ba interchangeable. .
<br /> • �-.;- (m)t9oY�minp Lsw.This Deed ot Tfust sfiali be governed by the laws ot tho State of Nebraska. �• �
<br /> -� •�f. :�•- Trustor has executed this Oeed ot Trast as at the date wrltten abc�re� ��
<br /> ;,
<br /> .. �`V�� J' � (J ttoid L. �1) Trustor �' . . 1.
<br /> :�e3�i:� -�'� '-
<br /> d `�.+: t �— ��!'i 19. .�4f /:1! '.,� . '
<br /> � '±;r��� ;.�� (Sally S��Ccitel)�,Trustor `, ,
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